6,406 research outputs found

    Energy-Delay Tradeoff and Dynamic Sleep Switching for Bluetooth-Like Body-Area Sensor Networks

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    Wireless technology enables novel approaches to healthcare, in particular the remote monitoring of vital signs and other parameters indicative of people's health. This paper considers a system scenario relevant to such applications, where a smart-phone acts as a data-collecting hub, gathering data from a number of wireless-capable body sensors, and relaying them to a healthcare provider host through standard existing cellular networks. Delay of critical data and sensors' energy efficiency are both relevant and conflicting issues. Therefore, it is important to operate the wireless body-area sensor network at some desired point close to the optimal energy-delay tradeoff curve. This tradeoff curve is a function of the employed physical-layer protocol: in particular, it depends on the multiple-access scheme and on the coding and modulation schemes available. In this work, we consider a protocol closely inspired by the widely-used Bluetooth standard. First, we consider the calculation of the minimum energy function, i.e., the minimum sum energy per symbol that guarantees the stability of all transmission queues in the network. Then, we apply the general theory developed by Neely to develop a dynamic scheduling policy that approaches the optimal energy-delay tradeoff for the network at hand. Finally, we examine the queue dynamics and propose a novel policy that adaptively switches between connected and disconnected (sleeping) modes. We demonstrate that the proposed policy can achieve significant gains in the realistic case where the control "NULL" packets necessary to maintain the connection alive, have a non-zero energy cost, and the data arrival statistics corresponding to the sensed physical process are bursty.Comment: Extended version (with proofs details in the Appendix) of a paper accepted for publication on the IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Bounds for self-stabilization in unidirectional networks

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    A distributed algorithm is self-stabilizing if after faults and attacks hit the system and place it in some arbitrary global state, the systems recovers from this catastrophic situation without external intervention in finite time. Unidirectional networks preclude many common techniques in self-stabilization from being used, such as preserving local predicates. In this paper, we investigate the intrinsic complexity of achieving self-stabilization in unidirectional networks, and focus on the classical vertex coloring problem. When deterministic solutions are considered, we prove a lower bound of nn states per process (where nn is the network size) and a recovery time of at least n(n−1)/2n(n-1)/2 actions in total. We present a deterministic algorithm with matching upper bounds that performs in arbitrary graphs. When probabilistic solutions are considered, we observe that at least Δ+1\Delta + 1 states per process and a recovery time of Ω(n)\Omega(n) actions in total are required (where Δ\Delta denotes the maximal degree of the underlying simple undirected graph). We present a probabilistically self-stabilizing algorithm that uses k\mathtt{k} states per process, where k\mathtt{k} is a parameter of the algorithm. When k=Δ+1\mathtt{k}=\Delta+1, the algorithm recovers in expected O(Δn)O(\Delta n) actions. When k\mathtt{k} may grow arbitrarily, the algorithm recovers in expected O(n) actions in total. Thus, our algorithm can be made optimal with respect to space or time complexity

    Limitations of semidefinite programs for separable states and entangled games

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    Semidefinite programs (SDPs) are a framework for exact or approximate optimization that have widespread application in quantum information theory. We introduce a new method for using reductions to construct integrality gaps for SDPs. These are based on new limitations on the sum-of-squares (SoS) hierarchy in approximating two particularly important sets in quantum information theory, where previously no ω(1)\omega(1)-round integrality gaps were known: the set of separable (i.e. unentangled) states, or equivalently, the 2→42 \rightarrow 4 norm of a matrix, and the set of quantum correlations; i.e. conditional probability distributions achievable with local measurements on a shared entangled state. In both cases no-go theorems were previously known based on computational assumptions such as the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) which asserts that 3-SAT requires exponential time to solve. Our unconditional results achieve the same parameters as all of these previous results (for separable states) or as some of the previous results (for quantum correlations). In some cases we can make use of the framework of Lee-Raghavendra-Steurer (LRS) to establish integrality gaps for any SDP, not only the SoS hierarchy. Our hardness result on separable states also yields a dimension lower bound of approximate disentanglers, answering a question of Watrous and Aaronson et al. These results can be viewed as limitations on the monogamy principle, the PPT test, the ability of Tsirelson-type bounds to restrict quantum correlations, as well as the SDP hierarchies of Doherty-Parrilo-Spedalieri, Navascues-Pironio-Acin and Berta-Fawzi-Scholz.Comment: 47 pages. v2. small changes, fixes and clarifications. published versio
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