32 research outputs found

    QoS multi meshed tree routing in tethered MANET

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    The QoS Multi Meshed Tree Routing is a routing protocol designed to provide Quality of Service (QoS) in Tethered Mobile Ad hoc Networks (tMANET) in terms of bandwidth. This project is a part of the research project titled Framework for Seamless Roaming, Handoff, and QOS Mapping in Next Generation Networks conducted at the Laboratory for Wireless Networking and Security, headed by faculty member Dr. Nirmala Shenoy. OPNET (Optimum Performance Network), a well-known network simulation tool, is used to implement the design and conduct performance studies of QoS MMT. QoS MANET protocol implements features such as route discovery, link failure identification, bandwidth calculation, resource reservation, and resource release. Various simulations were run to collect statistics of the following performance parameters: Node-Joining Time, End-End delays, Throughput, Route failure notification, and Route availability which were analyzed

    Analysis of QoS Parameter in AODV a DSR in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Providing QoS in the context of Ad Hoc networks includes a very wide field of application from the perspective of every level of the architecture in the network. Saying It in another way, It is possible to speak about QoS when a network is capable of guaranteeing a trustworthy communication in both extremes, between any couple of the network nodes by means of an efficient Management and administration of the resources that allows a suitable differentiation of services in agreement with the characteristics and demands of every single application.The principal objective of this article is the analysis of the quality parameters of service that protocols of routering reagents such as AODV and DSR give in the Ad Hoc mobile Networks; all of this is supported by the simulator ns-2. Here were going to analyze the behavior of some other parameters like effective channel, loss of packages and latency in the protocols of routering. Were going to show you which protocol presents better characteristics of Quality of Service (QoS) in the MANET networks


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    Quality of service (QoS)is a great concept in mobile Adhoc network (MANETs). It is of a great importance that we are veryconscious of how packet is routed to maximize efficiency and minimize delay. In this paper, an efficient algorithm fortransmitting packet for better quality of service in adhoc mobile network was proposed. Fuzzy Self Organizing Map (FSOM)provide very efficient algorithmic tools for transmitting packet in an efficient manner by taking the most efficient route andalso the bandwidth, latency and range are considered to determine how good is the data delivered. The results shown thatfuzzy logic can guarantee QoS of every packets inthe network.Key words: Keywords – QoS, Adhoc network, Packet and Fuzzy logic

    BRuIT : Bandwidth Reservation under Interferences Influence

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    This paper deals with the bandwidth reservation problem in ad hoc networks and with the influence that interferences between signals have on this problem. We show that interferences could decrease the applications rates. This can be a real problem for applications that need guarantees. We propose a distributed protocol (called BRuIT) for bandwidth reservation in ad hoc networks that takes into account the existence of interferences from far transmissions. The protocol is analyzed through simulations carried out under NS: we evaluate the signaling overhead required for maintaining the knowledge of existing interferences ; we show that this knowledge reduces delays in case of congestion ; we measure the time for rebuilding broken routes ; and finally we show that this protocol maintains the rate of accepted applications.Cet article traite du problĂšme de rĂ©servation de bande passante dans les rĂ©seaux ad-hoc et de l’inïŹ‚uence des interfĂ©rences hertziennes sur ce problĂšme. Nous montrons que le phĂ©nomĂšne d’interfĂ©rences peut ĂȘtre Ă  l’origine de pertes de bande passante qui peuvent ĂȘtre problĂ©matique pour les applications nĂ©cessitant des garanties. nous proposons un protocole distribuĂ© de rĂ©servation de bande passante pour rĂ©seaux ad-hoc appelĂ© BRuIT. Ce protocole prend en compte l’existence d’interfĂ©rences entre transmissions lointaines. Les performances de BRuIT sont analysĂ©es au moyen de simulations sous NS

    Mathematic Models for Quality of Service Purposes in Ad Hoc Networks

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    QoS in FANET Business and Swarm Data

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    This article shows the quality of services in a wireless swarm of drones that form an ad hoc network between them Fly Ad Hoc Networks (FANET). Each drone has the ability to send and receive information (like a router); and can behave as a hierarchical node whit the intregration of three protocols: Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS), Fast Hierarchical AD Hoc Mobile (FHAM) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), in conclusion MPLS + FHAM + IPv6. The metrics analyzed in the FANET are: Delay, jitter, throughput, lost and sent packets/received. Testing process was carried out with swarms composed of 10, 20, 30 and 40 units; In this work, the stage with 40 droneswas analyzed showing registration processes, and sentmessages sequences between different drones that were part of the same swarm. A special analysis about the traffic between drones (end-to-end) was carried out, as well as the possible security flaws in each drone and the current status and future trends in real services. Regarding future trends, in a real environment, we took as a starting point,metrics results obtained in the simulation (positive according to the obtained results). These results gave us a clear vision of how the network will behave in a real environment with the aim to carry out the experiment on a physical level in the near future. This work also shows the experience quality from the service quality metrics obtained through a mathematical model. This quality of experience model will allow us to use it objectively in the agricultural sector, which is a great interest area and is where we are working with drones. Finally in this article we show our advances for a business model applied to the aforementioned agricultural sector, as well as the data analysis and services available to the end customer. These services available to the end customer have been classified into a basic, medium, advanced and plus level

    Knowledge-driven Interactions With Services Across Ad Hoc Networks

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    Service oriented computing, with its aim of unhindered in-teroperability, is an appropriate paradigm for ad hoc net-works, which are characterized by physical mobility of het-erogenous hosts and by the absence of standardized application level protocols. The decoupled nature of computing in ad hoc networks can result in disconnections at inoppor-tune times during the client-service interaction process. We introduce the notion of a priori selection of services to reduce the likelihood of disconnection during service usage. A client may specify the times when it requires certain ser-vices. A knowledge base of the physical motion proïŹles of various service providers is used to select instances of a ser-vice that are co-located with the client at the required time and least likely to disconnect. A system for constructing the knowledge base is presented in this paper, along with the implementation details and the algorithm used to deter-mine the service usage pattern

    Improvements in AODV towards Smart Grid Routing - Test Bed Development & Prioritized Routing for Emergency Scenarios

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    The Smart Grid project is a global effort towards a reliable and robust power grid. With estimated funding in the billions in just the next few years, this project will be an on-going multi-disciplinary feature of engineering. Designated as one of the subsections of the Smart Grid effort is power line monitoring or transmission line monitoring. For a reliable power grid power lines, transformers, and other field equipment must be monitored. Wireless mesh networks have already began to deploy in different sectors and is a viable strategy for power line monitoring. They can be easily deployed with sensors and can create data paths to monitoring stations on their own. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) is a routing protocol that has received much attention over the years and has been chosen as a basis for alteration for moving towards a more intelligent smart grid routing protocol. Wireless mesh networking protocols have generally been simulated in nearly all the research, live testing is tedious and requires hardware and test schedules. These problems are solved with the developed Java Ad-Hoc Network Test Bed which will allow even novice users to complete rudimentary network tests on live systems. Emergencies in the field such as transmission line faults and/or transformers misbehaving need to get information to hydro companies as quick as possible. A quality of Service prioritized emergency route solves the problems of network congestion during an emergency. When a sensor detects that a power line has gone down, it will request a specialized higher speed route to the control end, therefore resulting in a lower latency and assurance of quick emergency data delivery