77 research outputs found

    A micro-mobility solution for supporting QoS in global mobility

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    Today, users want to have simultaneously mobility, Quality of Service (QoS) and be always connected to Internet. Therefore, this paper proposes a QoS micro-mobility solution able to provide QoS support for global mobility. The solution comprises enhancements in the mobility management of Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) and in the resources management of Differentiated Services (DiffServ) QoS model. The mobility management of MIPv6 was extended with fast and local handovers to improve its efficiency in micro-mobility scenarios with frequent handovers. The DiffServ resource management has been extended with adaptive and dynamic QoS provisioning to improve resources utilization in mobile IP networks. Further, in order to improve resources utilization the mobility and QoS messages were coupled, providing a resource management able to, proactively, react to mobile events. The performance improvement of the proposed solution and the model parametrization was evaluated using a simulation model. Simulation results indicate that the solution avoids network congestion and starvation of less priority DiffServ classes. Moreover, the results also indicate that bandwidth utilization for priority classes increases and the QoS offered to MN's applications, in each DiffServ class, keeps up unchangeable with MN mobility.(undefined

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    EVEREST IST - 2002 - 00185 : D23 : final report

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    Deliverable públic del projecte europeu EVERESTThis deliverable constitutes the final report of the project IST-2002-001858 EVEREST. After its successful completion, the project presents this document that firstly summarizes the context, goal and the approach objective of the project. Then it presents a concise summary of the major goals and results, as well as highlights the most valuable lessons derived form the project work. A list of deliverables and publications is included in the annex.Postprint (published version

    A QoS-aware architecture for mobile internet

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    Tese de doutoramento InformáticaHoje em dia, as pessoas pretendem ter simultaneamente mobilidade, qualidade de serviço e estar sempre connectados à Internet. No intuito, de satisfazer estes clientes muito exigentes, os mercados das telecomunicações estão a impor novos e dificeis desafios às redes móveis, através da demanda, de heterogeneidade em termos de tecnologias de acesso rádio, novos serviços, niveis de qualidade de serviço adequados aos requisitos das aplicações de tempo real, elevada taxa de utilização do recursos disponiveis e melhor capacidade de desempenho. A Internet foi concebida para fornecer serviços sem qualquer tipo de garantias de qualidade às aplicações, apenas se comprometendo em oferecer o melhor serviço possível. No entanto, nos útlimos anos diversos esforços foram levados a cabo no sentido de dotar a Internet com o suporte à qualidade de serviço. Dos esforços desenvolvidos resultaram dois paradigmas para o suporte da qualidade de serviço: o modelo de Serviços Integrados (Integrated Services - IntServ) e o modelo de Serviços Diferenciados (Differentiated Services - DiffServ). Todavia, estes modelos de qualidade de serviço (QoS) foram concebido antes da existência da Internet móvel, portanto o desenvolvimento destes modelos não teve em consideração a questão da mobilidade. Por outro lado, o protocolo padrão actual para a Internet móvel, o MIPv6, revela algumas limitações nos cenários onde os utilizadores estão constantemente a moverem-se para outros pontos de acesso. Neste tipo de cenários, o MIPv6 introduz tempos de latência que não são sustentáveis para aplicações com requisitos de QoS mais restritos. Os factos revelados, demonstram que existe uma emergente necessidade de adaptar o actual protocolo de mobilidade, e também de adaptar os modelos de QoS, ou então criar modelos alternativos de QoS, para satisfazer às exigências do utilizador de hoje de redes móveis. Para alcançar este objectivo o presente trabalho propõe melhorias no sistema de gestão da mobilidade do protocolo MIPv6 e na gestão de recursos do modelo DiffServ. O MIPv6 foi melhorado para os cenários de micro-mobilidade com a abordagem para micro-mobilidade do F-HMIPv6. Enquanto que, o modelo DiffServ foi melhorado para os ambientes móveis com funcionalidades dinâmicas e adaptativas através da utilização de sinalização de QoS e da gestão distribuida dos recursos. A gestão da mobilidade e dos recursos foi também acoplada na solução proposta com o propósito de optimizar a utilização dos recursos num meio onde os recursos são tipicamente escassos. O modelo proposto é simples, é de fácil implementação, tem em consideração os requisitos da Internet móvel, e provou ser eficiente e capaz de fornecer serviços com QoS de elevada fiabilidade às aplicações.Over the last few years, several network communication challenges have arisen as a result of the growing number of users demanding Quality of Service (QoS) and mobility simultaneously. In order to satisfy these very demanding customers, the markets are imposing new challenges to wireless networks by demanding heterogeneity in terms of wireless access technologies, new services, suited QoS levels to real-time applications, high usability and improved performance. However, the Internet has been designed for providing application services without quality guarantees. That explains why, in the last years several efforts have been made to endow Internet with QoS support. From the developed efforts have resulted two QoS paradigms: Integrated Services (IntServ) which offers the guaranteed service model and the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) which offers the predictive service model. Although these QoS models have been designed before the existence of mobile Internet, so they do not consider the mobility issue. For instance, the guaranteed service model requires that whenever a Mobile Node (MN) wants to move to a new location, the allocated resources in the old path must be released and a new resource reservation in a new path must be made, resulting in extra signaling overhead, heavy processing and state load. Therefore, if handovers are frequent, large mobility and QoS signaling messages will be created in the access networks. Consequently, significant scalability problems may arise with this type of service model. The predicted service model, on the other hand, requires an additional features such as dynamic and adaptive resource management in order to be efficient in a very dynamic network such as a mobile network. A QoS solution for mobile environments must provide the capacity to adapt its resource utilization to a changeable nature of wireless networks because they have a more dynamic behavior due to incoming or outgoing handovers. For this reason, a QoS signalization for dynamic resource provisioning is necessary in order to supply adequate QoS levels to mobile users. On the other hand, the current standard protocol for mobile Internet, Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6), reveals limitations in scenarios where users are constantly moving to another point of attachment. In these situations, MIPv6 introduces latency times that are not sustainable for applications with strict QoS requirements. All things considered, reveal the emerging need to adapt the current standard mobility protocol and QoS models to satisfy today’s mobile user’s requirements. To accomplish this goal, the present work proposes enhancements in terms of the MIPv6 protocol mobility management scheme as well as in DiffServ QoS model resource management. The former was enhanced for micro-mobility scenarios with a specific combination of FMIPv6 (Fast Mobile IPv6) and HMIPv6 (Hierarchical Mobile IPv6) protocols. Whereas, the latter was enhanced for mobile environments with dynamic and adaptive features by using QoS signalization as well as distributed resource management. The mobility and resource management has also been coupled in the proposed solution with the objective of optimizing the resource utilization in a environment where resources are typically scarce. In order to assess model performance as well as its parametrization, a simulation model has been designed and implemented in the Network Simulator version two (NS-2). The model´s performance evaluation has been conducted based on the respective data acquired from statistical analysis in order to validate and consolidate the conclusions. Simulation results indicate that the solution avoids network congestion and starvation of less priority DiffServ classes. Moreover, the results also indicate that bandwidth utilization for priority classes increases and the QoS offered to MN’s applications, in each DiffServ class, remains unchangeable with MN mobility. The proposed model is simple and easy to implement. It considers mobile Internet requirements and has proven to be effective and capable of providing services with highly reliable QoS to mobile applications.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Bolsa SFRH/BD/35245/200

    QoS Provisioning in Converged Satellite and Terrestrial Networks: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art

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    It has been widely acknowledged that future networks will need to provide significantly more capacity than current ones in order to deal with the increasing traffic demands of the users. Particularly in regions where optical fibers are unlikely to be deployed due to economical constraints, this is a major challenge. One option to address this issue is to complement existing narrow-band terrestrial networks with additional satellite connections. Satellites cover huge areas, and recent developments have considerably increased the available capacity while decreasing the cost. However, geostationary satellite links have significantly different link characteristics than most terrestrial links, mainly due to the higher signal propagation time, which often renders them not suitable for delay intolerant traffic. This paper surveys the current state-of-the-art of satellite and terrestrial network convergence. We mainly focus on scenarios in which satellite networks complement existing terrestrial infrastructures, i.e., parallel satellite and terrestrial links exist, in order to provide high bandwidth connections while ideally achieving a similar end user quality-of-experience as in high bandwidth terrestrial networks. Thus, we identify the technical challenges associated with the convergence of satellite and terrestrial networks and analyze the related work. Based on this, we identify four key functional building blocks, which are essential to distribute traffic optimally between the terrestrial and the satellite networks. These are the traffic requirement identification function, the link characteristics identification function, as well as the traffic engineering function and the execution function. Afterwards, we survey current network architectures with respect to these key functional building blocks and perform a gap analysis, which shows that all analyzed network architectures require adaptations to effectively support converged satellite and terrestrial networks. Hence, we conclude by formulating several open research questions with respect to satellite and terrestrial network convergence.This work was supported by the BATS Research Project through the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under Contract 317533

    Wireless and mobile UMTS networks simulation using QoS

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    Diplomová práce je psána v angličtině a věnuje se standardu IEEE 802.11e, obsahujícím podporu kvality služeb a taky pojednává o kvalitě služeb QoS (Quality of Service) v systému UMTS. Rozebrány jsou hlavní teoretické pilíře daných mechanizmů a praktická část se zabývá simulacemi síťových modelů. Standard 802.11e objasňuje propojení vrstev na fyzické úrovni a zmiňuje metody přístupu k přenosovému médiu DCF, PCF, HCF, EDCA, HCCA. Dále přístupové kategorie a také odlišnosti v MAC podvrstvě, je rozebrána problematika při přenosu prioritních dat na základě identifikátorů. Vzpomenuta je taky struktura formátu rámce a techniky s rozprostřeným spektrem. Časové limity pro doručení prioritních dat a požadavky kladené na tyto data je možné snadno srovnat v tabulkách. Problematika kvality služeb je velice komplexní záležitost, nicméně jsou rozebrány základní klíčové parametry jako koncové zpoždění, jitter, zahazování dat, propustnost, velikost front a hodnota MOS. Zmíněny jsou i mechanizmy integrovaných RSVP a diferencovaných služeb pro zajištění QoS. U systému třetí generace UMTS je objasněna architektura a společná kooperace se systémem GSM. Vzájemné propojení obou sítí je zřejmé z obrázků. Zvýšený zájem je věnován vrstvovému modelu a funkcím RRM pro zajištění QoS. Objasněny jsou různé druhy předávání hovorů, tzv. Handover Control a funkce Admission Control. Rozebrány jsou jednotlivé třídy provozu Conversational, Streaming, Interactive a Background. Praktická část se odehrává v simulačním prostředí programu OPNET Modeler. Byly vytvořeny dva modely s různými scénáři pro srovnání zajištění QoS. Model objasňující princip standardu IEEE 802.11e obsahuje dvě bezdrátové sítě s přístupovými body a stanicemi, na kterých jsou sledovány simulace s různým zatížením přenášených dat. Pro porovnání výsledků je zkoumán rozdíl při použití metody HCF v síti s podporou QoS. Model UMTS sítě obsahuje základnové stanice Node B s možností vysílání do tří sektorů. Mobilní účastník pohybující se po trajektorii představuje princip funkce Softer Handover. Konfrontace mezi scénáři je zastoupena kompresí záhlaví pomocí funkce PDCP a rozlišení Type of Service. Obzvláště je sledováno chování prioritních dat hlasu a videa u obou sítí. Naměřená data zastupují grafy a průběhy výsledních charakteristik. Analýza diskutuje odlišnosti u sítě bez podpory a s podporou kvality služeb. Rozdíly jsou porovnány a vyhodnoceny dle metodiky QoS. Součástí práce je i řešení problémů při návrhu UMTS sítě a podány jsou taky užitečné tipy a návrhy na jejich odstranění. Projekty v simulačním softwaru jsou popsány dle postupu vyhotovení, avšak hloubka podrobností je potlačena. Detaily nejsou rozebírány, protože se očekává pokročilá znalost mechanizmů a jistá dávka zkušeností s programem.The thesis is written in English and focuses on IEEE 802.11e standard, containing support for Quality of Service (QoS) and also discusses QoS in the UMTS system. It analyzes the main theoretical pillars of the mechanisms while the practical part deals with simulation of the network models. The 802.11e standard clatifies interconnection among layers on physical level and refers to the access to media DCF, PCF, HCF, EDCA, HCCA, and furthermore, the access category and also differences in the MAC sublayer. It is analysed problems in the transmission of data based on identifiers priority. The structure and format of the framework and techniques of spread spectrum are also discussed. Time limits for delivery of data priority and the requirements for these data can easily be compared in the tables. The area of quality of service is a very complex issue, and the thesis also analyzes the basic parameters such as end-to-end delay, jitter, dropping data, throughput, queue size and value of the MOS. The mechanisms of integrated (RSVP) and differentiated services to ensure QoS are also mentioned. In the case of third-generation UMTS architecture is illustrated a mutual cooperation with the GSM system. Interconnection between networks is evident from the pictures. A special attention is focused on layer model and the RRM functions to ensure QoS. The mechanisms of Handover Control and Admission Control are clarified too. It analyzes different traffic classes, such as Conversational, Streaming, Interactive and Background. The practical part takes place in the software OPNET Modeler programme. The author developed two models with different scenarios for comparison to QoS support. The wireless model explaining the principle of the 802.11e standard includes two wireless network access points and stations, which are monitored by the simulation with different data transmitted loads. For comparison of the results is examined using the difference method HCF in the network with QoS support. The model of the UMTS network includes base stations Node Bs, with the possibility of broadcasting into three sectors. The mobile subscribers moving on a trajectory are to show the principle functions of the Softer Handover. Confrontation between scenarios is represented by using header compression by PDCP and distinguishing the Type of Service. In particular, it is examined the behavior of priority voice and video data streams in both networks. The measured data are demonstrated by graphs and curves of result characteristics. The analysis discusses the differences in the network without the QoS support and with promotion of quality of services. Differences are compared and evaluated by the methodology of QoS. The work also includes problem solving in the design of the UMTS model and simultaneously gives tips and suggestions for overcoming them. The projects in the simulation software are described according to the procedure of execution, but the depth of details is suppressed. Details are not discussed in this work because some level of advanced knowledge of the mechanisms and a certain amount of experience are necessary.

    Actas da 10ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores

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    Universidade do MinhoCCTCCentro AlgoritmiCisco SystemsIEEE Portugal Sectio

    End-to-end internet quality of service with intserv/diffserv, mobile IPv6 and IEEE802.11e

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