2,391 research outputs found

    A model-based approach to System of Systems risk management

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    The failure of many System of Systems (SoS) enterprises can be attributed to the inappropriate application of traditional Systems Engineering (SE) processes within the SoS domain, because of the mistaken belief that a SoS can be regarded as a single large, or complex, system. SoS Engineering (SoSE) is a sub-discipline of SE; Risk Management and Modelling and Simulation (M&S) are key areas within SoSE, both of which also lie within the traditional SE domain. Risk Management of SoS requires a different approach to that currently taken for individual systems; if risk is managed for each component system then it cannot be assumed that the aggregated affect will be to mitigate risk at the SoS level. A literature review was undertaken examining three themes: (1) SoS Engineering (SoSE), (2) M&S and (3) Risk. Theme 1 of the literature provided insight into the activities comprising SoSE and its difference from traditional SE with risk management identified as a key activity. The second theme discussed the application of M&S to SoS, providing an output, which supported the identification of appropriate techniques and concluding that, the inherent complexity of a SoS required the use of M&S in order to support SoSE activities. Current risk management approaches were reviewed in theme 3 as well as the management of SoS risk. Although some specific examples of the management of SoS risk were found, no mature, general approach was identified, indicating a gap in current knowledge. However, it was noted most of these examples were underpinned by M&S approaches. It was therefore concluded a general approach SoS risk management utilising M&S methods would be of benefit. In order to fill the gap identified in current knowledge, this research proposed a new model based approach to Risk Management where risk identification was supported by a framework, which combined SoS system of interest dimensions with holistic risk types, where the resulting risks and contributing factors are captured in a causal network. Analysis of the causal network using a model technique selection tool, developed as part of this research, allowed the causal network to be simplified through the replacement of groups of elements within the network by appropriate supporting models. The Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) was identified as a suitable method to represent SoS risk. Supporting models run in Monte Carlo Simulations allowed data to be generated from which the risk BBNs could learn, thereby providing a more quantitative approach to SoS risk management. A method was developed which provided context to the BBN risk output through comparison with worst and best-case risk probabilities. The model based approach to Risk Management was applied to two very different case studies: Close Air Support mission planning and the Wheat Supply Chain, UK National Food Security risks, demonstrating its effectiveness and adaptability. The research established that the SoS SoI is essential for effective SoS risk identification and analysis of risk transfer, effective SoS modelling requires a range of techniques where suitability is determined by the problem context, the responsibility for SoS Risk Management is related to the overall SoS classification and the model based approach to SoS risk management was effective for both application case studies

    Resilience-Building Technologies: State of Knowledge -- ReSIST NoE Deliverable D12

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    This document is the first product of work package WP2, "Resilience-building and -scaling technologies", in the programme of jointly executed research (JER) of the ReSIST Network of Excellenc

    Community-based risk management arrangements : an overview and implications for social fund programs

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    Risk and its consequences pose a formidable threat to poverty reduction efforts. This study reviews a plethora of community-based risk management arrangements across the developing world. These types of arrangements are garnering greater interest in light of the growing recognition of the relative prominence of household or individual-specific idiosyncratic risk as well as the increasing shift towards community-based development funding. The study discusses potential advantages (such as targeting, cost, and informational) and disadvantages (such as exclusion and inability to manage correlated risk) of these arrangements, and their implications for the design of innovative social fund programs.Rural Poverty Reduction,Labor Policies,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Currencies and Exchange Rates,Debt Markets

    Evaluating Resilience of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems

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    Nowadays, protecting the network is not the only security concern. Still, in cyber security, websites and servers are becoming more popular as targets due to the ease with which they can be accessed when compared to communication networks. Another threat in cyber physical social systems with human interactions is that they can be attacked and manipulated not only by technical hacking through networks, but also by manipulating people and stealing users’ credentials. Therefore, systems should be evaluated beyond cy- ber security, which means measuring their resilience as a piece of evidence that a system works properly under cyber-attacks or incidents. In that way, cyber resilience is increas- ingly discussed and described as the capacity of a system to maintain state awareness for detecting cyber-attacks. All the tasks for making a system resilient should proactively maintain a safe level of operational normalcy through rapid system reconfiguration to detect attacks that would impact system performance. In this work, we broadly studied a new paradigm of cyber physical social systems and defined a uniform definition of it. To overcome the complexity of evaluating cyber resilience, especially in these inhomo- geneous systems, we proposed a framework including applying Attack Tree refinements and Hierarchical Timed Coloured Petri Nets to model intruder and defender behaviors and evaluate the impact of each action on the behavior and performance of the system.Hoje em dia, proteger a rede não é a única preocupação de segurança. Ainda assim, na segurança cibernética, sites e servidores estão se tornando mais populares como alvos devido à facilidade com que podem ser acessados quando comparados às redes de comu- nicação. Outra ameaça em sistemas sociais ciberfisicos com interações humanas é que eles podem ser atacados e manipulados não apenas por hackers técnicos através de redes, mas também pela manipulação de pessoas e roubo de credenciais de utilizadores. Portanto, os sistemas devem ser avaliados para além da segurança cibernética, o que significa medir sua resiliência como uma evidência de que um sistema funciona adequadamente sob ataques ou incidentes cibernéticos. Dessa forma, a resiliência cibernética é cada vez mais discutida e descrita como a capacidade de um sistema manter a consciência do estado para detectar ataques cibernéticos. Todas as tarefas para tornar um sistema resiliente devem manter proativamente um nível seguro de normalidade operacional por meio da reconfi- guração rápida do sistema para detectar ataques que afetariam o desempenho do sistema. Neste trabalho, um novo paradigma de sistemas sociais ciberfisicos é amplamente estu- dado e uma definição uniforme é proposta. Para superar a complexidade de avaliar a resiliência cibernética, especialmente nesses sistemas não homogéneos, é proposta uma estrutura que inclui a aplicação de refinamentos de Árvores de Ataque e Redes de Petri Coloridas Temporizadas Hierárquicas para modelar comportamentos de invasores e de- fensores e avaliar o impacto de cada ação no comportamento e desempenho do sistema

    Revised reference model

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    This document contains an update of the HIDENETS Reference Model, whose preliminary version was introduced in D1.1. The Reference Model contains the overall approach to development and assessment of end-to-end resilience solutions. As such, it presents a framework, which due to its abstraction level is not only restricted to the HIDENETS car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure applications and use-cases. Starting from a condensed summary of the used dependability terminology, the network architecture containing the ad hoc and infrastructure domain and the definition of the main networking elements together with the software architecture of the mobile nodes is presented. The concept of architectural hybridization and its inclusion in HIDENETS-like dependability solutions is described subsequently. A set of communication and middleware level services following the architecture hybridization concept and motivated by the dependability and resilience challenges raised by HIDENETS-like scenarios is then described. Besides architecture solutions, the reference model addresses the assessment of dependability solutions in HIDENETS-like scenarios using quantitative evaluations, realized by a combination of top-down and bottom-up modelling, as well as verification via test scenarios. In order to allow for fault prevention in the software development phase of HIDENETS-like applications, generic UML-based modelling approaches with focus on dependability related aspects are described. The HIDENETS reference model provides the framework in which the detailed solution in the HIDENETS project are being developed, while at the same time facilitating the same task for non-vehicular scenarios and application

    Interim research assessment 2003-2005 - Computer Science

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    This report primarily serves as a source of information for the 2007 Interim Research Assessment Committee for Computer Science at the three technical universities in the Netherlands. The report also provides information for others interested in our research activities

    Conceptual Models for Assessment & Assurance of Dependability, Security and Privacy in the Eternal CONNECTed World

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    This is the first deliverable of WP5, which covers Conceptual Models for Assessment & Assurance of Dependability, Security and Privacy in the Eternal CONNECTed World. As described in the project DOW, in this document we cover the following topics: • Metrics definition • Identification of limitations of current V&V approaches and exploration of extensions/refinements/ new developments • Identification of security, privacy and trust models WP5 focus is on dependability concerning the peculiar aspects of the project, i.e., the threats deriving from on-the-fly synthesis of CONNECTors. We explore appropriate means for assessing/guaranteeing that the CONNECTed System yields acceptable levels for non-functional properties, such as reliability (e.g., the CONNECTor will ensure continued communication without interruption), security and privacy (e.g., the transactions do not disclose confidential data), trust (e.g., Networked Systems are put in communication only with parties they trust). After defining a conceptual framework for metrics definition, we present the approaches to dependability in CONNECT, which cover: i) Model-based V&V, ii) Security enforcement and iii) Trust management. The approaches are centered around monitoring, to allow for on-line analysis. Monitoring is performed alongside the functionalities of the CONNECTed System and is used to detect conditions that are deemed relevant by its clients (i.e., the other CONNECT Enablers). A unified lifecycle encompassing dependability analysis, security enforcement and trust management is outlined, spanning over discovery time, synthesis time and execution time

    Engineering framework for service-oriented automation systems

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Finalised dependability framework and evaluation results

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    The ambitious aim of CONNECT is to achieve universal interoperability between heterogeneous Networked Systems by means of on-the-fly synthesis of the CONNECTors through which they communicate. The goal of WP5 within CONNECT is to ensure that the non-functional properties required at each side of the connection going to be established are fulfilled, including dependability, performance, security and trust, or, in one overarching term, CONNECTability. To model such properties, we have introduced the CPMM meta-model which establishes the relevant concepts and their relations, and also includes a Complex Event language to express the behaviour associated with the specified properties. Along the four years of project duration, we have developed approaches for assuring CONNECTability both at synthesis time and at run-time. Within CONNECT architecture, these approaches are supported via the following enablers: the Dependability and Performance analysis Enabler, which is implemented in a modular architecture supporting stochastic verification and state-based analysis. Dependability and performance analysis also relies on approaches for incremental verification to adjust CONNECTor parameters at run-time; the Security Enabler, which implements a Security-by-Contract-with-Trust framework to guarantee the expected security policies and enforce them accordingly to the level of trust; the Trust Manager that implements a model-based approach to mediate between different trust models and ensure interoperable trust management. The enablers have been integrated within the CONNECT architecture, and in particular can interact with the CONNECT event-based monitoring enabler (GLIMPSE Enabler released within WP4) for run-time analysis and verification. To support a Model-driven approach in the interaction with the monitor, we have developed a CPMM editor and a translator from CPMM to the GLIMPSE native language (Drools). In this document that is the final deliverable from WP5 we first present the latest advances in the fourth year concerning CPMM, Dependability&Performance Analysis, Incremental Verification and Security. Then, we make an overall summary of main achievements for the whole project lifecycle. In appendix we also include some relevant articles specifically focussing on CONNECTability that have been prepared in the last period