901 research outputs found

    Multimodal Neuroergonomic Approaches to Human Behavior and Cognitive Workload in Complex High-Risk Semantically Rich Environments: A Case Study of Local & En-Route Air Traffic Controllers

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    Fast-paced technology advancements have enabled us to create ecologically valid simulations of high risk, complex, and semantically rich environments in which human interaction and decision-making are the keys to increase system performance. These advances have improved our capabilities of exploring, quantifying, and measuring the underlying mechanisms that guide human behavior using sophisticated neuroergonomic devices; and in turn, improve human performance and reduce human errors. In this thesis, multimodal approaches consisted of a self-report analysis, eye-tracking analysis, and functional near-infrared spectroscopy analysis were used to investigate how veteran local & en-route air traffic controllers carry out their operational tasks. Furthermore, the correlations among the cognitive workload and physiological measures (i.e. eye movement characteristics and brain activities) were investigated. Combining the results of these experiments, we can observe that the multimodal approaches show promise on exploring the underlying mechanisms of workload and human interaction in a complex, high-risk, and semantically rich environment. This is because cognitive workload can be considered as a multidimensional construct and different devices or approaches might be more effective in sensing changes in either the task difficulty or complexity. The results can be used to find ways to better train the novices

    Design and Performance of Scalable High-Performance Programmable Routers - Doctoral Dissertation, August 2002

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    The flexibility to adapt to new services and protocols without changes in the underlying hardware is and will increasingly be a key requirement for advanced networks. Introducing a processing component into the data path of routers and implementing packet processing in software provides this ability. In such a programmable router, a powerful processing infrastructure is necessary to achieve to level of performance that is comparable to custom silicon-based routers and to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. This work aims at the general design of such programmable routers and, specifically, at the design and performance analysis of the processing subsystem. The necessity of programmable routers is motivated, and a router design is proposed. Based on the design, a general performance model is developed and quantitatively evaluated using a new network processor benchmark. Operational challenges, like scheduling of packets to processing engines, are addressed, and novel algorithms are presented. The results of this work give qualitative and quantitative insights into this new domain that combines issues from networking, computer architecture, and system design

    Workload generation for microprocessor performance evaluation

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    Simulating and analyzing commercial workloads and computer systems

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    Energy-Efficient Software

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    The energy consumption of ICT is growing at an unprecedented pace. The main drivers for this growth are the widespread diffusion of mobile devices and the proliferation of datacenters, the most power-hungry IT facilities. In addition, it is predicted that the demand for ICT technologies and services will increase in the coming years. Finding solutions to decrease ICT energy footprint is and will be a top priority for researchers and professionals in the field. As a matter of fact, hardware technology has substantially improved throughout the years: modern ICT devices are definitely more energy efficient than their predecessors, in terms of performance per watt. However, as recent studies show, these improvements are not effectively reducing the growth rate of ICT energy consumption. This suggests that these devices are not used in an energy-efficient way. Hence, we have to look at software. Modern software applications are not designed and implemented with energy efficiency in mind. As hardware became more and more powerful (and cheaper), software developers were not concerned anymore with optimizing resource usage. Rather, they focused on providing additional features, adding layers of abstraction and complexity to their products. This ultimately resulted in bloated, slow software applications that waste hardware resources -- and consequently, energy. In this dissertation, the relationship between software behavior and hardware energy consumption is explored in detail. For this purpose, the abstraction levels of software are traversed upwards, from source code to architectural components. Empirical research methods and evidence-based software engineering approaches serve as a basis. First of all, this dissertation shows the relevance of software over energy consumption. Secondly, it gives examples of best practices and tactics that can be adopted to improve software energy efficiency, or design energy-efficient software from scratch. Finally, this knowledge is synthesized in a conceptual framework that gives the reader an overview of possible strategies for software energy efficiency, along with examples and suggestions for future research

    OpenPerf: A Benchmarking Framework for the Sustainable Development of the Open-Source Ecosystem

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    Benchmarking involves designing scientific test methods, tools, and frameworks to quantitatively and comparably assess specific performance indicators of certain test subjects. With the development of artificial intelligence, AI benchmarking datasets such as ImageNet and DataPerf have gradually become consensus standards in both academic and industrial fields. However, constructing a benchmarking framework remains a significant challenge in the open-source domain due to the diverse range of data types, the wide array of research issues, and the intricate nature of collaboration networks. This paper introduces OpenPerf, a benchmarking framework designed for the sustainable development of the open-source ecosystem. This framework defines 9 task benchmarking tasks in the open-source research, encompassing 3 data types: time series, text, and graphics, and addresses 6 research problems including regression, classification, recommendation, ranking, network building, and anomaly detection. Based on the above tasks, we implemented 3 data science task benchmarks, 2 index-based benchmarks, and 1 standard benchmark. Notably, the index-based benchmarks have been adopted by the China Electronics Standardization Institute as evaluation criteria for open-source community governance. Additionally, we have developed a comprehensive toolkit for OpenPerf, which not only offers robust data management, tool integration, and user interface capabilities but also adopts a Benchmarking-as-a-Service (BaaS) model to serve academic institutions, industries, and foundations. Through its application in renowned companies and institutions such as Alibaba, Ant Group, and East China Normal University, we have validated OpenPerf's pivotal role in the healthy evolution of the open-source ecosystem

    Network Traffic Measurements, Applications to Internet Services and Security

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    The Internet has become along the years a pervasive network interconnecting billions of users and is now playing the role of collector for a multitude of tasks, ranging from professional activities to personal interactions. From a technical standpoint, novel architectures, e.g., cloud-based services and content delivery networks, innovative devices, e.g., smartphones and connected wearables, and security threats, e.g., DDoS attacks, are posing new challenges in understanding network dynamics. In such complex scenario, network measurements play a central role to guide traffic management, improve network design, and evaluate application requirements. In addition, increasing importance is devoted to the quality of experience provided to final users, which requires thorough investigations on both the transport network and the design of Internet services. In this thesis, we stress the importance of users’ centrality by focusing on the traffic they exchange with the network. To do so, we design methodologies complementing passive and active measurements, as well as post-processing techniques belonging to the machine learning and statistics domains. Traffic exchanged by Internet users can be classified in three macro-groups: (i) Outbound, produced by users’ devices and pushed to the network; (ii) unsolicited, part of malicious attacks threatening users’ security; and (iii) inbound, directed to users’ devices and retrieved from remote servers. For each of the above categories, we address specific research topics consisting in the benchmarking of personal cloud storage services, the automatic identification of Internet threats, and the assessment of quality of experience in the Web domain, respectively. Results comprise several contributions in the scope of each research topic. In short, they shed light on (i) the interplay among design choices of cloud storage services, which severely impact the performance provided to end users; (ii) the feasibility of designing a general purpose classifier to detect malicious attacks, without chasing threat specificities; and (iii) the relevance of appropriate means to evaluate the perceived quality of Web pages delivery, strengthening the need of users’ feedbacks for a factual assessment

    Accelerometer validity to measure and classify movement in team sports

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     In team sports accelerometers are used to monitor the physical demands of athletic performance. Daniel\u27s research showed that accelerometer accuracy can be improved through filtering. He also showed that the accelerometer can be used to automatically classify the type of movement performed. Further improving the understanding of team sports

    Parallelism and the software-hardware interface in embedded systems

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    This thesis by publications addresses issues in the architecture and microarchitecture of next generation, high performance streaming Systems-on-Chip through quantifying the most important forms of parallelism in current and emerging embedded system workloads. The work consists of three major research tracks, relating to data level parallelism, thread level parallelism and the software-hardware interface which together reflect the research interests of the author as they have been formed in the last nine years. Published works confirm that parallelism at the data level is widely accepted as the most important performance leverage for the efficient execution of embedded media and telecom applications and has been exploited via a number of approaches the most efficient being vectorlSIMD architectures. A further, complementary and substantial form of parallelism exists at the thread level but this has not been researched to the same extent in the context of embedded workloads. For the efficient execution of such applications, exploitation of both forms of parallelism is of paramount importance. This calls for a new architectural approach in the software-hardware interface as its rigidity, manifested in all desktop-based and the majority of embedded CPU's, directly affects the performance ofvectorized, threaded codes. The author advocates a holistic, mature approach where parallelism is extracted via automatic means while at the same time, the traditionally rigid hardware-software interface is optimized to match the temporal and spatial behaviour of the embedded workload. This ultimate goal calls for the precise study of these forms of parallelism for a number of applications executing on theoretical models such as instruction set simulators and parallel RAM machines as well as the development of highly parametric microarchitectural frameworks to encapSUlate that functionality.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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