20 research outputs found


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    In our work we set up an innovative security primitive depending on unsolved tough problems. It is graphical password system family that include Captcha expertise as well as graphical passwords. Several number of graphical password schemes were proposed in literature in the traditional works. Captcha is a standard security method that has achieved a limited success when compared to cryptographic primitives on basis of tough math problems.   The systems deals quite a lot of online dictionary attacks on passwords that were most important security threat for a variety of online services such as protection against relay attacks, tough to shoulder-surfing attacks when combined with dual-view knowledge. Several schemes are converted to CaRP schemes which are clicked-based graphical passwords. The system is click-based graphical passwords, in which series of clicks on an image derives a password and require solving a challenge in each login and impact on usability is mitigated by means of adapting image complexity level based on login history of account as well as machine used to log in


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    We introduce security primitive on foundation of tough problems of artificial intelligence, more specifically, a brand new group of graphical password. The machine integrates Captcha expertise and is called Captcha as graphical passwords that is easy and include numerous instantiations. Suggested password product is a combination of Captcha in addition to graphical password method and manages a great deal of security exertions, for example online speculating attacks, relay attacks. Suggested system isn't a general solution; however it presents realistic usability and show to suit with several practical programs for improvisation of internet security. It provides protection towards online dictionary attacks on passwords which was most significant security threat for a number of online services and furthermore propose security against relay attacks, that is an improving threat to prevent Captcha as protection, by which Captcha challenges are communicated to humans to solv


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    We introduce security primitive on foundation tough problems of artificial intelligence, more particularly, a totally new quantity of graphical password. The unit integrate Captcha expertise and it's called captcha as graphical passwords that's easy and simple, include numerous instantiations. Suggested password technique is a mixture of Captcha furthermore to graphical password method and manages lots of security exertions, for example online guessing attacks, relay attacks. Suggested system isn't an over-all solution, nonetheless it present realistic usability and show to complement with several practical applications for improvisation of internet security software software. It provides protection towards online dictionary attacks on passwords which was most important security threat for many online services and additionally proposes security against relay attacks, that's an enhancing threat to prevent Captcha as protection, by which Captcha challenges are communicated to humans to solve

    Cued-Click Point Graphical Password Using Circular Tolerance to Increase Password Space and Persuasive Features

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    AbstractGraphical password can be used as an alternative to text based (alphanumeric) password in which users click on images to set their passwords. Text based password uses username and password. So recalling of password is necessary which may be a difficult one. Images are generally easier to be remembered than text and in Graphical password; user can set images as their password. Therefore graphical password has been proposed by many researchers as an alternative to text based password Graphical passwords can be applied to workstation, web log-in applications, ATM machines, mobile devices etc. This paper presents implementation of Cued click point (CCP) graphical password which uses circular tolerance. Then it is found that CCP with circular tolerance is better as compared to CCP with rectangular tolerance


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    Many security primitives are based on hard mathematical problems. Using hard AI problems for security is emerging as an exciting new paradigm, but has been under-explored. In this paper, we present a new security primitive based on hard AI problems, namely, a novel family of graphical password systems built on top of Captcha technology, which we call Captcha as graphical passwords (CaRP). CaRP is both a Captcha and a graphical password scheme. CaRP addresses a number of security problems altogether, such as online guessing attacks, relay attacks, and, if combined with dual-view technologies, shoulder-surfing attacks. Notably, a CaRP password can be found only probabilistically by automatic online guessing attacks even if the password is in the search set. CaRP also offers a novel approach to address the well-known image hotspot problem in popular graphical password systems, such as PassPoints, that often leads to weak password choices. CaRP is not a panacea, but it offers reasonable security and usability and appears to fit well with some practical applications for improving online security

    An Innovative Self-assurance Methodology for Challenging AI Problems in graphical passwords

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    Numerous security primitives depend on hard numerical issues. Utilizing hard AI issues for security is rising as an energizing new worldview, however has been under-investigated. In this paper, we show another security primitive taking into account hard AI issues, to be specific, a novel group of graphical watchword frameworks based on top of Captcha development, which we call Captcha as graphical passwords (CaRP). CaRP is both a Captcha and a graphical mystery key arrangement. CaRP is both a Captcha and a graphical secret key plan. CaRP addresses various security issues out and out, for example, internet speculating assaults, hand-off assaults, and, if joined with double view advances, shoulder-surfing assaults. Eminently, a CaRP secret word can be discovered just probabilistically via programmed web speculating assaults regardless of the fact that the watchword is in the hunt set. CaRP also offers a novel approach to manage area the doubtlessly comprehended picture hotspot issue in understood graphical mystery word structures, for instance, Pass Points that regularly prompts frail watchword decisions. CaRP is not a panacea, but rather it offers sensible security and convenience and seems to fit well with some handy applications for enhancing online security. In this venture we proposes a numerical network based blueprint, it goes about as the best client verification and vital thing in this is aggressors not able to hack. No other speculating assaults conflict with on our undertaking, with this diagram our task turned out to be more secured, I trust this strategy must be executed on any place the verification procedures is utilized as a part of constant

    An approach password graphic for access control web

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    Este artigo descreve a investigação de uma abordagem inovadora de um modelo de senha gráfica que suporta a autenticação segura em sistemas Web e que pretende solucionar o problema do espião de ombro. Para tal, desenvolveu-se um novo modelo de senha gráfica, baseada na imagem da página Web, que o utilizador tem aberta no momento em que efetua o seu registo de utilizador, e sobre a qual são desenhados traços, com dimensões, direções, e sequências, à sua escolha. Num estudo exploratório com participantes, que simularam ser espiões de ombro, verificou-se que mais dificilmente se perceciona quando um utilizador se autentica, usando uma senha gráfica, do que utilizado uma senha alfanumérica. O modelo de senha gráfica proposto foi desenhado iterativamente e centrado no utilizador. Para validar a sua segurança e usabilidade, foram feitos vários testes com participantes. Nesses estudos, pretendeu-se perceber o grau de eficácia e de memorização que este modelo de senha gráfica inovador proporciona aos utilizadores em ambiente Web. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que se obteve uma solução segura e usável, com potencial para ser usado em alternativa à senha alfanumérica, por forma a evitar o risco do espião de ombro

    Simple Nudges for Better Password Creation

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    Recent security breaches have highlighted the consequences of reusing passwords across online accounts. Recent guidance on password policies by the UK government recommend an emphasis on password length over an extended character set for generating secure but memorable passwords without cognitive overload. This paper explores the role of three nudges in creating website-specific passwords: financial incentive (present vs absent), length instruction (long password vs no instruction) and stimulus (picture present vs not present). Mechanical Turk workers were asked to create a password in one of these conditions and the resulting passwords were evaluated based on character length, resistance to automated guessing attacks, and time taken to create the password. We found that users created longer passwords when asked to do so or when given a financial incentive and these longer passwords were harder to guess than passwords created with no instruction. Using a picture nudge to support password creation did not lead to passwords that were either longer or more resistant to attacks but did lead to account-specific passwords