74 research outputs found

    Analysis of Mammographic Images for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Breast cancer is the main reason for death among women. Radiographic images obtained from mammography equipment are one of the most frequently used techniques for helping in early detection of breast cancer. The motivation behind this study is to focus the tumour types of breast cancer images .It is methodology to anticipated a sickness in view of the visual conclusion of breast disease tumour types with precision, particularly when numerous feature are related. Breast Cancer (BC) is one such sample where the phenomenon is very complex furthermore numerous feature of tumour types are included. In the present investigation, various pattern recognition techniques were used for the classification of breast cancer using mammograms image processing techniques .The pattern recognition techniques for tumour image enhancements, segmentation, texture based image feature extraction and subsequent classification of breast cancer mammogram image was successfully performed. When two machine learning techniques such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) were used to classify 120 images, it was observed from the results that Artificial Neural Network classifiers demonstrated the h classification rate 91.31% and the SVM with both Radial Basis Function (RBF) and linear kernel classifiers demonstrated the highest classification rate of 92.11% and RBF classification rate is 92.85%

    Analysis of Mammographic Images for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Breast cancer is the main reason for death among women. Radiographic images obtained from mammography equipment are one of the most frequently used techniques for helping in early detection of breast cancer. The motivation behind this study is to focus the tumour types of breast cancer images .It is methodology to anticipated a sickness in view of the visual conclusion of breast disease tumour types with precision, particularly when numerous feature are related. Breast Cancer (BC) is one such sample where the phenomenon is very complex furthermore numerous feature of tumour types are included. In the present investigation, various pattern recognition techniques were used for the classification of breast cancer using mammograms image processing techniques .The pattern recognition techniques for tumour image enhancements, segmentation, texture based image feature extraction and subsequent classification of breast cancer mammogram image was successfully performed. When two machine learning techniques such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) were used to classify 120 images, it was observed from the results that Artificial Neural Network classifiers demonstrated the h classification rate 91.31% and the SVM with both Radial Basis Function (RBF) and linear kernel classifiers demonstrated the highest classification rate of 92.11% and RBF classification rate is 92.85%

    Noise reduction and mammography image segmentation optimization with novel QIMFT-SSA method

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    Breast cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases that affects women worldwide and has led to many deaths. Early detection of breast masses prolongs life expectancy in women and hence the development of an automated system for breast masses supports radiologists for accurate diagnosis. In fact, providing an optimal approach with the highest speed and more accuracy is an approach provided by computer-aided design techniques to determine the exact area of breast tumors to use a decision support management system as an assistant to physicians. This study proposes an optimal approach to noise reduction in mammographic images and to identify salt and pepper, Gaussian, Poisson and impact noises to determine the exact mass detection operation after these noise reduction. It therefore offers a method for noise reduction operations called Quantum Inverse MFT Filtering and a method for precision mass segmentation called the Optimal Social Spider Algorithm (SSA) in mammographic images. The hybrid approach called QIMFT-SSA is evaluated in terms of criteria compared to previous methods such as peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean-Squared Error (MSE) in noise reduction and accuracy of detection for mass area recognition. The proposed method presents more performance of noise reduction and segmentation in comparison to state-of-arts methods. supported the work

    Application of Wavelet de-noising Filters in Mammogram Images Classification Using Fuzzy Soft Set

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    Recent advances in the field of image processing have revealed that the level of noise in mammogram images highly affect the images quality and classification performance of the classifiers. Whilst, numerous data mining techniques have been developed to achieve high efficiency and effectiveness for computer aided diagnosis systems. However, fuzzy soft set theory has been merely experimented for medical images. Thus, this study proposed a classifier based on fuzzy soft set with embedding wavelet de-noising filters. Therefore, the proposed methodology involved five steps namely: MIAS dataset, wavelet de-noising filters hard and soft threshold, region of interest identification, feature extraction and classification. Therefore, the feasibility of fuzzy soft set for classification of mammograms images has been scrutinized. Experimental results show that proposed classifier FussCyier provides the classification performance with Daub3 (Level 1) with accuracy 75.64% (hard threshold), precision 46.11%, recall 84.67%, F-Micro 60%. Thus, the results provide an alternative technique to categorize mammogram images. Keywords: Mammogram images; Feature extraction; Wavelet filters; Fuzzy soft set

    FussCyier: Mamogram images classification based on similarity measure fuzzy soft set

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    Automatic digital mammograms reading become highly enviable, as the number of mammograms to be examined by physician increases enormously.It is premised that the computer aided diagnosis system is mandatory to assist physicians/radiologists to achieve high efficiency and productivity.To handle uncertainties of medical images, fuzzy soft set theory has been merely scrutinized, even though the choice of convenient parameterization makes fuzzy soft set suitable and feasible for decision making applications. Therefore, this study investigates the practicability of fuzzy soft set for classification of digital mammogram images to increase the classification accuracy while lower the classifier complexity.The proposed method FussCyier involves three phases namely: pre-processing, training and testing.Results of the research indicated that proposed method gives high classification performance with wavelet de-noise filter Sym8 with the accuracy 75.64%, recall 84.67% and CPU time 0.0026 seconds

    Image reconstruction and imaging configuration optimization with a novel nanotechnology enabled breast tomosynthesis multi-beam X-ray system

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    Digital breast tomosynthesis is a new technology that provides three-dimensional information of the breast and makes it possible to distinguish the cancer from overlying breast tissues. We are dedicated to optimizing image reconstruction and imaging configuration for a new multi-beam parallel digital breast tomosynthesis prototype system. Several commonly used algorithms from the typical image reconstruction models which were used for iso-centric tomosynthesis systems were investigated for our multi-beam parallel tomosynthesis imaging system. The representative algorithms, including back-projection (BP), filtered back-projection (FBP), matrix inversion tomosynthesis reconstruction (MITS), maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM), ordered-subset maximum likelihood expectation maximization (OS-MLEM), simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART), were implemented to fit our system design. An accelerated MLEM algorithm was proposed, which significantly reduced the running time but had the same image quality. Furthermore, two statistical variants of BP reconstruction were validated for our tomosynthesis prototype system. Experiments based on phantoms and computer simulations show that the prototype system combined with our algorithms is capable of providing three-dimensional information of the objects with good image quality and has great potentials to improve digital breast tomosynthesis technology. Four methodologies were employed to optimize the reconstruction algorithms and different imaging configurations for the prototype system. A linear tomosynthesis imaging analysis tool was used to investigate blurring-out reconstruction algorithms. Computer simulations of sphere and wire objects aimed at the performance of out-of-plane artifact removal. A frequency-domain-based methodology, relative NEQ(f) analysis, was investigated to evaluate the overall system performance based on the propagation of signal and noise. Conclusions were made to determine the optimal image reconstruction algorithm and imaging configuration of this new multi-beam parallel digital breast tomosynthesis prototype system for better image quality and system performance

    Post-Processing of Low Dose Mammography Images

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    In mammography, X-ray radiation is used in sufficient doses to be captured on film for cancer diagnosis. A problem lies in the inherent nature of X-rays to cause cancer. The resolution of the images obtained on film is directly related to the radiation dosage. Thus, a trade-off between image quality and radiation exposure is necessary to ensure proper diagnosis without causing cancer. A possible solution is to decrease the dosage of radiation and improve the image quality of mammograms using post- processing methods applied to digitized film images. Image processing techniques that may improve the resolution of images captured at lower doses include crispening, denoising, histogram equalization, and pattern recognition methods. The Wright Patterson Air Force Base Hospital Radiology Department sponsored this research and provided digitized images of the American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom, which is a model for mammogram image quality and classification. Side by side comparisons were performed of high dose images and low-dose images post-processed using the methods mentioned. The result was improved- resolution on mammography images for lower radiation doses. Thus, this research represents progress towards solving a problem that currently plagues mammography: exposure of patients to high doses of cancer- causing radiation to obtain quality mammography images. By improving the image quality of mammography images at lower radiation doses, the problem of cancer induced by high radiation exposure is alleviated


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    Quantification and segmentation of breast cancer diagnosis: efficient hardware accelerator approach

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    The mammography image eccentric area is the breast density percentage measurement. The technical challenge of quantification in radiology leads to misinterpretation in screening. Data feedback from society, institutional, and industry shows that quantification and segmentation frameworks have rapidly become the primary methodologies for structuring and interpreting mammogram digital images. Segmentation clustering algorithms have setbacks on overlapping clusters, proportion, and multidimensional scaling to map and leverage the data. In combination, mammogram quantification creates a long-standing focus area. The algorithm proposed must reduce complexity and target data points distributed in iterative, and boost cluster centroid merged into a single updating process to evade the large storage requirement. The mammogram database's initial test segment is critical for evaluating performance and determining the Area Under the Curve (AUC) to alias with medical policy. In addition, a new image clustering algorithm anticipates the need for largescale serial and parallel processing. There is no solution on the market, and it is necessary to implement communication protocols between devices. Exploiting and targeting utilization hardware tasks will further extend the prospect of improvement in the cluster. Benchmarking their resources and performance is required. Finally, the medical imperatives cluster was objectively validated using qualitative and quantitative inspection. The proposed method should overcome the technical challenges that radiologists face