4,978 research outputs found

    New Manufacturing Environments with Micro- and Nanorobotics

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020The convergence of nano-, bio-, information, and cognitive sciences and technologies (NBIC) is advancing continuously in many societal spheres. This also applies to the manufacturing sector, where technological transformations in robotics push the boundaries of human–machine interaction (HMI). Here, current technological advances in micro- and nanomanufacturing are accompanied by new socio-economic concepts for different sectors of the process industry. Although these developments are still ongoing, the blurring of the boundaries of HMI in processes at the micro- and nano- level can already be observed. According to the authors, these new socio-technical HMIs may lead to the development of new work environments, which can also have an impact on work organization. While there is still little empirical evidence, the following contribution focuses on the question whether the “manufacturing (or working) life” using enhancement practices pushes the boundaries of HMI and how these effects enable new modes of working in manufacturing. Issues of standardization, acceleration of processes, and order-oriented production become essential for technological innovation in this field. However, these trends tend to lead to a “manufacturing life” in work environments rather than to new modes of work in industry.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the US economy

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    Described here is the progress made by Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Space Station Freedom in developing and applying advanced automation and robotics technology. Emphasis was placed on the Space Station Freedom program responses to specific recommendations made in the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) Progress Report 13, and issues of A&R implementation into the payload operations integration Center at Marshall Space Flight Center. Assessments are presented for these and other areas as they apply to the advancement of automation and robotics technology for Space Station Freedom

    Micro-manufacturing : research, technology outcomes and development issues

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    Besides continuing effort in developing MEMS-based manufacturing techniques, latest effort in Micro-manufacturing is also in Non-MEMS-based manufacturing. Research and technological development (RTD) in this field is encouraged by the increased demand on micro-components as well as promised development in the scaling down of the traditional macro-manufacturing processes for micro-length-scale manufacturing. This paper highlights some EU funded research activities in micro/nano-manufacturing, and gives examples of the latest development in micro-manufacturing methods/techniques, process chains, hybrid-processes, manufacturing equipment and supporting technologies/device, etc., which is followed by a summary of the achievements of the EU MASMICRO project. Finally, concluding remarks are given, which raise several issues concerning further development in micro-manufacturing

    Impact assessment of AI-enabled automation on the workplace and employment. The case of Portugal

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to lead to a wave of innovation in organiza-tional design, changes in the workplace and create disruptive effects in the employment sys-tems across the world. Moreover, the future deployment of broad-spectrum algorithms capa-ble of being used in wide areas of application (e.g., industrial robotics, software and data anal-ysis, decision-making) can lead to considerable changes in current work patterns, swiftly render many unemployed across the globe and profoundly destabilize labour relations. The impacts of AI are estimated to lead to a reduction of millions of workplaces. But qualitative research about AI and its governance is scarce. An emergent technology requires a technology assess-ment (TA) approach to understand the implications of AI in firms. Mechanisms of industrial democracy can help to adopt AI by ensuring adequate arrangements for employees and avoid-ing conflicts (mitigating negative effects, promoting reskilling, etc.). In this research work, the probable penetration of AI in the manufacturing sector is identified to study its effects in work organization and employment in Portugal. Is the employ-ment changing alongside recent AI trends in Portugal? What are the expectable changes in work organisation due to AI-enabled automation? Are there signs of work qualification to go with AI systems implementation? Are there visions on the role of humans on the interaction with the features of industry 4.0? Does that imply new forms of human interaction with AI? These are the questions this research work will try to answer. A TA approach using mixed methods was applied to conduct statistical analyses of relevant databases, interviews with ac-ademic, industrial and social actors and exploratory scenarios of AI-based automation systems, on work organization and employment. The manufacturing industry was the chosen sector since it is the sector where most cases of AI-based automation systems are in place. Findings suggest that, until now, it seems AI is still not able to replace most of the human skills and cognitive capacities but can replace humans on simple tasks. In the future, four different possible states may occur, according to the various initial conditions, the com-pany's motivation, their business strategy, the public policies in place and main social actors involved: Re-organisation of work; Substitution of the workforce; People at the centre and Fo-cus on Efficiency. These were the basis for our scenario outcomes.A inteligĂȘncia artificial (IA) tem o potencial de levar a uma onda de inovação no desenho das organizaçÔes, nas mudanças no local de trabalho e em criar efeitos disruptivos nos sistemas de emprego em todo o mundo. AlĂ©m disso, a futura implementação de algoritmos de amplo espectro, capazes de serem usados em muitas ĂĄreas de aplicação (por exemplo, robĂłtica industrial, software e anĂĄlise de dados, tomada de decisĂŁo), pode levar a mudanças considerĂĄveis nos padrĂ”es de trabalho atuais, e rapidamente, levar ao desemprego em todo o mundo e Ă  desestabilização profunda das relaçÔes laborais. Estima-se que os impactos da IA levem a uma redução de milhĂ”es de locais de trabalho. Mas a investigação qualitativa sobre IA Ă© escassa. Uma tecnologia emergente requer uma abordagem de avaliação de tecnologia (AT) para entender as suas implicaçÔes. Mecanismos de democracia industrial podem ajudar a adotar a IA, garantindo condiçÔes adequadas para os trabalhadores e evitando conflitos (mitigando efeitos negativos, promovendo requalificação, etc.). Neste trabalho de investigação identifica-se a provĂĄvel penetração da IA no setor da indĂșstria transformadora para estudar os seus efeitos na organização do trabalho e emprego em Portugal. O emprego estĂĄ a mudar a par das tendĂȘncias recentes da IA em Portugal? Quais sĂŁo as mudanças na organização do trabalho devido Ă  automação baseada em IA? HĂĄ indĂ­cios de qualificação do trabalho para acompanhar a implementação dos sistemas de IA? Existem visĂ”es sobre o papel do ser humano na interação com os recursos da indĂșstria 4.0? Isso implica novas formas de interação humana com a IA? Estas sĂŁo as perguntas que este trabalho de investigação tentarĂĄ responder. Na abordagem de AT, foram usados mĂ©todos mistos para realizar anĂĄlises estatĂ­sticas de bases de dados, entrevistas com atores do ecossistema acadĂ©mico, industrial e social e cenĂĄrios exploratĂłrios sobre os efeitos da adoção de sistemas de automação baseados em IA, na organização do trabalho e emprego. A indĂșstria transformadora foi escolhida por ser onde existem a maioria de casos de aplicação de sistemas de auto-mação baseados em IA. Os resultados sugerem que, atĂ© ao momento, que a IA nĂŁo tem a capacidade de subs-tituir a maioria das competĂȘncias e raciocĂ­nio humanos, mas apenas tarefas simples. No futuro, poderĂŁo ocorrer quatro situaçÔes, dependendo das condiçÔes iniciais, motivação e estratĂ©gia da empresa, das polĂ­ticas e incentivos pĂșblicos existentes e do envolvimento de atores sociais: Reorganização do trabalho; Substituição da mĂŁo-de-obra; Pessoas no centro da transformação e foco na EficiĂȘncia. Estas foram a base para os nossos cenĂĄrios de referĂȘncia

    Anthropocentric-based robotic and autonomous systems: assessment for new organisational options

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    Text based on the paper presented at the Conference "Autonomous systems: inter-relations of technical and societal issues" held at Monte de Caparica (Portugal), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, November, 5th and 6th 2009 and organized by IET-Research Centre on Enterprise and Work InnovationResearch activities at European level on the concept of new working environments offers considerable attention to the challenges of the increased competencies of people working together with automated technologies. Since the decade of 1980 the development of approaches for the humanization of work organization, and for the development of participative organizational options induced to new proposals related to the development of complex and integrated automated systems. From such parallel conceptual development emerged the concept of “anthropocentric robotic systems” and quickly it covered also other fields of automation. More recently, the debate also covers issues related to working perception of people dealing with autonomous systems (e.g. Autonomous robotics) in tasks related to production planning, to programming and to process control. In fact, today one can understand the wider use of the anthropocentrism concept of production architectures, when understanding the new quality of these systems. In this chapter the author analyses the evolution of these issues related to governance of ICT applied to manufacturing and industrial services in research programmes strengthening very much the ‘classical’ concept of anthropocentric-based systems. It is emerging a new value of the intuitive capacities and human knowledge in the optimization and flexibilization of the manufacturing processes. While this would be a pre-condition to understand the human-robot communication needs, there is also a need to take into consideration the qualitative variables in the definition and design of robotic systems, jobs and production systems.Project CRUP/DAAD on “Technology Assessment of Autonomous Robotics” of FCT-UNL and ITAS-KI

    Autonomous Mechanical Assembly on the Space Shuttle: An Overview

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    The space shuttle will be equipped with a pair of 50 ft. manipulators used to handle payloads and to perform mechanical assembly operations. Although current plans call for these manipulators to be operated by a human teleoperator. The possibility of using results from robotics and machine intelligence to automate this shuttle assembly system was investigated. The major components of an autonomous mechanical assembly system are examined, along with the technology base upon which they depend. The state of the art in advanced automation is also assessed
