111 research outputs found

    Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, held in Hamburg, Germany, in May 2022. The 36 regular papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 129 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: haptic science; haptic technology; and haptic applications

    Biomechanical Texture Coding and Transmission of Texture Information in Rat Whiskers

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    Classically, texture discrimination has been thought to be based on ‘global’ codes, i.e. frequency (signal analysis based on Fourier analysis) or intensity (signal analysis based on averaging), which both rely on integration of the vibrotactile signal across time and/or space. Recently, a novel ‘local’ coding scheme based on the waveform of frictional movements, discrete short- lasting kinematic events (i.e. stick-slip movements called slips) has been formulated. In the first part of my study I performed biomechanical measurements of relative movements of a rat vibrissa across sandpapers of different roughness. My major finding is that the classic global codes convey some information about texture identity but are consistently outperformed by the slip-based local code. Moreover, the slip code also surpasses the global ones in coding for active scanning parameters. This is remarkable as it suggests that the slip code would explicitly allow the whisking rat to optimize perception by selecting goal-specific scanning strategies. I therefore provide evidence that short stick-slip events may contribute to the perceptual mechanism by which rodent vibrissa code surface roughness. In the second part, I studied the biomechanics of how such events are transmitted from tip to follicle where mechano-transduction occurs. For this purpose, ultra-fast videography recording of the entire beam of a plucked rat whisker rubbing across sandpaper was employed. I found that slip events are conveyed almost instantly from tip to follicle while amplifying moments by a factor of about 1000. From these results, I argue that the mechanics of the whisker serve as a passive ampliïŹcation device that faithfully represents stick-slip events to the neuronal receptors. Using measures of correlation, I moreover found that amongst the kinematic 8 variables, acceleration portrays dynamic variables (forces) best. The time series of acceleration at the base of the whisker provided a fair proxy to the time series of forces (dynamical variables) acting on the whisker base. Acceleration measurements (easily done via videography) may therefore provide an access to at least the relative amplitude of forces. This may be important for future work in behaving animals, where dynamical variables are notoriously difficult to measure

    HapticHead - Augmenting Reality via Tactile Cues

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    Information overload is increasingly becoming a challenge in today's world. Humans have only a limited amount of attention to allocate between sensory channels and tend to miss or misjudge critical sensory information when multiple activities are going on at the same time. For example, people may miss the sound of an approaching car when walking across the street while looking at their smartphones. Some sensory channels may also be impaired due to congenital or acquired conditions. Among sensory channels, touch is often experienced as obtrusive, especially when it occurs unexpectedly. Since tactile actuators can simulate touch, targeted tactile stimuli can provide users of virtual reality and augmented reality environments with important information for navigation, guidance, alerts, and notifications. In this dissertation, a tactile user interface around the head is presented to relieve or replace a potentially impaired visual channel, called \emph{HapticHead}. It is a high-resolution, omnidirectional, vibrotactile display that presents general, 3D directional, and distance information through dynamic tactile patterns. The head is well suited for tactile feedback because it is sensitive to mechanical stimuli and provides a large spherical surface area that enables the display of precise 3D information and allows the user to intuitively rotate the head in the direction of a stimulus based on natural mapping. Basic research on tactile perception on the head and studies on various use cases of head-based tactile feedback are presented in this thesis. Several investigations and user studies have been conducted on (a) the funneling illusion and localization accuracy of tactile stimuli around the head, (b) the ability of people to discriminate between different tactile patterns on the head, (c) approaches to designing tactile patterns for complex arrays of actuators, (d) increasing the immersion and presence level of virtual reality applications, and (e) assisting people with visual impairments in guidance and micro-navigation. In summary, tactile feedback around the head was found to be highly valuable as an additional information channel in various application scenarios. Most notable is the navigation of visually impaired individuals through a micro-navigation obstacle course, which is an order of magnitude more accurate than the previous state-of-the-art, which used a tactile belt as a feedback modality. The HapticHead tactile user interface's ability to safely navigate people with visual impairments around obstacles and on stairs with a mean deviation from the optimal path of less than 6~cm may ultimately improve the quality of life for many people with visual impairments.Die InformationsĂŒberlastung wird in der heutigen Welt zunehmend zu einer Herausforderung. Der Mensch hat nur eine begrenzte Menge an Aufmerksamkeit, die er zwischen den SinneskanĂ€len aufteilen kann, und neigt dazu, kritische Sinnesinformationen zu verpassen oder falsch einzuschĂ€tzen, wenn mehrere AktivitĂ€ten gleichzeitig ablaufen. Zum Beispiel können Menschen das GerĂ€usch eines herannahenden Autos ĂŒberhören, wenn sie ĂŒber die Straße gehen und dabei auf ihr Smartphone schauen. Einige SinneskanĂ€le können auch aufgrund von angeborenen oder erworbenen Erkrankungen beeintrĂ€chtigt sein. Unter den SinneskanĂ€len wird BerĂŒhrung oft als aufdringlich empfunden, besonders wenn sie unerwartet auftritt. Da taktile Aktoren BerĂŒhrungen simulieren können, können gezielte taktile Reize den Benutzern von Virtual- und Augmented Reality Anwendungen wichtige Informationen fĂŒr die Navigation, FĂŒhrung, Warnungen und Benachrichtigungen liefern. In dieser Dissertation wird eine taktile BenutzeroberflĂ€che um den Kopf herum prĂ€sentiert, um einen möglicherweise beeintrĂ€chtigten visuellen Kanal zu entlasten oder zu ersetzen, genannt \emph{HapticHead}. Es handelt sich um ein hochauflösendes, omnidirektionales, vibrotaktiles Display, das allgemeine, 3D-Richtungs- und Entfernungsinformationen durch dynamische taktile Muster darstellt. Der Kopf eignet sich gut fĂŒr taktiles Feedback, da er empfindlich auf mechanische Reize reagiert und eine große sphĂ€rische OberflĂ€che bietet, die die Darstellung prĂ€ziser 3D-Informationen ermöglicht und es dem Benutzer erlaubt, den Kopf aufgrund der natĂŒrlichen Zuordnung intuitiv in die Richtung eines Reizes zu drehen. Grundlagenforschung zur taktilen Wahrnehmung am Kopf und Studien zu verschiedenen AnwendungsfĂ€llen von kopfbasiertem taktilem Feedback werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt. Mehrere Untersuchungen und Nutzerstudien wurden durchgefĂŒhrt zu (a) der Funneling Illusion und der Lokalisierungsgenauigkeit von taktilen Reizen am Kopf, (b) der FĂ€higkeit von Menschen, zwischen verschiedenen taktilen Mustern am Kopf zu unterscheiden, (c) AnsĂ€tzen zur Gestaltung taktiler Muster fĂŒr komplexe Arrays von Aktoren, (d) der Erhöhung des Immersions- und PrĂ€senzgrades von Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen und (e) der UnterstĂŒtzung von Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen bei der FĂŒhrung und Mikronavigation. Zusammenfassend wurde festgestellt, dass taktiles Feedback um den Kopf herum als zusĂ€tzlicher Informationskanal in verschiedenen Anwendungsszenarien sehr wertvoll ist. Am interessantesten ist die Navigation von sehbehinderten Personen durch einen Mikronavigations-Hindernisparcours, welche um eine GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung prĂ€ziser ist als der bisherige Stand der Technik, der einen taktilen GĂŒrtel als Feedback-ModalitĂ€t verwendete. Die FĂ€higkeit der taktilen Benutzerschnittstelle HapticHead, Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen mit einer mittleren Abweichung vom optimalen Pfad von weniger als 6~cm sicher um Hindernisse und auf Treppen zu navigieren, kann letztendlich die LebensqualitĂ€t vieler Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen verbessern

    A Pilot Study To Investigate The Effects Of Imperceptible Wrist Vibration On The Corticospinal Motor Excitability Of Healthy Adults

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    The study investigated changes in corticomotor excitability of healthy adults with imperceptible white-noise vibration applied to the wrist. Previous studies have shown that the application of unperceivable white-noise vibration to the wrist induced improvements in sensory and motor function of the hand, not only in stroke survivors but also in healthy adults (Seo et al., 2014; Hur et al., 2014; Enders et al., 2013; Lakshminarayanan et al., 2015). Despite the potential that this vibration protocol me be adopted for therapy and in daily living activities to result in clinical benefits of stroke survivors and others with sensorimotor issues, knowledge about the way this vibration affects the neurophysiology, specifically the sensorimotor excitability, is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the neurophysiological effects of the imperceptible white-noise vibration on corticospinal motor excitability of the hand. Motor excitability was assessed using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and by measuring the cortical silent period, intracortical inhibition and facilitation, and slope of the recruitment curve of the primary motor cortex for a hand muscle. These measures were compared between the vibration on and off conditions which were tested in a random order. Twelve healthy adults were tested. The results showed that the vibration resulted in marginally less intracortical inhibition when compared to the off condition (p 0.29). Taken together with previous studies, imperceptible white-noise vibration may improve hand function by enhancing sensation and not directly the motor excitability of the hand, although more Subjects need to be tested for intracortical inhibition. This study contributes to elucidating neural mechanisms of the vibration-based sensory stimulation approach

    Musical Haptics

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    Haptic Musical Instruments; Haptic Psychophysics; Interface Design and Evaluation; User Experience; Musical Performanc

    Head-mounted Sensory Augmentation System for Navigation in Low Visibility Environments

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    Sensory augmentation can be used to assist in some tasks where sensory information is limited or sparse. This thesis focuses on the design and investigation of a head-mounted vibrotactile sensory augmentation interface to assist navigation in low visibility environments such as firefighters’ navigation or travel aids for visually impaired people. A novel head-mounted vibrotactile interface comprising a 1-by-7 vibrotactile display worn on the forehead is developed. A series of psychophysical studies is carried out with this display to (1) determine the vibrotactile absolute threshold, (2) investigate the accuracy of vibrotactile localization, and (3) evaluate the funneling illusion and apparent motion as sensory phenomena that could be used to communicate navigation signals. The results of these studies provide guidelines for the design of head-mounted interfaces. A 2nd generation head-mounted sensory augmentation interface called the Mark-II Tactile Helmet is developed for the application of firefighters’ navigation. It consists of a ring of ultrasound sensors mounted to the outside of a helmet, a microcontroller, two batteries and a refined vibrotactile display composed of seven vibration motors based on the results of the aforementioned psychophysical studies. A ‘tactile language’, that is, a set of distinguishable vibrotactile patterns, is developed for communicating navigation commands to the Mark-II Tactile Helmet. Four possible combinations of two command presentation modes (continuous, discrete) and two command types (recurring, single) are evaluated for their effectiveness in guiding users along a virtual wall in a structured environment. Continuous and discrete presentation modes use spatiotemporal patterns that induce the experience of apparent movement and discrete movement on the forehead, respectively. The recurring command type presents the tactile command repeatedly with an interval between patterns of 500 ms while the single command type presents the tactile command just once when there is a change in the command. The effectiveness of this tactile language is evaluated according to the objective measures of the users’ walking speed and the smoothness of their trajectory parallel to the virtual wall and subjective measures of utility and comfort employing Likert-type rating scales. The Recurring Continuous (RC) commands that exploit the phenomena of apparent motion are most effective in generating efficient routes and fast travel, and are most preferred. Finally, the optimal tactile language (RC) is compared with audio guidance using verbal instructions to investigate effectiveness in delivering navigation commands. The results show that haptic guidance leads to better performance as well as lower cognitive workload compared to auditory feedback. This research demonstrates that a head-mounted sensory augmentation interface can enhance spatial awareness in low visibility environments and could help firefighters’ navigation by providing them with supplementary sensory information

    Electronic systems for the restoration of the sense of touch in upper limb prosthetics

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    In the last few years, research on active prosthetics for upper limbs focused on improving the human functionalities and the control. New methods have been proposed for measuring the user muscle activity and translating it into the prosthesis control commands. Developing the feed-forward interface so that the prosthesis better follows the intention of the user is an important step towards improving the quality of life of people with limb amputation. However, prosthesis users can neither feel if something or someone is touching them over the prosthesis and nor perceive the temperature or roughness of objects. Prosthesis users are helped by looking at an object, but they cannot detect anything otherwise. Their sight gives them most information. Therefore, to foster the prosthesis embodiment and utility, it is necessary to have a prosthetic system that not only responds to the control signals provided by the user, but also transmits back to the user the information about the current state of the prosthesis. This thesis presents an electronic skin system to close the loop in prostheses towards the restoration of the sense of touch in prosthesis users. The proposed electronic skin system inlcudes an advanced distributed sensing (electronic skin), a system for (i) signal conditioning, (ii) data acquisition, and (iii) data processing, and a stimulation system. The idea is to integrate all these components into a myoelectric prosthesis. Embedding the electronic system and the sensing materials is a critical issue on the way of development of new prostheses. In particular, processing the data, originated from the electronic skin, into low- or high-level information is the key issue to be addressed by the embedded electronic system. Recently, it has been proved that the Machine Learning is a promising approach in processing tactile sensors information. Many studies have been shown the Machine Learning eectiveness in the classication of input touch modalities.More specically, this thesis is focused on the stimulation system, allowing the communication of a mechanical interaction from the electronic skin to prosthesis users, and the dedicated implementation of algorithms for processing tactile data originating from the electronic skin. On system level, the thesis provides design of the experimental setup, experimental protocol, and of algorithms to process tactile data. On architectural level, the thesis proposes a design ow for the implementation of digital circuits for both FPGA and integrated circuits, and techniques for the power management of embedded systems for Machine Learning algorithms

    Musical Haptics

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    Haptic Musical Instruments; Haptic Psychophysics; Interface Design and Evaluation; User Experience; Musical Performanc
