220 research outputs found

    Proxemic Interactions in Mobile Devices to Avoid the Spreading of Infections

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    International audienceCurrently, people's daily lives are affected by the pandemic produced by the COVID-19. One of the main problem is the quickly and easy spreading of the virus. Healthcare workers are affected by nosocomial infections (also called as hospital-acquired infections) that exist in workplaces and more specifically, from health care equipment. In practice, the use of technology is quite common in health care settings. However, due to the touchability of mobile digital devices, their use contributes to nosocomial infections, according to several studies. Some applications based on tracking people have been implemented in order to facilitate Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and preventing contamination of surfaces by people's hands. Notwithstanding, their use still presents limitations related to implementing applications to be used in some hospital environments, such as care rooms, laboratories, clinical workrooms. To overcome these limitations, we propose the use of interpersonal distances and proxemic dimensions (i.e., Distance, Identity, Location, Movement, and Orientation-DILMO) for implementing HCI with mobile devices that reduces their touchability. The aim is to facilitate the development of mobile apps with proxemic HCI, supported in a proposed architecture, to stop spreading of nosocomial infection of COVID-19 and others. To show the usability and suitability of our proposal, we present two prototypes of apps for mobile devices as proof-of-concept, using several combination of proxemic DILMO dimensions to model proxemic HCI that allow flexibility in interpersonal and devicespeople interactions

    Nonverbal communication in text based virtual realities

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    Volume 3 Number 1

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    Interior Design as a tool for dementia care

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    This book investigates the role of interior design in the enhancement of the effectiveness of Non-Pharmacological therapies for Alzheimer’s disease care. The author presents the conceptual model for an environmental system called “Therapeutic Habitat”, meant as a system of environmental interventions, based on tangible and intangible aspects, products and furniture, objects and services. Its aim is to enhance the well-being of people with dementia and stimulate recognition and interaction with the surrounding environment

    Interior Design as a tool for dementia care

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    This book investigates the role of interior design in the enhancement of the effectiveness of Non-Pharmacological therapies for Alzheimer’s disease care. The author presents the conceptual model for an environmental system called “Therapeutic Habitat”, meant as a system of environmental interventions, based on tangible and intangible aspects, products and furniture, objects and services. Its aim is to enhance the well-being of people with dementia and stimulate recognition and interaction with the surrounding environment

    Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy

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    This glossary of recreation therapy and occupational therapy terms is meant to serve as a study guide for students and a reference book for practitioners. It may also be a valuable aid to those preparing for comprehensive examinations, such as national certification exams or graduate school comprehensive exams

    The analysis of compliment expression In the film entitled white chicks (a socio-pragmatics study)

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    Sapto Kuncoro . 2010. The Analysis of Compliment Expression in The Film Entitled White Chicks. Thesis: English Department of Non-Regular program. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. This research focuses on the compliments used by the characters in the film entitled white chicks. This research was conducted to describe the types of topics of compliment employed by the characters in the film entitled white chicks, the functions of each type of topics of compliment, and also the compliment responses expressed by the addressees in the film. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. This research uses a socio-pragmatics approach. The technique of sampling used is total sampling. All conversations containing compliments and compliment responses were taken as data. Based on the data analysis, the researcher draws conclusions as follows: There are four types of topics of compliment employed by the characters in the film entitled white chicks, namely, personal appearance, possession, general ability, and specific-act ability. Following Wolfson’s classification of compliment functions, there are six functions of compliment proposed by Wolfson found in this research, namely to affirm solidarity, to create or maintain rapport, to express admiration or approval, to encourage, to express positive evaluation, to strengthen or to replace other speech act formulas. Most of the addressees in the film entitled white chicks respond to the compliments by employing appreciation token. The appreciation token includes verbal and nonverbal acceptance. In verbal acceptance, the addressees deliver the word thanks to respond to the speaker’s compliment. Meanwhile, the addressees respond to the compliment by smiling in the non-verbal acceptance. Other compliment responses used by the addressees are comment acceptance, praise upgrade, down grade, reassignment, question and no acknowledgement. In the comment acceptance, the addressees accept the compliment and offer a relevant comment on the compliment. In the Praise upgrade, the addressee accepts and asserts insufficiently of the compliment’s force. Meanwhile, in down grade, the addressee disagrees to the speaker’s compliment because the object of compliment is not worth. In response of question, the addressee questions the sincerity or the appropriateness of the speaker’s compliment. Finally, in No acknowledgement, the addressees give no indication of having heard the compliment, shift the topic, and even give no response. Based on the conclusions above, the researcher hopes that this research gives a contribution to the students in studying the speech act of compliments. There are still many cases on the study of compliments. It is suggested to other researchers who are interested in Socio-Pragmatics study to conduct a further research on compliments structure and its vocabulary

    The Evolution of Imagination

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    This book develops a theory of how the imagination functions, and how it evolved. The imagination is characterized as an embodied cognitive system. The system draws upon sensory-motor, visual, and linguistic capacities, but it is a flexible, developmental ability, typified by creative improvisation. The imagination is a voluntary simulation system that draws on perceptual, emotional, and conceptual elements, for the purpose of creating works that adaptively investigate external (environmental) and internal (psychological) resources. Beyond the adaptive useful values of this system, imagination also possesses significant intrinsic value (e.g., in the joy of play, and states of wonder). The book argues that imagination is not a late arrival in the evolution of mind, but one of the earliest human abilities

    When It\u27s So Hard to Relate: Can the Legal System Mitigate the Trauma of Victim-Offender Relationships?

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    This article argues that, in the aftermath of violent crime, a relationship that is both negative and involuntary can form between crime victims and offenders. This relationship fetters the victim to the crime and the criminal, rendering it difficult to recover from the transgression. To illustrate how such a relationship may form and what consequences it may have for victims, this article uses the Oklahoma City bombing as a case study, documenting through the use of original interviews an involuntary relationship in which victims\u27 family members and survivors perceived they were tethered to Timothy McVeigh. This perceived relationship with McVeigh aggravated family members\u27 and survivors\u27 emotional and psychological wounds, delaying their healing. The article further argues that this relationship originated in media coverage of McVeigh that portrayed him as defiant, remorseless, and unemotional, and that it was further developed at trial when family members and survivors were profoundly disturbed by McVeigh\u27s conduct. To minimize the harmful effects of victim-offender relationships, this article proposes that victim services workers educate victims about the possibility of such a relationship, help victims cope with media coverage of the defendant, and assist victims in understanding defendants\u27 behavior during trial. Finally, it recommends that opportunities for voluntary victim-offender mediation be made available to help mitigate the negative consequences of these victim-offender ties

    Being in Performance: A Philosophical Account of the Embodied Actor

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    In this dissertation I present and analyze three distinct actor-training exercises primarily through the lens of the Embodied Cognition (EC) branch of contemporary philosophy, which attempts to frame human understanding as a fully embodied interaction with the environment. Drawing from neuroscience, psychology, linguistics, and other branches of philosophy, EC provides both an excellent set of tools and a strong theoretical framework to help explain how people encounter meaning in life. I apply its unique perspectives to this philosophical account of the embodied actor as I analyze the various elements at play in actor training praxis, which allows me to shed some light on both the mysterious craft of acting and on theatre itself
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