431 research outputs found

    Proving the power of postselection

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    It is a widely believed, though unproven, conjecture that the capability of postselection increases the language recognition power of both probabilistic and quantum polynomial-time computers. It is also unknown whether polynomial-time quantum machines with postselection are more powerful than their probabilistic counterparts with the same resource restrictions. We approach these problems by imposing additional constraints on the resources to be used by the computer, and are able to prove for the first time that postselection does augment the computational power of both classical and quantum computers, and that quantum does outperform probabilistic in this context, under simultaneous time and space bounds in a certain range. We also look at postselected versions of space-bounded classes, as well as those corresponding to error-free and one-sided error recognition, and provide classical characterizations. It is shown that NL\mathsf{NL} would equal RL\mathsf{RL} if the randomized machines had the postselection capability.Comment: 26 pages. This is a heavily improved version of arXiv:1102.066

    The computational complexity of PEPS

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    We determine the computational power of preparing Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS), as well as the complexity of classically simulating them, and generally the complexity of contracting tensor networks. While creating PEPS allows to solve PP problems, the latter two tasks are both proven to be #P-complete. We further show how PEPS can be used to approximate ground states of gapped Hamiltonians, and that creating them is easier than creating arbitrary PEPS. The main tool for our proofs is a duality between PEPS and postselection which allows to use existing results from quantum compexity.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Published version, plus a few extra

    Witnessing effective entanglement in a continuous variable prepare&measure setup and application to a QKD scheme using postselection

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    We report an experimental demonstration of effective entanglement in a prepare&measure type of quantum key distribution protocol. Coherent polarization states and heterodyne measurement to characterize the transmitted quantum states are used, thus enabling us to reconstruct directly their Q-function. By evaluating the excess noise of the states, we experimentally demonstrate that they fulfill a non-separability criterion previously presented by Rigas et al. [J. Rigas, O. G\"uhne, N. L\"utkenhaus, Phys. Rev. A 73, 012341 (2006)]. For a restricted eavesdropping scenario we predict key rates using postselection of the heterodyne measurement results.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Complexity classification of two-qubit commuting hamiltonians

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    We classify two-qubit commuting Hamiltonians in terms of their computational complexity. Suppose one has a two-qubit commuting Hamiltonian H which one can apply to any pair of qubits, starting in a computational basis state. We prove a dichotomy theorem: either this model is efficiently classically simulable or it allows one to sample from probability distributions which cannot be sampled from classically unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. Furthermore, the only simulable Hamiltonians are those which fail to generate entanglement. This shows that generic two-qubit commuting Hamiltonians can be used to perform computational tasks which are intractable for classical computers under plausible assumptions. Our proof makes use of new postselection gadgets and Lie theory.Comment: 34 page

    Online Learning of Quantum States

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    Suppose we have many copies of an unknown nn-qubit state ρ\rho. We measure some copies of ρ\rho using a known two-outcome measurement E1E_{1}, then other copies using a measurement E2E_{2}, and so on. At each stage tt, we generate a current hypothesis σt\sigma_{t} about the state ρ\rho, using the outcomes of the previous measurements. We show that it is possible to do this in a way that guarantees that Tr(Eiσt)Tr(Eiρ)|\operatorname{Tr}(E_{i} \sigma_{t}) - \operatorname{Tr}(E_{i}\rho) |, the error in our prediction for the next measurement, is at least ε\varepsilon at most O ⁣(n/ε2)\operatorname{O}\!\left(n / \varepsilon^2 \right) times. Even in the "non-realizable" setting---where there could be arbitrary noise in the measurement outcomes---we show how to output hypothesis states that do significantly worse than the best possible states at most O ⁣(Tn)\operatorname{O}\!\left(\sqrt {Tn}\right) times on the first TT measurements. These results generalize a 2007 theorem by Aaronson on the PAC-learnability of quantum states, to the online and regret-minimization settings. We give three different ways to prove our results---using convex optimization, quantum postselection, and sequential fat-shattering dimension---which have different advantages in terms of parameters and portability.Comment: 18 page

    Can Anomalous Amplification be Attained Without Postselection?

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    We present a parameter estimation technique based on performing joint measurements of a weak interaction away from the weak-value-amplification approximation. Two detectors are used to collect full statistics of the correlations between two weakly entangled degrees of freedom. Without the need of postselection, the protocol resembles the anomalous amplification of an imaginary-weak-value-like response. The amplification is induced in the difference signal of both detectors allowing robustness to different sources of technical noise, and offering in addition the advantages of balanced signals for precision metrology. All of the Fisher information about the parameter of interest is collected, and a phase controls the amplification response. We experimentally demonstrate the proposed technique by measuring polarization rotations in a linearly polarized laser pulse. The effective sensitivity and precision of a split detector is increased when compared to a conventional continuous-wave balanced detection technique