82 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Protocol Independent Multicasting-Dense Mode in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks

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    This research explored the implementation of Protocol Independent Multicasting - Dense Mode (PIM-DM) in a LEO satellite constellation. PIM-DM is a terrestrial protocol for distributing traffic efficiently between subscriber nodes by combining data streams into a tree-based structure, spreading from the root of the tree to the branches. Using this structure, a minimum number of connections are required to transfer data, decreasing the load on intermediate satellite routers. The PIM-DM protocol was developed for terrestrial systems and this research implemented an adaptation of this protocol in a satellite system. This research examined the PIM-DM performance characteristics which were compared to earlier work for On- Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) and Distance Vector Multicasting Routing Protocol (DVMRP) - all in a LEO satellite network environment. Experimental results show that PIM-DM is extremely scalable and has equivalent performance across diverse workloads. Three performance metrics are used to determine protocol performance in the dynamic LEO satellite environment, including Data-to- Overhead ratio, Received-to-Sent ratio, and End-to-End Delay. The OPNET® simulations show that the PIM-DM Data-to-Overhead ratio is approximately 80% and the protocol reliability is extremely high, achieving a Receive-to-Sent ratio of 99.98% across all loading levels. Finally, the PIM-DM protocol introduces minimal delay, exhibiting an average End-to-End Delay of approximately 76 ms; this is well within the time necessary to support real-time communications. Though fundamental differences between the DVMRP, ODMRP, and PIM-DM implementations precluded a direct comparison for each experiment, by comparing average values, PIM-DM generally provides equivalent or better performance

    Scalable approaches for DiffServ multicasting

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    Over the last several years, there has been an explosion in the introduction of new Internet technologies. Whereas the Internet in its original form was a medium primarily for academia and research interests, the Internet has been redefined as business and consumer interests have dominated the focal points of Internet technology. The dominant question facing the Internet today is, how can the network meet the needs of the users and their applications while trying to keep such implementations scalable to the billions of users present on the Internet? Two of the emerging technologies for answering the question are Differentiated Services (DiffServ) and multicasting. Although the two technologies share complementary goals, the integration of the two technologies is a non-trivial issue due to three fundamental conflicts. The three fundamental conflicts are the scalability of per-group state information, sender versus receiver-driven QoS, and resource management. The issues surrounding how to solve these conflicts provide the basis for this dissertation.;In this dissertation, two architectures (DiffServ Multicasting (DSMCast) and Edge-Based Multicasting (EBM)) are proposed to satisfy the requirements for scalable DiffServ multicasting architectures. In addition to the two architectures, this dissertation also presents the first in-depth study regarding single tree support for heterogeneous QoS multicasting. Furthermore, the dissertation proposes a novel application of DSMCast for fault tolerance and management of the DiffServ network. Finally, the dissertation comments on future applications of the architectures and proposes several areas for future research

    Multicast Routing Algorithms and Failure Analyses for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Communication Networks

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    In the rapidly changing environment of mobile communications, the importance of the mobile satellite (e,g,, low earth orbit satellites (LEOsats)) networks will increase due to their global visibility and connection. Multicasting is an effective communication method in terms of frequency spectrum usage for a LEO network. It is devised to provide lower network traffic (i,e,, one-to-many transmissions). This research examines the system performance of two dissimilar terrestrially-based multicasting protocols: the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) and the On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP). These two protocols are simulated in large group membership density and in the presence of satellite failures. Two different algorithms are developed and used to select critical satellites for degrading a LEO network constellation. The simulation results show that the ODMRP protocol successfully reconfigured routes in large group membership density areas and in satellite failure conditions. Results also show that the ODMRP provided reliable packet delivery. However, ODMRP showed an enormous end-to-end delay in severe satellite failure conditions. This result is attributable to the delayed route refreshing procedure of ODMRP. In contrast, the DVMRP suffered from broken routes and complexity in the large group membership density and in satellite failure conditions. It had a smaller packet delivery ratio than the ODMRP (approximately 85,5% versus 98,9% for the 80 user case). The DVMRP showed scalable and stable end-to-end delay under multiple failed satellite conditions. The large group membership density and the multiple satellite failure conditions provide a more complete assessment for these two protocols

    A Secure and Efficient Communications Architecture for Global Information Grid Users via Cooperating Space Assets

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    With the Information Age in full and rapid development, users expect to have global, seamless, ubiquitous, secure, and efficient communications capable of providing access to real-time applications and collaboration. The United States Department of Defense’s (DoD) Network-Centric Enterprise Services initiative, along with the notion of pushing the “power to the edge,” aims to provide end-users with maximum situational awareness, a comprehensive view of the battlespace, all within a secure networking environment. Building from previous AFIT research efforts, this research developed a novel security framework architecture to address the lack of efficient and scalable secure multicasting in the low earth orbit satellite network environment. This security framework architecture combines several key aspects of different secure group communications architectures in a new way that increases efficiency and scalability, while maintaining the overall system security level. By implementing this security architecture in a deployed environment with heterogeneous communications users, reduced re-keying frequency will result. Less frequent re-keying means more resources are available for throughput as compared to security overhead. This translates to more transparency to the end user; it will seem as if they have a “larger pipe” for their network links. As a proof of concept, this research developed and analyzed multiple mobile communication environment scenarios to demonstrate the superior re-keying advantage offered by the novel “Hubenko Security Framework Architecture” over traditional and clustered multicast security architectures. For example, in the scenario containing a heterogeneous mix of user types (Stationary, Ground, Sea, and Air), the Hubenko Architecture achieved a minimum ten-fold reduction in total keys distributed as compared to other known architectures. Another experiment demonstrated the Hubenko Architecture operated at 6% capacity while the other architectures operated at 98% capacity. In the 80% overall mobility experiment with 40% Air users, the other architectures re-keying increased 900% over the Stationary case, whereas the Hubenko Architecture only increased 65%. This new architecture is extensible to numerous secure group communications environments beyond the low earth orbit satellite network environment, including unmanned aerial vehicle swarms, wireless sensor networks, and mobile ad hoc networks

    Secure Distributed Virtual Conferencing: Multicast or Bust

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    We describe a secure distributed virtual conferencing application (SDVC) that provides high quality streaming video and audio using IP multicast for efficient distribution, using strong authentication via cryptographic means and optionally providing fully encrypted communication without sacrificing quality of the medium or the user experience. We summarize our experiences with SDVC in a recent live demonstration and conclude with a discussion of future plans.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107912/1/citi-tr-99-1.pd

    Distribuição de vídeo para grupos de utilizadores em redes móveis heterogéneas19

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    The evolutions veri ed in mobile devices capabilities (storage capacity, screen resolution, processor, etc.) over the last years led to a signi cant change in mobile user behavior, with the consumption and creation of multimedia content becoming more common, in particular video tra c. Consequently, mobile operator networks, despite being the target of architectural evolutions and improvements over several parameters (such as capacity, transmission and reception performance, amongst others), also increasingly become more frequently challenged by performance aspects associated to the nature of video tra c, whether by the demanding requirements associated to that service, or by its volume increase in such networks. This Thesis proposes modi cations to the mobile architecture towards a more e cient video broadcasting, de ning and developing mechanisms applicable to the network, or to the mobile terminal. Particularly, heterogeneous networks multicast IP mobility supported scenarios are focused, emphasizing their application over di erent access technologies. The suggested changes are applicable to mobile or static user scenarios, whether it performs the role of receiver or source of the video tra c. Similarly, the de ned mechanisms propose solutions targeting operators with di erent video broadcasting goals, or whose networks have di erent characteristics. The pursued methodology combined an experimental evaluation executed over physical testbeds, with the mathematical evaluation using network simulation, allowing the veri cation of its impact on the optimization of video reception in mobile terminalsA evolução veri cada nas características dos dispositivos moveis (capacidade de armazenamento, resolução do ecrã, processador, etc.) durante os últimos anos levou a uma alteração signi cativa nos comportamentos dos utilizadores, sendo agora comum o consumo e produção de conteúdos multimédia envolvendo terminais móveis, em particular o tráfego vídeo. Consequentemente, as redes de operador móvel, embora tendo também sido alvo constante de evoluções arquitecturais e melhorias em vários parâmetros (tais como capacidade, ritmo de transmissão/recepção, entre outros), vêemse cada vez mais frequentemente desa adas por aspectos de desempenho associados à natureza do tráfego de vídeo, seja pela exigência de requisitos associados a esse serviço, quer pelo aumento do volume do mesmo nesse tipo de redes. Esta Tese propôe alterações à arquitetura móvel para a disseminação de vídeo mais e ciente, de nindo e desenvolvendo mecanismos aplicáveis à rede, ou ao utilizador móvel. Em particular, são focados cenários suportados por IP multicast em redes móveis heterogéneas, isto é, com ênfase na aplicação destes mecanismos sobre diferentes tecnologias de acesso. As alterações sugeridas aplicam-se a cenários de utilizador estático ou móvel, sendo este a fonte ou receptor do tráfego vídeo. Da mesma forma, são propostas soluções tendo em vista operadores com diferentes objectivos de disseminação de vídeo, ou cujas redes têm diferentes características. A metodologia utilizada combinou a avaliação experimental em testbeds físicas com a avaliação matemática em simulações de redes, e permitiu veri car o impacto sobre a optimização da recepção de vídeo em terminais móveisPrograma Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Optimização de recursos para difusão em redes de próxima geração

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    Doutoramento em ElectrotecniaEsta tese aborda o problema de optimização de recursos de rede, na entrega de Serviços de Comunicação em Grupo, em Redes de Próxima Geração que suportem tecnologias de difusão. De acordo com esta problemática, são feitas propostas que levam em atenção a evolução espectável das redes 3G em Redes Heterogéneas de Próxima Geração que incluam tecnologias de difusão tais como o DVB. A optimização de recursos em Comunicações em Grupo é apresentada como um desafio vertical que deve cruzar diversas camadas. As optimizações aqui propostas cobrem tanto a interface entre Aplicação e a Plataforma de Serviços para a disponibilização de serviços de comunicação em grupo, como as abstracções e mapeamentos feitos na interface entre a Rede Central e a Rede de Acesso Rádio. As optimizações propostas nesta tese, assumem que o caminho evolutivo na direcção de uma Rede de Próxima Geração é feito através do IP. Em primeiro lugar são endereçadas as optimizações entre a Aplicação e a Plataforma de Serviços que já podem ser integradas nas redes 3G existentes. Estas optimizações podem potenciar o desenvolvimento de novas e inovadoras aplicações, que através do uso de mecanismos de distribuição em difusão podem fazer um uso mais eficiente dos recursos de rede. De seguida são apresentadas optimizações ao nível da interface entre a Rede Central e a Rede de Acesso Rádio que abordam a heterogeneidade das redes futuras assim como a necessidade de suportar tecnologias de difusão. É ainda considerada a possibilidade de aumentar a qualidade de serviço de serviços de difusão através do mapeamento do IP multicast em portadoras unidireccionais. Por forma a validar todas estas optimizações, vários protótipos foram desenvolvidos com base num router avançado para redes de acesso de próxima geração. As funcionalidades e arquitectura de software desse router são também aqui apresentadas.This thesis addresses the problem of optimizing network resource usage, for the delivery of Group Services, in Next Generation Networks featuring broadcast technologies. In this scope, proposals are made according to the expected evolution of 3G networks into Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks that include broadcast technologies such as DVB. Group Communication resource optimization is considered a vertical challenge that must cross several layers. The optimizations here proposed cover both Application to Service Platform interfaces for group communication services, and Core Network to Radio Access Network interface abstractions and mappings. The proposed optimizations are also presented taking into consideration network evolution path towards an All-IP based Next Generation Network. First it is addressed the Application to Service Platform optimization, which can already be deployed over 3G networks. This optimization could potentiate the development of new and innovative applications that through the use of broadcast/multicast service delivery mechanisms could be more efficient network wise. Next proposals are made on the Core Network to Radio Access Network interfaces that address the heterogeneity of future networks and consider the need to support broadcast networks. It is also considered the possibility to increase the Quality of Service of broadcast/multicast services based on the dynamic mapping of IP multicast into unicast radio bearers. In order to validate these optimizations, several prototypes were built based on an advanced access router for next generation networks. Such access router functionalities and software architecture are also presented here