362 research outputs found

    Histological and electrophysiological evidence on the safe operation of a sharp-tip multimodal optrode during infrared neuromodulation of the rat cortex

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    Infrared neuromodulation is an emerging technology in neuroscience that exploits the inherent thermal sensitivity of neurons to excite or inhibit cellular activity. Since there is limited information on the physiological response of intracortical cell population in vivo including evidence on cell damage, we aimed to create and to validate the safe operation of a microscale sharp-tip implantable optrode that can be used to suppress the activity of neuronal population with low optical power continuous wave irradiation. Effective thermal cross-section and electric properties of the multimodal microdevice was characterized in bench-top tests. The evoked multi-unit activity was monitored in the rat somatosensory cortex, and using NeuN immunocytochemistry method, quantitative analysis of neuronal density changes due to the stimulation trials was evaluated. The sharp tip implant was effectively used to suppress the firing rate of neuronal populations. Histological staining showed that neither the probe insertion nor the heating protocols alone lead to significant changes in cell density in the close vicinity of the implant with respect to the intact control region. Our study shows that intracortical stimulation with continuous-wave infrared light at 1550 nm using a sharp tip implantable optical microdevice is a safe approach to modulate the firing rate of neurons

    Infrared neural stimulation and inhibition using an implantable silicon photonic microdevice

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    Brain is one of the most temperature sensitive organs. Besides the fundamental role of temperature in cellular metabolism, thermal response of neuronal populations is also significant during the evolution of various neurodegenerative diseases. For such critical environmental factor, thorough mapping of cellular response to variations in temperature is desired in the living brain. So far, limited efforts have been made to create complex devices that are able to modulate temperature, and concurrently record multiple features of the stimulated region. In our work, the in vivo application of a multimodal photonic neural probe is demonstrated. Optical, thermal, and electrophysiological functions are monolithically integrated in a single device. The system facilitates spatial and temporal control of temperature distribution at high precision in the deep brain tissue through an embedded infrared waveguide, while it provides recording of the artefact-free electrical response of individual cells at multiple locations along the probe shaft. Spatial distribution of the optically induced temperature changes is evaluated through in vitro measurements and a validated multi-physical model. The operation of the multimodal microdevice is demonstrated in the rat neocortex and in the hippocampus to increase or suppress firing rate of stimulated neurons in a reversible manner using continuous wave infrared light (λ = 1550 nm). Our approach is envisioned to be a promising candidate as an advanced experimental toolset to reveal thermally evoked responses in the deep neural tissue

    Neocortical Layer 4 to Layer 2/3 Sensory Information Processing Investigated with Digital-Light-Projection Neuronal Photostimulation

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    The mammalian brain forms neuronal networks and microcircuits with cell-type- and anatomical-specific synaptic connections. Despite great advances in elucidating the cellular physiology of the nervous system, little is known about the computational processes occurring at the level of neuronal microcircuits. Much success has been reported in describing the synaptic input patterns of many brain regions and cell types using photostimulation systems; however, these systems are severely limited in their ability to study the integration of synaptic input from multiple synchronous or temporally correlated presynaptic locations. Here we describe a system that allows the generation of arbitrary 2-D stimulus patterns with thousands of independently controlled sites to manipulate the activity of populations of neurons with high spatial and temporal precision. The PC-controlled Digital-Light-Processing (DLP) based system updates the 780,000 parallel photostimulation beams, or pixels, at a maximum rate of 13 kHz. With the currently used projection objective, the pixel sizes at the plane of focus are 7.3 µm2 . The high-power UV laser source used in this system provides a light flux density sufficient for bins of 8x8 pixels (21.6 µm x 21.6 µm) with dwell times as low 3 ms to reliably induce action potentials in 2.5 mM MNI-caged glutamate. At these settings the effective diameter of a glutamate uncaging site is \u3c 86 µm, which is equivalent to most other UV photostimulation rigs. With DLP photostimulation, sub-threshold responses and action potentials can be synchronously induced at thousands of sites over a 2.76 mm x 2.07 mm area, a capability unmatched by any other current system. This DLP-based system has the unique capability to investigate normal and diseased circuit properties by investigating neuronal responses to spatiotemporally complex activity patterns. This technique was used to investigate the temporal integration of synaptic input in the whisker barrel cortex of mice. The neocortex is organized into layers, with neuronal networks and circuits formed by layer-specific connections. While the anatomical organization of these circuits has been well characterized, the information processing and coding performed by these ensembles is poorly understood. A key component of this investigation concerns the transmission and transformation of the neuronal representation from one neuronal pool to the next. In the rodent somatosensory barrel cortex, histologically-distinguishable “barrels” in layer 4 (L4) receive principal input from a single whisker. L4 projects to layer II/III (L2/3), where the circuit diverges to multiple postsynaptic targets. Using the DLP-photostimulation system, we modulated the synchronicity of action potentials in L4 cells while recording from L2/3 in an acute slice preparation. This data shows that synchronous activity in L4 neurons is highly effective at eliciting strong spiking responses in L2/3 pyramidal cells, while asynchronous L4 activity fails to drive L2/3 to action-potential threshold. Pharmacological manipulation of the slice-bathing solution has suggested that this phenomenon is AMPA-receptor dependent and modulated by NMDA receptor activity. Intracellular pharmacological manipulations suggest that postsynaptic conductances also play a role in the nonlinear L2/3 synaptic integration of L4 activity

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOptical methods are well-established in the fields of neuroscience, medical imaging, and diagnostics, etc. Optogenetics, for example, enables molecular specificity in optical neural stimulation and recording and has been named the "Method of the Year 2010" by Nature Methods. A novel microdevice was designed, fabricated, developed, and tested to facilitate three-dimensional (3D) deep-tissue light penetration with the capacity to accommodate spatiotemporal modulation of one or more wavelengths to advance a broad range of applications for optical neural interfaces. A 3D optrode array consisting of optically transparent "needles" can penetrate >1 mm directly into tissue, thereby creating multiple independent paths for light propagation that avoid attenuation due to tissue absorption and scattering, providing a high level of selectivity and comprehensive access to tissue not available in current interfaces. Arrays were developed based upon silicon and glass. The silicon optrode array is based upon the well-established Utah electrode array architectures and is suitable for near-infrared (NIR) applications; glass optrodes are appropriate waveguides for both visible and NIR wavelengths. Arrays were bulk-micromachined with high-aspect ratio, a process that has not been reported to be applied to glass previously. In addition to device fabrication, extensive laboratory testing was performed with various optical sources to determine loss mechanisms and emitted beam profiles in tissue across the relevant wavelength ranges, with particular focus on performance metrics for optogenetic and infrared neural stimulation applications. Optrode arrays were determined to be amenable to integration with typical neural stimulation and imaging light delivery mechanisms such as optical fibers and microscopes. Glass optrodes were able to transmit light at ~90% efficiency through depths many times greater than the tissue attenuation length, with negligible light in-coupling loss. Si optrodes were determined to be only ~40% efficient with losses mostly from high index contrast, tip backreflection, and taper radiation. The in-coupling technique and optrode geometry may be modified to produce illumination volumes appropriate for various experimental paradigms. While the focus of this work is on optical neural stimulation, optrode array devices have application in basic neuroscience research, highly selective photodynamic therapy, and deep tissue imaging for diagnostics and therapy

    Infrared neurostimulation in ex-vivo rat sciatic nerve using 1470 nm wavelength.

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    OBJECTIVE: To design and implement a setup for ex-vivo optical stimulation for exploring the effect of several key parameters (optical power and pulse duration), activation features (threshold, spatial selectivity) and recovery characteristics (repeated stimuli) in peripheral nerves. APPROACH: A nerve chamber allowing ex-vivo electrical and optical stimulation was designed and built. A 1470 nm light source was chosen to stimulate the nerve. A photodiode module was implemented for synchronization of the electrical and optical channels. MAIN RESULTS: Compound Neural Action Potentials (CNAPs) were successfully generated with infrared light pulses of 200-2000 µs duration and power in the range of 3-10 W. These parameters determine a radiant exposure for stimulation in the range 1.59-4.78 J/cm2. Recruitment curves were obtained by increasing durations at a constant power level. Neural activation threshold is reached at a mean radiant exposure of 3.16 ± 0.68 J/cm2 and mean pulse energy of 3.79 ± 0.72 mJ. Repetition rates of 2-10 Hz have been explored. In 8 out of 10 sciatic nerves, repeated light stimuli induced a sensitisation effect in that the CNAP amplitude progressively grows, representing an increasing number of recruited fibres. In 2 out of 10 sciatic nerves, CNAPs were composed of a succession of peaks corresponding to different conduction velocities. SIGNIFICANCE: The reported sensitisation effect could shed light on the mechanism underlying Infrared NeuroStimulation (INS). Our results suggest that, in sharp contrast with electrical stimuli, optical pulses could recruit slow fibres early on. This more physiological order of recruitment opens the perspective for specific neuromodulation of fibre population who remained poorly accessible until now. Short high-power light pulses at wavelengths below 1.5 µm offer interesting perspectives for neurostimulation

    Ultrasound neuromodulation: a review of results, mechanisms and safety

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    Ultrasonic neuromodulation is a rapidly growing field, in which low-intensity ultrasound (US) is delivered to nervous system tissue, resulting in transient modulation of neural activity. This review summarizes the findings in the central and peripheral nervous systems from mechanistic studies in cell culture to cognitive behavioral studies in humans. The mechanisms by which US mechanically interacts with neurons and could affect firing are presented. An in-depth safety assessment of current studies shows that parameters for the human studies fall within the safety envelope for US imaging. Challenges associated with accurately targeting US and monitoring the response are described. In conclusion, the literature supports the use of US as a safe, non-invasive brain stimulation modality with improved spatial localization and depth targeting compared with alternative methods. US neurostimulation has the potential to be used both as a scientific instrument to investigate brain function and as a therapeutic modality to modulate brain activity