268 research outputs found

    COMPOSE: Compacted object sample extraction a framework for semi-supervised learning in nonstationary environments

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    An increasing number of real-world applications are associated with streaming data drawn from drifting and nonstationary distributions. These applications demand new algorithms that can learn and adapt to such changes, also known as concept drift. Proper characterization of such data with existing approaches typically requires substantial amount of labeled instances, which may be difficult, expensive, or even impractical to obtain. In this thesis, compacted object sample extraction (COMPOSE) is introduced - a computational geometry-based framework to learn from nonstationary streaming data - where labels are unavailable (or presented very sporadically) after initialization. The feasibility and performance of the algorithm are evaluated on several synthetic and real-world data sets, which present various different scenarios of initially labeled streaming environments. On carefully designed synthetic data sets, we also compare the performance of COMPOSE against the optimal Bayes classifier, as well as the arbitrary subpopulation tracker algorithm, which addresses a similar environment referred to as extreme verification latency. Furthermore, using the real-world National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data set, we demonstrate that COMPOSE is competitive even with a well-established and fully supervised nonstationary learning algorithm that receives labeled data in every batch

    Gaining Insight into Determinants of Physical Activity using Bayesian Network Learning

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    Contains fulltext : 228326pre.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access) Contains fulltext : 228326pub.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BNAIC/BeneLearn 202

    Tree Genera Classification by Ensemble Classification of Small-Footprint Airborne LiDAR

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    Tree genera information is useful in environmental applications such as forest management, forestry, urban planning, and the maintenance of utility transmission line infrastructure. The ability of small foot print airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to acquire 3D information provides a promising way of studying vertical forest structures. This provides an extra dimension of information compared to the traditional 2D remote sensing data. However, the techniques for processing this type of data are relatively recent and have becoming an innovative research direction. The existing perspective for processing LiDAR data for tree species classification involve calculating the statistics attributes of the vertical point profile for individual trees. This method however does not explicitly utilize the geometric information of the tree form such as shapes of the tree crown and geometric features that are derivable inside of the tree crown. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation research is to derive geometric features from individual tree crowns and use these features for genera classification. The second goal of this research is to improve classification results by combining the newly developed features with the conventional vertical point profile features through ensemble classification system. Final goal of this research is to design a classification system to cope with the situation where the number of classes in the validation data exceeds the number of classes in the training data. 24 geometric features were initially derived and six of them are selected for the classification of pine, poplar and maple. Average classification accuracy of 88.3% is achieved by using this method. When the geometric features are combined with vertical profile features by ensemble classification system, the average classification accuracy increased to 91.2%. While the individual performance of geometric classifier and vertical classifier is 88.0% and 88.8% respectively for the classification of pine, poplar and maple. Lastly, when samples that do not belong to pine, poplar and maple are added to the validation data, the classification accuracy dropped to 72.8% by using randomly selected samples for training. However, through diversified sampling technique, the classification accuracy increased to 93.8%

    Similarity search and data mining techniques for advanced database systems.

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    Modern automated methods for measurement, collection, and analysis of data in industry and science are providing more and more data with drastically increasing structure complexity. On the one hand, this growing complexity is justified by the need for a richer and more precise description of real-world objects, on the other hand it is justified by the rapid progress in measurement and analysis techniques that allow the user a versatile exploration of objects. In order to manage the huge volume of such complex data, advanced database systems are employed. In contrast to conventional database systems that support exact match queries, the user of these advanced database systems focuses on applying similarity search and data mining techniques. Based on an analysis of typical advanced database systems — such as biometrical, biological, multimedia, moving, and CAD-object database systems — the following three challenging characteristics of complexity are detected: uncertainty (probabilistic feature vectors), multiple instances (a set of homogeneous feature vectors), and multiple representations (a set of heterogeneous feature vectors). Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to develop similarity search and data mining techniques that are capable of handling uncertain, multi-instance, and multi-represented objects. The first part of this thesis deals with similarity search techniques. Object identification is a similarity search technique that is typically used for the recognition of objects from image, video, or audio data. Thus, we develop a novel probabilistic model for object identification. Based on it, two novel types of identification queries are defined. In order to process the novel query types efficiently, we introduce an index structure called Gauss-tree. In addition, we specify further probabilistic models and query types for uncertain multi-instance objects and uncertain spatial objects. Based on the index structure, we develop algorithms for an efficient processing of these query types. Practical benefits of using probabilistic feature vectors are demonstrated on a real-world application for video similarity search. Furthermore, a similarity search technique is presented that is based on aggregated multi-instance objects, and that is suitable for video similarity search. This technique takes multiple representations into account in order to achieve better effectiveness. The second part of this thesis deals with two major data mining techniques: clustering and classification. Since privacy preservation is a very important demand of distributed advanced applications, we propose using uncertainty for data obfuscation in order to provide privacy preservation during clustering. Furthermore, a model-based and a density-based clustering method for multi-instance objects are developed. Afterwards, original extensions and enhancements of the density-based clustering algorithms DBSCAN and OPTICS for handling multi-represented objects are introduced. Since several advanced database systems like biological or multimedia database systems handle predefined, very large class systems, two novel classification techniques for large class sets that benefit from using multiple representations are defined. The first classification method is based on the idea of a k-nearest-neighbor classifier. It employs a novel density-based technique to reduce training instances and exploits the entropy impurity of the local neighborhood in order to weight a given representation. The second technique addresses hierarchically-organized class systems. It uses a novel hierarchical, supervised method for the reduction of large multi-instance objects, e.g. audio or video, and applies support vector machines for efficient hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects. User benefits of this technique are demonstrated by a prototype that performs a classification of large music collections. The effectiveness and efficiency of all proposed techniques are discussed and verified by comparison with conventional approaches in versatile experimental evaluations on real-world datasets

    Similarity search and data mining techniques for advanced database systems.

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    Modern automated methods for measurement, collection, and analysis of data in industry and science are providing more and more data with drastically increasing structure complexity. On the one hand, this growing complexity is justified by the need for a richer and more precise description of real-world objects, on the other hand it is justified by the rapid progress in measurement and analysis techniques that allow the user a versatile exploration of objects. In order to manage the huge volume of such complex data, advanced database systems are employed. In contrast to conventional database systems that support exact match queries, the user of these advanced database systems focuses on applying similarity search and data mining techniques. Based on an analysis of typical advanced database systems — such as biometrical, biological, multimedia, moving, and CAD-object database systems — the following three challenging characteristics of complexity are detected: uncertainty (probabilistic feature vectors), multiple instances (a set of homogeneous feature vectors), and multiple representations (a set of heterogeneous feature vectors). Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to develop similarity search and data mining techniques that are capable of handling uncertain, multi-instance, and multi-represented objects. The first part of this thesis deals with similarity search techniques. Object identification is a similarity search technique that is typically used for the recognition of objects from image, video, or audio data. Thus, we develop a novel probabilistic model for object identification. Based on it, two novel types of identification queries are defined. In order to process the novel query types efficiently, we introduce an index structure called Gauss-tree. In addition, we specify further probabilistic models and query types for uncertain multi-instance objects and uncertain spatial objects. Based on the index structure, we develop algorithms for an efficient processing of these query types. Practical benefits of using probabilistic feature vectors are demonstrated on a real-world application for video similarity search. Furthermore, a similarity search technique is presented that is based on aggregated multi-instance objects, and that is suitable for video similarity search. This technique takes multiple representations into account in order to achieve better effectiveness. The second part of this thesis deals with two major data mining techniques: clustering and classification. Since privacy preservation is a very important demand of distributed advanced applications, we propose using uncertainty for data obfuscation in order to provide privacy preservation during clustering. Furthermore, a model-based and a density-based clustering method for multi-instance objects are developed. Afterwards, original extensions and enhancements of the density-based clustering algorithms DBSCAN and OPTICS for handling multi-represented objects are introduced. Since several advanced database systems like biological or multimedia database systems handle predefined, very large class systems, two novel classification techniques for large class sets that benefit from using multiple representations are defined. The first classification method is based on the idea of a k-nearest-neighbor classifier. It employs a novel density-based technique to reduce training instances and exploits the entropy impurity of the local neighborhood in order to weight a given representation. The second technique addresses hierarchically-organized class systems. It uses a novel hierarchical, supervised method for the reduction of large multi-instance objects, e.g. audio or video, and applies support vector machines for efficient hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects. User benefits of this technique are demonstrated by a prototype that performs a classification of large music collections. The effectiveness and efficiency of all proposed techniques are discussed and verified by comparison with conventional approaches in versatile experimental evaluations on real-world datasets

    Machine learning on a budget

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityIn a typical discriminative learning setting, a set of labeled training examples is given, and the goal is to learn a decision rule that accurately classifies (or labels) unseen test examples. Much of machine learning research has focused on improving accuracy, but more recently costs of learning and decision making are becoming more important. Such costs arise both during training and testing. Labeling data for training is often an expensive process. During testing, acquiring or processing measurements for every decision is also costly. This work deals with two problems: how to reduce the amount of labeled data during training, and how to minimize measurements cost in making decisions during testing, while maintaining system accuracy. The first part falls into an area known as active learning. It deals with the problem of selecting a small subset of examples to label, from a pool of unlabeled data, for training a good classifier. This problem is relevant in many applications where a large collection of unlabeled data is readily available but to label an instance requires using an expensive expert (a radiologist annotating a medical image). We study active learning in the boosting framework. We develop a practical algorithm that labels examples to maximally reduce the space of feasible classifiers. We show that, under certain assumptions, our strategy achieves the generalization error performance of a system trained on the entire data set while only selecting logarithmically many samples to label. In the second part, we study sequential classifiers under budget constraints. In many systems, such as medical diagnosis and homeland security, sensors have varying acquisition costs, and these costs account for delay, throughput or monetary value. While some decisions require all measurements, it is often unnecessary to use every modality to classify every example. So the problem is to learn a system that, for every decision, sequentially selects sensors to meet a measurement budget while minimizing classification error. Initially, we study the case where the sensor order in which measurement are acquired is given. For every instance, our system has to decide whether to seek more measurements from the next sensor or to terminate by classifying based on the available information. We use Bayesian analysis of this problem to construct a novel multi-stage empirical risk objective and directly learn sequential decision functions from training data. We provide practical algorithms for binary and multi-class settings and derive generalization error guarantees. We compare our approach to alternative strategies on real world data. In the last section, we explore a decision system when the order of sensors is no longer fixed. We investigate how to combine ideas from reinforcement and imitation learning with empirical risk minimization to learn a dynamic sensor selection policy

    Multi-layer random forests with auto-context for object detection and pose estimation

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    Deep neural networks are multi-layer architectures of neural networks used in machine learning. In recent years, training such systems through Deep Learning techniques has shown remarkable improvements over more traditional techniques in the domains of image-based classification and object category recognition. However, a well-known downside of Deep Learning is that generally, for training these very-high-dimensional systems, a very large amount of training samples is required. It is a common understanding that the multi-level structure of data processing that is learned and applied may be a critical factor for the success story of deep neural networks. Highly task-optimized representations may be gradually built through a sequence of transformations that can abstract and hence generalize from the specific data instances. In this Master Thesis, the aspect of deep multi-layered data transformation will be transferred from neural networks onto a very different learning scheme, the Random Forests. The latter is a highly competitive and general-purpose method for classification and regression. Even large Random Forests usually do not have the high amount of parameters to optimize during training, and the number of hyper-parameters and architectural varieties is much lower than for the deep neural networks. Training with a much smaller amount of samples is hence possible. Some variants of a layered architecture of Random Forests is investigated here, and different styles of training each forest is tried. The specific problem domain considered here is object detection and pose estimation from RGB-D images. Hence, the forest output is used by the pose hypothesis scoring function and the poses are optimized using RANSAC-based scheme. Experiments on the pose annotated Hinterstoisser and T-LESS datasets prove the performance of the multi-layer random forests architecture
