379 research outputs found

    Sensitivity and specificity of detection methods for erythropoietin doping in cyclists

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    Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) is used as doping a substance. Anti-doping efforts include urine and blood testing and monitoring the athlete biological passport (ABP). As data on the performance of these methods are incomplete, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of two common urine assays and the ABP. In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial, 48 trained cyclists received a mean dose of 6000 IU rHuEPO (epoetin beta) or placebo by weekly injection for eight weeks. Seven timed urine and blood samples were collected per subject. Urine samples were analyzed by sarcosyl-PAGE and isoelectric focusing methods in the accredited DoCoLab in Ghent. A selection of samples, including any with false presumptive findings, underwent a second sarcosyl-PAGE confirmation analysis. Hematological parameters were used to construct a module similar to the ABP and analyzed by two evaluators from an Athlete Passport Management Unit. Sensitivity of the sarcosyl-PAGE and isoelectric focusing assays for the detection of erythropoietin abuse were 63.8% and 58.6%, respectively, with a false presumptive finding rate of 4.3% and 6%. None of the false presumptive findings tested positive in the confirmation analysis. Sensitivity was highest between 2 and 6 days after dosing, and dropped rapidly outside this window. Sensitivity of the ABP was 91.3%. Specificity of the urine assays was high; however, the detection window of rHuEPO was narrow, leading to questionable sensitivity. The ABP, integrating longitudinal data, is more sensitive, but there are still subjects that evade detection. Combining these methods might improve performance, but will not resolve all observed shortcomings

    A polymerase chain reaction-based methodology to detect gene doping

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    The non-therapeutic use of genes to enhance athletic performance (gene doping) is a novel threat to the World of Sports. Skeletal muscle is a prime target of gene therapy and we asked whether we can develop a test system to produce and detect gene doping. Towards this end, we introduced a plasmid (pCMV-FAK, 3.8kb, 50μg) for constitutive expression of the chicken homologue for the regulator of muscle growth, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), via gene electro transfer in the anti-gravitational muscle, m. soleus, or gastrocnemius medialis of rats. Activation of hypertrophy signalling was monitored by assessing the ribosomal kinase p70S6K and muscle fibre cross section. Detectability of the introduced plasmid was monitored with polymerase chain reaction in deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) from transfected muscle and serum. Muscle transfection with pCMV-FAK elevated FAK expression7- and 73-fold, respectively, and increased mean cross section by 52 and 16% in targeted muscle fibres of soleus and gastrocnemius muscle 7days after gene electro transfer. Concomitantly p70S6K content was increased in transfected soleus muscle (+110%). Detection of the exogenous plasmid sequence was possible in DNA and cDNA of muscle until 7days after transfection, but not in serum except close to the site of plasmid deposition, 1h after injection and surgery. The findings suggest that the reliable detection of gene doping in the immoral athlete is not possible unless a change in the current practice of tissue sampling is applied involving the collection of muscle biopsy close to the site of gene injectio

    The erythropoietin receptor expressed in skeletal muscle is essential for mitochondrial biogenesis and physiological exercise

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is a haematopoietic hormone that regulates erythropoiesis, but the EPO-receptor (EpoR) is also expressed in non-haematopoietic tissues. Stimulation of the EpoR in cardiac and skeletal muscle provides protection from various forms of pathological stress, but its relevance for normal muscle physiology remains unclear. We aimed to determine the contribution of the tissue-specific EpoR to exercise-induced remodelling of cardiac and skeletal muscle. Baseline phenotyping was performed on left ventricle and m. gastrocnemius of mice that only express the EpoR in haematopoietic tissues (EpoR-tKO). Subsequently, mice were caged in the presence or absence of a running wheel for 4 weeks and exercise performance, cardiac function and histological and molecular markers for physiological adaptation were assessed. While gross morphology of both muscles was normal in EpoR-tKO mice, mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle was decreased by 50%, associated with similar reductions in mitochondrial biogenesis, while mitophagy was unaltered. When subjected to exercise, EpoR-tKO mice ran slower and covered less distance than wild-type (WT) mice (5.5 ± 0.6 vs. 8.0 ± 0.4 km/day, p < 0.01). The impaired exercise performance was paralleled by reductions in myocyte growth and angiogenesis in both muscle types. Our findings indicate that the endogenous EPO-EpoR system controls mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. The reductions in mitochondrial content were associated with reduced exercise capacity in response to voluntary exercise, supporting a critical role for the extra-haematopoietic EpoR in exercise performance. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00424-021-02577-4

    The circadian clock regulates rhythmic erythropoietin expression in the murine kidney

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    Generation of circadian rhythms is cell-autonomous and relies on a transcription/translation feedback loop controlled by a family of circadian clock transcription factor activators including CLOCK, BMAL1 and repressors such as CRY1 and CRY2. The aim of the present study was to examine both the molecular mechanism and the hemopoietic implication of circadian erythropoietin expression. Mutant mice with homozygous deletion of the core circadian clock genes cryptochromes 1 and 2 (Cry-null) were used to elucidate circadian erythropoietin regulation. Wild-type control mice exhibited a significant difference in kidney erythropoietin mRNA expression between circadian times 06 and 18. In parallel, a significantly higher number of erythropoietin-producing cells in the kidney (by RNAscope®) and significantly higher levels of circulating erythropoietin protein (by ELISA) were detected at circadian time 18. Such changes were abolished in Cry-null mice and were independent from oxygen tension, oxygen saturation, or expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 2 alpha, indicating that circadian erythropoietin expression is transcriptionally regulated by CRY1 and CRY2. Reporter gene assays showed that the CLOCK/BMAL1 heterodimer activated an E-box element in the 5' erythropoietin promoter. RNAscope® in situ hybridization confirmed the presence of Bmal1 in erythropoietin-producing cells of the kidney. In Cry-null mice, a significantly reduced number of reticulocytes was found while erythrocyte numbers and hematocrit were unchanged. Thus, circadian erythropoietin regulation in the normoxic adult murine kidney is transcriptionally controlled by master circadian activators CLOCK/BMAL1, and repressors CRY1/CRY2. These findings may have implications for kidney physiology and disease, laboratory diagnostics, and anemia therapy

    Erythropoietin Does Not Enhance Skeletal Muscle Protein Synthesis Following Exercise in Young and Older Adults

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    PURPOSE: Erythropoietin (EPO) is a renal cytokine that is primarily involved in hematopoiesis while also playing a role in non-hematopoietic tissues expressing the EPO-receptor (EPOR). The EPOR is present in human skeletal muscle. In mouse skeletal muscle, EPO stimulation can activate the AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 (AKT) signaling pathway, the main positive regulator of muscle protein synthesis. We hypothesized that a single intravenous EPO injection combined with acute resistance exercise would have a synergistic effect on skeletal muscle protein synthesis via activation of the AKT pathway. METHODS: Ten young (24.2 &plusmn; 0.9 years) and 10 older (66.6 &plusmn; 1.1 years) healthy subjects received a primed, constant infusion of [ring-13C(6)] L-phenylalanine and a single injection of 10,000 IU epoetin-beta or placebo in a double-blind randomized, cross-over design. 2 h after the injection, the subjects completed an acute bout of leg extension resistance exercise to stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis. RESULTS: Significant interaction effects in the phosphorylation levels of the members of the AKT signaling pathway indicated a differential activation of protein synthesis signaling in older subjects when compared to young subjects. However, EPO offered no synergistic effect on vastus lateralis mixed muscle protein synthesis rate in young or older subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its ability to activate the AKT pathway in skeletal muscle, an acute EPO injection had no additive or synergistic effect on the exercise-induced activation of muscle protein synthesis or muscle protein synthesis signaling pathways

    Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects in Epo doping-control

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    Abstract A software system Gel Analysis System for Epo (GASepo) has been developed within an international WADA project. As recent WADA criteria of rEpo positivity are based on identification of each relevant object (band) in Epo images, development of suitable methods of image segmentation and object classification were needed for the GASepo system. In the paper we address two particular problems: segmentation of disrupted bands and classification of the segmented objects into three or two classes. A novel band projection operator is based on convenient object merging measures and their discrimination analysis using specifically generated training set of segmented objects. A weighted ranks classification method is proposed, which is new in the field of image classification. It is based on ranks of the values of a specific criterial function. The weighted ranks classifiers proposed in our paper have been evaluated on real samples of segmented objects of Epo images and compared t

    Recombinant Erythropoietin Extraction By Immunoaffinity Column And The Detection Of Isoforms Using Capillary Electrophoresis

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) is an endogenous glycoprotein hormone. It is synthesized in and secreted mostly by the kidneys. In the market, there are a number of pharmaceuticals of recombinant EPO (rEPO) for clinical use. With the advent of novel technologies in the pharmaceutical and therapeutic areas, recombinant EPO have been introduced into the market. Although recombinant EPO has been broadly used to treat various forms of anaemia, it has also become a very well known drug due to its misuse in endurance sports. Sport authorities have prohibited the use of rEPO since 1989. This work has used a number of techniques to purify natural EPO and the recombinant form from the urine. Two Immunoaffinity column techniques (IAC) were used to purify EPO i.e. HiTrap Affinity Columns and MAIIA EPO Purification Kit. Both columns were successfully able to trap EPO molecules. EPO recovery from the HiTrap columns was negligible < 1%, whereas the recovery of MAIIA affinity column was satisfactory. The work has also developed a novel characterization tool using Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) that can be used in pharmaceutical Quality Control (QC) and has been investigated for its ability to detect drug misuse in sport. Conventional CE tools generally use a label that attaches to the EPO for identification