18 research outputs found

    Interactions Between University-Company-Government and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Systematic Literature Review

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    This research aimed to analyze how scientific and technological publications have characterized, in the last ten years, the interaction between university, business, government and entrepreneurial ecosystems for innovation. Therefore, a research was carried out whose objective was bibliographical in nature, with a qualitative, descriptive approach, covering the period from 2011 to the first quarter of 2021, using, for this purpose, the databases ScienceDirect and Scopus. Then, the results found were analyzed using the My-SAE and VOSViewer software. The results showed that there is a predominance of studies on university entrepreneurship and how the dissemination of knowledge learned in universities contributes to the sustainable development of entrepreneurial ecosystems through the emergence of new entrepreneurial agents. As research results, the entrepreneurial ecosystem with a complex adaptive system, the predominance of studies on university entrepreneurship, innovation, regional economy and sustainable development was presented

    Science-nonscience research partnership in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this paper is to inquire into the network structure of publicly financed research collaboration, which Polish scientific institutions undertake with their commercial and non-commercial partners from a multilevel perspective (international, domestic, and intra-regional one).DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Data collected from the POL-on was used. There were identified 97 publicly financed scientific inter-organizational projects launched in 2019. Social network analysis was applied: there were recognized components, bi-components, centrality measures were calculated (degree, closeness, betweenness).FINDINGS: Polish scientific institutions conduct cross-sectoral projects at different hierarchical levels, and nearly half of them involve partners from different domestic regions. A trilateral partnership between sectors is visible within international projects, while at domestic and local levels, science collaborates with those sectors separately. Warsaw University of Technology is a dominant entity recognized within the identified network.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The conducted analysis helped describe some effects of the public financing system of Polish science. There were also indicated entities of significant meaning within this network. Particular science sector institutions may apply the research results to their future strategies.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study enriches the empirical investigation on cross-sectoral research collaboration in Poland (that includes not only university-industry-government linkages but also encompasses other types of scientific, commercial, and non-commercial entities). Moreover, a multilevel perspective was applied.peer-reviewe

    Profiling the most highly cited scholars from China: Who they are. To what extent they are interdisciplinary

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    Since the beginning of the 21st century, an increasing number of Chinese researchers have joined the ranks of the world’s top scientists. Some international organizations have observed this phenomenon and ranked the world’s top Chinese researchers. However, investigation of highly cited interdisciplinary research (IDR) scholars is insufficient, although IDR tends to have a greater social impact. Looking at the top 2% of the world’s Chinese scholars, this study analyzes the structural attributes of IDR by those top scholars in detail using network analysis, cluster analysis, block modeling, and quadratic assignment procedure analysis. The results show that the proportion of highly cited scholars in technical categories is higher than in social categories. The fields of artificial intelligence and image processing, oncology and carcinogenesis, plus neurology and neurosurgery serve as bridges across disciplines, with materials, energy, and artificial intelligence and image processing having higher eigenvector centrality. The field of social sciences has the widest range of IDR activities, but cooperation within this field is low. Forty-two of the world’s first-class universities are in China, and of the world’s top 2% scholars who come from China, 46.3% work for these institutions. The research themes of highly cited academics from World First-Class universities in China are most similar to the themes of scholars from universities in China with first-class academic disciplines. There are differences between non-university and university scholars in terms of research topics. It is suggested that the government can promote a triple-helix effect (public institute, industrial enterprise, and research school) so that organizations of different natures can produce synergistic effects.

    Stakeholder Participation in Planning of a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism Destination: The Genoa Integrated Action Plan

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 confronted the international community with critical health, social, and economic challenges. Travel and tourism were among the hardest affected sectors. In 2020 and 2021 new travel trends emerged, emphasizing local destinations, short distances, and consequently, lower-carbon transportation (proximity tourism). Post-pandemic recovery represents an opportunity to bounce back better by rethinking the sector’s economic model for the sake of sustainability and innovation. This paper disseminates the research that led to the structuring of guidelines for a breakthrough and inclusive municipal-level action plan for the promotion of sustainable tourism, as part of the Tourism Friendly Cities project. An operational methodology is discussed here, whereby key stakeholder participation, conceptualized through a sextuple helix model, is the foundation of the planning process. A small-scale action and a qualitative assessment tool of the participatory process are also illustrated. The proposed methodology corroborates the vast positive effects deriving from stakeholder participation in terms of trust, ownership, planning quality, innovativeness and sustainability of interventions. In applying the methodology, although the digital framework was evaluated positively in terms of the number of participants that could be involved, data collection, and confidentiality of activities, the evaluation shows that hybrid modes of participation are more desirable


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    Termos como desenvolvimento sustentável e desenvolvimento local e regional vem sendo cada vez mais associados a outros como inovação, transferência de tecnologia e empreendedorismo. Os Núcleos de Transferência de Tecnologia- NITs presentes nas Universidades Federais tem contribuído sobremaneira para que essa associação saia da teoria e passe à prática. O presente trabalho pretende apresentar a trajetória do Centro Regional de Inovação e Transferência de Tecnologia – CRITT da Universidade de Juiz de Fora e seu papel, até o momento, no desenvolvimento local e regional por meio de seus processos finalísticos bem como sugerir possíveis ações que permitam uma maior interação da Universidade com a comunidade em seu entorno. Utilizou-se a pesquisa documental de forma a levantar as realizações do Centro, relacionando-as com o levantamento das teorias sobre o assunto além de outras experiências já relatadas em artigos científicos. Evidencia-se o quanto um organismo como o CRITT pode e deve contribuir para o desenvolvimento regional sustentável, sendo mais uma importante contrapartida que as IFEs oferecem à sociedade

    Transferência de tecnologia e desenvolvimento sustentável: o critt- ufjf e sua trajetória

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    Termos como desenvolvimento sustentável e desenvolvimento local e regional vem sendo cada vez mais associados a outros como inovação, transferência de tecnologia e empreendedorismo. Os Núcleos de Transferência de Tecnologia- NITs presentes nas Universidades Federais tem contribuído sobremaneira para que essa associação saia da teoria e passe à prática. O presente trabalho pretende apresentar a trajetória do Centro Regional de Inovação e Transferência de Tecnologia – CRITT da Universidade de Juiz de Fora e seu papel, até o momento, no desenvolvimento local e regional por meio de seus rocessos finalísticos bem como sugerir possíveis ações que permitam uma maior interação da Universidade com a comunidade em seu entorno. Utilizou-se a pesquisa documental de forma a levantar as realizações do Centro, relacionando-as com o levantamento das teorias sobre o assunto além de outras experiências já relatadas em artigos científicos. Evidencia-se o quanto um organismo como o CRITT pode e deve contribuir para o desenvolvimento regional sustentável, sendo mais uma importante contrapartida que as IFEs oferecem à sociedade

    Dimensões da Universidade Empreendedora e o Seu Papel na Perceção de Competitividade Regional

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    Este estudo testa a multidimensionalidade de Universidade Empreendedora (UE) e visa aferir o respetivo contributo para a competitividade regional. Com base em 619 respostas de estudantes, professores e outros colaboradores de dez universidades públicas portuguesas, foi efetuada uma análise fatorial confirmatória e uma estimação de regressão linear múltipla. O construto da UE é confirmado, comprovando a adequação das escalas para o contexto destas universidades. Os resultados mostram que os cinco fatores associados à UE - processos internos, medidas de apoio ao empreendedorismo, colaboração internacional, estratégia de financiamento e estrutura organizacional - contribuem positivamente para a perceção de competitividade regional, acentuando a função das universidades públicas enquanto polos de transferência de conhecimento dinamizadores da competitividade regionalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A influência da cocriação no processo de transferência tecnológica em um ICT

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Márcia Ramos MayCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Assunção RosaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa : Curitiba, 30/03/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: A cocriação é uma abordagem que tem ganho destaque nos últimos anos, ela prioriza a criação de valor conjunta entre diferentes envolvidos. A cocriação pode ocorrer de diversas formas, entre diversos atores e em diferentes etapas no desenvolvimento de uma solução. A discussão sobre a colaboração entre universidades e empresas não é atual, mas vem sofrendo mudanças radicais nos últimos anos. A percepção de sua importância e a crescente preocupação dos legisladores em extrair valor das instituições públicas de ensino, faz com que os dispositivos legais evoluam ano após ano, abrindo um leque de possibilidades para pesquisadores, universidades e empresas. Uma das formas de materializar a colaboração entre universidades e empresas são as transferências tecnológicas. Além de possibilitar que a ciência exceda as paredes das universidades, quando efetivas, as transferências tecnológicas provocam o crescimento social e econômico por meio do lançamento de novos produtos e serviços comercializados pelas empresas. Porém, mesmo reconhecendo os benefícios da colaboração universidade-empresa e fomentando iniciativas nesse sentido, muitas instituições ainda não estão atentas aos fatores que contribuem para o sucesso da cocriação e, conseguintemente, das transferências tecnológicas. Não é raro encontrar instituições que ainda trabalham no modelo de oferta tecnológica, investindo muito na produção científica e se preocupando pouco com as necessidades latentes da sociedade. O presente trabalho buscou a analisar em profundidade estes fenômenos à luz da teoria. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é investigar como se dá o processo de cocriação na transferência tecnológica entre universidade e empresa. Inicialmente foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os temas aqui mencionados. Munindo com as informações necessárias para uma investigação profunda sobre como ocorre o processo de cocriação, durante uma transferência tecnológica em um Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia em colaboração com uma organização. Para entender o fenômeno foi realizado um estudo de caso único sobre a colaboração e transferência tecnológica entre o Laboratório de Biotecnologia Microbiana (LABIM), pertencente a Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEM) e a empresa agroindustrial Simbiose. Os envolvidos foram entrevistados e os documentos e legislações disponíveis foram analisados. Os dados foram tratados e analisados com o auxílio do software Atlas TI versão 23.0.1. Como resultado, este estudo possibilitou o entendimento em profundidade do processo de cocriação e transferência tecnológica, os fatores de influência como a centralidade das informações durante a cocriação, a mudança do protagonismo a depender da fase da colaboração, a importância da rede de relacionamentos do pesquisador para o início e manutenção das parcerias e a necessidade de novos estudos sobre outras dimensões da cocriação. Além disso, com base nas observações o estudo propõe um modelo para a cocriação, além de sugerir novas pesquisas sobre a cocriação em outras áreas do conhecimento, também é indicado a investigação sobre novos formatos de cocriação.Abstract: Cocreation is an approach that has gained prominence in recent years, it prioritizes the joint creation of value between different stakeholders. Cocreation can occur in different ways, between different actors and at different stages in the development of a solution. The discussion about collaboration between universities and companies is not current, but has undergone radical changes in recent years. The perception of its importance and the growing concern of legislators in extracting value from public educational institutions, makes the legal provisions evolve year after year, opening up a range of possibilities for researchers, universities and companies. One of the ways to materialize collaboration between universities and companies is technology transfer. In addition to making, it possible for science to go beyond the walls of universities, when effective, technology transfers provoke social and economic growth through the launch of new products and services marketed by companies. However, even recognizing the benefits of university-company collaboration and promoting initiatives in this sense, many institutions are still not aware of the factors that contribute to the success of cocreation and, consequently, of technology transfers. It is not rare to find institutions that still work in the technological offer model, investing a lot in scientific production and worrying little about the latent needs of society. The present work sought to analyze these phenomena in depth in the light of theory. The main objective of this work is to investigate how the cocreation process occurs in technology transfer between university and company. Initially, a bibliographical research was carried out on the themes mentioned here. Armed with the necessary information for a deep investigation into how the cocreation process occurs, during a technology transfer at an Institute of Science and Technology in collaboration with an organization. To understand the phenomenon, a single case study was carried out on the collaboration and technology transfer between the Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology (LABIM), belonging to the State University of Londrina (UEM) and the agro-industrial company Simbiose. Those involved were interviewed and available documents and legislation were analyzed. The data were treated and analyzed using the Atlas TI software version 23.0.1. As a result, this study enabled an in-depth understanding of the cocreation and technology transfer process, the influencing factors such as the centrality of information during cocreation, the change in protagonism depending on the collaboration phase, the importance of the researcher's network of relationships for starting and maintaining partnerships and the need for further studies on other dimensions of cocreation. In addition, based on the observations, the study proposes a model for cocreation, in addition to suggesting new research on cocreation in other areas of knowledge, research on new cocreation formats is also indicated


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    Lo sfruttamento delle risorse naturali ha rappresentato la caratteristica principale dello sviluppo economico e del commercio per la maggior parte della storia mondiale. Attualmente, e\u300 generalmente accettato che lo sviluppo economico in tutto il mondo sia la causa dell\u2019esaurimento irreversibile delle risorse naturali, del degrado ambientale e della conseguente minaccia per le generazioni future. Ci\uf2 costituisce le ragioni chiave e le sfide per ripensare i modelli economici. Le risorse ambientali sono considerate oggi come beni economici e vengono chiamate \u201ccapitale naturale\u201d. Questo vale in particolare per i mari e gli oceani. I mari e gli oceani coprono piu\u300 del 70% della superficie terrestre e sono fondamentali per garantire alcuni dei bisogni fondamentali della societa\u300. Contengono il 97% di tutta l\u2019acqua del pianeta e sostengono l\u201980% di tutte le forme di vita. Questi vasti ecosistemi sono tra i piu\u300 grandi pozzi di carbonio del mondo, producono la meta\u300 dell\u2019ossigeno che respiriamo e sono la fonte primaria di proteine per piu\u300 di 3 miliardi di persone. I mari e gli oceani sono anche il tessuto di una grande industria che solleva questioni di sostenibilita\u300 ambientale e sociale. Quest\u2019ultime sono al centro dell\u2019agenda dello sviluppo sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) entro il 2030 e non sono compatibili con un sistema incentrato sull\u2019abuso e sullo sfruttamento dell\u2019ambiente. Una gestione efficiente e sostenibile del capitale naturale degli oceani \ue8 quindi un obiettivo politico critico per il processo e il progresso economico. Di fatto, la crescente consapevolezza delle intense pressioni che impattano sul degrado ambientale marino ha portato gli organismi di governance stabiliti negli ultimi decenni a definire strumenti e meccanismi che permettano la conservazione e lo sviluppo piu\u300 sostenibile del vasto capitale naturale che il mare e gli oceani offrono. Proprio in questa fase di ridimensionamento e di transizione verso una nuova economia sostenibile basata sugli ecosistemi marini, emerge il nuovo concetto della \u201cBlue Economy\u201d (BE). La BE ha recentemente guadagnato una notevole attenzione nelle agende politiche e accademiche, in linea con l\u2019espansione della sua rilevanza rispetto ai settori economici tradizionali. Le strategie di implementazione della BE rientrano negli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) delle Nazioni Unite, in particolare l\u2019SDG 14 \u201cLife Below Water\u201d. L\u2019SDG 14 mira, tra le altre cose, alla prevenzione e ad una riduzione significativa dell\u2019inquinamento marino, alla gestione sostenibile, nonch\ue9 alla conservazione delle aree e degli ecosistemi marini e costieri, alla minimizzazione e reversione degli impatti dovuti all\u2019acidificazione degli oceani, a far fronte alla pesca eccessiva, illegale e non regolamentata, all\u2019aumento delle conoscenze scientifiche e al trasferimento di tecnologie marine sostenibili. Come tale, incorporato in queste ambizioni piuttosto all\u2019avanguardia e\u300 il principio (e la necessita\u300) che assicurare la crescita economica e l\u2019occupazione devono andare di pari passo con l\u2019imperativo della protezione e ripristino degli ambienti naturali e della lotta al cambiamento climatico. La BE permette di generare valore dagli oceani attraverso l\u2019attuazione di pratiche sostenibili e nel rispetto della loro capacita\u300 di rigenerazione. Questo implica che l\u2019impatto della produttivita\u300 economica generata delle attivit\ue0 umane deve necessariamente garantire la salute e la salvaguardia degli oceani nel tempo. Sia i settori consolidati o tradizionali che quelli emergenti e innovativi della BE offrono importanti fonti di sviluppo economico sostenibile. I primi includono e riguardano le risorse marine viventi e non viventi, le attivita\u300 portuali, la cantieristica navale, il trasporto marittimo e il turismo costiero. I secondi includono l\u2019energia marina rinnovabile, la bioeconomia e le biotecnologie blu, i minerali marini, la desalinizzazione, la difesa, la sicurezza e la sorveglianza marittima, la ricerca e l\u2019istruzione, le infrastrutture e la robotica marina. Questi settori rappresentano un potenziale significativo per la transizione verso una crescita economica sostenibile, e per la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro. Ad oggi, i settori tradizionali della BE contribuiscono a circa 1,5% del PIL dell\u2019Unione europea a 27 (UE-27) e forniscono circa 4,5 milioni di posti di lavoro diretti, cioe\u300 il 2,3% dell\u2019occupazione totale dell\u2019UE-27. Mentre i settori innovativi emergenti, come per esempio le fonti di energia rinnovabile derivata dall\u2019oceano o le biotecnologie blu contribuiscono alla creazione di nuovi mercati e posti di lavoro. Ci\uf2 senza contare gli effetti indiretti e indotti sul reddito e l\u2019occupazione. In questo contesto, la presente dissertazione ha due scopi principali. Il primo, quello di presentare lo stato dell\u2019arte sulla BE nel mondo, mettendo in evidenza le sfide, le opportunita\u300, le tendenze e il potenziale per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Il secondo, quello di servire come uno strumento di valutazione solido e in grado di favorire decisioni informate per definire nuove politiche e iniziative pertinenti. La ricerca si \ue8 sviluppata nell\u2019ambito del programma di dottorato industriale Eureka, co-finanziato dalla Regione Marche insieme all\u2019ISTAO - Istituto Adriano Olivetti, una tra le piu\u300 antiche scuole manageriali d\u2019Italia, fondata nel 1967 dall\u2019economista Giorgio Fua\u300. Il capitolo I della tesi e\u300 una revisione della letteratura che colma il gap su come la BE possa rappresentare un modello di sviluppo economico per le istituzioni e le imprese. Lo fa adottando un approccio esplorativo per la raccolta e la revisione di una serie di contributi scientifici da considerare come piu\u300 significativi e piu\u300 rilevanti per analizzare come il concetto di BE si lega alla recente letteratura sullo sviluppo economico. Nello specifico, l\u2019approccio esplorativo e\u300 stato progettato sulla base di una serie di criteri individuati in conformita\u300 con gli obiettivi dell\u2019indagine: 1) inquadrare e valutare lo stato dell\u2019arte sulle politiche e iniziative intraprese a livello globale; 2) rilevare le criticita\u300 e le sfide nell\u2019attuazione di tali politiche e iniziative; 3) identificare le implicazioni e suggerimenti a livello di policy. Il capitolo II contribuisce alla letteratura emergente sullo sviluppo di una BE partecipativa presentando un modello innovativo a quadrupla elica. Questo modello non solo mette in collegamento i governi nazionali con il mondo accademico, le imprese e gli utenti, ma agisce anche come un driver che favorisce l\u2019esposizione internazionale del paese in questo specifico settore. Attraverso un approccio esplorativo basato su una ricerca desk integrata da interviste semi-strutturate con otto esperti, il modello e\u300 testato a Qingdao, una citta\u300 all\u2019interno della Blue Economic Zone nella provincia dello Shandong, in Cina. Nel capitolo III, viene analizzata la risposta cinese alla \u201cDecade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030\u201d, il \u201cDecennio del Mare\u201d delle Nazioni Unite. L\u2019analisi di documenti ufficiali di pianificazione strategica rivelano che i leader politici cinesi attribuiscono grande considerazione e importanza agli oceani per la sopravvivenza e lo sviluppo della societa\u300 umana. Dal lancio del \u201cDecennio del Mare\u201d, che rappresenta un\u2019importante risoluzione adottata delle Nazioni Unite per promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile degli oceani, nonch\ue9 la piu\u300 importante iniziativa che esercitera\u300 un impatto di vasta portata sul progresso della scienza e della governance marina globale, varie iniziative sono state intraprese dalla Cina per sostenere il suo impegno basato sulla cooperazione per la protezione ecologica degli oceani. Il capitolo IV conduce un\u2019investigazione sull\u2019industria della cantieristica navale nella Regione Marche. L\u2019importanza del settore nel tessuto industriale regionale, in particolare nella costruzione di superyacht, ha suggerito un approfondimento mirato a valutare in che modo l\u2019industria cantieristica possa rappresentare un driver per lo sviluppo della subfornitura artigianale, altamente qualificata e tecnologicamente avanzata, che l\u2019ecosistema industriale della regione e\u300 gia\u300 in grado di fornire. Nella stesura di questo contributo, realizzato insieme ai colleghi dell\u2019ISTAO per conto della Fondazione Marche, \ue8 stato fatto ampio ricorso ai piu\u300 recenti studi sulla cantieristica navale. \uc8 stata poi realizzata un\u2019indagine di approfondimento che ha previsto una serie di interviste semi-strutturate con i vertici dei cantieri regionali e con una campionatura di subfornitori e aziende pi\uf9 rappresentativi, insieme all\u2019incontro con alcuni testimoni privilegiati del settore.Natural resource exploitation has been the main feature for economic development and trade for most of global history. At present, it is generally accepted that economic development around the world is leading to the irreversible depletion of natural resources, environmental degradation and consequent threat to future generations, which are key reasons and challenges for rethinking economic patterns. Environmental resources are considered today as economic assets and called \u201cnatural capital\u201d. This particularly holds true for the seas and oceans. Seas and oceans cover more than 70% of Earth\u2019s surface and are critical in ensuring that some of society\u2019s most basic needs are met. They hold 97% of all water and sustain 80% of all life forms on the planet. These vast ecosystems are amongst the world\u2019s largest carbon sinks, produce half of the oxygen we breathe and are the primary source of proteins for more than 3 billion people worldwide. Seas and oceans are also the fabric of a large industry that raises environmental and social sustainability issues. These are at the heart of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development agenda for 2030 which is not compatible with a system focused on abuse and exploitation of the environment. Therefore, an efficient and sustainable management of oceans\u2019 natural capital is a critical policy objective for the economic process and progress. The growing awareness of the intense pressures that cause environmental degradation of the natural wealth highlights the need for a sustainable approach. Governance bodies established over the recent decades have defined tools and mechanisms to achieving a more sustainable development allowing the preservation and sustainable uses of the natural capital. At this stage of economy reframing, a new concept of \u201cBlue Economy\u201d (BE) has emerged to foster the shift towards a new, ocean (marine)-based sustainable economy. BE has recently gained considerable policy and scholarly attention, in line with the expansion of its relevance on the political agenda beyond traditional economic sectors. BE implementation strategies are part of the UN\u2019s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 14 \u201cLife Below Water\u201d which aims, among other things, to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems, minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, regulate harvesting by ending overfishing and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, conserve coastal and marine areas, increase scientific knowledge and transfer sustainable marine technologies. As such, embedded is this quite a cutting-edge concept is the principle (and need) that ensuring economic growth and employment must go hand in hand with the imperative of protecting and restoring nature and fighting climate change. BE enables society to obtain value from the oceans and coastal regions, whilst respecting their long-term ability to regenerate and endure such activities through the implementation of sustainable practices. This implies that human activities must be managed in a way that guarantees the health of the oceans and safeguards economic productivity, so that the potential they offer can be realized and sustained over time. Both established and emerging, innovative sectors are part of the BE and offer important sources of sustainable economic development. The former include marine living resources, marine non-living resources, marine renewable energy, port activities, shipbuilding and repair, maritime transport and coastal tourism. The latter include ocean energy (i.e. floating solar energy and offshore hydrogen generation), blue bioeconomy and biotechnology, marine minerals, desalination, maritime defence, security and surveillance, research and education and infrastructure and maritime works (submarine cables, robotics). These sectors offer significant potential for the transition to a sustainable economic growth, as well as for employment creation. For instance, BE traditional sectors contribute to about 1.5% of the European Union-27 GDP and provide about 4.5 million direct jobs, i.e. 2.3% of EU-27 total employment. Emerging innovative BE sectors, such as ocean renewable energy, blue biotechnology, and algae production are adding new markets and creating jobs. This is without counting indirect and induced income and employment effects. Against this backdrop, this dissertation has two purposes. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the BE in the world, highlighting challenges, opportunities, trends, and their potential for sustainable development. Secondly, it aims to provide a stocktaking tool based on solid foundation that will enable both policy-makers and stakeholders to make informed decisions to support relevant new initiatives and policies. This dissertation has been developed within the Industrial Ph.D. program Eureka, financed by the Regional Government of the Marche along with ISTAO \u2013 The Istituto Adriano Olivetti, one of the oldest managerial schools in Italy which was founded in 1967 by the Economist Giorgio Fu\ue0. Chapter I of the dissertation is a literature review which fills the knowledge gap on how BE can represent an economic development model for institutions and entrepreneurs. It does so by adopting an exploratory approach for the collection and review of a series of scientific contributions to be considered as most significant and most relevant in addressing how the BE discourse is tied up in recent literature on economic development. Specifically, the exploratory approach was designed based on a set of criteria identified in compliance with the objectives of the investigation: 1) frame and evaluate the state of the art with regards to policies and initiatives undertaken at global level; 2) detect critical issues and challenges in the implementation of policies and initiatives; 3) identify policy implications and suggestions. Chapter II contributes to the emerging literature on the development of a participative BE by presenting an innovative Quadruple Helix model, which not only connects domestic government, academia, firms and users but acts as a driver boosting the foreign exposure of the country in this specific domain. The model is tested in Qingdao, an exemplary city included in the Blue Economic Zone of the Shandong Province, in China, through an exploratory approach based on desk research integrated with semi-structured interviews with eight experts. In Chapter III, the Chinese response to the UN\u2019s \u201cDecade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030\u201d is unfolded based on documentary analysis of official planning and strategic documents. The ocean is considered of great significance by Chinese political leaders to the survival and development of human society. Accordingly, since the launch of the \u201cOcean Decade\u201d, which represents an important UN resolution to promote sustainable ocean development as well as the most important initiative in the coming decade that will exert a far-reaching impact on the progress of marine science and global marine governance, various initiatives have been undertaken by China in order to uphold its cooperation-based commitment to the ecological protection of oceans. Chapter IV makes the case for the shipbuilding industry in the Marche Region, in Italy. The importance of the Marche Region in the shipbuilding industry, suggested a more in-depth exploration to understand what impact the positive performance of the sector can have on the regional industrial system and how it could represent a catalyser for the system of highly qualified and technologically advanced supply chain. In writing this contribution, which was carried out together with colleagues from ISTAO on behalf of Fondazione Marche, I had ample recourse to the latest studies on the shipbuilding industry and carried out a survey investigating the sector in depth. Semi-structured interviews with top management of the most representative regional shipyards and a sample of subcontractors and companies were conducted to witness the growth of the industry. The results of the analysis provide interesting insights for policy-making to support the development of the regional shipbuilding industry and supply chain

    Designing hybridization: alternative education strategies for fostering innovation in communication design for the territory

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    Within the broad context of design studies, Communication Design for the Territory stands as a hybrid discipline constantly interfacing with other fields of knowledge. It assumes the territorial theme as its specific dimension, aiming to generate communication systems capable of reading the stratifications of places. From an educational perspective, teaching activities are closely linked to research and can take on different levels of complexity: from the various forms of cartographic translation to the design of sophisticated transmedia digital systems. In the wake of COVID-19, this discipline has come to terms with a profoundly changed scenario in terms of limited access to the physical space and the emergence of new technologies for remote access. In this unique context, we propose a pedagogical strategy that focuses on the hybridization of communication artifacts with the aim of fostering design experimentation. As a creative tool, hybridization leads to the design of innovative systems by strategically combining the characteristics of different artifacts to achieve specific communication goals. By experimenting with these creative strategies, students are led to critically reflect on existing communication artifacts’ features and explore original designs that deliberately combine different media, contents, and communication languages in innovative ways. Through hybridization, the methods for territorial knowledge production appear more effective, effectively combining the skills and knowledge embodied in multiple subject areas. The paper presents the experience developed in the teaching laboratories of the DCxT (Communication Design for the Territory) research group of the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. The teaching experience highlights how hybridization strategies can increase the effectiveness in learning about territorial specificities, in acquiring critical knowledge about communication systems, and in developing innovation strategies that allow to influence the evolution of traditional communication models