12 research outputs found

    Factuality Checking in News Headlines with Eye Tracking

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    We study whether it is possible to infer if a news headline is true or false using only the movement of the human eyes when reading news headlines. Our study with 55 participants who are eye-tracked when reading 108 news headlines (72 true, 36 false) shows that false headlines receive statistically significantly less visual attention than true headlines. We further build an ensemble learner that predicts news headline factuality using only eye-tracking measurements. Our model yields a mean AUC of 0.688 and is better at detecting false than true headlines. Through a model analysis, we find that eye-tracking 25 users when reading 3-6 headlines is sufficient for our ensemble learner.Comment: Accepted to SIGIR 202

    Towards predicting web searcher gaze position from mouse movements

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    Abstract A key problem in information retrieval is inferring the searcher's interest in the results, which can be used for implicit feedback, query suggestion, and result ranking and summarization. One important indicator of searcher interest is gaze position -that is, the results or the terms in a result listing where a searcher concentrates her attention. Capturing this information normally requires eye tracking equipment, which until now has limited the use of gaze-based feedback to the laboratory. While previous research has reported a correlation between mouse movement and gaze position, we are not aware of prior work on automatically inferring searcher's gaze position from mouse movement or similar interface interactions. In this paper, we report the first results on automatically inferring whether the searcher's gaze position is coordinated with the mouse position -a crucial step towards predicting the searcher gaze position by analyzing the computer mouse movements

    Detecting Relevance during Decision-Making from Eye Movements for UI Adaptation

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    This paper proposes an approach to detect information relevance during decision-making from eye movements in order to enable user interface adaptation. This is a challenging task because gaze behavior varies greatly across individual users and tasks and groundtruth data is difficult to obtain. Thus, prior work has mostly focused on simpler target-search tasks or on establishing general interest, where gaze behavior is less complex. From the literature, we identify six metrics that capture different aspects of the gaze behavior during decision-making and combine them in a voting scheme. We empirically show, that this accounts for the large variations in gaze behavior and out-performs standalone metrics. Importantly, it offers an intuitive way to control the amount of detected information, which is crucial for different UI adaptation schemes to succeed. We show the applicability of our approach by developing a room-search application that changes the visual saliency of content detected as relevant. In an empirical study, we show that it detects up to 97% of relevant elements with respect to user self-reporting, which allows us to meaningfully adapt the interface, as confirmed by participants. Our approach is fast, does not need any explicit user input and can be applied independent of task and user.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    Perceiving and using genre by form: an eye-tracking study.

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    This paper reports on an approach to the analysis of genre recognition using eye-tracking. The researchers focused on eight different types of e-mail, such as calls for papers, newsletters and spam, which were chosen to represent different genres. The study involved the collection of oculographic behaviour data metrics, such as fixations and saccades to highlight the ways in which people view the features of genres. We found that genre analysis based on purpose and form (layout features, etc) was an effective means of identifying the characteristics of these e-mails. The research, carried out on a group of 24 participants, highlighted their interaction with the e-mail texts and the visual cues or features perceived as well as the strategies they employed for the processing of the texts. The results showed that readers can determine the purpose and form of genres, that form and content can occasionally be separable, that some features cause fixations and that some readers are prompted to respond by using saccadic behaviour (e.g. regressive saccades) over the shape of the e-mails (form)

    Automatic Query Refining Based on Eye-Tracking Feedback

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    This paper presents a new method named AQueReBET, which automatically refines a query set by an information seeker searching on the web. A revelation of the intention of an information seeker who is running a search can bring a significant improvement to the search process, and to browsing as well. It is practically impossible to acquire such intention by the explicit indication (feedback) due to the fact that web browsing takes place in real time. Therefore the intention must be determined in some other way. We hypothesize that it can be approximated by means of the implicit feedback preferably in the form of data from an eye tracker and mouse. We propose a method which automatically refines a seeker’s search query and thus we can offer documents with higher relevance, decrease the number of query reformulations and increase the seeker’s satisfaction. The query refinement is based on an analysis of gaze data from an eye tracker and also on groupization. In the proposed method, we calculate word-level importance based on term frequency, term uniqueness (tf-idf) and total fixation duration within the subdocument (word's snippet in search results)

    Automated illustration of multimedia stories

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    Submitted in part fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer ScienceWe all had the problem of forgetting about what we just read a few sentences before. This comes from the problem of attention and is more common with children and the elderly. People feel either bored or distracted by something more interesting. The challenge is how can multimedia systems assist users in reading and remembering stories? One solution is to use pictures to illustrate stories as a mean to captivate ones interest as it either tells a story or makes the viewer imagine one. This thesis researches the problem of automated story illustration as a method to increase the readers’ interest and attention. We formulate the hypothesis that an automated multimedia system can help users in reading a story by stimulating their reading memory with adequate visual illustrations. We propose a framework that tells a story and attempts to capture the readers’ attention by providing illustrations that spark the readers’ imagination. The framework automatically creates a multimedia presentation of the news story by (1) rendering news text in a sentence by-sentence fashion, (2) providing mechanisms to select the best illustration for each sentence and (3) select the set of illustrations that guarantees the best sequence. These mechanisms are rooted in image and text retrieval techniques. To further improve users’ attention, users may also activate a text-to-speech functionality according to their preference or reading difficulties. First experiments show how Flickr images can illustrate BBC news articles and provide a better experience to news readers. On top of the illustration methods, a user feedback feature was implemented to perfect the illustrations selection. With this feature users can aid the framework in selecting more accurate results. Finally, empirical evaluations were performed in order to test the user interface,image/sentence association algorithms and users’ feedback functionalities. The respective results are discussed

    Unified Implicit and Explicit Feedback for Multi-Application User Interest Modeling

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    A user often interacts with multiple applications while working on a task. User models can be developed individually at each of the individual applications, but there is no easy way to come up with a more complete user model based on the distributed activity of the user. To address this issue, this research studies the importance of combining various implicit and explicit relevance feedback indicators in a multi-application environment. It allows different applications used for different purposes by the user to contribute user activity and its context to mutually support users with unified relevance feedback. Using the data collected by the web browser, Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Writer and VKB, combinations of implicit relevance feedback with semi-explicit relevance feedback were analyzed and compared with explicit user ratings. Our past research show that multi-application interest models based on implicit feedback theoretically out performed single application interest models based on implicit feedback. Also in practice, a multi-application interest model based on semi-explicit feedback increased user attention to high-value documents. In the current dissertation study, we have incorporated topic modeling to represent interest in user models for textual content and compared similarity measures for improved recall and precision based on the text content. We also learned the relative value of features from content consumption applications and content production applications. Our experimental results show that incorporating implicit feedback in page-level user interest estimation resulted in significant improvements over the baseline models. Furthermore, incorporating semi-explicit content (e.g. annotated text) with the authored text is effective in identifying segment-level relevant content. We have evaluated the effectiveness of the recommendation support from both semi-explicit model (authored/annotated text) and unified model (implicit + semi-explicit) and have found that they are successful in allowing users to locate the content easily because the relevant details are selectively highlighted and recommended documents and passages within documents based on the user’s indicated interest. Our recommendations based on the semi-explicit feedback were viewed the same as those from unified feedback and recommendations based on semi-explicit feedback outperformed those from unified feedback in terms of matching post-task document assessments

    Query expansion by relying on the structure of knowledge bases

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    Query expansion techniques aim at improving the results achieved by a user's query by means of introducing new expansion terms, called expansion features. Expansion features introduce new concepts that are semantically related with the concepts in the user's query and that allow retrieving documents that otherwise would be not. Thus, the challenge is to select those expansion features that are capable of improving the results the most. A bad choice of expansion features may be counterproductive. In this thesis, we use an external source of information, a Knowledge Base (KB), as source expansion features. A knowledge base consists of a set of entries, each of which represent a concept and has, at least, a name, which can be used as expansion feature. The techniques framed in this family have become more popular due to the increase of available data, as, for example, Wikipedia. Particularly, we focus on exploiting those KB whose entries are linked to each other, conforming a graph of entries. To the best of our knowledge, most of the techniques framed on the KB family rely on some kind of text analysis, such as explicit semantic analysis, or are based on other existing query expansion techniques such as pseudo relevance feedback. However, the underlying net-work structure of KBs has been barely exploited. In this thesis, we show that the structure can be used to identify reliable expansion feature for the query expansion process. Thus, we design a novel expansion technique, Structural Query Expansion (SQE). For SQE to benefit from the particular structures of KBs, we propose a methodology to identify the structural characteristics that, given a query, allow identifying those nodes in the KB that are good candidates to be used as source of expansion features, called from now on expansion nodes. The methodology consists in building a ground truth that connects each query from a query set with those nodes of the KB that when used to extract the expansion features allow achieving the best results in terms of precision, we call the set of those nodes, expansion query graph. Then, we compare the expansion query graph of each query to find shared characteristics. SQE materializes the revealed characteristics into a set of structural motifs. In the particular case of Wikipedia, we have found two motifs called triangular and square. In the former, the query node and the expansion node are doubly linked and the expansion node belongs to, at least, the same categories as the query node. In the latter, the query node and the expansion node also are doubly linked and their categories are connected somehow. These motifs are used to, given a query and its query nodes, identify all the expansion nodes which are used as source of expansion features. Notice that we have designed this technique to be orthogonal to others because is fully decoupled from the search process and does not depend on the particular collection of documents. We have tested our techniques with three different datasets to avoid any kind of overfitting. The results are shown to be consistent among the three of them. Also, the results which are validated with statistical significance tests, show that SQE is capable to achieve up to 150% improvement in the precision. Finally, we show the performance of our technique which runs in sub-second times (358.23ms at maximum) which makes it feasible for a real query expansion system. This is especially relevant because, to the best of our knowledge, the performance is an aspect that is being ignored in most of the works and, thus, it is difficult to know whether they can be include in real systems or not.Les tècniques d'expansió de consultes tenen com a objecte millorar els resultats obtinguts per la consulta d'un usuari a partir de la introducció de termes d'expansió, anomenat característiques d'expansió. Les característiques d'expansió introdueixen nous conceptes que estan relacionats semànticament amb els conceptes de la consulta de l'usuari i que permeten obtenir documents que d'altra manera no es podrien obtenir. Per tant, el repte és seleccionar les característiques d'expansió que són capaces de millorar al màxim els resultats, doncs una mala elecció pot ser contra-productiva. En aquesta tesis, utilitzem una font externa d'informació, una Base de Coneixement (KB), com a font de característiques d'expansió. Una KB és un conjunt d'entrades, cadascuna de les quals representa un concepte i que té, com a mínim, un nom, que és susceptible de ser usat com a característica d'expansió. Les tècniques emmarcades en aquesta família han esdevingut populars degut al creixement de la informació disponible, per exemple, Wikipedia. Particularment, nosaltres en centrem en utilitzar aquelles KB les entrades de les quals estan relacionades entre si, conformant d'aquesta manera, un graf d'entrades. Segons les nostres informacions, la majora de les tècniques emmarcades en aquesta família utilitzen algun tipus d'anàlisi lingüístic, o estan basades en d'altres tècniques com relevance feedback. Ara bé, la estructura subjacent de la xarxa gairebé no s'ha utilitzat. En aquesta tesis, mostrem que la estructura es pot fer servir per identificar característiques d'expansió fiables pel procés d'expansió de consultes. De fet, proposem una tècnica d'expansió novell, Structural Query Expansion (SQE), que la explota. Perquè SQE pugui beneficiar-se de les particularitats estructurals de les KBs, hem proposat també una metodologia per revelar les característiques estructurals que, donada una consulta, permeten identificar aquells nodes que són una bona font de característiques d'expansió, els anomenats, nodes d'expansió. Aquesta metodologia consisteix en construir un ground truth que relaciona una conjunt de consultes amb el seu optimal expansion query graph. L'optimal expansion query graph és el conjunt de nodes d'expansió que quan s'utilitzen com a font de característiques d'expansió, permeten obtenir els millors resultats en termes de precisió. Un cop tenim els optimal expansion query graphs, els comparem entre si per a buscar característiques compartides. SQE materialitza aquestes característiques en un conjunt de motius estructurals. En el cas de Wikipedia hem trobat 2 motius: el triangular i el quadràtic. En els dos casos el node de la consulta ha d'estar doblement lincat amb el node d'expansió. En el triangular, les categories del node d'expansió ha de pertànyer, com a mínim, a les mateixes categories que el node de la consulta, mentre que en el quadràtic tan sols cal que les categories del node de la consulta i el d'expansió estiguin relacionades. Aquest motius s'utilitzen per, donada una consulta, identificar tots els seus nodes d'expansió. Hem dissenyat aquesta tècnica com una tècnica ortogonal a d'altres ja que està desacoblada del procés de cerca i no depèn de la col·lecció de documents. Hem provar la nostra tècnica amb 3 jocs de dades diferents per a evitar qualsevol tipus d'especialització. Els resultats són consistents entre els tres. Hem validat els resultats amb testos de significança estadística obtenint millores del 150% en la precisió. Finalment, pel que fa el rendiment de la nostra proposta, mostrem que s'executa en mil·lisegons, i això la fa susceptible de ser utilitzada en sistemes d'expansió reals. Això és especialment rellevant perquè, segons les nostres informacions, aquest és un aspecte que s'ignora en la literatura i, per tant, és difícil de saber la viabilitat de les propostes que existeixen en entorns reals

    What is the influence of genre during the perception of structured text for retrieval and search?

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the high value of structured text (or form) in the context of genre within Information Retrieval. In particular, how are these structured texts perceived and why are they not more heavily used within Information Retrieval & Search communities? The main motivation is to show the features in which people can exploit genre within Information Search & Retrieval, in particular, categorisation and search tasks. To do this, it was vital to record and analyse how and why this was done during typical tasks. The literature review highlighted two previous studies (Toms & Campbell 1999a; Watt 2009) which have reported pilot studies consisting of genre categorisation and information searching. Both studies and other findings within the literature review inspired the work contained within this thesis. Genre is notoriously hard to define, but a very useful framework of Purpose and Form, developed by Yates & Orlikowski (1992), was utilised to design two user studies for the research reported within the thesis. The two studies consisted of, first, a categorisation task (e-mails), and second, a set of six simulated situations in Wikipedia, both of which collected quantitative data from eye tracking experiments as well as qualitative user data. The results of both studies showed the extent to which the participants utilised the form features of the stimuli presented, in particular, how these were used, which ocular behaviours (skimming or scanning) and actual features were used, and which were the most important. The main contributions to research made by this thesis were, first of all, that the task-based user evaluations employing simulated search scenarios revealed how and why users make decisions while interacting with the textual features of structure and layout within a discourse community, and, secondly, an extensive evaluation of the quantitative data revealed the features that were used by the participants in the user studies and the effects of the interpretation of genre in the search and categorisation process as well as the perceptual processes used in the various communities. This will be of benefit for the re-development of information systems. As far as is known, this is the first detailed and systematic investigation into the types of features, value of form, perception of features, and layout of genre using eye tracking in online communities, such as Wikipedia