24 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Quality Management in Pervasive Computing Environments

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    This paper provides an extension of MDA called Context-aware Quality Model Driven Architecture (CQ-MDA) which can be used for quality control in pervasive computing environments. The proposed CQ-MDA approach based on ContextualArchRQMM (Contextual ARCHitecture Quality Requirement MetaModel), being an extension to the MDA, allows for considering quality and resources-awareness while conducting the design process. The contributions of this paper are a meta-model for architecture quality control of context-aware applications and a model driven approach to separate architecture concerns from context and quality concerns and to configure reconfigurable software architectures of distributed systems. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we use a videoconference system.Comment: 10 pages, 10 Figures, Oral Presentation in ECSA 201

    Model Design and Implementation of the “TomasDanance.com Application” for NGOs (Central Bandung and Bandung District of NGOs Studies Centre)

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    NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) play a very significant social role, especially as regards work that reflects culture and society. However, it is still rare to find NGOs, run by the creative young generations, which use information technology to produce accountable and transparent financial information or in presenting such information to stakeholders. NGOs in Indonesia, face obstacles concerning administration and financial management, rooted in problems of limited oversight and limitation regarding human resources, facilities, infrastructure and capital. There is strong need to develop and implement web-based NGOs Financial & Accounting Information Systems to improve the competency of human resources, especially within young NGOs. The research method applied in this paper is object-oriented, based on field, institutional and literature approaches. The results obtained are used to make a blue print output and applications that relate to Usecase TomasDanance.com, as well as E-Commerce, Investments, Financial Management, Product Creative Industries and NGO registration

    Proposal and Validation of Usability Model for Component Based Software System

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    Increasing demand of rapid and cost effective development of software system has increased the demand of Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE). In CBSE, software system is developed by using existing components. These components can be in-house components or third party components. To develop a Component Based Software System (CBSS), it is important to select the suitable component in such a manner that the components of the software system do not affect each other. To increase the acceptance of the CBSS among the users and the market value of the software industries, it is important to increase the usability of the CBSS. Several usability models have been proposed for traditional and object-oriented software system (OOSS), but there is no usability model for CBSS. Existing traditional and object-oriented models can’t be perfectly suitable for CBSS because of the unique characteristics of the components. This paper presents a usability model (UMCBSS) for CBSS. The proposed usability model is based on most significant usability factors. These factors are analysed from CBSS quality models. With the help of proposed model, usability is evaluated by using two different techniques i.e., centroid method and bisector method in MATLAB. Experimental results are also validated by using Center of Gravity (COG) and Mean-Max method. With the help of the proposed model, developers of the CBSS will be able to measure the usability of CBSS and to remove the usability flaws from the software system

    Identification & Analysis of Parameters for Program Quality Improvement: A Reengineering Perspective

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    The nature of software development is very dynamic and more complex by the perspective of reengineering or further program maintenances so the developed programs must be flexible, reusable and more scalable and which will be possible by the optimum quality parameters satisfaction. Having these issues in concern the software development houses trying to find out some established, usable methods to improve the quality of programs, the work presented in this paper is to identify, describe and analyze various parameters for quality which can affect the productivity and reusability of the software program and its future maintenance in form of reengineering. The work presented also analyzes the literature, previous research with different aspects and issues, and discussed its affects on present quality of the program because it is necessary to consider the potential impact on other requirements when designing a program to meet quality parameters requirements. Quality parameters are the overall factors that affect run-time behavior, system design, and user experience because many of these parameters are major concern to the program design and architecture, and also applied to establish  program functionality, reusability, performance, reliability, and security which indicates the success of the design and the overall quality of the program and its application, integration. Keywords: AOSD, DoD, FURPS,LOC,Parameters

    The Influence of User Competences, Software, and Database To The Quality of Accounting Information System

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    The purpose of this study is an attempt to explain, tested empirically, user competence, software, and databases on the quality of accounting information (relevance, accuracy, and verifiability) to develop a theoretical framework as the basis for the hypothesis as an answer to the research question, namely, the extent to which : (1) the influence of user competence (2) the influence of the software, and (3) the effect of the database (4) the effect of the quality of accounting information. The results of this study have a positive effect but not significant at 0.1113 or 11.13%. Keywords: user competence, software, datadase, the quality of accounting information Shitti

    Perancangan Model Aplikasi “Tomas Danance.com†Untuk LSM (Pusat Studi LSM Kota dan Kabupaten Bandung)

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    LSM atau yang lebih akrab dikenal dengan lembaga swadaya masyarakat memiliki peran yang sangat berarti di masyarakat terutama berkaitan dengan kiprahnya yang mencerminkan budaya dari suatu masyarakat tersebut. Namun untuk kondisi saat ini masih jarang ditemui LSM muda yang kreatif yang telah memanfaatkan teknologi informasi di dalam menghasilkan informasi keuangan yang  akuntabel serta transparansi di dalam penyajiannya.      Metode  penelitian yang peneliti lakukan adalah berorientasi objek dengan metode teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan lapangan, instansional dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh adalah dengan membuatkan keluaran berupa blue print dan aplikasi yang berkaitan dengan: Usecase TomasDanance.co, E-Comerce pada LSM, Investasi pada LSM, Manajemen Keuangan pada LSM, Produk Industri Kreatif LSM, LSM Melakukan Registras

    Pengaruh kompetensi user, keandalan software dan keandalan database terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh kompetensi user, keandalan software, dan keandalan database terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial pada perusahaan BUMN yang menerapkan sistem informasi akuntansi berpusat di kota Bandung.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dan untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan analisis MRA (Moderating Regression Analysis). Survey dilakukan pada 9 perusahaan BUMN yang berpusat di Bandung.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kompetensi user, keandalan software dan keandalan database secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi. Begitu juga kompetensi user, keandalan software dan keandalan database secara parsial berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi

    Audit Kualitas Software ERP Axapta Menggunakan Standard ISO 9126

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    Abstrak: Model kualitas perencanaan sumber daya perusahaan (ERPAXAPTA) sistem ini digunakan dengan mengadaptasi standar ISO9126. Model ini digunakan untuk memverifikasi bahwa apakah implementasi ERP AXAPTA sistem akan berhasil atau gagal di perusahaan. Tujuh karakteristik kualitas disarankan untukmenjadi persyaratan minimum untuk menciptakan model kualitas sistem ERP, termasuk fungsi, keandalan, kegunaan, efisiensi, pemeliharaan, portabilitas dan black box testing sistem ERP. Kualitas karakteristik tidak dapat diukur secara langsung. Jadi dalam penelitian ini, mereka dibagi menjadi dua puluh tujuh subcharacteristicsKata kunci: knowledge, perangkat lunak kualitas model, kualitas karakteristik dan ERPAXAPTA model kualitas, ISO 9126Abstract: The quality model of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems by adapting the ISO9126 standard. This model is used to verify that whether the implementation of ERP systems will succeed or fail in higher educational institutions. Seven quality characteristics are suggested to be minimum requirements for creating the quality model of ERP systems, including functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, portability and black box testing of ERP systems. The quality characteristics could not be measured directly. Thus in this study, they are divided into twenty seven subcharacteristics.Keywords: knowledge, software quality models, quality characteristics and Axapta ERP model of quality, ISO 912