41 research outputs found

    Secure group key agreement

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    As a result of the increased popularity of group-oriented applications and protocols, group communication occurs in many different settings: from network multicasting to application layer tele- and video-conferencing. Regardless of the application environment, security services are necessary to provide communication privacy and integrity. This thesis considers the problem of key management in a special class of groups, namely dynamic peer groups. Key management, especially in a group setting, is the corner stone for all other security services. Dynamic peer groups require not only initial key agreement but also auxiliary key agreement operations such as member addition, member exclusion and group fusion. We discuss all group key agreement operations and present a concrete protocol suite, CLIQUES, which offers all of these operations. By providing the first formal model for group key establishment and investigating carefully the underlying cryptographic assumptions as well as their relations, we formally prove the security of a subset of the protocols based on the security of the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption; achieving as a side-effect the first provably secure group key agreement protocolMit der Verbreitung offener Netze, insbesondere des Internets, fand auch die Gruppenkommunikation eine rasante Verbreitung. Eine Vielzahl heutiger Protokolle sind gruppen-orientiert: angefangen bei Multicast-Diensten in der Netzwerkschicht bis hin zu Videokonferenzsystemen auf der Anwendungsschicht. Alle diese Dienste haben Sicherheitsanforderungen wie Vertraulichkeit und Integrität zu erfüllen, die den Einsatz kryptographischer Techniken und die Verfügbarkeit gemeinsamer kryptographischen Schlüssel oft unumgänglich machen. In der folgenden Doktorarbeit betrachte ich dieses grundlegendste Problem der Gruppenkommunikation, nämlich das Schlüsselmanagement, für dynamische Gruppen, die sogenannten "Dynamic Peer-Groups\u27;. Die Dynamik dieser Gruppen erfordert nicht nur initialen Schlüsselaustausch innerhalb einer Gruppe sondern auch sichere und effiziente Verfahren für die Aufnahme neuer und den Ausschluß alter Gruppenmitglieder. Ich diskutiere alle dafür notwendigen Dienste und präsentiere CLIQUES, eine Familie von Protokollen, die diese Dienste implementiert. Ich gebe erstmalig eine formale Definition fü sicheres Gruppen-Schlüsselmanagement und beweise die Sicherheit der genannten Protokolle basierend auf einer kryptographischen Standardannahme, der "Decisional Diffie-Hellman\u27; Annahme. Diese Sicherheitsbetrachtung wird durch eine detaillierte Untersuchung dieser Annahme und ihrer Relation zu verwandten Annahmen abgeschlossen

    Secure group key agreement

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    As a result of the increased popularity of group-oriented applications and protocols, group communication occurs in many different settings: from network multicasting to application layer tele- and video-conferencing. Regardless of the application environment, security services are necessary to provide communication privacy and integrity. This thesis considers the problem of key management in a special class of groups, namely dynamic peer groups. Key management, especially in a group setting, is the corner stone for all other security services. Dynamic peer groups require not only initial key agreement but also auxiliary key agreement operations such as member addition, member exclusion and group fusion. We discuss all group key agreement operations and present a concrete protocol suite, CLIQUES, which offers all of these operations. By providing the first formal model for group key establishment and investigating carefully the underlying cryptographic assumptions as well as their relations, we formally prove the security of a subset of the protocols based on the security of the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption; achieving as a side-effect the first provably secure group key agreement protocolMit der Verbreitung offener Netze, insbesondere des Internets, fand auch die Gruppenkommunikation eine rasante Verbreitung. Eine Vielzahl heutiger Protokolle sind gruppen-orientiert: angefangen bei Multicast-Diensten in der Netzwerkschicht bis hin zu Videokonferenzsystemen auf der Anwendungsschicht. Alle diese Dienste haben Sicherheitsanforderungen wie Vertraulichkeit und Integrität zu erfüllen, die den Einsatz kryptographischer Techniken und die Verfügbarkeit gemeinsamer kryptographischen Schlüssel oft unumgänglich machen. In der folgenden Doktorarbeit betrachte ich dieses grundlegendste Problem der Gruppenkommunikation, nämlich das Schlüsselmanagement, für dynamische Gruppen, die sogenannten "Dynamic Peer-Groups';. Die Dynamik dieser Gruppen erfordert nicht nur initialen Schlüsselaustausch innerhalb einer Gruppe sondern auch sichere und effiziente Verfahren für die Aufnahme neuer und den Ausschluß alter Gruppenmitglieder. Ich diskutiere alle dafür notwendigen Dienste und präsentiere CLIQUES, eine Familie von Protokollen, die diese Dienste implementiert. Ich gebe erstmalig eine formale Definition fü sicheres Gruppen-Schlüsselmanagement und beweise die Sicherheit der genannten Protokolle basierend auf einer kryptographischen Standardannahme, der "Decisional Diffie-Hellman'; Annahme. Diese Sicherheitsbetrachtung wird durch eine detaillierte Untersuchung dieser Annahme und ihrer Relation zu verwandten Annahmen abgeschlossen

    Overview of Key Agreement Protocols

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    The emphasis of this paper is to focus on key agreement. To this aim, we address a self-contained, up-to-date presentation of key agreement protocols at high level. We have attempted to provide a brief but fairly complete survey of all these schemes

    Rank Functions Based Inference System for Group Key Management Protocols Verification

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    Design and veri¯cation of cryptographic protocols has been under investigation for quite sometime. However, most of the attention has been paid for two parties protocols. In group key management and distribution protocols, keys are computed dynamically through cooperation of all protocol participants. Therefore regular approaches for two parties protocols veri¯cation cannot be applied on group key protocols. In this paper, we present a framework for formally verifying of group key management and distribution protocols based on the concept of rank functions. We de¯ne a class of rank functions that satisfy speci¯c requirements and prove the soundness of these rank functions. Based on the set of sound rank functions, we provide a sound and complete inference system to detect attacks in group key management protocols. The inference system provides an elegant and natural proof strategy for such protocols compared to existing approaches. The above formalizations and rank theorems were implemented using the PVS theorem prover. We illustrate our approach by applying the inference system on a generic Di±e-Hellman group protocol and prove it in PVS

    Key establishment --- security models, protocols and usage

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    Key establishment is the process whereby two or more parties derive a shared secret, typically used for subsequent confidential communication. However, identifying the exact security requirements for key establishment protocols is a non-trivial task. This thesis compares, extends and merges existing security definitions and models for key establishment protocols. The primary focus is on two-party key agreement schemes in the public-key setting. On one hand new protocols are proposed and analyzed in the existing Canetti-Krawzcyk model. On the other hand the thesis develops a security model and novel definition that capture the essential security attributes of the standardized Unified Model key agreement protocol. These analyses lead to the development of a new security model and related definitions that combine and extend the Canetti-Krawzcyk pre- and post- specified peer models in terms of provided security assurances. The thesis also provides a complete analysis of a one-pass key establishment scheme. There are security goals that no one-pass key establishment scheme can achieve, and hence the two-pass security models and definitions need to be adapted for one-pass protocols. The analysis provided here includes the description of the required modification to the underlying security model. Finally, a complete security argument meeting these altered conditions is presented as evidence supporting the security of the one-pass scheme. Lastly, validation and reusing short lived key pairs are related to efficiency, which is a major objective in practice. The thesis considers the formal implication of omitting validation steps and reusing short lived key pairs. The conclusions reached support the generally accepted cryptographic conventions that incoming messages should not be blindly trusted and extra care should be taken when key pairs are reused

    Privacy-preserving distributed data mining

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    This thesis is concerned with privacy-preserving distributed data mining algorithms. The main challenges in this setting are inference attacks and the formation of collusion groups. The inference problem is the reconstruction of sensitive data by attackers from non-sensitive sources, such as intermediate results, exchanged messages, or public information. Moreover, in a distributed scenario, malicious insiders can organize collusion groups to deploy more effective inference attacks. This thesis shows that existing privacy measures do not adequately protect privacy against inference and collusion. Therefore, in this thesis, new measures based on information theory are developed to overcome the identiffied limitations. Furthermore, a new distributed data clustering algorithm is presented. The clustering approach is based on a kernel density estimates approximation that generates a controlled amount of ambiguity in the density estimates and provides privacy to original data. Besides, this thesis also introduces the first privacy-preserving algorithms for frequent pattern discovery in a distributed time series. Time series are transformed into a set of n-dimensional data points and finding frequent patterns reduced to finding local maxima in the n-dimensional density space. The proposed algorithms are linear in the size of the dataset with low communication costs, validated by experimental evaluation using different datasets.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit vertraulichkeitsbewahrendem Data Mining in verteilten Umgebungen mit Schwerpunkt auf ausgewählten N-Agenten-Angriffsszenarien für das Inferenzproblem im Data-Clustering und der Zeitreihenanalyse. Dabei handelt es sich um Angriffe von einzelnen oder Teilgruppen von Agenten innerhalb einer verteilten Data Mining-Gruppe oder von einem einzelnen Agenten außerhalb dieser Gruppe. Zunächst werden in dieser Arbeit zwei neue Privacy-Maße vorgestellt, die im Gegensatz zu bislang existierenden, die im verteilten Data Mining allgemein geforderte Eigenschaften zur Vertraulichkeitsbewahrung erfüllen und bei denen sich der gemessene Grad der Vertraulichkeit auf die verwendete Datenanalysemethode und die Anzahl von Angreifern bezieht. Für den Zweck eines vertraulichkeitsbewahrenden, verteilten Data-Clustering wird ein neues Kernel-Dichteabschätzungsbasiertes Verfahren namens KDECS vorgestellt. KDECS verwendet eine Approximation der originalen, lokalen Kernel-Dichteschätzung, so dass die ursprünglichen Daten anderer Agenten in der Data Mining-Gruppe mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit als einem hierfür vorgegebenen Wert nicht mehr zu rekonstruieren sind. Das Verfahren ist nachweislich sicherer als Data-Clustering mit generativen Mixture Modellen und SMC-basiert sicherem k-means Data-Clustering. Zusätzlich stellen wir neue Verfahren, namens DPD-TS, DPD-HE und DPDFS, für eine vertraulichkeitsbewahrende, verteilte Mustererkennung in Zeitreihen vor, deren Komplexität und Sicherheitsgrad wir mit den zuvor erwähnten neuen Privacy-Maßen analysieren. Dabei hängt ein von einzelnen Agenten einer Data Mining-Gruppe jeweils vorgegebener, minimaler Sicherheitsgrad von DPD-TS und DPD-FS nur von der Dimensionsreduktion der Zeitreihenwerte und ihrer Diskretisierung ab und kann leicht überprüft werden. Einen noch besseren Schutz von sensiblen Daten bietet das Verfahren DPD HE mit Hilfe von homomorpher Verschlüsselung. Neben der theoretischen Analyse wurden die experimentellen Leistungsbewertungen der entwickelten Verfahren mit verschiedenen, öffentlich verfügbaren Datensätzen durchgeführt

    An ICMetric based multiparty communication framework

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    Cryptographic algorithms have always relied on stored keys for the provision of security services. Since these keys are stored on a system this makes them prone to attack. Efforts to increase the key size makes brute forcing difficult but does not eliminate key theft. This thesis proposes a comprehensive security framework for groups of devices. The research makes four major contributions to improve the security of devices in the multiparty environment. The proposed framework uses the novel Integrated Circuit Metric (ICMetric) technology which proposes utilizing measurable properties and features of a device to create a device identification. This device identification called the ICMetric is used to create cryptographic keys which are then used in the designed cryptosystems. The first contribution of the thesis is the creation of an ICMetric using sensors found in modern smart devices. The research explores both explicit and implicit features which can be used to generate of an ICMetric. The second contribution of this research is the creation of a group ICMetric which is computed using the device ICMetric. The computation of the device ICMetric is a particular challenge as it has to be computed without violating the properties of the ICMetric technology. The third contribution is the demonstration that an ICMetric can be used for the creation of symmetric key. The fourth contribution of this research is an efficient RSA based asymmetric key generation scheme for the multiparty environment. Designing a system using widely accepted cryptographic primitives does not guarantee a secure system therefore the security of proposed schemes has been studied under the standard model. The schemes presented in this thesis attempt to improve the security of devices in the group environment. The schemes demonstrate that key theft deterrent technologies can be incorporated into cryptographic schemes to offer higher levels of security and privacy

    Nation-State Attackers and their Effects on Computer Security

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    Nation-state intelligence agencies have long attempted to operate in secret, but recent revelations have drawn the attention of security researchers as well as the general public to their operations. The scale, aggressiveness, and untargeted nature of many of these now public operations were not only alarming, but also baffling as many were thought impossible or at best infeasible at scale. The security community has since made many efforts to protect end-users by identifying, analyzing, and mitigating these now known operations. While much-needed, the security community's response has largely been reactionary to the oracled existence of vulnerabilities and the disclosure of specific operations. Nation-State Attackers, however, are dynamic, forward-thinking, and surprisingly agile adversaries who do not rest on their laurels and are continually advancing their efforts to obtain information. Without the ability to conceptualize their actions, understand their perspective, or account for their presence, the security community's advances will become antiquated and unable to defend against the progress of Nation-State Attackers. In this work, we present and discuss a model of Nation-State Attackers that can be used to represent their attributes, behavior patterns, and world view. We use this representation of Nation-State Attackers to show that real-world threat models do not account for such highly privileged attackers, to identify and support technical explanations of known but ambiguous operations, and to identify and analyze vulnerabilities in current systems that are favorable to Nation-State Attackers.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143907/1/aaspring_1.pd