532 research outputs found

    A novel multipath-transmission supported software defined wireless network architecture

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    The inflexible management and operation of today\u27s wireless access networks cannot meet the increasingly growing specific requirements, such as high mobility and throughput, service differentiation, and high-level programmability. In this paper, we put forward a novel multipath-transmission supported software-defined wireless network architecture (MP-SDWN), with the aim of achieving seamless handover, throughput enhancement, and flow-level wireless transmission control as well as programmable interfaces. In particular, this research addresses the following issues: 1) for high mobility and throughput, multi-connection virtual access point is proposed to enable multiple transmission paths simultaneously over a set of access points for users and 2) wireless flow transmission rules and programmable interfaces are implemented into mac80211 subsystem to enable service differentiation and flow-level wireless transmission control. Moreover, the efficiency and flexibility of MP-SDWN are demonstrated in the performance evaluations conducted on a 802.11 based-testbed, and the experimental results show that compared to regular WiFi, our proposed MP-SDWN architecture achieves seamless handover and multifold throughput improvement, and supports flow-level wireless transmission control for different applications

    Hybrid SDN Evolution: A Comprehensive Survey of the State-of-the-Art

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an evolutionary networking paradigm which has been adopted by large network and cloud providers, among which are Tech Giants. However, embracing a new and futuristic paradigm as an alternative to well-established and mature legacy networking paradigm requires a lot of time along with considerable financial resources and technical expertise. Consequently, many enterprises can not afford it. A compromise solution then is a hybrid networking environment (a.k.a. Hybrid SDN (hSDN)) in which SDN functionalities are leveraged while existing traditional network infrastructures are acknowledged. Recently, hSDN has been seen as a viable networking solution for a diverse range of businesses and organizations. Accordingly, the body of literature on hSDN research has improved remarkably. On this account, we present this paper as a comprehensive state-of-the-art survey which expands upon hSDN from many different perspectives

    Implementation model architecture software defined network using raspberry Pi: a review paper

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    Software defined network (SDN) made with basic concepts that are different from traditional networks in controlling the network, the separation between the control layer and forwarding layer on different devices allows the administrator to adjust the control plan for all devices centralized in one action, while in traditional network, the control and forwarding layers are located in the infrastructure making network administrator must manage devices one by one. Research using single board computers on network technology provides an opportunity to implement SDN architecture. Raspberry Pi has sufficient ability. QoS results meet the ITU-T G.1010 reference which indicates that Raspberry Pi can be used on designed networks

    A Survey of Software-Defined Networks-on-Chip: Motivations, Challenges and Opportunities

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    Current computing platforms encourage the integration of thousands of processing cores, and their interconnections, into a single chip. Mobile smartphones, IoT, embedded devices, desktops, and data centers use Many-Core Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) to exploit their compute power and parallelism to meet the dynamic workload requirements. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) lead to scalable connectivity for diverse applications with distinct traffic patterns and data dependencies. However, when the system executes various applications in traditional NoCs—optimized and fixed at synthesis time—the interconnection nonconformity with the different applications’ requirements generates limitations in the performance. In the literature, NoC designs embraced the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) strategy to evolve into an adaptable interconnection solution for future chips. However, the works surveyed implement a partial Software-Defined Network-on-Chip (SDNoC) approach, leaving aside the SDN layered architecture that brings interoperability in conventional networking. This paper explores the SDNoC literature and classifies it regarding the desired SDN features that each work presents. Then, we described the challenges and opportunities detected from the literature survey. Moreover, we explain the motivation for an SDNoC approach, and we expose both SDN and SDNoC concepts and architectures. We observe that works in the literature employed an uncomplete layered SDNoC approach. This fact creates various fertile areas in the SDNoC architecture where researchers may contribute to Many-Core SoCs designs.Las plataformas informáticas actuales fomentan la integración de miles de núcleos de procesamiento y sus interconexiones, en un solo chip. Los smartphones móviles, el IoT, los dispositivos embebidos, los ordenadores de sobremesa y los centros de datos utilizan sistemas en chip (SoC) de muchos núcleos para explotar su potencia de cálculo y paralelismo para satisfacer los requisitos de las cargas de trabajo dinámicas. Las redes en chip (NoC) conducen a una conectividad escalable para diversas aplicaciones con distintos patrones de tráfico y dependencias de datos. Sin embargo, cuando el sistema ejecuta varias aplicaciones en las NoC tradicionales -optimizadas y fijadas en el momento de síntesis, la disconformidad de la interconexión con los requisitos de las distintas aplicaciones genera limitaciones en el rendimiento. En la literatura, los diseños de NoC adoptaron la estrategia de redes definidas por software (SDN) para evolucionar hacia una solución de interconexión adaptable para los futuros chips. Sin embargo, los trabajos estudiados implementan un enfoque parcial de red definida por software en el chip (SDNoC) de SDN, dejando de lado la arquitectura en capas de SDN que aporta interoperabilidad en la red convencional. Este artículo explora la literatura sobre SDNoC y la clasifica en función de las características SDN que presenta cada trabajo. A continuación, describimos los retos y oportunidades detectados a partir del estudio de la literatura. Además, explicamos la motivación para un enfoque SDNoC, y exponemos los conceptos y arquitecturas de SDN y SDNoC. Observamos que los trabajos en la literatura emplean un enfoque SDNoC por capas no completo. Este hecho crea varias áreas fértiles en la arquitectura SDNoC en las que los investigadores pueden contribuir a los diseños de SoCs de muchos núcleos

    A Software Defined Networking architecture for the Internet-of-Things

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    Distributed gateway-based load balancing in software defined network

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    To achieve an internet with high availability and reliability, needs two or more data paths so the process for sending data can be faster. Load balancing is often plays a significant role for this technique to properly utilized every gateway in the network. This research, implemented load balancing in software defined network architecture using floodlight controller. Evaluation is done by measuring QoS (delay, bit rate, packet rate, packet success rate) while sending various traffics through the network such as UDP Flow, VoIP, and DNS. Performance of load balancer is work well, because the results after load balancing is better than before. Which is the value of delay after load balancing is decreased about 30-55% compared to before load balancing, also the values of bit rate, packet rate dan packet success rate after load balancing is increased about 10-30% compared to before load balancing

    Toward Open and Programmable Wireless Network Edge

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    Increasingly, the last hop connecting users to their enterprise and home networks is wireless. Wireless is becoming ubiquitous not only in homes and enterprises but in public venues such as coffee shops, hospitals, and airports. However, most of the publicly and privately available wireless networks are proprietary and closed in operation. Also, there is little effort from industries to move forward on a path to greater openness for the requirement of innovation. Therefore, we believe it is the domain of university researchers to enable innovation through openness. In this thesis work, we introduce and defines the importance of open framework in addressing the complexity of the wireless network. The Software Defined Network (SDN) framework has emerged as a popular solution for the data center network. However, the promise of the SDN framework is to make the network open, flexible and programmable. In order to deliver on the promise, SDN must work for all users and across all networks, both wired and wireless. Therefore, we proposed to create new modules and APIs to extend the standard SDN framework all the way to the end-devices (i.e., mobile devices, APs). Thus, we want to provide an extensible and programmable abstraction of the wireless network as part of the current SDN-based solution. In this thesis work, we design and develop a framework, weSDN (wireless extension of SDN), that extends the SDN control capability all the way to the end devices to support client-network interaction capabilities and new services. weSDN enables the control-plane of wireless networks to be extended to mobile devices and allows for top-level decisions to be made from an SDN controller with knowledge of the network as a whole, rather than device centric configurations. In addition, weSDN easily obtains user application information, as well as the ability to monitor and control application flows dynamically. Based on the weSDN framework, we demonstrate new services such as application-aware traffic management, WLAN virtualization, and security management
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