162 research outputs found

    Efficient Q. S support for higt-performance interconnects

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    Las redes de interconexión son un componente clave en un gran número de sistemas. Los mecanismos de calidad de servicio (qos) son responsables de asegurar que se alcanza un cierto rendimiento en la red. Las soluciones tradicionales para ofrecer qos en redes de interconexión de altas prestaciones normalmente se basan en arquitecturas complejas. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es investigar si podemos ofrecer mecanismos eficientes de qos. Nuestro propósito es alcanzar un soporte completo de qos con el mínimo de recursos. Para ello, se identifican redundancias en los mecanismos propuestos de qos y son eliminados sin afectar al rendimiento. Esta tesis consta de tres partes. En la primera comenzamos con las propuestas tradicionales de qos a nivel de clase de tráfico. En la segunda parte, proponemos como adaptar los mecanismos de qos basados en deadlines para redes de interconexión de altas prestaciones. Por último, también investigamos la interacción de los mecanismos de qos con el control de congestión

    Priority Based Switch Allocator in Adaptive Physical Channel Regulator for On Chip Interconnects

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    Chip multiprocessors (CMPs) are now popular design paradigm for microprocessors due to their power, performance and complexity advantages where a number of relatively simple cores are integrated on a single die. On chip interconnection network (NoC) is an excellent architectural paradigm which offers a stable and generalized communication platform for large scale of chip multiprocessors. The existing model APCR has three regulation schemes designed at switch allocation stage of NoC router pipelining, such as monopolizing, fair-sharing and channel-stealing. Its aim is to fairly allocate physical bandwidth in the form of flit level transmission unit while breaking the conventional assumptions i.e.its size is same as phit size. They have implemented channel-stealing scheme using the existing round-robin scheduler which is a well known scheduling algorithm for providing fairness, which is not an optimal solution. In this thesis, we have extended the efficiency of APCR model and propose three efficient scheduling policies for the channel stealing scheme in order to provide better quality of service (QoS). Our work can be divided into three parts. In the first part, we implemented ratio based scheduling technique in which we keep track of average number of its sent from each input in every cycle. It not only provides fairness among virtual channels (VCs), but also increases the saturation throughput of the network. In the second part, we have implemented an age based scheduling technique where we prioritize the VC, based on the age of the requesting flits. The age of each request is calculated as the difference between the time of injection and the current simulation time. Age based scheduler minimizes the packet latency. In the last part, we implemented a Static-Priority based scheduler. In this case, we arbitrarily assign random priorities to the packets at the time of their injection into the network. In this case, the high priority packets can be forwarded to any of the VCs, whereas the low priority packets can be forwarded to a limited number of VCs. So, basically Static-Priority based scheduler limits the accessibility on the number of VCs depending upon the packet priority. We study the performance metrics such as the average packet latency, and saturation throughput resulted by all the three new scheduling techniques. We demonstrate our simulation results for all three scheduling policies i.e. bit complement, transpose and uniform random considering from very low (no load) to high load injection rates. We evaluate the performance improvement because of our proposed scheduling techniques in APCR comparing with the performance of basic NoC design. The performance is also compared with the results found in monopolizing, fair-sharing and round-robin schemes for channel-stealing of APCR. It is observed from the simulation results using our detailed cycle-accurate simulator that our new scheduling policies implemented in APCR model improves the network throughput by 10% in case of synthetic workloads, compared with the existing round-robin scheme. Also, our scheduling policy in APCR model outperforms the baseline router by 28X under synthetic workloads

    IP and ATM integration: A New paradigm in multi-service internetworking

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    ATM is a widespread technology adopted by many to support advanced data communication, in particular efficient Internet services provision. The expected challenges of multimedia communication together with the increasing massive utilization of IP-based applications urgently require redesign of networking solutions in terms of both new functionalities and enhanced performance. However, the networking context is affected by so many changes, and to some extent chaotic growth, that any approach based on a structured and complex top-down architecture is unlikely to be applicable. Instead, an approach based on finding out the best match between realistic service requirements and the pragmatic, intelligent use of technical opportunities made available by the product market seems more appropriate. By following this approach, innovations and improvements can be introduced at different times, not necessarily complying with each other according to a coherent overall design. With the aim of pursuing feasible innovations in the different networking aspects, we look at both IP and ATM internetworking in order to investigating a few of the most crucial topics/ issues related to the IP and ATM integration perspective. This research would also address various means of internetworking the Internet Protocol (IP) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) with an objective of identifying the best possible means of delivering Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for multi-service applications, exploiting the meritorious features that IP and ATM have to offer. Although IP and ATM often have been viewed as competitors, their complementary strengths and limitations from a natural alliance that combines the best aspects of both the technologies. For instance, one limitation of ATM networks has been the relatively large gap between the speed of the network paths and the control operations needed to configure those data paths to meet changing user needs. IP\u27s greatest strength, on the other hand, is the inherent flexibility and its capacity to adapt rapidly to changing conditions. These complementary strengths and limitations make it natural to combine IP with ATM to obtain the best that each has to offer. Over time many models and architectures have evolved for IP/ATM internetworking and they have impacted the fundamental thinking in internetworking IP and ATM. These technologies, architectures, models and implementations will be reviewed in greater detail in addressing possible issues in integrating these architectures s in a multi-service, enterprise network. The objective being to make recommendations as to the best means of interworking the two in exploiting the salient features of one another to provide a faster, reliable, scalable, robust, QoS aware network in the most economical manner. How IP will be carried over ATM when a commercial worldwide ATM network is deployed is not addressed and the details of such a network still remain in a state of flux to specify anything concrete. Our research findings culminated with a strong recommendation that the best model to adopt, in light of the impending integrated service requirements of future multi-service environments, is an ATM core with IP at the edges to realize the best of both technologies in delivering QoS guarantees in a seamless manner to any node in the enterprise

    Traffic Management and Congestion Control in the ATM Network Model.

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    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networking technology has been chosen by the International Telegraph and Telephony Consultative Committee (CCITT) for use on future local as well as wide area networks to handle traffic types of a wide range. It is a cell based network architecture that resembles circuit switched networks, providing Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees not normally found on data networks. Although the specifications for the architecture have been continuously evolving, traffic congestion management techniques for ATM networks have not been very well defined yet. This thesis studies the traffic management problem in detail, provides some theoretical understanding and presents a collection of techniques to handle the problem under various operating conditions. A detailed simulation of various ATM traffic types is carried out and the collected data is analyzed to gain an insight into congestion formation patterns. Problems that may arise during migration planning from legacy LANs to ATM technology are also considered. We present an algorithm to identify certain portions of the network that should be upgraded to ATM first. The concept of adaptive burn-in is introduced to help ease the computational costs involved in virtual circuit setup and tear down operations

    A framework for fast handoff schemes in wireless ATM networks

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    Includes bibliographical references.In this research, we focus on providing a framework that extends the fixed ATM standard to support user mobility in future WATM networks. The WATM architecture allows for the migration of fixed ATM networks without major modifications. Thus most of the mobility functions are implemented on the wireless access network. The most important component supporting mobility in a cluster is the Mobility Enhanced Switch (MES). We propose using direct links between adjacent MESs to support Permanent Virtual Channels (PVCs) in order to facilitate fast inter-cluster handoffwith minimum handofflatency. This research addresses a framework on handoff mobility by proposing three fast handoff re-routing schemes based on the support of PVCs

    Deliverable JRA1.1: Evaluation of current network control and management planes for multi-domain network infrastructure

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    This deliverable includes a compilation and evaluation of available control and management architectures and protocols applicable to a multilayer infrastructure in a multi-domain Virtual Network environment.The scope of this deliverable is mainly focused on the virtualisation of the resources within a network and at processing nodes. The virtualization of the FEDERICA infrastructure allows the provisioning of its available resources to users by means of FEDERICA slices. A slice is seen by the user as a real physical network under his/her domain, however it maps to a logical partition (a virtual instance) of the physical FEDERICA resources. A slice is built to exhibit to the highest degree all the principles applicable to a physical network (isolation, reproducibility, manageability, ...). Currently, there are no standard definitions available for network virtualization or its associated architectures. Therefore, this deliverable proposes the Virtual Network layer architecture and evaluates a set of Management- and Control Planes that can be used for the partitioning and virtualization of the FEDERICA network resources. This evaluation has been performed taking into account an initial set of FEDERICA requirements; a possible extension of the selected tools will be evaluated in future deliverables. The studies described in this deliverable define the virtual architecture of the FEDERICA infrastructure. During this activity, the need has been recognised to establish a new set of basic definitions (taxonomy) for the building blocks that compose the so-called slice, i.e. the virtual network instantiation (which is virtual with regard to the abstracted view made of the building blocks of the FEDERICA infrastructure) and its architectural plane representation. These definitions will be established as a common nomenclature for the FEDERICA project. Other important aspects when defining a new architecture are the user requirements. It is crucial that the resulting architecture fits the demands that users may have. Since this deliverable has been produced at the same time as the contact process with users, made by the project activities related to the Use Case definitions, JRA1 has proposed a set of basic Use Cases to be considered as starting point for its internal studies. When researchers want to experiment with their developments, they need not only network resources on their slices, but also a slice of the processing resources. These processing slice resources are understood as virtual machine instances that users can use to make them behave as software routers or end nodes, on which to download the software protocols or applications they have produced and want to assess in a realistic environment. Hence, this deliverable also studies the APIs of several virtual machine management software products in order to identify which best suits FEDERICA’s needs.Postprint (published version

    Vorhersagbares und zur Laufzeit adaptierbares On-Chip Netzwerk für gemischt kritische Echtzeitsysteme

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    The industry of safety-critical and dependable embedded systems calls for even cheaper, high performance platforms that allow flexibility and an efficient verification of safety and real-time requirements. To cope with the increasing complexity of interconnected functions and to reduce the cost and power consumption of the system, multicore systems are used to efficiently integrate different processing units in the same chip. Networks-on-chip (NoCs), as a modular interconnect, are used as a promising solution for such multiprocessor systems on chip (MPSoCs), due to their scalability and performance. For safety-critical systems, a major goal is the avoidance of hazards. For this, safety-critical systems are qualified or even certified to prove the correctness of the functioning under all possible cases. A predictable behaviour of the NoC can help to ease the qualification process of the system. To achieve the required predictability, designers have two classes of solutions: quality of service mechanisms and (formal) analysis. For mixed-criticality systems, isolation and analysis approaches must be combined to efficiently achieve the desired predictability. Traditional NoC analysis and architecture concepts tackle only a subpart of the challenges: they focus on either performance or predictability. Existing, predictable NoCs are deemed too expensive and inflexible to host a variety of applications with opposing constraints. And state-of-the-art analyses neglect certain platform properties to verify the behaviour. Together this leads to a high over-provisioning of the hardware resources as well as adverse impacts on system performance, and on the flexibility of the system. In this work we tackle these challenges and develop a predictable and runtime-adaptable NoC architecture that efficiently integrates mixed-critical applications with opposing constraints. Additionally, we present a modelling and analysis framework for NoCs that accounts for backpressure. This framework enables to evaluate the performance and reliability early at design time. Hence, the designer can assess multiple design decisions by using abstract models and formal approaches.Die Industrie der sicherheitskritischen und zuverlässigen eingebetteten Systeme verlangt nach noch günstigeren, leistungsfähigeren Plattformen, welche Flexibilität und eine effiziente Überprüfung der Sicherheits- und Echtzeitanforderungen ermöglichen. Um der zunehmenden Komplexität der zunehmend vernetzten Funktionen gerecht zu werden und die Kosten und den Stromverbrauch eines Systems zu reduzieren, werden Mehrkern-Systeme eingesetzt. On-Chip Netzwerke werden aufgrund ihrer Skalierbarkeit und Leistung als vielversprechende Lösung für solch Mehrkern-Systeme eingesetzt. Bei sicherheitskritischen Systemen ist die Vermeidung von Gefahren ein wesentliches Ziel. Dazu werden sicherheitskritische Systeme qualifiziert oder zertifiziert, um die Funktionsfähigkeit in allen möglichen Fällen nachzuweisen. Ein vorhersehbares Verhalten des on-Chip Netzwerks kann dabei helfen, den Qualifizierungsprozess des Systems zu erleichtern. Um die erforderliche Vorhersagbarkeit zu erreichen, gibt es zwei Klassen von Lösungen: Quality of Service Mechanismen und (formale) Analyse. Für Systeme mit gemischter Relevanz müssen Isolationsmechanismen und Analyseansätze kombiniert werden, um die gewünschte Vorhersagbarkeit effizient zu erreichen. Traditionelle Analyse- und Architekturkonzepte für on-Chip Netzwerke lösen nur einen Teil dieser Herausforderungen: sie konzentrieren sich entweder auf Leistung oder Vorhersagbarkeit. Existierende vorhersagbare on-Chip Netzwerke werden als zu teuer und unflexibel erachtet, um eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen mit gegensätzlichen Anforderungen zu integrieren. Und state-of-the-art Analysen vernachlässigen bzw. vereinfachen bestimmte Plattformeigenschaften, um das Verhalten überprüfen zu können. Dies führt zu einer hohen Überbereitstellung der Hardware-Ressourcen als auch zu negativen Auswirkungen auf die Systemleistung und auf die Flexibilität des Systems. In dieser Arbeit gehen wir auf diese Herausforderungen ein und entwickeln eine vorhersehbare und zur Laufzeit anpassbare Architektur für on-Chip Netzwerke, welche gemischt-kritische Anwendungen effizient integriert. Zusätzlich stellen wir ein Modellierungs- und Analyseframework für on-Chip Netzwerke vor, das den Paketrückstau berücksichtigt. Dieses Framework ermöglicht es, Designentscheidungen anhand abstrakter Modelle und formaler Ansätze frühzeitig beurteilen

    Erreichen von Performance in Netzwerken-On-Chip für Echtzeitsysteme

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    In many new applications, such as in automatic driving, high performance requirements have reached safety critical real-time systems. Consequently, Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) must efficiently host new sets of highly dynamic workloads e.g., high resolution sensor fusion and data processing, autonomous decision’s making combined with machine learning. The static platform management, as used in current safety critical systems, is no more sufficient to provide the needed level of service. A dynamic platform management could meet the challenge, but it usually suffers from a lack of predictability and the simplicity necessary for certification of safety and real-time properties. In this work, we propose a novel, global and dynamic arbitration for NoCs with real-time QoS requirements. The mechanism decouples the admission control from arbitration in routers thereby simplifying a dynamic adaptation and real-time analysis. Consequently, the proposed solution allows the deployment of a sophisticated contract-based QoS provisioning without introducing complicated and hard to maintain schemes, known from the frequently applied static arbiters. The presented work introduces an overlay network to synchronize transmissions using arbitration units called Resource Managers (RMs), which allows global and work-conserving scheduling. The description of resource allocation strategies is supplemented by protocol design and verification methodology bringing adaptive control to NoC communication in setups with different QoS requirements and traffic classes. For doing that, a formal worst-case timing analysis for the mechanism has been proposed which demonstrates that this solution not only exposes higher performance in simulation but, even more importantly, consistently reaches smaller formally guaranteed worst-case latencies than other strategies for realistic levels of system's utilization. The approach is not limited to a specific network architecture or topology as the mechanism does not require modifications of routers and therefore can be used together with the majority of existing manycore systems. Indeed, the evaluation followed using the generic performance optimized router designs, as well as two systems-on-chip focused on real-time deployments. The results confirmed that the proposed approach proves to exhibit significantly higher average performance in simulation and execution.In vielen neuen sicherheitskritische Anwendungen, wie z.B. dem automatisierten Fahren, werden große Anforderungen an die Leistung von Echtzeitsysteme gestellt. Daher müssen Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) neue, hochdynamische Workloads wie z.B. hochauflösende Sensorfusion und Datenverarbeitung oder autonome Entscheidungsfindung kombiniert mit maschineller Lernen, effizient auf einem System unterbringen. Die Steuerung der zugrunde liegenden NoC-Architektur, muss die Systemsicherheit vor Fehlern, resultierend aus dem dynamischen Verhalten des Systems schützen und gleichzeitig die geforderte Performance bereitstellen. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir eine neuartige, globale und dynamische Steuerung für NoCs mit Echtzeit QoS Anforderungen vor. Das Schema entkoppelt die Zutrittskontrolle von der Arbitrierung in Routern. Hierdurch wird eine dynamische Anpassung ermöglicht und die Echtzeitanalyse vereinfacht. Der Einsatz einer ausgefeilten vertragsbasierten Ressourcen-Zuweisung wird so ermöglicht, ohne komplexe und schwer wartbare Mechanismen, welche bereits aus dem statischen Plattformmanagement bekannt sind einzuführen. Diese Arbeit stellt ein übergelagertes Netzwerk vor, welches Übertragungen mit Hilfe von Arbitrierungseinheiten, den so genannten Resource Managern (RMs), synchronisiert. Dieses überlagerte Netzwerk ermöglicht eine globale und lasterhaltende Steuerung. Die Beschreibung verschiedener Ressourcenzuweisungstrategien wird ergänzt durch ein Protokolldesign und Methoden zur Verifikation der adaptiven NoC Steuerung mit unterschiedlichen QoS Anforderungen und Verkehrsklassen. Hierfür wird eine formale Worst Case Timing Analyse präsentiert, welche das vorgestellte Verfahren abbildet. Die Resultate bestätitgen, dass die präsentierte Lösung nicht nur eine höhere Performance in der Simulation bietet, sondern auch formal kleinere Worst-Case Latenzen für realistische Systemauslastungen als andere Strategien garantiert. Der vorgestellte Ansatz ist nicht auf eine bestimmte Netzwerkarchitektur oder Topologie beschränkt, da der Mechanismus keine Änderungen an den unterliegenden Routern erfordert und kann daher zusammen mit bestehenden Manycore-Systemen eingesetzt werden. Die Evaluierung erfolgte auf Basis eines leistungsoptimierten Router-Designs sowie zwei auf Echtzeit-Anwendungen fokusierten Platformen. Die Ergebnisse bestätigten, dass der vorgeschlagene Ansatz im Durchschnitt eine deutlich höhere Leistung in der Simulation und Ausführung liefert