185 research outputs found

    Modeling and Mapping of Optimized Schedules for Embedded Signal Processing Systems

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    The demand for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in embedded systems has been increasing rapidly due to the proliferation of multimedia- and communication-intensive devices such as pervasive tablets and smart phones. Efficient implementation of embedded DSP systems requires integration of diverse hardware and software components, as well as dynamic workload distribution across heterogeneous computational resources. The former implies increased complexity of application modeling and analysis, but also brings enhanced potential for achieving improved energy consumption, cost or performance. The latter results from the increased use of dynamic behavior in embedded DSP applications. Furthermore, parallel programming is highly relevant in many embedded DSP areas due to the development and use of Multiprocessor System-On-Chip (MPSoC) technology. The need for efficient cooperation among different devices supporting diverse parallel embedded computations motivates high-level modeling that expresses dynamic signal processing behaviors and supports efficient task scheduling and hardware mapping. Starting with dynamic modeling, this thesis develops a systematic design methodology that supports functional simulation and hardware mapping of dynamic reconfiguration based on Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow (PSDF) graphs. By building on the DIF (Dataflow Interchange Format), which is a design language and associated software package for developing and experimenting with dataflow-based design techniques for signal processing systems, we have developed a novel tool for functional simulation of PSDF specifications. This simulation tool allows designers to model applications in PSDF and simulate their functionality, including use of the dynamic parameter reconfiguration capabilities offered by PSDF. With the help of this simulation tool, our design methodology helps to map PSDF specifications into efficient implementations on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Furthermore, valid schedules can be derived from the PSDF models at runtime to adapt hardware configurations based on changing data characteristics or operational requirements. Under certain conditions, efficient quasi-static schedules can be applied to reduce overhead and enhance predictability in the scheduling process. Motivated by the fact that scheduling is critical to performance and to efficient use of dynamic reconfiguration, we have focused on a methodology for schedule design, which complements the emphasis on automated schedule construction in the existing literature on dataflow-based design and implementation. In particular, we have proposed a dataflow-based schedule design framework called the dataflow schedule graph (DSG), which provides a graphical framework for schedule construction based on dataflow semantics, and can also be used as an intermediate representation target for automated schedule generation. Our approach to applying the DSG in this thesis emphasizes schedule construction as a design process rather than an outcome of the synthesis process. Our approach employs dataflow graphs for representing both application models and schedules that are derived from them. By providing a dataflow-integrated framework for unambiguously representing, analyzing, manipulating, and interchanging schedules, the DSG facilitates effective codesign of dataflow-based application models and schedules for execution of these models. As multicore processors are deployed in an increasing variety of embedded image processing systems, effective utilization of resources such as multiprocessor systemon-chip (MPSoC) devices, and effective handling of implementation concerns such as memory management and I/O become critical to developing efficient embedded implementations. However, the diversity and complexity of applications and architectures in embedded image processing systems make the mapping of applications onto MPSoCs difficult. We help to address this challenge through a structured design methodology that is built upon the DSG modeling framework. We refer to this methodology as the DEIPS methodology (DSG-based design and implementation of Embedded Image Processing Systems). The DEIPS methodology provides a unified framework for joint consideration of DSG structures and the application graphs from which they are derived, which allows designers to integrate considerations of parallelization and resource constraints together with the application modeling process. We demonstrate the DEIPS methodology through cases studies on practical embedded image processing systems

    Automated generation of an efficient MPEG-4 Reconfigurable Video Coding decoder implementation

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    International audienceThis paper proposes an automatic design flow from user-friendly design to efficient implementation of video processing systems. This design flow starts with the use of coarse-grain dataflow representations based on the CAL language, which is a complete language for dataflow programming of embedded systems. Our approach integrates previously developed techniques for detecting synchronous dataflow (SDF) regions within larger CAL networks, and exploiting the static structure of such regions using analysis tools in The Dataflow interchange format Package (TDP). Using a new XML format that we have developed to exchange dataflow information between different dataflow tools, we explore systematic implementation of signal processing systems using CAL, SDF-like region detection, TDP-based static scheduling, and CAL-to-C (CAL2C) translation. Our approach, which is a novel integration of three complementary dataflow tools -- the CAL parser, TDP, and CAL2C -- is demonstrated on an MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) decoder

    MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding: From specification to a reconfigurable implementation

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    International audienceThis paper demonstrates that it is possible to produce automatic, reconfigurable, and portable implementations of multimedia decoders onto platforms with the help of the MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) standard. MPEG RVC is a new formalism standardized by the MPEGconsortium used to specify multimedia decoders. It produces visual representations of decoder reference software, with the help of graphs that connect several coding tools from MPEG standards. The approach developed in this paper draws on Dataflow Process Networks to produce a Minimal and Canonical Representation (MCR) of \MPEG\ \RVC\ specifications. The \MCR\ makes it possible to form automatic and reconfigurable implementations of decoders which can match any actual platforms. The contribution is demonstrated on one case study where a generic decoder needs to process a multimedia content with the help of the \RVC\ specification of the decoder required to process it. The overall approach is tested on two decoders from MPEG, namely MPEG-4 part 2 Simple Profile and MPEG-4 part 10 Constrained Baseline Profile. The results validate the following benefits on the \MCR\ of decoders: compact representation, low overhead induced by its compilation, reconfiguration and multi-core abilities

    Numerical Representation of Directed Acyclic Graphs for Efficient Dataflow Embedded Resource Allocation

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    International audienceStream processing applications running on Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Systems on Chips (HMPSoCs) require efficient resource allocation and management, both at compile-time and at runtime. To cope with modern adaptive applications whose behavior can not be exhaustively predicted at compile-time, runtime managers must be able to take resource allocation decisions on-the-fly, with a minimum overhead on application performance. Resource allocation algorithms often rely on an internal modeling of an application. Directed Acyclic Graph (DAGs) are the most commonly used models for capturing control and data dependencies between tasks. DAGs are notably often used as an intermediate representation for deploying applications modeled with a dataflow Model of Computation (MoC) on HMPSoCs. Building such intermediate representation at runtime for massively parallel applications is costly both in terms of computation and memory overhead. In this paper, an intermediate representation of DAGs for resource allocation is presented. This new representation shows improved performance for run-time analysis of dataflow graphs with less overhead in both computation time and memory footprint. The performances of the proposed representation are evaluated on a set of computer vision and machine learning applications

    OpenDF - A Dataflow Toolset for Reconfigurable Hardware and Multicore Systems

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    International audienceThis paper presents the OpenDF framework and recalls that dataflow programming was once invented to address the problem of parallel computing. We discuss the problems with an imperative style, von Neumann programs, and present what we believe are the advantages of using a dataflow programming model. The CAL actor language is briefly presented and its role in the ISO/MPEG standard is discussed. The Dataflow Interchange Format (DIF) and related tools can be used for analysis of actors and networks, demonstrating the advantages of a dataflow approach. Finally, an overview of a case study implementing an MPEG-4 decoder is given

    Design methodology for embedded computer vision systems

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    Computer vision has emerged as one of the most popular domains of embedded appli¬cations. Though various new powerful embedded platforms to support such applica¬tions have emerged in recent years, there is a distinct lack of efficient domain-specific synthesis techniques for optimized implementation of such systems. In this thesis, four different aspects that contribute to efficient design and synthesis of such systems are explored: (1) Graph Transformations: Dataflow modeling is widely used in digital signal processing (DSP) systems. However, support for dynamic behavior in such systems exists mainly at the modeling level and there is a lack of optimized synthesis tech¬niques for these models. New transformation techniques for efficient system-on-chip (SoC) design methods are proposed and implemented for cyclo-static dataflow and its parameterized version (parameterized cyclo-static dataflow) -- two powerful models that allow dynamic reconfigurability and phased behavior in DSP systems. (2) Design Space Exploration: The broad range of target platforms along with the complexity of applications provides a vast design space, calling for efficient tools to explore this space and produce effective design choices. A novel architectural level design methodology based on a formalism called multirate synchronization graphs is presented along with methods for performance evaluation. (3) Multiprocessor Communication Interface: Efficient code synthesis for emerg¬ing new parallel architectures is an important and sparsely-explored problem. A widely-encountered problem in this regard is efficient communication between pro¬cessors running different sub-systems. A widely used tool in the domain of general-purpose multiprocessor clusters is MPI (Message Passing Interface). However, this does not scale well for embedded DSP systems. A new, powerful and highly optimized communication interface for multiprocessor signal processing systems is presented in this work that is based on the integration of relevant properties of MPI with dataflow semantics. (4) Parameterized Design Framework for Particle Filters: Particle filter systems constitute an important class of applications used in a wide number of fields. An effi¬cient design and implementation framework for such systems has been implemented based on the observation that a large number of such applications exhibit similar prop¬erties. The key properties of such applications are identified and parameterized appro¬priately to realize different systems that represent useful trade-off points in the space of possible implementations

    Models of Architecture

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    The current trend in high performance and embedded computing consists of designing increasingly complex heterogeneous hardware architectures with non-uniform communication resources. In order to take hardware and software design decisions, early evaluations of the system non-functional properties are needed. These evaluations of system efficiency require high-level information on both the algorithms and the architecture. In state of the art Model Driven Engineering (MDE) methods, different communities have developed custom architecture models associated to languages of substantial complexity. This fact contrasts with Models of Computation (MoCs) that provide abstract representations of an algorithm behavior as well as tool interoperability.In this report, we define the notion of Model of Architecture (MoA) and study the combination of a MoC and an MoA to provide a design space exploration environment for the study of the algorithmic and architectural choices. An MoA provides reproducible cost computation for evaluating the efficiency of a system. A new MoA called Linear System-Level Architecture Model (LSLA) is introduced and compared to state of the art models. LSLA aims at representing hardware efficiency with a linear model. The computed cost results from the mapping of an application, represented by a model conforming a MoC on an architecture represented by a model conforming an MoA. The cost is composed of a processing-related part and a communication-related part. It is an abstract scalar value to be minimized and can represent any non-functional requirement of a system such as memory, energy, throughput or latency

    Overview of the MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding Framework

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    International audienceVideo coding technology in the last 20 years has evolved producing a variety of different and complex algorithms and coding standards. So far the specification of such standards, and of the algorithms that build them, has been done case by case providing monolithic textual and reference software specifications in different forms and programming languages. However, very little attention has been given to provide a specification formalism that explicitly presents common components between standards, and the incremental modifications of such monolithic standards. The MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) framework is a new ISO standard currently under its final stage of standardization, aiming at providing video codec specifications at the level of library components instead of monolithic algorithms. The new concept is to be able to specify a decoder of an existing standard or a completely new configuration that may better satisfy application-specific constraints by selecting standard components from a library of standard coding algorithms. The possibility of dynamic configuration and reconfiguration of codecs also requires new methodologies and new tools for describing the new bitstream syntaxes and the parsers of such new codecs. The RVC framework is based on the usage of a new actor/ dataflow oriented language called CAL for the specification of the standard library and instantiation of the RVC decoder model. This language has been specifically designed for modeling complex signal processing systems. CAL dataflow models expose the intrinsic concurrency of the algorithms by employing the notions of actor programming and dataflow. The paper gives an overview of the concepts and technologies building the standard RVC framework and the non standard tools supporting the RVC model from the instantiation and simulation of the CAL model to software and/or hardware code synthesis

    Classification and transformation of dynamic dataflow programs

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    International audienceDataflow programming has been used to describe signal processing applications for many years, traditionally with cyclostatic dataflow (CSDF) or synchronous dataflow (SDF) models that restrict expressive power in favor of compile-time analysis and predictability. Dynamic dataflow is not restricted with respect to expressive power, but it does require runtime scheduling in the general case. Fortunately, most signal processing applications are far from being entirely dynamic, and parts with static behavior need not be dynamically scheduled. This paper presents a method to automatically analyze and classify blocks of a dynamic dataflow program within more restrictive dataflow models when possible, and to transform the blocks classified as static to improve execution speed by reducing the number of FIFO accesses. We used this method on actors of two dynamic dataflow descriptions of an MPEG-4 part 2 decoder, and study how classification and transformation increases decoding speed
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