2,026 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview for the research that has been done so far in signcryption area. The paper also presents the extensions for the signcryption scheme and discusses the security in signcryption. The main contribution to this paper represents the implementation of the signcryption algorithm with the examples provided.ElGamal, elliptic curves, encryption, identity-based, proxy-signcryption, public key, ring-signcryption, RSA, signcryption

    Certificateless Signature Scheme Based on Rabin Algorithm and Discrete Logarithm

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    Certificateless signature can effectively immue the key escrow problem in the identity-based signature scheme. But the security of the most certificateless signatures usually depends on only one mathematical hard problem, which makes the signature vulnerable when the underlying hard problem has been broken. In order to strengthen the security, in this paper, a certificateless signature whose security depends on two mathematical hard problems, discrete logarithm and factoring problems, is proposed. Then, the proposed certificateless signature can be proved secure in the random oracle, and only both of the two mathematical hard problems are solved, can the proposed signature be broken. As a consequence, the proposed certificateless signature is more secure than the previous signatures. On the other hand, with the pre-computation of the exponential modular computation, it will save more time in the signature signing phase. And compared with the other schemes of this kind, the proposed scheme is more efficient

    Blind multi-signature scheme based on factoring and discrete logarithm problem

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    One of the important objectives of information security systems is providing authentication of the electronic documents and messages. In that, blind signature schemes are an important solution to protect the privacy of users in security electronic transactions by highlighting the anonymity of participating parties. Many studies have focused on blind signature schemes, however, most of the studied schemes are based on single computationally difficult problem. Also digital signature schemes from two difficult problems were proposed but the fact is that only finding solution to single hard problem then these digital signature schemes are breakable. In this paper, we propose a new signature schemes base on the combination of the RSA and Schnorr signature schemes which are based on two hard problems: IFP and DLP. Then expanding to propose a single blind signature scheme, a blind multi-signature scheme, which are based on new baseline schemes

    A Strong Proxy Signature Scheme based on Partial Delegation

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    Proxy signature scheme is an extension of digital signature scheme first introduced by Mambo et al. in 1996, which allows a signer to delegate the signing capability to a designated person, called a proxy signer. There are three types of delegation, namely, full delegation, partial delegation, and delegation by warrant. In early proxy signature schemes, the identity of the proxy signer can be revealed by any trusted authority if needed. How- ever, a secured proxy signature scheme must satisfy various properties, such as, verifiability, strong un-forgeability, nonrepudiation, privacy, and strong identifiability. In this thesis, we propose a strong proxy signature scheme based on two computationally hard assumptions, namely, Discrete Logarithmic Problem (DLP) and Computational Die-Helmann (CDH) problem, which satisfies all the security properties of a standard proxy signature scheme. The property `strong' refers to the fact that only a designated person can only verify the authenticity of the proxy signature

    A Cloud Authentication Protocol using One-Time Pad

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    There is a significant increase in the amount of data breaches in corporate servers in the cloud environments. This includes username and password compromise in the cloud and account hijacking, thus leading to severe vulnerabilities of the cloud service provisioning. Traditional authentication schemes rely on the users to use their credentials to gain access to cloud service. However once the credential is compromised, the attacker will gain access to the cloud service easily. This paper proposes a novel scheme that does not require the user to present his credentials, and yet is able to prove ownership of access to the cloud service using a variant of zero-knowledge proof. A challenge-response protocol is devised to authenticate the user, requiring the user to compute a one-time pad (OTP) to authenticate himself to the server without revealing password to the server. A prototype has been implemented to facilitate the authentication of the user when accessing Dropbox, and the experiment results showed that the overhead incurred is insignificant

    Security of Deputy Signature

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    E-system, a new commerce model, is a new era for business direction. When a principal is absent (goes on an errand or on leave), a well-designed deputy system keeps the business operations working. In the network world, identity verification and any substitute for traditional signature can be done by digital signature [1]. Deputy signature guarantees the existence of deputy system in e-system. Current deputy mechanism addresses the verification of deputy signature. No research has been done on the prevention of the illegal use of deputy system when the principal returns and the deputy system is not in use. We propose a mechanism to solve the problem of illegal use of deputy system when the power of deputy system is not legally “ON.

    Identity-based threshold group signature scheme based on multiple hard number theoretic problems

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    We introduce in this paper a new identity-based threshold signature (IBTHS) technique, which is based on a pair of intractable problems, residuosity and discrete logarithm. This technique relies on two difficult problems and offers an improved level of security relative to an individual hard problem. The majority of the denoted IBTHS techniques are established on an individual difficult problem. Despite the fact that these methods are secure, however, a prospective solution of this sole problem by an adversary will enable him/her to recover the entire private data together with secret keys and configuration values of the associated scheme. Our technique is immune to the four most familiar attack types in relation to the signature schemes. Enhanced performance of our proposed technique is verified in terms of minimum cost of computations required by both of the signing algorithm and the verifying algorithm in addition to immunity to attacks

    Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud

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    In the present era ,cloud computing provides us a efficient way to share data amoung cloud users with low maintenance.But in multi-owner group ,there is a serious problem with preserving data and identity privacy due to frequent change of membership Some trends are opening up the period of Cloud Computing, which is an Internet-based improvement and utilize of computer technology. Security must be in given due importance for the cloud data with utmost care to the data and confidence to the data owne In this project ,we are proposing a secure multi-owner sharing scheme,for dynamic groups in the cloud.We are using group signature and encryption techniques. One of the biggest concerns with cloud data storage is that of data integrity verification at untrusted servers. To preserve data privacy, a basic solution is to encrypt data files, and then upload the encrypted data into the cloud. To resolve this problem recently the best efficient method MONA presented for secured multi owner data sharing.In our project ,we have removed the problem that occurred in existing system.In existing system whenever there is a revocation of member form group.manager has to generate a new key and then distribute to other members,this was a very tedious work,so we use a new technique of group signature so that the revoked member is not able to upload or download files. Now there is no need for generating new key each time whenever there is a revocation of members. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150515