106 research outputs found

    Multirate digital filters, filter banks, polyphase networks, and applications: a tutorial

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    Multirate digital filters and filter banks find application in communications, speech processing, image compression, antenna systems, analog voice privacy systems, and in the digital audio industry. During the last several years there has been substantial progress in multirate system research. This includes design of decimation and interpolation filters, analysis/synthesis filter banks (also called quadrature mirror filters, or QMFJ, and the development of new sampling theorems. First, the basic concepts and building blocks in multirate digital signal processing (DSPJ, including the digital polyphase representation, are reviewed. Next, recent progress as reported by several authors in this area is discussed. Several applications are described, including the following: subband coding of waveforms, voice privacy systems, integral and fractional sampling rate conversion (such as in digital audio), digital crossover networks, and multirate coding of narrow-band filter coefficients. The M-band QMF bank is discussed in considerable detail, including an analysis of various errors and imperfections. Recent techniques for perfect signal reconstruction in such systems are reviewed. The connection between QMF banks and other related topics, such as block digital filtering and periodically time-varying systems, based on a pseudo-circulant matrix framework, is covered. Unconventional applications of the polyphase concept are discussed

    Theory and design of uniform DFT, parallel, quadrature mirror filter banks

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    In this paper, the theory of uniform DFT, parallel, quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks is developed. The QMF equations, i.e., equations that need to be satisfied for exact reconstruction of the input signal, are derived. The concept of decimated filters is introduced, and structures for both analysis and synthesis banks are derived using this concept. The QMF equations, as well as closed-form expressions for the synthesis filters needed for exact reconstruction of the input signalx(n), are also derived using this concept. In general, the reconstructed. signalhat{x}(n)suffers from three errors: aliasing, amplitude distortion, and phase distortion. Conditions for exact reconstruction (i.e., all three distortions are zero, andhat{x}(n)is equal to a delayed version ofx(n))of the input signal are derived in terms of the decimated filters. Aliasing distortion can always be completely canceled. Once aliasing is canceled, it is possible to completely eliminate amplitude distortion (if suitable IIR filters are employed) and completely eliminate phase distortion (if suitable FIR filters are employed). However, complete elimination of all three errors is possible only with some simple, pathalogical stable filter transfer functions. In general, once aliasing is canceled, the other distortions can be minimized rather than completely eliminated. Algorithms for this are presented. The properties of FIR filter banks are then investigated. Several aspects of IIR filter banks are also studied using the same framework

    A practical approach for the design of nonuniform lapped transforms

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    We propose a simple method for the design of lapped transforms with nonuniform frequency resolution and good time localization. The method is a generalization of an approach previously proposed by Princen, where the nonuniform filter bank is obtained by joining uniform cosine-modulated filter banks (CMFBs) using a transition filter. We use several transition filters to obtain a near perfect-reconstruction (PR) nonuniform lapped transform with significantly reduced overall distortion. The main advantage of the proposed method is in reducing the length of the transition filters, which leads to a reduction in processing delay that can be useful for applications such as real-time audio coding

    Design and implementation of a nonuniform subband audio coder

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    Data compression with application to geo-location

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    A common way to locate an emitter within a wireless sensor network requires the estimation of time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) parameters using data collected by a set of spatially separated sensors. Compressing the data that is shared among the sensors can provide tremendous savings in terms of the energy and transmission latency. Traditional MSE and perceptual based data compression schemes fail to accurately capture the effects of compression on the TDOA estimation task; therefore, it is necessary to investigate compression algorithms suitable for TDOA parameter estimation. This thesis explores the effects of data compression on TDOA parameter estimation accuracy. The first part of this document investigates the decimation of band-limited communication signals which are oversampled to achieve high precision in the TDOA estimate. In the second part, we follow the work of [19-22] in implementing a Fisher Information-based subband encoding scheme, an approach that has been shown to provide better results than the traditional MSE-based approach. A pseudo-QMF filter bank [8] is implemented, which is computationally more efficient than wavelet packet filter banks, at the cost of relaxing perfect reconstruction conditions. Additionally, a suboptimal bit allocation algorithm is developed which further lessens the sensor resource requirements for compression

    Compresión de Audio Basada en Codificación Subbanda

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    An eight channels subband audio codec is implemented for signals with 44.1 KHz and 16 bits per sample using Matlab. To achieve perfect reconstruction, a two channels QMF filter bank with cutoff frequency ω=π/2 is designed, based on an equiriple filter of 99 order. Seven stages of this bank are used to split the input into eight signals with sample rates from 2.76 to 11 KHz, which are coded from 1 to 16 bits depending on the band energy. To evaluate performance for three tracks in terms of similarity of input and output signals, a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) experiment with fifteen subjects was performed. The Euclidean Distance between spectrums was also measured. Results showed a fair similitude for two tracks and excellent for one. Compression factors above 96% were achieved.Keywords: subband coding, mean opinion score MOS, QMF filter banks, audio compressio

    On optimal design and applications of linear transforms

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    Linear transforms are encountered in many fields of applied science and engineering. In the past, conventional block transforms provided acceptable answers to different practical problems. But now, under increasing competitive pressures, with the growing reservoir of theory and a corresponding development of computing facilities, a real demand has been created for methods that systematically improve performance. As a result the past two decades have seen the explosive growth of a class of linear transform theory known as multiresolution signal decomposition. The goal of this work is to design and apply these advanced signal processing techniques to several different problems. The optimal design of subband filter banks is considered first. Several design examples are presented for M-band filter banks. Conventional design approaches are found to present problems when the number of constraints increases. A novel optimization method is proposed using a step-by-step design of a hierarchical subband tree. This method is shown to possess performance improvements in applications such as subband image coding. The subband tree structuring is then discussed and generalized algorithms are presented. Next, the attention is focused on the interference excision problem in direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) communications. The analytical and experimental performance of the DSSS receiver employing excision are presented. Different excision techniques are evaluated and ranked along with the proposed adaptive subband transform-based excises. The robustness of the considered methods is investigated for either time-localized or frequency-localized interferers. A domain switchable excision algorithm is also presented. Finally, sonic of the ideas associated with the interference excision problem are utilized in the spectral shaping of a particular biological signal, namely heart rate variability. The improvements for the spectral shaping process are shown for time-frequency analysis. In general, this dissertation demonstrates the proliferation of new tools for digital signal processing

    Wavelet Filter Banks in Perceptual Audio Coding

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    This thesis studies the application of the wavelet filter bank (WFB) in perceptual audio coding by providing brief overviews of perceptual coding, psychoacoustics, wavelet theory, and existing wavelet coding algorithms. Furthermore, it describes the poor frequency localization property of the WFB and explores one filter design method, in particular, for improving channel separation between the wavelet bands. A wavelet audio coder has also been developed by the author to test the new filters. Preliminary tests indicate that the new filters provide some improvement over other wavelet filters when coding audio signals that are stationary-like and contain only a few harmonic components, and similar results for other types of audio signals that contain many spectral and temporal components. It has been found that the WFB provides a flexible decomposition scheme through the choice of the tree structure and basis filter, but at the cost of poor localization properties. This flexibility can be a benefit in the context of audio coding but the poor localization properties represent a drawback. Determining ways to fully utilize this flexibility, while minimizing the effects of poor time-frequency localization, is an area that is still very much open for research

    A real-time subband codec

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