60 research outputs found

    Quasi-Optimal SNARGs via Linear Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs

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    Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) enable verifying NP computations with significantly less complexity than that required for classical NP verification. In this work, we focus on simultaneously minimizing the proof size and the prover complexity of SNARGs. Concretely, for a security parameter λ\lambda, we measure the asymptotic cost of achieving soundness error 2λ2^{-\lambda} against provers of size 2λ2^\lambda. We say a SNARG is quasi-optimally succinct if its proof length is O~(λ)\tilde{O}(\lambda), and that it is quasi-optimal, if moreover, its prover complexity is only polylogarithmically greater than the running time of the classical NP prover. We show that this definition is the best we could hope for assuming that NP does not have succinct proofs. Our definition strictly strengthens the previous notion of quasi-optimality introduced in the work of Boneh et al. (Eurocrypt 2017). This work gives the first quasi-optimal SNARG for Boolean circuit satisfiability from a concrete cryptographic assumption. Our construction takes a two-step approach. The first is an information-theoretic construction of a quasi-optimal linear multi-prover interactive proof (linear MIP) for circuit satisfiability. Then, we describe a generic cryptographic compiler that transforms our quasi-optimal linear MIP into a quasi-optimal SNARG by relying on the notion of linear-only vector encryption over rings introduced by Boneh et al. Combining these two primitives yields the first quasi-optimal SNARG based on linear-only vector encryption. Moreover, our linear MIP construction leverages a new robust circuit decomposition primitive that allows us to decompose a circuit satisfiability instance into several smaller circuit satisfiability instances. This primitive may be of independent interest. Finally, we consider (designated-verifier) SNARGs that provide optimal succinctness for a non-negligible soundness error. Concretely, we put forward the notion of 1-bit SNARGs that achieve soundness error 1/2 with only one bit of proof. We first show how to build 1-bit SNARGs from indistinguishability obfuscation, and then show that 1-bit SNARGs also suffice for realizing a form of witness encryption. The latter result highlights a two-way connection between the soundness of very succinct argument systems and powerful forms of encryption

    Lattice-Based SNARGs and Their Application to More Efficient Obfuscation

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    Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) enable verifying NP computations with substantially lower complexity than that required for classical NP verification. In this work, we first construct a lattice-based SNARG candidate with quasi-optimal succinctness (where the argument size is quasilinear in the security parameter). Further extension of our methods yields the first SNARG (from any assumption) that is quasi-optimal in terms of both prover overhead (polylogarithmic in the security parameter) as well as succinctness. Moreover, because our constructions are lattice-based, they plausibly resist quantum attacks. Central to our construction is a new notion of linear-only vector encryption which is a generalization of the notion of linear-only encryption introduced by Bitansky et al. (TCC 2013). We conjecture that variants of Regev encryption satisfy our new linear-only definition. Then, together with new information-theoretic approaches for building statistically-sound linear PCPs over small finite fields, we obtain the first quasi-optimal SNARGs. We then show a surprising connection between our new lattice-based SNARGs and the concrete efficiency of program obfuscation. All existing obfuscation candidates currently rely on multilinear maps. Among the constructions that make black-box use of the multilinear map, obfuscating a circuit of even moderate depth (say, 100) requires a multilinear map with multilinearity degree in excess of 2^100. In this work, we show that an ideal obfuscation of both the decryption function in a fully homomorphic encryption scheme and a variant of the verification algorithm of our new lattice-based SNARG yields a general-purpose obfuscator for all circuits. Finally, we give some concrete estimates needed to obfuscate this obfuscation-complete primitive. We estimate that at 80-bits of security, a (black-box) multilinear map with approximately 2^12 levels of multilinearity suffices. This is over 2^80 times more efficient than existing candidates, and thus, represents an important milestone towards implementable program obfuscation for all circuits

    Lattice-based Zero-knowledge SNARGs for Arithmetic Circuits

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    Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) enable verifying NP computations with substantially lower complexity than that required for classical NP verification. In this work, we construct a zero-knowledge SNARG candidate that relies only on lattice-based assumptions which are claimed to hold even in the presence of quantum computers. Central to this new construction is the notion of linear-targeted malleability introduced by Bitansky et al. (TCC 2013) and the conjecture that variants of Regev encryption satisfy this property. Then, using the efficient characterization of NP languages as Square Arithmetic Programs we build the first quantum-resilient zk-SNARG for arithmetic circuits with a constant-size proof consisting of only 2 lattice-based ciphertexts. Our protocol is designated-verifier, achieves zero-knowledge and has shorter proofs and shorter CRS than the previous such schemes, e.g. Boneh et al. (Eurocrypt 2017)

    Lattice-Based zk-SNARKs from Square Span Programs

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    Zero-knowledge SNARKs (zk-SNARKs) are non-interactive proof systems with short (i.e., independent of the size of the witness) and efficiently verifiable proofs. They elegantly resolve the juxtaposition of individual privacy and public trust, by providing an efficient way of demonstrating knowledge of secret information without actually revealing it. To this day, zk-SNARKs are widely deployed all over the planet and are used to keep alive a system worth billion of euros, namely the cryptocurrency Zcash. However, all current SNARKs implementations rely on so-called pre-quantum assumptions and, for this reason, are not expected to withstand cryptanalitic efforts over the next few decades. In this work, we introduce a new zk-SNARK that can be instantiated from lattice-based assumptions, and which is thus believed to be post-quantum secure. We provide a generalization in the spirit of Gennaro et al. (Eurocrypt'13) to the SNARK of Danezis et al. (Asiacrypt'14) that is based on Square Span Programs (SSP) and relies on weaker computational assumptions. We focus on designated-verifier proofs and propose a protocol in which a proof consists of just 5 LWE encodings. We provide a concrete choice of parameters, showing that our construction is practically instantiable

    Verifiable Isogeny Walks: Towards an Isogeny-based Postquantum VDF

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of constructing postquantum-secure verifiable delay functions (VDFs), particularly based on supersingular isogenies. Isogeny-based VDF constructions have been proposed before, but since verification relies on pairings, they are broken by quantum computers. We propose an entirely different approach using succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs), but specifically tailored to the arithmetic structure of the isogeny setting to achieve good asymptotic efficiency. We obtain an isogeny-based VDF construction with postquantum security, quasi-logarithmic verification, and requiring no trusted setup. As a building block, we also construct non-interactive arguments for isogeny walks in the supersingular graph over Fp2 , which may be of independent interest

    Subquadratic SNARGs in the Random Oracle Model

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    In a seminal work, Micali (FOCS 1994) gave the first succinct non-interactive argument (SNARG) in the random oracle model (ROM). The construction combines a PCP and a cryptographic commitment, and has several attractive features: it is plausibly post-quantum; it can be heuristically instantiated via lightweight cryptography; and it has a transparent (public-coin) parameter setup. However, it also has a significant drawback: a large argument size. In this work, we provide a new construction that achieves a smaller argument size. This is the first progress on the Micali construction since it was introduced over 25 years ago. A SNARG in the ROM is *(t,ϵ)(t,\epsilon)-secure* if every t-query malicious prover can convince the verifier of a false statement with probability at most ε. For (t,ϵ)(t,\epsilon)-security, the argument size of all known SNARGs in the ROM (including Micali\u27s) is O~((log(t/ϵ))2)\tilde{O}((\log (t/\epsilon))^2) bits, *even* if one were to rely on conjectured probabilistic proofs well beyond current techniques. In practice, these costs lead to SNARGs that are much larger than constructions based on other (pre-quantum and costly) tools. This has led many to believe that SNARGs in the ROM are inherently quadratic. We show that this is not the case. We present a SNARG in the ROM with a sub-quadratic argument size: O~(log(t/ϵ)logt)\tilde{O}(\log (t/\epsilon) \cdot \log t). Our construction relies on a strong soundness notion for PCPs and a weak binding notion for commitments. We hope that our work paves the way for understanding if a linear argument size, that is O(log(t/ϵ))O(\log (t/\epsilon)), is achievable in the ROM

    Non-Interactive Proofs: What Assumptions Are Sufficient?

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    A non-Interactive proof system allows a prover to convince a verifier that a statement is true by sending a single round of messages. In this thesis, we study under what assumptions can we build non-interactive proof systems with succinct verification and zero-knowledge. We obtain the following results. - Succinct Arguments: We construct the first non-interactive succinct arguments (SNARGs) for P from standard assumptions. Our construction is based on the polynomial hardness of Learning with Errors (LWE). - Zero-Knowledge: We build the first non-interactive zero-knowledge proof systems (NIZKs) for NP from sub-exponential Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption in the standard groups, without use of groups with pairings. To obtain our results, we build SNARGs for batch-NP from LWE and correlation intractable hash functions for TC^0 from sub-exponential DDH assumption, respectively, which may be of independent interest

    Lower Bound on SNARGs in the Random Oracle Model

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    Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) have become a fundamental primitive in the cryptographic community. The focus of this work is constructions of SNARGs in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). Such SNARGs enjoy post-quantum security and can be deployed using lightweight cryptography to heuristically instantiate the random oracle. A ROM-SNARG is \emph{(t,ε)(t,\varepsilon)-sound} if no tt-query malicious prover can convince the verifier to accept a false statement with probability larger than ε\varepsilon. Recently, Chiesa-Yogev (CRYPTO \u2721) presented a ROM-SNARG of length Θ(log(t/ε)logt){\Theta}(\log (t/\varepsilon) \cdot \log t) (ignoring logn\log n factors, for nn being the instance size). This improvement, however, is still far from the (folklore) lower bound of Ω(log(t/ε))\Omega(\log (t/\varepsilon)). Assuming the \textit{randomized exponential-time hypothesis}, we prove a tight lower bound of Ω(log(t/ε)logt){\Omega}(\log (t/\varepsilon) \cdot \log t) for the length of {(t,ε)(t,\varepsilon)-sound} ROM-SNARGs. Our lower bound holds for constructions with non-adaptive verifiers and strong soundness notion called \textit{salted soundness}, restrictions that hold for \emph{all} known constructions (ignoring contrived counterexamples). We prove our lower bound by transforming any short ROM-SNARG (of the considered family) into a same length ROM-SNARG in which the verifier asks only a \emph{few} oracles queries, and then apply the recent lower bound of Chiesa-Yogev (TCC \u2720) for such SNARGs

    Breaking the O(n)O(\sqrt n)-Bit Barrier: Byzantine Agreement with Polylog Bits Per Party

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    Byzantine agreement (BA), the task of nn parties to agree on one of their input bits in the face of malicious agents, is a powerful primitive that lies at the core of a vast range of distributed protocols. Interestingly, in protocols with the best overall communication, the demands of the parties are highly unbalanced: the amortized cost is O~(1)\tilde O(1) bits per party, but some parties must send Ω(n)\Omega(n) bits. In best known balanced protocols, the overall communication is sub-optimal, with each party communicating O~(n)\tilde O(\sqrt{n}). In this work, we ask whether asymmetry is inherent for optimizing total communication. Our contributions in this line are as follows: 1) We define a cryptographic primitive, succinctly reconstructed distributed signatures (SRDS), that suffices for constructing O~(1)\tilde O(1) balanced BA. We provide two constructions of SRDS from different cryptographic and Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) assumptions. 2) The SRDS-based BA follows a paradigm of boosting from "almost-everywhere" agreement to full agreement, and does so in a single round. We prove that PKI setup and cryptographic assumptions are necessary for such protocols in which every party sends o(n)o(n) messages. 3) We further explore connections between a natural approach toward attaining SRDS and average-case succinct non-interactive argument systems (SNARGs) for a particular type of NP-Complete problems (generalizing Subset-Sum and Subset-Product). Our results provide new approaches forward, as well as limitations and barriers, towards minimizing per-party communication of BA. In particular, we construct the first two BA protocols with O~(1)\tilde O(1) balanced communication, offering a tradeoff between setup and cryptographic assumptions, and answering an open question presented by King and Saia (DISC'09)

    On Succinct Arguments and Witness Encryption from Groups

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    Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) enable proofs of NP statements with very low communication. Recently, there has been significant work in both theory and practice on constructing SNARGs with very short proofs. Currently, the state-of-the-art in succinctness is due to Groth (Eurocrypt 2016) who constructed a SNARG from bilinear maps where the proof consists of just 3 group elements. In this work, we first construct a concretely-efficient designated-verifier (preprocessing) SNARG with inverse polynomial soundness, where the proof consists of just 2 group elements in a standard (generic) group. This leads to a 50% reduction in concrete proof size compared to Groth\u27s construction. We follow the approach of Bitansky et al. (TCC 2013) who describe a compiler from linear PCPs to SNARGs in the preprocessing model. Our improvement is based on a new linear PCP packing technique that allows us to construct 1-query linear PCPs which can then be compiled into a SNARG (using ElGamal encryption over a generic group). An appealing feature of our new SNARG is that the verifier can precompute a statement-independent lookup table in an offline phase; verifying proofs then only requires 2 exponentiations and a single table lookup. This makes our new designated-verifier SNARG appealing in settings that demand fast verification and minimal communication. We then turn to the question of constructing arguments where the proof consists of a single group element. Here, we first show that any (possibly interactive) argument for a language L where the verification algorithm is generic (i.e., only performs generic group operations) and the proof consists of a single group element, implies a witness encryption scheme for L. We then show that under a yet-unproven, but highly plausible, hypothesis on the hardness of approximating the minimal distance of linear codes, we can construct a 2-message laconic argument for NP where the proof consists of a single group element. Under the same hypothesis, we obtain a witness encryption scheme for NP in the generic group model. Along the way, we show that under a conceptually-similar but proven hardness of approximation result, there is a 2-message laconic argument for NP with negligible soundness error where the prover\u27s message consists of just 2 group elements. In both settings, we obtain laconic arguments (and linear PCPs) with linear decision procedures. Our constructions circumvent a previous lower bound by Groth on such argument systems with linear decision procedures by relying on imperfect completeness. Namely, our constructions have vanishing but not negligible completeness error, while the lower bound of Groth implicitly assumes negligible completeness error of the underlying argument. Our techniques thus highlight new avenues for designing linear PCPs, succinct arguments, and witness encryption schemes