11,178 research outputs found

    Querying Proofs (Work in Progress)

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    We motivate and introduce the basis for a query language designed for inspecting electronic representations of proofs. We argue that there is much to learn from large proofs beyond their validity, and that a dedicated query language can provide a principled way of implementing a family of useful operations

    A Foundational View on Integration Problems

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    The integration of reasoning and computation services across system and language boundaries is a challenging problem of computer science. In this paper, we use integration for the scenario where we have two systems that we integrate by moving problems and solutions between them. While this scenario is often approached from an engineering perspective, we take a foundational view. Based on the generic declarative language MMT, we develop a theoretical framework for system integration using theories and partial theory morphisms. Because MMT permits representations of the meta-logical foundations themselves, this includes integration across logics. We discuss safe and unsafe integration schemes and devise a general form of safe integration

    The Query-commit Problem

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    In the query-commit problem we are given a graph where edges have distinct probabilities of existing. It is possible to query the edges of the graph, and if the queried edge exists then its endpoints are irrevocably matched. The goal is to find a querying strategy which maximizes the expected size of the matching obtained. This stochastic matching setup is motivated by applications in kidney exchanges and online dating. In this paper we address the query-commit problem from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. First, we show that a simple class of edges can be queried without compromising the optimality of the strategy. This property is then used to obtain in polynomial time an optimal querying strategy when the input graph is sparse. Next we turn our attentions to the kidney exchange application, focusing on instances modeled over real data from existing exchange programs. We prove that, as the number of nodes grows, almost every instance admits a strategy which matches almost all nodes. This result supports the intuition that more exchanges are possible on a larger pool of patient/donors and gives theoretical justification for unifying the existing exchange programs. Finally, we evaluate experimentally different querying strategies over kidney exchange instances. We show that even very simple heuristics perform fairly well, being within 1.5% of an optimal clairvoyant strategy, that knows in advance the edges in the graph. In such a time-sensitive application, this result motivates the use of committing strategies

    Pebbling, Entropy and Branching Program Size Lower Bounds

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    We contribute to the program of proving lower bounds on the size of branching programs solving the Tree Evaluation Problem introduced by Cook et. al. (2012). Proving a super-polynomial lower bound for the size of nondeterministic thrifty branching programs (NTBP) would separate NLNL from PP for thrifty models solving the tree evaluation problem. First, we show that {\em Read-Once NTBPs} are equivalent to whole black-white pebbling algorithms thus showing a tight lower bound (ignoring polynomial factors) for this model. We then introduce a weaker restriction of NTBPs called {\em Bitwise Independence}. The best known NTBPs (of size O(kh/2+1)O(k^{h/2+1})) for the tree evaluation problem given by Cook et. al. (2012) are Bitwise Independent. As our main result, we show that any Bitwise Independent NTBP solving TEP2h(k)TEP_{2}^{h}(k) must have at least 12kh/2\frac{1}{2}k^{h/2} states. Prior to this work, lower bounds were known for NTBPs only for fixed heights h=2,3,4h=2,3,4 (See Cook et. al. (2012)). We prove our results by associating a fractional black-white pebbling strategy with any bitwise independent NTBP solving the Tree Evaluation Problem. Such a connection was not known previously even for fixed heights. Our main technique is the entropy method introduced by Jukna and Z{\'a}k (2001) originally in the context of proving lower bounds for read-once branching programs. We also show that the previous lower bounds given by Cook et. al. (2012) for deterministic branching programs for Tree Evaluation Problem can be obtained using this approach. Using this method, we also show tight lower bounds for any kk-way deterministic branching program solving Tree Evaluation Problem when the instances are restricted to have the same group operation in all internal nodes.Comment: 25 Pages, Manuscript submitted to Journal in June 2013 This version includes a proof for tight size bounds for (syntactic) read-once NTBPs. The proof is in the same spirit as the proof for size bounds for bitwise independent NTBPs present in the earlier version of the paper and is included in the journal version of the paper submitted in June 201

    Modelling the Semantic Web using a Type System

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    We present an approach for modeling the Semantic Web as a type system. By using a type system, we can use symbolic representation for representing linked data. Objects with only data properties and references to external resources are represented as terms in the type system. Triples are represented symbolically using type constructors as the predicates. In our type system, we allow users to add analytics that utilize machine learning or knowledge discovery to perform inductive reasoning over data. These analytics can be used by the inference engine when performing reasoning to answer a query. Furthermore, our type system defines a means to resolve semantic heterogeneity on-the-fly

    Using Simon's Algorithm to Attack Symmetric-Key Cryptographic Primitives

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    We present new connections between quantum information and the field of classical cryptography. In particular, we provide examples where Simon's algorithm can be used to show insecurity of commonly used cryptographic symmetric-key primitives. Specifically, these examples consist of a quantum distinguisher for the 3-round Feistel network and a forgery attack on CBC-MAC which forges a tag for a chosen-prefix message querying only other messages (of the same length). We assume that an adversary has quantum-oracle access to the respective classical primitives. Similar results have been achieved recently in independent work by Kaplan et al. Our findings shed new light on the post-quantum security of cryptographic schemes and underline that classical security proofs of cryptographic constructions need to be revisited in light of quantum attackers.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. v3: final polished version, more formal definitions adde

    Deterministic and Probabilistic Binary Search in Graphs

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    We consider the following natural generalization of Binary Search: in a given undirected, positively weighted graph, one vertex is a target. The algorithm's task is to identify the target by adaptively querying vertices. In response to querying a node qq, the algorithm learns either that qq is the target, or is given an edge out of qq that lies on a shortest path from qq to the target. We study this problem in a general noisy model in which each query independently receives a correct answer with probability p>12p > \frac{1}{2} (a known constant), and an (adversarial) incorrect one with probability 1p1-p. Our main positive result is that when p=1p = 1 (i.e., all answers are correct), log2n\log_2 n queries are always sufficient. For general pp, we give an (almost information-theoretically optimal) algorithm that uses, in expectation, no more than (1δ)log2n1H(p)+o(logn)+O(log2(1/δ))(1 - \delta)\frac{\log_2 n}{1 - H(p)} + o(\log n) + O(\log^2 (1/\delta)) queries, and identifies the target correctly with probability at leas 1δ1-\delta. Here, H(p)=(plogp+(1p)log(1p))H(p) = -(p \log p + (1-p) \log(1-p)) denotes the entropy. The first bound is achieved by the algorithm that iteratively queries a 1-median of the nodes not ruled out yet; the second bound by careful repeated invocations of a multiplicative weights algorithm. Even for p=1p = 1, we show several hardness results for the problem of determining whether a target can be found using KK queries. Our upper bound of log2n\log_2 n implies a quasipolynomial-time algorithm for undirected connected graphs; we show that this is best-possible under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). Furthermore, for directed graphs, or for undirected graphs with non-uniform node querying costs, the problem is PSPACE-complete. For a semi-adaptive version, in which one may query rr nodes each in kk rounds, we show membership in Σ2k1\Sigma_{2k-1} in the polynomial hierarchy, and hardness for Σ2k5\Sigma_{2k-5}

    Twelve Theses on Reactive Rules for the Web

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    Reactivity, the ability to detect events and respond to them automatically through reactive programs, is a key requirement in many present-day information systems. Work on Web Services re ects the need for support of reactivity on a higher abstraction level than just message exchange by HTTP. This article presents the composite event query facilities of the reactive rule-based programming language XChange. Composite events are important in the dynamic world of the Web where applications, or Web Services, that have not been engineered together are composed and have to cooperate by exchanging event messages