86 research outputs found

    Overview of East Asian studies in Central and Eastern Europe

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    The following volume reports the findings of an extensive survey about research in the field of East Asian Studies by scholars in central and eastern Europe. The purpose, methodology and major findings of this investigation are presented in the introduction to the report. Organised into two main parts, the report presents the results of four country visits by Duisburg scholars to eastern and central European institutes involved in research on East Asia and an extensive listing of institutes, scholars and research. Two indexes to the study improve its usability in locating scholars and institutes by East Asian country and disciplinary focus. --East Asian studies institutions,research,education,Eastern Europe,Central Europe

    The Lobbying Problem in the Pages of the Soviet Press (1917-1990)

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    The Lobbying Problem in the Pages of the Soviet Press (1917-1990)

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    Geologists of Russian origin in Latin America

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    Se describe la vida y trayectoria de geólogos que más allá de su nacionalidad (rusa, ucraniana, tártara, alemana, etc.), nacieron en territorios que pertenecieron al Imperio Ruso, la Unión Soviética o la Federación Rusa, y de sus descendientes graduados en geología, todos los cuales vivieron y trabajaron en países de Latinoamérica (en los cuales las lenguas que prevalecen son el español y el portugués). También se incluyen geólogos de la URSS que trabajaron temporariamente en algunos países de Latinoamérica y que con sus publicaciones contribuyeron a la Geología.We describe here the life and career of geologists who beyond their nationality(Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, German, etc.), were born on the territory of the Russian Empire, the SovietUnion or the Russian Federation and their descendants that became geologists, all of whom lived andworked in Latin-American countries (where Spanish and Portuguese languages prevail). We includealso geologists from USSR who worked temporary in some countries of Latin America and leftcontributions to geology in form of publications.Fil: Tchoumatchenco, Platon. Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences; BulgariaFil: Riccardi, Alberto Carlos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Durand Delga, Michel. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Alonso, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Wiasemsky, Michel. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Boltovskoy, Demetrio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Charrier González, Reynaldo. Sociedad Geologica de Chile; ChileFil: Minina, Elena. State Geological Museum “V.I.Vernadsky”; Rusi

    Three lives of Norwegian consulate in Arkhangelsk

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    The article is devoted to the history of the Norwegian Consulate in Arkhangelsk, which began in 1815 and has continued to the present time. The history of the Consulate is analyzed from the standpoint of identifying the fundamental differences in the activities in each of the three periods (lives) of the Consulate. This, in particular, is the novelty of the research. Moreover, the first two lives (1815–1920 and 1924–1939) are presented as a background to a more detailed study of the prerequisites for creation, priorities in work, successes and some failures of the modern one — the third Consulate reopened in Arkhangelsk in 2010 and has the status of “Honorary”. The authors pay attention to the personal factor — the life path of the first and current honorary consul Andrei Alexandrovich Shalev. His activity was mainly discussed in regional mass media and was not subjected to research analysis. Even the actual material about the events held by the Honorary Consulate was not collected and not systematized, although it has relevance, as it concerns the interests of thousands of residents of the region. The authors believe that in this article they only outlined those directions in the study of consulates that deserve attention

    The use of digital technology in the training of modern teachers

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    On the basis of the analysis of the potential of digital technology, the article describes the experience of using digital technology in the process of training of future teachers in the context of updating the content of education. Students' use of mobile devices and apps in university practice has been studied. An example of a section of the professional methodology lesson presents the peculiarities of the use of a number of online apps in the process of training of future teachers. Using the MindMaps method with online tools Bubbl.us and Flinga, the term “digital education” is formulated. The basic characteristics of the modern teacher are distinguished: the ability to motivate, to be a competent person, to have leader’s qualities. The potential of digital technologies is leading to innovations in teaching methods of school subjects, which requires finding new methodological approaches and updating teaching methods. An example of students' applying of BYOD technology while doing practical tasks using the Mindmaps method is presented. Based on the experience of using online apps, the results of students' choice of test programs considered optimal for further use in professional activity are described. Digital technologies are considered to be effective tools for the teacher, which increase students' interest in learning teaching methods and form their subject competences. Findings of the final survey among students helped to compile methodological recommendations as for the use of digital technologies at the lesson. Future teachers have the opportunity to acquire relevant knowledge, practical training for further professional activity. The authors did not attempt to analyse all the available digital technologies and apps. Since there are a great number of them, an attempt was made to distinguish digital technologies and apps according to the ways of their use: motivation, extension of reality during the study of new material, use of didactic simulations, infographics; conducting formative assessment, development of tests; carrying out final evaluation

    Geólogos de origem russa na América Latina

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    We describe here the life and career of geologists who beyond their nationality (Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, German, etc.), were born on the territory of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation and their descendants that became geologists, all of whom lived and worked in Latin-American countries (where Spanish and Portuguese languages prevail). We include also geologists from USSR who worked temporary in some countries of Latin America and left contributions to geology in form of publications.Se describe la vida y trayectoria de geólogos que más allá de su nacionalidad (rusa, ucraniana, tártara, alemana, etc.), nacieron en territorios que pertenecieron al Imperio Ruso, la Unión Soviética o la Federación Rusa, y de sus descendientes graduados en geología, todos los cuales vivieron y trabajaron en países de Latinoamérica (en los cuales las lenguas que prevalecen son el español y el portugués). También se incluyen geólogos de la URSS que trabajaron temporariamente en algunos países de Latinoamérica y que con sus publicaciones contribuyeron a la Geología.Descreve a vida e a trajetória de geólogos que, além de sua nacionalidade (russos, ucranianos, tártaros, alemães, etc.), nasceram em territórios pertencentes ao Império Russo, à União Soviética ou à Federação Russa, e seus descendentes se formaram em geologia, todos os quais viveram e trabalharam em países latinoamericanos (nos quais as línguas dominantes são o espanhol e o português). Também estão incluídos geólogos da URSS que trabalharam temporariamente em alguns países da América Latina e que contribuíram para a Geologia com suas publicações.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Светлой памяти Дениса Александровича Гаврилова – коллеги и друга – посвящается

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    The article describes research and teaching activity of Denis Alexandrovich Gavrilov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher with Soil Genesis Laboratory of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who died suddenly died young on August 26, 2021. He was also and enthusiastic and a hardworking publishing editor of the research journal Soils and Environment. The article briefly reviews of D.A. Gavrilov’s major publications presenting the results of his soil and combined soil and archeology studies, which he conducted both individually or in collaboration with other scientists from research and education institutions in Russia and Kazakhstan.Статья посвящена памяти Дениса Александровича Гаврилова – кандидата биологических наук, старшего научного сотрудника Института почвоведения и агрохимии СО РАН, редактора журнала «Почвы и окружающая среда» – скоропостижно скончавшегося 26 августа 2021 года. Представлены сведения о его научной и общественно-педагогической деятельности, приведены основные результаты и публикации по почвенным и почвенно-археологическим исследованиям, выполненным как самостоятельно, так и совместно с другими учеными из учреждений науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан

    Geólogos de origem russa na América Latina

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    We describe here the life and career of geologists who beyond their nationality (Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, German, etc.), were born on the territory of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation and their descendants that became geologists, all of whom lived and worked in Latin-American countries (where Spanish and Portuguese languages prevail). We include also geologists from USSR who worked temporary in some countries of Latin America and left contributions to geology in form of publications.Se describe la vida y trayectoria de geólogos que más allá de su nacionalidad (rusa, ucraniana, tártara, alemana, etc.), nacieron en territorios que pertenecieron al Imperio Ruso, la Unión Soviética o la Federación Rusa, y de sus descendientes graduados en geología, todos los cuales vivieron y trabajaron en países de Latinoamérica (en los cuales las lenguas que prevalecen son el español y el portugués). También se incluyen geólogos de la URSS que trabajaron temporariamente en algunos países de Latinoamérica y que con sus publicaciones contribuyeron a la Geología.Descreve a vida e a trajetória de geólogos que, além de sua nacionalidade (russos, ucranianos, tártaros, alemães, etc.), nasceram em territórios pertencentes ao Império Russo, à União Soviética ou à Federação Russa, e seus descendentes se formaram em geologia, todos os quais viveram e trabalharam em países latinoamericanos (nos quais as línguas dominantes são o espanhol e o português). Também estão incluídos geólogos da URSS que trabalharam temporariamente em alguns países da América Latina e que contribuíram para a Geologia com suas publicações.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The Aesthetic Code of Russian Postmodernism

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    Postmodernist discourse has become central to literary criticism in the 1990s. Unlike many other literary discourses, it was never formally announced, yet beginning in the late 1980s (with Mikhail Epstein’s articles) it took over almost all literary publications and effectively led to a new polarization of literary forces. If, during the first years of Perestroika, literary and cultural factions were divided primarily along political lines, with Western liberal sympathizers and anti-Communists on one side, and nationalist defenders of Communism on the other, then by the middle of the 1990s debate about postmodernism had split the liberals into those who sided with postmodernism and those who backed the “realist tradition.” For example, while the journal Znamia [The Banner] welcomed postmodernist experiments in its pages, such pioneers of 1960s liberalism and the dissident movement of the 1970s and ‘80s as the journals Novyi Mir [New World] and Kontinent [The Continent] tried to exclude the anti-realists in every possible way. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a standard-bearer of Russian anti-Communism from the 1960s onward, expresssed his indignation regarding postmodernism in 1993: Thus we witness, over history’s various thresholds, a recurrence of one and the same perilous anti-cultural phenomenon, with its rejection of and contempt for all foregoing traditions, and with its mandatory hostility toward whatever is universally accepted. Before, it burst upon us with the fanfares and gaudy flags of ‘futurism’; today the term ‘postmodernism’ is applied. . . . There is no God, there is no truth, the universe is chaotic, all is relative -- ’the world as text,’ a text any postmodernist is willing to compose. How clamorous it all is, but also -- how helpful