4 research outputs found

    On the Lp-spaces techniques in the existence and uniqueness of the fuzzy fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation’s solution

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    In this paper, is proposed the existence and uniqueness of the solution of all fuzzy fractional differential equations, which are equivalent to the fuzzy integral equation. The techniques on LP-spaces are used, defining the LpF F ([0; 1]) for 1≤P≤∞, its properties, and using the functional analysis methods. Also the convergence of the method of successive approximations used to approximate the solution of fuzzy integral equation be proved and an iterative procedure to solve such equations is presented

    Comparison for accurate solutions of nonlinear Hammerstein fuzzy integral equations

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    In this paper, efficient numerical techniques have been proposed to solve nonlinear Hammerstein fuzzy integral equations. The proposed methods are based on Bernsteinpolynomials and Legendre wavelets approximation. Usually, nonlinear fuzzy integral equations are very difficult to solve both analytically and numerically. The present methods applied to the integral equations is reduced to solve the system of nonlinear algebraic equations. Again, this system has been solved by Newton’s method. The numerical results obtained by present methods have been compared with those of the homotopy analysis method. Illustrative examples have been discussed to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the presented methods

    Z-Numbers-Based Approach to Hotel Service Quality Assessment

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    In this study, we are analyzing the possibility of using Z-numbers for measuring the service quality and decision-making for quality improvement in the hotel industry. Techniques used for these purposes are based on consumer evalu- ations - expectations and perceptions. As a rule, these evaluations are expressed in crisp numbers (Likert scale) or fuzzy estimates. However, descriptions of the respondent opinions based on crisp or fuzzy numbers formalism not in all cases are relevant. The existing methods do not take into account the degree of con- fidence of respondents in their assessments. A fuzzy approach better describes the uncertainties associated with human perceptions and expectations. Linguis- tic values are more acceptable than crisp numbers. To consider the subjective natures of both service quality estimates and confidence degree in them, the two- component Z-numbers Z = (A, B) were used. Z-numbers express more adequately the opinion of consumers. The proposed and computationally efficient approach (Z-SERVQUAL, Z-IPA) allows to determine the quality of services and iden- tify the factors that required improvement and the areas for further development. The suggested method was applied to evaluate the service quality in small and medium-sized hotels in Turkey and Azerbaijan, illustrated by the example