509 research outputs found

    Automated Verification of Quantitative Properties of Cardiac Pacemaker Software

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    This poster paper reports on a model-based framework for software quality assurance for cardiac pacemakers developed in Simulink and described in [Chen/Diciolla/Kwiatkowska/Mereacre - Information&Computation, 2013]. A novel hybrid heart model is proposed that is suitable for quantitative verification of pacemakers. The heart model is formulated at the level of cardiac cells, can be adapted to patient data, and incorporates stochasticity. We validate the model by demonstrating that its composition with a pacemaker model can be used to check safety properties by means of approximate probabilistic verification

    Closed-loop Verification of Medical Devices With Model Abstraction and Refinement

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    The design and implementation of software for medical devices is challenging due to the closed-loop interaction with the patient, which is a stochastic physical environment. The safety-critical nature and the lack of existing industry standards for verification, make this an ideal domain for exploring applications of formal modeling and closed-loop analysis. The biggest challenge is that the environment model(s) have to be both complex enough to express the physiological requirements, and general enough to cover all possible inputs to the device. In this effort, we use a dual chamber implantable pacemaker as a case study to demonstrate verification of software specifications of medical devices as timed-automata models in UPPAAL. The pacemaker model is based on the specifications and algorithm descriptions from Boston Scientific. The heart is modeled using timed automata based on the physiology of heart. The model is gradually abstracted with timed simulation to preserve properties. A manual Counter-Example-Guided Abstraction and Refinement (CEGAR) framework has been adapted to refine the heart model when spurious counter-examples are found. To demonstrate the closed-loop nature of the problem and heart model refinement, we investigated two clinical cases of Pacemaker Mediated Tachycardia and verified their corresponding correction algorithms in the pacemaker. Along with our tools for code generation from UPPAAL models, this effort enables model-driven design and certification of software for medical devices

    High-Level Analysis of the Impact of Soft-Faults in Cyberphysical Systems

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    As digital systems grow in complexity and are used in a broader variety of safety-critical applications, there is an ever-increasing demand for assessing the dependability and safety of such systems, especially when subjected to hazardous environments. As a result, it is important to identify and correct any functional abnormalities and component faults as early as possible in order to minimize performance degradation and to avoid potential perilous situations. Existing techniques often lack the capacity to perform a comprehensive and exhaustive analysis on complex redundant architectures, leading to less than optimal risk evaluation. Hence, an early analysis of dependability of such safety-critical applications enables designers to develop systems that meets high dependability requirements. Existing techniques in the field often lack the capacity to perform full system analyses due to state-explosion limitations (such as transistor and gate-level analyses), or due to the time and monetary costs attached to them (such as simulation, emulation, and physical testing). In this work we develop a system-level methodology to model and analyze the effects of Single Event Upsets (SEUs) in cyberphysical system designs. The proposed methodology investigates the impacts of SEUs in the entire system model (fault tree level), including SEU propagation paths, logical masking of errors, vulnerability to specific events, and critical nodes. The methodology also provides insights on a system's weaknesses, such as the impact of each component to the system's vulnerability, as well as hidden sources of failure, such as latent faults. Moreover, the proposed methodology is able to identify and categorize the system's components in order of criticality, and to evaluate different approaches to the mitigation of such criticality (in the form of different configurations of TMR) in order to obtain the most efficient mitigation solution available. The proposed methodology is also able to model and analyze system components individually (system component level), in order to more accurately estimate the component's vulnerability to SEUs. In this case, a more refined analysis of the component is conducted, which enables us to identify the source of the component's criticality. Thereafter, a second mitigation mechanic (internal to the component) takes place, in order to evaluate the gains and costs of applying different configurations of TMR to the component internally. Finally, our approach will draw a comparison between the results obtained at both levels of analysis in order to evaluate the most efficient way of improving the targeted system design

    Quantitative Regular Expressions for Arrhythmia Detection Algorithms

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    Motivated by the problem of verifying the correctness of arrhythmia-detection algorithms, we present a formalization of these algorithms in the language of Quantitative Regular Expressions. QREs are a flexible formal language for specifying complex numerical queries over data streams, with provable runtime and memory consumption guarantees. The medical-device algorithms of interest include peak detection (where a peak in a cardiac signal indicates a heartbeat) and various discriminators, each of which uses a feature of the cardiac signal to distinguish fatal from non-fatal arrhythmias. Expressing these algorithms' desired output in current temporal logics, and implementing them via monitor synthesis, is cumbersome, error-prone, computationally expensive, and sometimes infeasible. In contrast, we show that a range of peak detectors (in both the time and wavelet domains) and various discriminators at the heart of today's arrhythmia-detection devices are easily expressible in QREs. The fact that one formalism (QREs) is used to describe the desired end-to-end operation of an arrhythmia detector opens the way to formal analysis and rigorous testing of these detectors' correctness and performance. Such analysis could alleviate the regulatory burden on device developers when modifying their algorithms. The performance of the peak-detection QREs is demonstrated by running them on real patient data, on which they yield results on par with those provided by a cardiologist.Comment: CMSB 2017: 15th Conference on Computational Methods for Systems Biolog

    Real-time Decision Policies with Predictable Performance

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    As methods and tools for Cyber-Physical Systems grow in capabilities and use, one-size-fits-all solutions start to show their limitations. In particular, tools and languages for programming an algorithm or modeling a CPS that are specific to the application domain are typically more usable, and yield better performance, than general-purpose languages and tools. In the domain of cardiac arrhythmia monitoring, a small, implantable medical device continuously monitors the patient\u27s cardiac rhythm and delivers electrical therapy when needed. The algorithms executed by these devices are streaming algorithms, so they are best programmed in a streaming language that allows the programmer to reason about the incoming data stream as the basic object, rather than force her to think about lower-level details like state maintenance and minimization. Because these devices are resource-constrained, it is useful if the programming language allowed predictable performance in terms of processing runtime and energy consumption, or more general costs. StreamQRE is a declarative streaming programming language, with an efficient and portable implementation and strong theoretical guarantees. In particular, its evaluation algorithm guarantees constant cost (runtime, memory, energy) per data item, and also calculates upper bounds on the per-item cost. Such an estimate of the cost allows early exploration of the algorithmic possibilities, while maintaining a handle on worst-case performance, on the basis of which hardware can be designed and algorithms can be tuned

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Screening for Cardiac Sarcoidosis in Patients With Atrioventricular Block Requiring Temporary Pacing

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    Background Some myocardial diseases, such as cardiac sarcoidosis, predispose to complete atrioventricular block. The European Society of Cardiology Guidelines on cardiac pacing in 2021 recommend myocardial disease screening in patients with conduction disorder requiring pacemaker with multimodality imaging, including cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging. The ability of CMR imaging to detect myocardial disease in patients with a temporary pacing wire is not well documented. Methods and Results Our myocardial disease screening protocol is based on using an active fixation pacing lead connected to a reusable extracorporeal pacing generator (temporary permanent pacemaker) as a bridge to a permanent pacemaker. From 2011 to 2019, we identified 17 patients from our CMR database who underwent CMR imaging with a temporary permanent pacemaker for atrioventricular block. We analyzed their clinical presentations, CMR data, and pacemaker therapy. All CMRs were performed without adverse events. Pacing leads induced minor artifacts to the septal myocardial segments. The extent of late gadolinium enhancement in CMR imaging was used to screen patients for the presence of myocardial disease. Patients with evidence of late gadolinium enhancement underwent endomyocardial biopsy. If considered clinically indicated, also 18-F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and extracardiac tissue biopsy were performed if sarcoidosis was suspected. Eventually, 8 of 17 patients (47.1%) were diagnosed with histologically confirmed granulomatous inflammatory cardiac disease. Importantly, only 1 had a previously diagnosed extracardiac sarcoidosis at the time of presentation with high-degree atrioventricular block. Conclusions CMR imaging with temporary permanent pacemaker protocol is an effective and safe early screening tool for myocardial disease in patients presenting with atrioventricular block requiring immediate, continuous pacing for bradycardia.Peer reviewe

    From Verified Models to Verified Code for Safe Medical Devices

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    Medical devices play an essential role in the care of patients around the world, and can have a life-saving effect. An emerging category of autonomous medical devices like implantable pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) diagnose conditions of the patient and autonomously deliver therapies. Without trained professionals in the loop, the software component of autonomous medical devices is responsible for making critical therapeutic decisions, which pose a new set of challenges to guarantee patient safety. As regulation effort to guarantee patient safety, device manufacturers are required to submit evidence for the safety and efficacy of the medical devices before they can be released to the market. Due to the closed-loop interaction between the device and the patient, the safety and efficacy of autonomous medical devices must ultimately be evaluated within their physiological context. Currently the primary closed-loop validation of medical devices is in form of clinical trials, in which the devices are evaluated on real patients. Clinical trials are expensive and expose the patients to risks associated with untested devices. Clinical trials are also conducted after device development, therefore issues found during clinical trials are expensive to fix. There is urgent need for closed-loop validation of autonomous medical devices before the devices are used in clinical trials. In this thesis, I used implantable cardiac devices to demonstrate the applications of model-based approaches during and after device development to provide confidence towards the safety and efficacy of the devices. A heart model structure is developed to mimic the electrical behaviors of the heart in various heart conditions. The heart models created with the model structure are capable of interacting with implantable cardiac devices in closed-loop and can provide physiological interpretations for a large variety of heart conditions. With the heart models, I demonstrated that closed-loop model checking is capable of identifying known and unknown safety violations within the pacemaker design. More importantly, I developed a framework to choose the most appropriate heart models to cover physiological conditions that the pacemaker may encounter, and provide physiological context to counter-examples returned by the model checker. A model translation tool UPP2SF is then developed to translate the pacemaker design in UPPAAL to Stateflow, and automatically generated to C code. The automated and rigorous translation ensures that the properties verified during model checking still hold in the implementation, which justifies the model checking effort. Finally, the devices are evaluated with a virtual patient cohort consists of a large number of heart models before evaluated in clinical trials. These in-silico pre-clinical trials provide useful insights which can be used to increase the success rate of a clinical trial. The work in this dissertation demonstrated the importance and challenges to represent physiological behaviors during closed-loop validation of autonomous medical devices, and demonstrated the capability of model-based approaches to provide safety and efficacy evidence during and after device development
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