4,736 research outputs found

    Towards 'smart lasers': self-optimisation of an ultrafast pulse source using a genetic algorithm

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    Short-pulse fibre lasers are a complex dynamical system possessing a broad space of operating states that can be accessed through control of cavity parameters. Determination of target regimes is a multi-parameter global optimisation problem. Here, we report the implementation of a genetic algorithm to intelligently locate optimum parameters for stable single-pulse mode-locking in a Figure-8 fibre laser, and fully automate the system turn-on procedure. Stable ultrashort pulses are repeatably achieved by employing a compound fitness function that monitors both temporal and spectral output properties of the laser. Our method of encoding photonics expertise into an algorithm and applying machine-learning principles paves the way to self-optimising `smart' optical technologies

    Implementation of Delayed-Feedback Controllers on Continuous Systems and Analysis of their Response under Primary Resonance Excitations

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    During the last three decades, a considerable amount of research has been directed toward understanding the influence of time delays on the stability and stabilization of dynamical systems. From a control perspective, these delays can either have a compounding and destabilizing effect, or can actually improve controllers\u27 performance. In the latter case, additional time delay is carefully and deliberately introduced into the feedback loop so as to augment inherent system delays and produce larger damping for smaller control efforts. While delayed-feedback algorithms have been successfully implemented on discrete dynamical systems with limited degrees of freedom, a critical issue appears in their implementation on systems consisting of a large number of degrees of freedom or on infinite-dimensional structures. The reason being that the presence of delay in the control loop renders the characteristic polynomial of the transcendental type which produces infinite number of eigenvalues for every discrete controller\u27s gain and time delay. As a result, choosing a gain-delay combination that stabilizes the lower vibration modes can easily destabilize the higher modes. To address this problem, this dissertation introduces the concept of filter-augmented delayed-feedback control algorithms and applies it to mitigate vibrations of various structural systems both theoretically and experimentally. In specific, it explores the prospect of augmenting proper filters in the feedback loop to enhance the robustness of delayed-feedback controllers allowing them to simultaneously mitigate the response of different vibration modes using a single sensor and a single gain-delay actuator combination. The dissertation goes into delineating the influence of filter\u27s dynamics (order and cut-off frequency) on the stability maps and damping contours clearly demonstrating the possibility of effectively reducing multi-modal oscillations of infinite-dimensional structures when proper filters are augmented in the feedback loop. Additionally, this research illustrates that filters may actually enhance the robustness of the controller to parameter\u27s uncertainties at the expense of reducing the controller\u27s effective damping. To assess the performance of the proposed control algorithm, the dissertation presents three experimental case studies; two of which are on structures whose dynamics can be discretized into a system of linearly-uncoupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs); and the third on a structure whose dynamics can only be reduced into a set of linearly-coupled ODEs. The first case study utilizes a filter-augmented delayed-position feedback algorithm for flexural vibration mitigation and external disturbances rejection on a macro-cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam. The second deals with implementing a filter-augmented delayed-velocity feedback algorithm for vibration mitigation and external disturbances rejection on a micro-cantilever sensor. The third implements a filter-augmented delayed-position feedback algorithm to suppress the coupled flexural-torsional oscillations of a cantilever beam with an asymmetric tip rigid body; a problem commonly seen in the vibrations of large wind turbine blades. This research also fills an important gap in the open literature presented in the lack of studies addressing the response of delay systems to external resonant excitations; a critical issue toward implementing delayed-feedback controllers to reduce oscillations resulting from persistent harmonic excitations. To that end, this dissertation presents a modified multiple scaling approach to investigate primary resonances of a weakly-nonlinear second-order delay system with cubic nonlinearities. In contrast to previous studies where the implementation is confined to the assumption of linear feedback with small control gains; this effort proposes an approach which alleviates that assumption and permits treating a problem with arbitrarily large gains. The modified procedure lumps the delay state into unknown linear damping and stiffness terms that are function of the gain and delay. These unknown functions are determined by enforcing the linear part of the steady-state solution acquired via the Method of Multiple Scales to match that obtained directly by solving the forced linear problem. Through several examples, this research examines the validity of the modified procedure by comparing its results to solutions obtained via a Harmonic Balance approach demonstrating the ability of the proposed methodology to predict the amplitude, softening-hardening characteristics, and stability of the resulting steady-state responses

    Performance of a linear robust control strategy on a nonlinear model of spatially developing flows

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    International audienceThis paper investigates the control of self-excited oscillations in spatially developing flow systems such as jets and wakes using H 8 control theory on a complex Ginzburg-Landau (CGL) model. The coefficients used in this one-dimensional equation, which serves as a simple model of the evolution of hydrodynamic instability waves, are those selected by Roussopoulos & Monkewitz (Physica D 1996, vol. 97, p. 264) to model the behaviour of the near-wake of a circular cylinder. Based on noisy measurements at a point sensor typically located inside the cylinder wake, the compensator uses a linear H 8 filter based on the CGL model to construct a state estimate. This estimate is then used to compute linear H 8 control feedback at a point actuator location, which is typically located upstream of the sensor. The goal of the control scheme is to stabilize the system by minimizing a weighted average of the 'system response' and the 'control effort' while rigorously bounding the response of the controlled linear system to external disturbances. The application of such modern control and estimation rules stabilizes the linear CGL system at Reynolds numbers far above the critical Reynolds number Rec ˜ 47 at which linear global instability appears in the uncontrolled system. In so doing, many unstable modes of the uncontrolled CGL system are linearly stabilized by the single actuator/sensor pair and the model-based feedback control strategy. Further, the linear performance of the closed-loop system, in terms of the relevant transfer function norms quantifying the linear response of the controlled system to external disturbances, is substantially improved beyond that possible with the simple proportional measurement feedback proposed in previous studies. Above Re ˜ 84, the control designs significantly outperform the corresponding control designs in terms of their ability to stabilize the CGL system in the presence of worst-case disturbances. The extension of these control and estimation rules to the nonlinear CGL system on its attractor (a simple limit cycle) stabilizes the full nonlinear system back to the stationary state at Reynolds numbers up to Re ˜ 97 using a single actuator/sensor pair, fixed-gain linear feedback and an extended Kalman filter incorporating the system nolinearity. © 2004 Cambridge University Press

    A Comparative Study on the L-1 Optimal Event-Based Method for Biped Walking on Rough Terrains

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    This paper is concerned with a comparative study of biped walking on rough terrains. Given a bipedal robot capable of walking on a flat ground with periodic behavior, whose motion can be described by a limit cycle with the Poincare map, we consider whether the robot remains stable on rough terrain, in which geometrical uncertainties of the terrain are assumed to be persistent and bounded. More precisely, the l(infinity)-induced norm is defined on the Poincare map and taken as a performance measure evaluating a robot walking with the bounded persistent uncertainties. To minimize the performance measure and achieve an optimal walking performance, we further provide a systematic controller design scheme consisting of a inner-loop continuous-time controller and a outer-loop event-based controller, in which the latter is described as a sort of the l(1) optimal controller. Finally, the validity as well as the effectiveness of our proposed methods in biped walking on a rough terrain are demonstrated through simulation studies.11Yscopu

    Active stabilization to prevent surge in centrifugal compression systems

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    This report documents an experimental and analytical study of the active stabilization of surge in a centrifugal engine. The aims of the research were to extend the operating range of a compressor as far as possible and to establish the theoretical framework for the active stabilization of surge from both an aerodynamic stability and a control theoretic perspective. In particular, much attention was paid to understanding the physical limitations of active stabilization and how they are influenced by control system design parameters. Previously developed linear models of actively stabilized compressors were extended to include such nonlinear phenomena as bounded actuation, bandwidth limits, and robustness criteria. This model was then used to systematically quantify the influence of sensor-actuator selection on system performance. Five different actuation schemes were considered along with four different sensors. Sensor-actuator choice was shown to have a profound effect on the performance of the stabilized compressor. The optimum choice was not unique, but rather shown to be a strong function of some of the non-dimensional parameters which characterize the compression system dynamics. Specifically, the utility of the concepts were shown to depend on the system compliance to inertia ratio ('B' parameter) and the local slope of the compressor speedline. In general, the most effective arrangements are ones in which the actuator is most closely coupled to the compressor, such as a close-coupled bleed valve inlet jet, rather than elsewhere in the flow train, such as a fuel flow modulator. The analytical model was used to explore the influence of control system bandwidth on control effectiveness. The relevant reference frequency was shown to be the compression system's Helmholtz frequency rather than the surge frequency. The analysis shows that control bandwidths of three to ten times the Helmholtz frequency are required for larger increases in the compressor flow range. This has important implications for implementation in gas turbine engines since the Helmholtz frequencies can be over 100 Hz, making actuator design extremely challenging

    MIT Space Engineering Research Center

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    The Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at MIT, started in Jul. 1988, has completed two years of research. The Center is approaching the operational phase of its first testbed, is midway through the construction of a second testbed, and is in the design phase of a third. We presently have seven participating faculty, four participating staff members, ten graduate students, and numerous undergraduates. This report reviews the testbed programs, individual graduate research, other SERC activities not funded by the Center, interaction with non-MIT organizations, and SERC milestones. Published papers made possible by SERC funding are included at the end of the report

    First generation of optical fiber phase reference distribution system for TESLA

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    This report describes the design of a phase stable Fiber Optic (FO) link for the TESLA technology based projects. The concept of this long optical link, with a feedback system suppressing long term drifts of the RF signal phase is described. Stability requirements are given and most important design issues affecting the system performance are discussed. The technical design issues of system components like laser transmitter and optical phase shifter are described in detail. Last sections depict the software developed for system control and experimental results obtained after system was assembled