453 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Hybrid Beamforming and Digital Beamforming with Low-Resolution ADCs for Multiple Users and Imperfect CSI

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    For 5G it will be important to leverage the available millimeter wave spectrum. To achieve an approximately omni- directional coverage with a similar effective antenna aperture compared to state of the art cellular systems, an antenna array is required at both the mobile and basestation. Due to the large bandwidth and inefficient amplifiers available in CMOS for mmWave, the analog front-end of the receiver with a large number of antennas becomes especially power hungry. Two main solutions exist to reduce the power consumption: hybrid beam forming and digital beam forming with low resolution Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs). In this work we compare the spectral and energy efficiency of both systems under practical system constraints. We consider the effects of channel estimation, transmitter impairments and multiple simultaneous users. Our power consumption model considers components reported in literature at 60 GHz. In contrast to many other works we also consider the correlation of the quantization error, and generalize the modeling of it to non-uniform quantizers and different quantizers at each antenna. The result shows that as the SNR gets larger the ADC resolution achieving the optimal energy efficiency gets also larger. The energy efficiency peaks for 5 bit resolution at high SNR, since due to other limiting factors the achievable rate almost saturates at this resolution. We also show that in the multi-user scenario digital beamforming is in any case more energy efficient than hybrid beamforming. In addition we show that if different ADC resolutions are used we can achieve any desired trade-offs between power consumption and rate close to those achieved with only one ADC resolution.Comment: Submitted to JSTSP. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0290

    A survey on hybrid beamforming techniques in 5G : architecture and system model perspectives

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    The increasing wireless data traffic demands have driven the need to explore suitable spectrum regions for meeting the projected requirements. In the light of this, millimeter wave (mmWave) communication has received considerable attention from the research community. Typically, in fifth generation (5G) wireless networks, mmWave massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications is realized by the hybrid transceivers which combine high dimensional analog phase shifters and power amplifiers with lower-dimensional digital signal processing units. This hybrid beamforming design reduces the cost and power consumption which is aligned with an energy-efficient design vision of 5G. In this paper, we track the progress in hybrid beamforming for massive MIMO communications in the context of system models of the hybrid transceivers' structures, the digital and analog beamforming matrices with the possible antenna configuration scenarios and the hybrid beamforming in heterogeneous wireless networks. We extend the scope of the discussion by including resource management issues in hybrid beamforming. We explore the suitability of hybrid beamforming methods, both, existing and proposed till first quarter of 2017, and identify the exciting future challenges in this domain

    Reliability performance analysis of half-duplex and full-duplex schemes with self-energy recycling

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    Abstract. Radio frequency energy harvesting (EH) has emerged as a promising option for improving the energy efficiency of current and future networks. Self-energy recycling (sER), as a variant of EH, has also appeared as a suitable alternative that allows to reuse part of the transmitted energy via an energy loop. In this work we study the benefits of using sER in terms of reliability improvements and compare the performance of full-duplex (FD) and half-duplex (HD) schemes when using multi-antenna techniques at the base station side. We also assume a model for the hardware energy consumption, making the analysis more realistic since most works only consider the energy spent on transmission. In addition to spectral efficiency enhancements, results show that FD performs better than HD in terms of reliability. We maximize the outage probability of the worst link in the network using a dynamic FD scheme where a small base station (SBS) determines the optimal number of antennas for transmission and reception. This scheme proves to be more efficient than classical HD and FD modes. Results show that the use of sER at the SBS introduces changes on the distribution of antennas for maximum fairness when compared to the setup without sER. Moreover, we determine the minimum number of active radio frequency chains required at the SBS in order to achieve a given reliability target

    Codebook Based Hybrid Precoding for Millimeter Wave Multiuser Systems

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    In millimeter wave (mmWave) systems, antenna architecture limitations make it difficult to apply conventional fully digital precoding techniques but call for low cost analog radio-frequency (RF) and digital baseband hybrid precoding methods. This paper investigates joint RF-baseband hybrid precoding for the downlink of multiuser multi-antenna mmWave systems with a limited number of RF chains. Two performance measures, maximizing the spectral efficiency and the energy efficiency of the system, are considered. We propose a codebook based RF precoding design and obtain the channel state information via a beam sweep procedure. Via the codebook based design, the original system is transformed into a virtual multiuser downlink system with the RF chain constraint. Consequently, we are able to simplify the complicated hybrid precoding optimization problems to joint codeword selection and precoder design (JWSPD) problems. Then, we propose efficient methods to address the JWSPD problems and jointly optimize the RF and baseband precoders under the two performance measures. Finally, extensive numerical results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid precoders.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Trans. on Signal Process, 201

    Low-Complexity Multi-User MIMO Algorithms for mmWave WLANs

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    Very high throughput and high-efficiency wireless local area networks (WLANs) have become essential for today's significant global Internet traffic and the expected significant global increase of public WiFi hotspots. Total Internet traffic is predicted to expand 3.7-fold from 2017 to 2022. In 2017, 53% of overall Internet traffic used by WiFi networks, and that number is expected to increase to 56.8% by 2022. Furthermore, 80% of overall Internet traffic is expected to be video traffic by 2022, up from 70% in 2017. WiFi networks are also expected to move towards denser deployment scenarios, such as stadiums, large office buildings, and airports, with very high data rate applications, such as ultra-high definition video wireless streaming. Thus, in order to meet the predicted growth of wireless traffic and the number of WiFi networks in the world, an efficient Internet access solution is required for the current IEEE 802.11 standards. Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication technology is expected to play a crucial role in future wireless networks with large user populations because of the large spectrum band it can provide. To further improve spectrum efficiency over mmWave bands in WLANs with large numbers of users, the IEEE 802.11ay standard was developed from the traditional IEEE 802.11ad standard, aiming to support multi-user MIMO. Propagation challenges associated with mmWave bands necessitate the use of analog beamforming (BF) technologies that employ directional transmissions to determine the optimal sector beam between a transmitter and a receiver. However, the multi-user MIMO is not exploited, since analog BF is limited to a single-user, single-transmission. The computational complexity of achieving traditional multi-user MIMO BF methods, such as full digital BF, in the mmWave systems becomes significant due to the hardware constraints. Our research focuses on how to effectively and efficiently realize multi-user MIMO transmission to improve spectrum efficiency over the IEEE 802.11ay mmWave band system while also resolving the computational complexity challenges for achieving a multi-user MIMO in mmWave systems. This thesis focuses on MAC protocol algorithms and analysis of the IEEE 802.11ay mmWave WLANs to provide multi-user MIMO support in various scenarios to improve the spectrum efficiency and system throughput. Specifically, from a downlink single-hop scenario perspective, a VG algorithm is proposed to schedule simultaneous downlink transmission links while mitigating the multi-user interference with no additional computational complexity. From a downlink multi-hop scenario perspective, a low-complexity MHVG algorithm is conducted to realize simultaneous transmissions and improve the network performance by taking advantage of the spatial reuse in a dense network. The proposed MHVG algorithm permits simultaneous links scheduling and mitigates both the multi-user interference and co-channel interference based only on analog BF information, without the necessity for feedback overhead, such as channel state information (CSI). From an uplink scenario perspective, a low-complexity user selection algorithm, HBF-VG, incorporates user selection with the HBF algorithm to achieve simultaneous uplink transmissions for IEEE 802.11ay mmWave WLANs. With the HBF-VG algorithm, the users can be selected based on an orthogonality criterion instead of collecting CSI from all potential users. We optimize the digital BF to mitigate the residual interference among selected users. Extensive analytical and simulation evaluations are provided to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms with respect to average throughput per time slot, average network throughput, average sum-rate, energy efficiency, signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), and spatial multiplexing gain

    Técnicas de equalização para MIMO massivo com amplificação não linear

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    The dawn of the new generation of mobile communications and the trafic explosion that derives from its implementation pose great challenge. The milimeter wave band and the use of massive number of antennas are technologies which, when combined, allow the transmission of high data rate, functioning in zones of the electromagnetic spectrum that are less explored and with capability of allocation of dozens of GHz of bandwidth. In this dissertation we consider a massive MIMO millimeter wave system employing a hybrid architecture, i.e., the number of transmit and receive antennas are lower than the number of radio frequency chains. As consequence, the precoder and equalizers should be designed in both digital and analog domains. In the literature, most of the proposed hybrid beamforming schemes were evaluated without considering the effects of nonlinear amplifications. However, these systems face non-avoidable nonlinear effects due to power amplifiers functioning in nonlinear regions. The strong nonlinear effects throughout the transmission chain will have a negative impact on the overall system performance and thus its study and the design of equalizers that take into account these effects are of paramount importance. This dissertation proposes a hybrid iterative equalizer for massive MIMO millimeter wave SC-FDMA systems. The user terminals have low complexity, just equipped with analog precoders based on average angle of departure, each with a single radio frequency chain. At the base station it is designed an hybrid analog-digital iterative equalizer with fully connected architecture in order to eliminate both the multi-user interference and the nonlinear distortion caused by signal amplification during the transmission. The equalizer is optimized by minimizing the bit error rate, which is equivalent to minimize the mean square error rate. The impact of the saturation threshold of the amplifiers in the system performance is analysed, and it is demonstrated that the iterative process can efficiently remove the multi-user interference and the distortion, improving the overall system performance.O surgimento de uma nova geração de comunicações móveis e a explosão de tráfego que advém da sua implementação apresenta grandes desafios. A banda de ondas milimétricas e o uso massivo de antenas são tecnologias que, combinadas, permitem atingir elevadas taxas de transmissão, funcionando em zonas do espectro electromagnético menos exploradas e com capacidade de alocação de dezenas de GHz para largura de banda. Nesta dissertação foi considerado um sistema de MIMO massivo de ondas milimétricas usando uma arquitectura híbrida, i.e., o número de antenas para transmissão e recepção é menor que o número de cadeias de radiofrequência. Consequentemente, o pré-codificador e equalizadores devem ser projectados nos domínios digital e analógico. Na literatura, a maioria dos esquemas híbridos de beamforming são avaliados sem ter em conta os efeitos de não linearidade da amplificação do sinal. No entanto, estes sistemas sofrem inevitavelmente de efeitos não lineares devido aos amplificadores de potência operarem em regiões não lineares. Os fortes efeitos das não-linearidades ao longo da cadeia de transmissão têm um efeito nefasto no desempenho do sistema e portanto o seu estudo e projecto de equalizadores que tenham em conta estes efeitos são de extrema importância. Esta dissertação propõe um equalizador híbrido para sistemas baseados em ondas milimétricas para MIMO massivo com modulação SC-FDMA. Os terminais de utilizador possuem baixa complexidade, equipados apenas com pré-codificadores analógicos baseados no ângulo médio de partida, cada um com uma única cadeia de radiofrequência. Na estação base é projectado um equalizador iterativo híbrido analógico-digital com arquitectura completamente conectada de modo a eliminar a interferencia multi-utilizador e a distorção causada pela amplificação do sinal aquando da transmissão. O equalizador é optimizado minimizando a taxa de erro de bit, o que é equivalente a minimizar a taxa de erro quadrático médio. O impacto do limiar de saturação dos amplificadores no desempenho do sistema é analisado, e é demonstrado que o processo iterativo consegue eliminar de modo eficiente a interferência multi-utilizador e a distorção, melhorando o desempenho do sistema.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe
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