4 research outputs found

    A performance evaluation of oscillation based test in continuous time filters

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    This work evaluates the ability of OBT for detecting parametric faults in continuous-time filters. To this end, we adopt two filters with quite different topologies as cases of study and a previously reported statistical fault model. In addition, we explore the behavior of the test schemes when a particular test condition is changed. The new data reported here, obtained from a fault simulation process, reveal a lower performance of OBT not observed in previous work using single-deviation faults, even under the change in the test condition.publishedVersionFil: Romero, Eduardo Abel. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María; Argentina.Fil: Romero, Eduardo Abel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Costamagna, Marcelo. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María; Argentina.Fil: Peretti, Gabriela Marta. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Villa María; Argentina.Fil: Peretti, Gabriela Marta. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Marqués, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Otras Ingeniería Eléctrica, Ingeniería Electrónica e Ingeniería de la Informació

    An alternative evaluation of oscillation-based test. A case study

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    In this work, we evaluate the ability of Oscillation-Based Test (OBT) for detecting in continuous-time filters, more realistic parametric faults. As a case study, we consider a low pass fourth order leapfrog filter. We use a fault simulation based on Monte Carlo and redefine a fault coverage metric to globally characterized OBT. The fault model applied assumes that only one component can be faulty while the others adopt random values within their tolerance bands. Statistical deviations in the values of the fault-free components are considered in order to obtain a more accurate evaluation of the test technique under study. The fault coverage data obtained show high values only for high deviation faults and presents significant differences for positive and negative deviations. In addition, the metric also reveals that some of the components of the filter under study can be considered as hard to test.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ


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    Testing switched capacitor circuits is a challenge due to the diversity of the possible faults. A special problem encountered is the synthesis of the test signal that will control and will make the fault-effect observable at the test point. The oscillation based method which was adopted for testing in these proceedings resolves that important issue by his nature. Here we discuss the properties of the method and the conditions to be fulfilled in order to implement it in the right way. To achieve that we resolved the problem of synthesis of the positive feed-back circuit and the choice of a proper model of the operational amplifier. In that way a realistic foundation to the testing process was generated. A second order notch cell was chosen as a case-study. Fault dictionaries were developed related to the catastrophic faults of the switches used within the cell. The results reported here are a continuation of our previous work and are complimentary to some other already published

    Test estructural i predictiu per a circuits RF CMOS

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    En aquesta tesi s’ha desenvolupat una tècnica de test que permet testar un LNA i un mesclador, situats en el capçal RF d’un receptor CMOS, en una configuració de test semblant al mode normal de funcionament. La circuiteria necessària per a implementar aquesta tècnica consta d’un generador IF, per a generar el senyal IF de test, i d’un mesclador auxiliar, per a obtenir el senyal RF de test. Les observables de test escollides han estat l’amplitud de la tensió de sortida del mesclador i el component DC del corrent de consum. S’ha estudiat l’eficàcia de la tècnica de test proposada utilitzant les estratègies de test estructural i predictiu, mitjançant simulacions i mesures experimentals. La seva eficàcia és comparable a altres tècniques de test existents, però l’àrea addicional dedicada a la circuiteria test és inferior.En esta tesis se ha desarrollado una técnica de test que permite verificar un LNA y un mezclador, situados en el cabezal RF de un receptor CMOS, en una configuración de test similar al modo normal de funcionamiento. Los circuitos necesarios para implementar esta técnica son: un generador IF, que permite generar la señal IF de test, y un mezclador auxiliar, para obtener la señal RF de test. Las observables de test seleccionadas han sido la amplitud de la tensión de salida y la componente DC de la corriente de consumo. Se ha estudiado la eficacia de la técnica propuesta usando las estrategias de test estructural y predictiva, mediante simulaciones y medidas experimentales. Su eficacia es comparable a otras técnicas existentes, pero el área dedicada a la circuiteria de test es inferior.This PhD thesis develops a test technique intended for the RF front end of CMOS integrated receivers. This test technique allows testing individually the building blocks of the receiver in a sequential way. The test mode configuration of each block is similar to the normal mode operation. The auxiliary circuitry required to generate the test stimuli consists of an IF generator, which generates the IF test signal, and an auxiliary mixer that produces the RF test signal by mixing the IF test signal with the local oscillator signal. The test observables selected for the test are the voltage amplitude after the IF amplifier, and the DC component of the supply current in each block. The capability of the proposed test technique to perform structural and predictive test strategies has been validated by simulation and experimentally. Its efficiency is comparable to other existing techniques, but the silicon area overhead is lower