336,784 research outputs found

    The social construction of a nonabuser image: A study of a post-treatment male abuser self-help group

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    This paper chronicles the experiences of the members of a post-treatment mutual support group for wife abusers (MS group). A review of the accumulated research on male abuser interventions suggests that this field is dominated by positivist program evaluative efforts. There is a paucity of qualitative research initiatives into the experiences of this population. The paper attempts to contribute to the very small but growing body of qualitative research on male abusers through the description of a grounded theory-naturalistic inquiry investigation into the individual and organizational strategies used by the members to construct an image of themselves as non-abusers. The author spent six years in the field as a participant observer at MS group meetings. The analysis of the data led to the development of a model of the social construction of a non-abuser image. The process of seeking and receiving male abuser group treatment has resulted in post-treatment mutual support group (MS group) members\u27 self-identification as a stigmatized\u27 population. The central role of the MS group is to assist its members, individually and collectively, to construct a new, non-abuser image. This is accomplished through the use of two central overlapping processes, deimaging and reimaging. Deimaging strategies are those which enable both individuals and the group to deal with the deleterious impacts of having been labelled a wife abuser; for example: implicating claims; victimization claims; and, determinism claims. Reimaging strategies are those which allow members to publicly display language, attitudes, ideation and behaviours which they perceive as incongruous with an abuser image; for example: professionalizing; ritualizing; recounting changes; and, show casing adaptive behaviour. The stigmatized image as a male abuser is never completely shed, however, and members report that reconstructing their non-abuser image is a life long process which will require their continuous effort and constant vigilance. This model is diagrammatically portrayed and illustrated using examples of group members\u27 discourse. The grounded theory is discussed within the context of three broad areas of literature: 1) the research on male abuser groups; 2) the literature on the linguistic strategies used by deviants to draw their behaviour into alignment with dominant culture; and, 3) the writings on the identify transforming strategies used by organizations of negatively labelled populations Finally, the potential of the model to meet the criterion for a formal grounded theory which could be used to describe the process of image transformation among other stigmatized populations is explored

    Consumer belonging behaviour: Qualitative testing of a theoretical framework and proposal of an alternative model

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    Much research has been conducted on how consumption is related to human relations, for example, consumer communities organized around specific brands, or the way people use products to define their own identity and transmit a desired image. However, only a scarcity of research has examined the consumption behaviour when the fundamental intention is to leverage group belonging. The literature comprises a single theoretical framework that describes this behaviour, a nascent proposition that has not been tested. This study examines the transferability of that theoretical framework in a different context than the one used for its proposal and its extent on the phenomenon of consuming to leverage belonging. A qualitative deductive case study and a pattern matching analysis technique were employed, followed by a structural coding analysis of interview data. The findings revealed the model is transferable, however its conceptual extent on the phenomenon it addresses faces limitations. These findings allow the proposal of an alternative framework, the Belonging-Oriented Consumption Model. This model provides a theoretical basis for future research on consumer belonging behaviour.Comment: 19 pages, 3 tables, 1 figur

    Demand methods of price management: An empirical research

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    One factor which companies often take as a reference point for their pricing decisions is demand. This, however, is often done only partially, with priority being given to quantitative factors rather than qualitative factors. In this context, the aim of this study was to supply companies with a tool to facilitate and enhance price management in areas related to demand. In order to achieve this objective, the following procedure was implemented. Firstly, an extensive review of existing literature was carried out. This has made it possible to identify a set of factors which can influence consumer behaviour with respect to prices, and which should therefore be taken into account when making pricing decisions. The factors identified were then grouped into several categories (variables related to price, variables related to the product, variables related to the characteristics and the behaviour of the consumer, and variables related to the context of the purchase), in order to offer an overall, linked view. An empirical study was then carried out, interviewing price managers in a selection of companies from Andalusia (Spain). The objective was to gather data on their methods of price management, and to evaluate the practical usefulness of the sets of factors identified. The results of the study have made it possible to draw some interesting conclusions on price management. One of these is the importance which companies attach to pricing decisions. These decisions were taken in all cases by higher management teams. However, on analysing the factors which intervene in pricing decisions, it has been observed that their number is limited. In general, cost is still the major factor, while demandrelated aspects, in particular qualitative aspects, play a secondary role. On investigating the reasons for the priority given to quantitative rather than qualitative data, interviewees basically gave two answers. On the one hand, quantitative information (costs and sales) is easier to obtain, use and interpret than qualitative information (motivation, perception and attitude). On the other hand, most companies, and in particular the smaller ones, have no budget available for qualitative market studies. There may be a third reason for this behaviour, which was not explicitly mentioned at first by interviewees. This is the lack of knowledge regarding qualitative demand factors: their nature, their meaning, their usefulness and the way in which they can be incorporated into pricing decisions. This study is a first step towards solving this deficiency, since it proposes a chart which contains numerous restrictions in an integrated, organised fashion. Logically, it would be impractical to take them all into account simultaneously. This is where the work of each company begins, using market studies to establish priorities between the different factors

    Marketing images and consumers' experiences in selling environments

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    In a well-functioning market, consumers exert choices not just in purchases of products but also in selections of locations to enjoy shopping. Scholarly research has demonstrated that retail atmospheres impact on shoppers’ pleasurable shopping experiences. Demonstrating the marketing concept in action, shoppers consistently respond to this empowerment by for example, spending more time shopping and spending more money in retail facilities that are perceived to offer a pleasanter atmosphere and experience. This research pivots round an in-depth qualitative study that evaluated the impact of a plasma screens and specific informational content on shopping centre user behaviour. A phenomenological study of the effects of the medium, and the way in which these systems influence behaviour, permitted a far deeper investigation of our sample group vis-àvis increased browsing time and the propensity to spend. A series of eight focus discussions were conducted with local user groups of varying age and gender. Key themes drawn from the group discussions using axial coding indicated that the influence created by the images varied with subjects and settings. The general consensus was that such ‘screens’ created a certain ambience that influenced the way our subjects felt about the selling environment under study. Moreover, for our sample groups, there was clearly a link between the screened images and modern expectations of a selling environment. The plasma screens provided added enjoyment to shoppers’ experiences, providing them with more information enabling more informed shopping choices. The research concludes with implications for strategic marketing, theory and practice

    Young people's views regarding participation in mental health and wellbeing research through social media

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    Social media is a central component in the lives of many young people, and provides innovative potential to conduct research among this population. Ethical issues around online research have been subject to much debate, yet young people have seldom been consulted to provide a youth perspective and voice. Eight (8) focus groups involving 48 Grade 9 Western Australian secondary school students aged 13-14 years were held in 2012, to investigate how young people perceive the feasibility and acceptability of social media when used as a research tool to investigate various issues relevant to their mental health and wellbeing. Whilst young people recognise many benefits of researchers using social media in this way, such as its relevance, innovation and accessibility, there were salient issues of privacy, consent, and practicality that require careful negotiation. There is a need for continued exploration and scientific debate of the moral and ethical implications of using social media for research, to help ensure this is employed in an appropriate and effective way that is respectful of and sensitive to the needs and views of young peoplepeer-reviewe

    The Social context of motorcycle riding and the key determinants influencing rider behavior: A qualitative investigation

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    Objective: Given the increasing popularity of motorcycle riding and heightened risk of injury or death associated with being a rider, this study explored rider behaviour as a determinant of rider safety and, in particular, key beliefs and motivations which influence such behaviour. To enhance the effectiveness of future education and training interventions, it is important to understand riders’ own views about what influences how they ride. Specifically, this study sought to identify key determinants of riders’ behaviour in relation to the social context of riding including social and identity-related influences relating to the group (group norms and group identity) as well as the self (moral/personal norm and self-identity). ----- ----- Method: Qualitative research was undertaken via group discussions with motorcycle riders (n = 41). Results: The findings revealed that those in the group with which one rides represent an important source of social influence. Also, the motorcyclist (group) identity was associated with a range of beliefs, expectations, and behaviours considered to be normative. Exploration of the construct of personal norm revealed that riders were most cognizant of the “wrong things to do” when riding; among those issues raised was the importance of protective clothing (albeit for the protection of others and, in particular, pillion passengers). Finally, self-identity as a motorcyclist appeared to be important to a rider’s self-concept and was likely to influence their on-road behaviour. ----- ----- Conclusion: Overall, the insight provided by the current study may facilitate the development of interventions including rider training as well as public education and mass media messages. The findings suggest that these interventions should incorporate factors associated with the social nature of riding in order to best align it with some of the key beliefs and motivations underpinning riders’ on-road behaviours

    Plain Tobacco Packaging: A Systematic Review

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    (From the Executive Summary): This systematic review outlines findings from 37 studies that provide evidence of the impacts of plain tobacco packaging. The review was conducted following the publication of the March 2011 White Paper Healthy Lives: Healthy People which set out a renewed Tobacco Control Plan for England. One of the key actions identified in the plan was to consult on possible options to reduce the promotional impact of tobacco packaging, including plain packaging. This systematic review was commissioned to provide a comprehensive overview of evidence on the impact of plain packaging in order to inform a public consultation on the issue

    Determinants of eating behaviour in university students : a qualitative study using focus group discussions

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    Background: College or university is a critical period regarding unhealthy changes in eating behaviours in students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore which factors influence Belgian (European) university students' eating behaviour, using a qualitative research design. Furthermore, we aimed to collect ideas and recommendations in order to facilitate the development of effective and tailored intervention programs aiming to improve healthy eating behaviours in university students. Methods: Using a semi-structured question guide, five focus group discussions have been conducted consisting of 14 male and 21 female university students from a variety of study disciplines, with a mean age of 20.6 +/- 1.7 yrs. Using Nvivo9, an inductive thematic approach was used for data analysis. Results: After the transition from secondary school to university, when independency increases, students are continuously challenged to make healthful food choices. Students reported to be influenced by individual factors (e. g. taste preferences, self-discipline, time and convenience), their social networks (e. g. (lack of) parental control, friends and peers), physical environment (e. g. availability and accessibility, appeal and prices of food products), and macro environment (e. g. media and advertising). Furthermore, the relationships between determinants and university students' eating behaviour seemed to be moderated by university characteristics, such as residency, student societies, university lifestyle and exams. Recommendations for university administrators and researchers include providing information and advice to enhance healthy food choices and preparation (e. g. via social media), enhancing self-discipline and self-control, developing time management skills, enhancing social support, and modifying the subjective as well as the objective campus food environment by e. g. making healthy foods price-beneficial and by providing vending machines with more healthy products. Conclusions: This is the first European study examining perceived determinants of eating behaviour in university students and collecting ideas and recommendations for healthy eating interventions in a university specific setting. University characteristics (residency, exams, etc.) influence the relationships between individual as well as social environmental determinants and university students' eating behaviour, and should therefore be taken into account when designing effective and tailored multilevel intervention programs aiming to improve healthy eating behaviours in university students

    Student help seeking from pastoral care in UK high schools: a qualitative study

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    Background Little is known about high school students' perceptions of school-based pastoral support. This study aimed to explore this in the context of a high school–based emotional support project. Methods Qualitative interviews explored perspectives on help seeking of students (N = 23) and staff (N = 27) in three UK high schools where a pastoral project was introduced. Data were analysed thematically. Results Student peer groups perceived help seeking as a sign of weakness. However, students valued learning skills in managing emotions and friendships. Staff expressed concerns about students' ability to help seek proactively, and highlighted organisational influences on pastoral support. Conclusions Increasing student control over the process, and involving trusted staff, could encourage help seeking in high school. It is possible to access the views of students who do not help seek, to improve understanding of help-seeking behaviour
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