34 research outputs found

    PeerWise - The Marmite of Veterinary Student Learning

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    PeerWise is a free online student-centred collaborative learning tool with which students anonymously author, answer, and evaluate multiple choice questions (MCQs). Features such as commenting on questions, rating questions and comments, and appearing on leaderboards, can encourage healthy competition, engage students in reflection and debate, and enhance their communication skills. PeerWise has been used in diverse subject areas but never previously in Veterinary Medicine. The Veterinary undergraduates at the University of Glasgow are a distinct cohort; academically gifted and often highly strategic in their learning due to time pressures and volume of course material. In 2010-11 we introduced PeerWise into 1st year Veterinary Biomolecular Sciences in the Glasgow Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery programme. To scaffold PeerWise use, a short interactive session introduced students to the tool and to the basic principles of good MCQ authorship. Students were asked to author four and answer forty MCQs throughout the academic year. Participation was encouraged by an allocation of up to 5% of the final year mark and inclusion of studentauthored questions in the first summative examination. Our analysis focuses on engagement of the class with the\ud tool and their perceptions of its use. All 141 students in the class engaged with PeerWise and the majority contributed beyond that which was stipulated. Student engagement with PeerWise prior to a summative exam was positively correlated to exam score, yielding a relationship that was highly significant (p<0.001). Student perceptions of PeerWise were predominantly positive with explicit recognition of its value as a learning and revision tool, and more than two thirds of the class in agreement that question authoring and answering reinforced their learning. There was clear polarisation of views, however, and those students who did not like PeerWise were vociferous in their dislike, the biggest criticism being lack of moderation by staff

    A Hybrid Recommender Strategy on an Expanded Content Manager in Formal Learning

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    The main topic of this paper is to find ways to improve learning in a formal Higher Education Area. In this environment, the teacher publishes or suggests contents that support learners in a given course, as supplement of classroom training. Generally, these materials are pre-stored and not changeable. These contents are typically published in learning management systems (the Moodle platform emerges as one of the main choices) or in sites created and maintained on the web by teachers themselves. These scenarios typically include a specific group of students (class) and a given period of time (semester or school year). Contents reutilization often needs replication and its update requires new edition and new submission by teachers. Normally, these systems do not allow learners to add new materials, or to edit existing ones. The paper presents our motivations, and some related concepts and works. We describe the concepts of sequencing and navigation in adaptive learning systems, followed by a short presentation of some of these systems. We then discuss the effects of social interaction on the learners’ choices. Finally, we refer some more related recommender systems and their applicability in supporting learning. One central idea from our proposal is that we believe that students with the same goals and with similar formal study time can benefit from contents' assessments made by learners that already have completed the same courses and have studied the same contents. We present a model for personalized recommendation of learning activities to learners in a formal learning context that considers two systems. In the extended content management system, learners can add new materials, select materials from teachers and from other learners, evaluate and define the time spent studying them. Based on learner profiles and a hybrid recommendation strategy, combining conditional and collaborative filtering, our second system will predict learning activities scores and offers adaptive and suitable sequencing learning contents to learners. We propose that similarities between learners can be based on their evaluation interests and their recent learning history. The recommender support subsystem aims to assist learners at each step suggesting one suitable ordered list of LOs, by decreasing order of relevance. The proposed model has been implemented in the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS), and we present the system’s architecture and design. We will evaluate it in a real higher education formal course and we intend to present experimental results in the near future

    Assessment System for Assessing Knowledge Sharing Among Subject Experts in Secondary School

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    During the epoch of knowledge-based economy and knowledge management, teachers must learn in order to improve professional development. The success of knowledge management initiatives depends on knowledge sharing. The sharing of teaching-related knowledge may help teachers solve a variety of problems that they face, and the appropriate use of online knowledge-sharing activities is expected to assist teachers' knowledge sharing. Since studies related to educational knowledge sharing are rare, knowledge sharing behavior may be different between organization types. In order to promote knowledge sharing among subject experts within educational groups in secondary school; this study was implemented electronic assessment system to evaluate a knowledge sharing among teachers, which is helpful school organization's to develop knowledge and cultures

    Design of a recommender system for web based learning

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    The design of recommender systems is an ongoing research area where several researchers have devised means of incorporating intelligence in web content systems to be able to provide recommendations to learners on the basis of their learning preferences i.e. based on their learning profiles. The paper discusses the design of such a system based mapped to a content ontology and learner profiles created in the system

    Considering Students\u27 Perceptions: The Distance Education Student Satisfaction Model

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    In the current study, the Distance Education Student Satisfaction Model, estimated as a structural equation model, is proposed to understand better what predicts student satisfaction from online learning environments. In the present study, the following variables are employed based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989) and literature: computer knowledge, flexibility of distance education, usefulness of distance education, and distance education satisfaction. Results suggest that as long as students have the skills to use online tools and perceive that distance education is a useful and flexible way of learning, communicating, and sharing, their enjoyment from online instruction will be promoted. Ultimately, this satisfaction may lead to higher levels of engagement, learning, and success in the distance education setting. Data collected from 195 undergraduate students are analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and Analysis of Moment Structures statistical software. Implications of the findings of the present study are crucial for instructors, practitioners, and institutions planning to offer or currently engaged in offering distance education courses

    Comparing the effect of EDPA and FDPA on university students’ HOTS

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    A study was conducted on 120 students from two classes studying the Cognitive Sciences and Ethics course in Universiti Utara Malaysia.One class was treated with an editable drill and practice application (EDPA) while the other class received a fixed drill and practice application (FDPA).The purpose was to assess the effects of EDPA and FDPA on higher order thinking skills (HOTS).The main difference of the two applications is EDPA allow students to add and modify items based on personal inquiries while FDPA does not.From the literature review it seems that students if given the opportunity to ask questions tend to come up with both basic and deep questions. While the basic questions allowed students to acquire only basic knowledge, deeper questions allowed students to garner reflective skills which in turn should develop better HOTS.This led to the assumption that the use of EDPA is more effective than FDPA in promoting HOTS.Based on the independent-groups t-test results it was concluded that there was a significant difference in HOTS scores for the EDPA and FDPA.The results showed that students who were subjected to EDPA had better HOTS scores than those subjected to FDPA

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Broadband Adoption: Telaah pada Calon Pelanggan Layanan Fixed Broadband MyRepublic

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    Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan internet yang pesat membuat aktivitas manusia tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan peran penting internet. Hal ini tercermin dari penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang terus mengalami peningkatan dan pertumbuhan dari tahun ke tahun termasuk penggunaan internet rumah tangga. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang memiliki peluang besar untuk bisnis fixed broadband. Melihat peluang yang ada, menjadikan para pemain fixed broadband di Indonesia berlomba untuk memberikan pelayanan dan kualitas terbaik kepada pelanggan salah satunya adalah MyRepublic. Namun, jika dilihat dari peta persaingan fixed broadband di Indonesia, MyRepublic berada di posisi kelima dengan jumlah pelanggan yang masih sangat jauh dibandingkan dengan Indihome dan First Media. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi MyRepublic untuk bisa meningkatkan dan mengembangkan bisnisnya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap broadband adoption. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei online dengan menyebarkan kuesioner untuk mendapatkan responden yang sesuai kriteria. Sebanyak 140 responden didapatkan lalu diuji dengan menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda melalui software SPSS versi 25. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa facilitating conditions, self-efficacy dan prior knowledge memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap broadband adoption, sedangkan relative advantage, utility outcomes dan hedonic outcomes tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap broadband adoption


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