242 research outputs found

    ANN-based robust DC fault protection algorithm for MMC high-voltage direct current grids

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    Fast and reliable protection is a significant technical challenge in modular multilevel converter (MMC) based DC grids. The existing fault detection methods suffer from the difficulty in setting protective thresholds, incomplete function, insensitivity to high resistance faults and vulnerable to noise. This paper proposes an artificial neural network (ANN) based method to enable DC bus protection and DC line protection for DC grids. The transient characteristics of DC voltages are analysed during DC faults. Based on the analysis, the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is used as an extractor of distinctive features at the input of the ANN. Both frequency-domain and time-domain components are selected as input vectors. A large number of offline data considering the impact of noise is employed to train the ANN. The outputs of the ANN are used to trigger the DC line and DC bus protections and select the faulted poles. The proposed method is tested in a four-terminal MMC based DC grid under PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method in fault identification and the selection of the faulty pole. The intelligent algorithm based protection scheme has good performance concerning selectivity, reliability, robustness to noise and fast action

    DC fault identification in multiterminal HVDC systems based on reactor voltage gradient

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    With the increasing number of renewable generations, the prospects of long-distance bulk power transmission impels the expansion of point-to-point High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) grid to an emerging Multi-terminal high-voltage Direct Current (MTDC) grid. The DC grid protection with faster selectivity enhances the operational continuity of the MTDC grid. Based on the reactor voltage gradient (RVG), this paper proposes a fast and reliable fault identification technique with precise discrimination of internal and external DC faults. Considering the voltage developed across the modular multilevel converter (MMC) reactor and DC terminal reactor, the RVG is formulated to characterise an internal and external DC fault. With a window of four RVG samples, the fault is detected and discriminated by the proposed main protection scheme amidst a period of five sampling intervals. Depending on the reactor current increment, a backup protection scheme is also proposed to enhance the protection reliability. The performance of the proposed scheme is validated in a four-terminal MTDC grid. The results under meaningful fault events show that the proposed scheme is capable to identify the DC fault within millisecond. Moreover, the evaluation of the protection sensitivity and robustness reveals that the proposed scheme is highly selective for a wide range of fault resistances and locations, higher sampling frequencies, and irrelevant transient events. Furthermore, the comparison results exhibit that the proposed RVG method improves the discrimination performance of the protection scheme and thereby, proves to be a better choice for future DC fault identification

    A Review of the Protection Algorithms for Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Grids

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    A model-based DC fault location scheme for multi-terminal MMC-HVDC systems using a simplified transmission line representation

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    Accurately determining the location of DC pole-to-pole short-circuit faults in modular multilevel converter (MMC) based multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) systems is key issue in ensuring fast power recovery. This paper proposes an effective DC fault location scheme for the MMC-MTDC that uses an estimated R-L representation of the transmission lines. By using the measured voltage and current data from both ends of the faulted DC line, the proposed fault location formulas can calculate the location of the fault with high accuracy. The simplified R-L representation greatly reduces the computation burden of the fault detection algorithm. Electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations of a four-terminal MMC-MTDC system on PSCAD/EMTDC are used to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results verify that the proposed scheme is robust and almost not affected by the transmitted power or the fault resistance

    Hybrid AC/DC hub for integrating onshore wind power and interconnecting onshore and offshore DC networks

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    A hybrid AC/DC hub is proposed in this study, where a modular multilevel converter and a line-commutated converter are paralleled at the AC side to integrate onshore wind power, and connected in series at the DC sides to interconnect two DC networks with different voltages. The hybrid AC/DC hub facilitates wind power integration and DC network interconnection with reduced converter ratings and power losses when compared with the ‘conventional’ approach using DC–DC converters. To investigate the design requirement and performance of the hybrid AC/DC hub, power flow analysis is assessed to evaluate the converter power rating requirement. To ride through DC faults at either side of the interconnected DC networks, a coordinated DC fault protection for the hybrid AC/DC hub is proposed and studied. Simulation results in PSCAD/EMTDC verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed control and protection of the hybrid AC/DC hub under power flow change, AC and DC fault conditions

    Protection of Future Electricity Systems

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    The electrical energy industry is undergoing dramatic changes: massive deployment of renewables, increasing share of DC networks at transmission and distribution levels, and at the same time, a continuing reduction in conventional synchronous generation, all contribute to a situation where a variety of technical and economic challenges emerge. As the society’s reliance on electrical power continues to increase as a result of international decarbonisation commitments, the need for secure and uninterrupted delivery of electrical energy to all customers has never been greater. Power system protection plays an important enabling role in future decarbonized energy systems. This book includes ten papers covering a wide range of topics related to protection system problems and solutions, such as adaptive protection, protection of HVDC and LVDC systems, unconventional or enhanced protection methods, protection of superconducting transmission cables, and high voltage lightning protection. This volume has been edited by Adam Dyśko, Senior Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, UK, and Dimitrios Tzelepis, Research Fellow at the University of Strathclyde

    Control and Protection of MMC-Based HVDC Systems: A Review

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    The voltage source converter (VSC) based HVDC (high voltage direct current system) offers the possibility to integrate other renewable energy sources (RES) into the electrical grid, and allows power flow reversal capability. These appealing features of VSC technology led to the further development of multi-terminal direct current (MTDC) systems. MTDC grids provide the possibility of interconnection between conventional power systems and other large-scale offshore sources like wind and solar systems. The modular multilevel converter (MMC) has become a popular technology in the development of the VSC-MTDC system due to its salient features such as modularity and scalability. Although, the employment of MMC converter in the MTDC system improves the overall system performance. However, there are some technical challenges related to its operation, control, modeling and protection that need to be addressed. This paper mainly provides a comprehensive review and investigation of the control and protection of the MMC-based MTDC system. In addition, the issues and challenges associated with the development of the MMC-MTDC system have been discussed in this paper. It majorly covers the control schemes that provide the AC system support and state-of-the-art relaying algorithm/ dc fault detection and location algorithms. Different types of dc fault detection and location algorithms presented in the literature have been reviewed, such as local measurement-based, communication-based, traveling wave-based and artificial intelligence-based. Characteristics of the protection techniques are compared and analyzed in terms of various scenarios such as implementation in CBs, system configuration, selectivity, and robustness. Finally, future challenges and issues regarding the development of the MTDC system have been discussed in detail

    Protection and fault location schemes suited to large-scale multi-vendor high voltage direct current grids

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    Recent developments in voltage source converter (VSC) technology have led to an increased interest in high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission to support the integration of massive amounts of renewable energy sources (RES) and especially, offshore wind energy. VSC-based HVDC grids are considered to be the natural evolution of existing point-to-point links and are expected to be one of the key enabling technologies towards expediting the integration and better utilisation of offshore energy, dealing with the variable nature of RES, and driving efficient energy balance over wide areas and across countries. Despite the technological advancements and the valuable knowledge gained from the operation of the already built multi-terminal systems, there are several outstanding issues that need to be resolved in order to facilitate the deployment of large-scale meshed HVDC grids. HVDC protection is of utmost importance to ensure the necessary reliability and security of HVDC grids, yet very challenging due to the fast nature of development of DC faults and the abrupt changes they cause in currents and voltages that may damage the system components. This situation is further exacerbated in highly meshed networks, where the effects of a DC fault on a single component (e.g. DC cable) can quickly propagate across the entire HVDC grid. To mitigate the effect of DC faults in large-scale meshed HVDC grids, fast and fully selective approaches using dedicated DC circuit breaker and protection relays are required. As the speed of DC fault isolation is one order of magnitude faster than typical AC protection (i.e. less than 10 ms), there is a need for the development of innovative approaches to system protection, including the design and implementation of more advanced protection algorithms. Moreover, in a multi-vendor environment (in which different or the same type of equipment is supplied by various manufacturers), the impact of the grid elements on the DC fault signature may differ considerably from case to case, thus increasing the complexity of designing reliable protection algorithms for HVDC grids. Consequently, there is a need for a more fundamental approach to the design and development of protection algorithms that will enable their general applicability. Furthermore, following successful fault clearance, the next step is to pinpoint promptly the exact location of the fault along the transmission medium in an effort to expedite inspection and repair time, reduce power outage time and elevate the total availability of the HVDC grid. Successful fault location becomes increasingly challenging in HVDC grids due to the short time windows between fault inception and fault clearance that limit the available fault data records that may be utilised for the execution of fault location methods. This thesis works towards the development of protection and fault location solutions, designed specifically for application in large-scale multi-vendor HVDC grids. First, a methodology is developed for the design of travelling wave based non-unit protection algorithms that can be easily configured for any grid topology and parameters. Second, using this methodology, a non-unit protection algorithm based on wavelet transform is developed that ensures fast, discriminative and enhanced protection performance. Besides offline simulations, the efficacy of the wavelet transform based algorithm is also demonstrated by means of real-time simulation, thereby removing key technical barriers that have impeded the use of wavelet transform in practical protection applications. Third, in an effort to reinforce the technical and economic feasibility of future HVDC grids, a thorough fault management strategy is presented for systems that employ efficient modular multilevel converters with partial fault tolerant capability. Finally, a fault location scheme is developed for accurately estimating the fault location in HVDC grids that are characterised by short post-fault data windows due to the utilisation of fast acting protection systems.Recent developments in voltage source converter (VSC) technology have led to an increased interest in high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission to support the integration of massive amounts of renewable energy sources (RES) and especially, offshore wind energy. VSC-based HVDC grids are considered to be the natural evolution of existing point-to-point links and are expected to be one of the key enabling technologies towards expediting the integration and better utilisation of offshore energy, dealing with the variable nature of RES, and driving efficient energy balance over wide areas and across countries. Despite the technological advancements and the valuable knowledge gained from the operation of the already built multi-terminal systems, there are several outstanding issues that need to be resolved in order to facilitate the deployment of large-scale meshed HVDC grids. HVDC protection is of utmost importance to ensure the necessary reliability and security of HVDC grids, yet very challenging due to the fast nature of development of DC faults and the abrupt changes they cause in currents and voltages that may damage the system components. This situation is further exacerbated in highly meshed networks, where the effects of a DC fault on a single component (e.g. DC cable) can quickly propagate across the entire HVDC grid. To mitigate the effect of DC faults in large-scale meshed HVDC grids, fast and fully selective approaches using dedicated DC circuit breaker and protection relays are required. As the speed of DC fault isolation is one order of magnitude faster than typical AC protection (i.e. less than 10 ms), there is a need for the development of innovative approaches to system protection, including the design and implementation of more advanced protection algorithms. Moreover, in a multi-vendor environment (in which different or the same type of equipment is supplied by various manufacturers), the impact of the grid elements on the DC fault signature may differ considerably from case to case, thus increasing the complexity of designing reliable protection algorithms for HVDC grids. Consequently, there is a need for a more fundamental approach to the design and development of protection algorithms that will enable their general applicability. Furthermore, following successful fault clearance, the next step is to pinpoint promptly the exact location of the fault along the transmission medium in an effort to expedite inspection and repair time, reduce power outage time and elevate the total availability of the HVDC grid. Successful fault location becomes increasingly challenging in HVDC grids due to the short time windows between fault inception and fault clearance that limit the available fault data records that may be utilised for the execution of fault location methods. This thesis works towards the development of protection and fault location solutions, designed specifically for application in large-scale multi-vendor HVDC grids. First, a methodology is developed for the design of travelling wave based non-unit protection algorithms that can be easily configured for any grid topology and parameters. Second, using this methodology, a non-unit protection algorithm based on wavelet transform is developed that ensures fast, discriminative and enhanced protection performance. Besides offline simulations, the efficacy of the wavelet transform based algorithm is also demonstrated by means of real-time simulation, thereby removing key technical barriers that have impeded the use of wavelet transform in practical protection applications. Third, in an effort to reinforce the technical and economic feasibility of future HVDC grids, a thorough fault management strategy is presented for systems that employ efficient modular multilevel converters with partial fault tolerant capability. Finally, a fault location scheme is developed for accurately estimating the fault location in HVDC grids that are characterised by short post-fault data windows due to the utilisation of fast acting protection systems

    A novel time domain protection technique for multi-terminal HVDC networks utilising travelling wave energy

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    Fault vulnerability and protection issues are major challenge in realising multi-terminal HVDC transmission system, also termed HVDC grids. This paper presents a novel time domain and transient based protection technique for application to HVDC grids. The technique utilises the energy of the forward and backward travelling waves produced by a fault to distinguish between internal and external faults. For an internal fault, the calculated forward or backward travelling wave energy for a pre-set time duration following the occurrence of a fault must exceed a predetermined setting otherwise the fault is external. This characteristic is largely due to the DC inductor located at the cable ends, as per HVDC breakers or fault current limiters, which provides attenuation for the high frequency transients resulting from an external fault. The ratio between the forward travelling wave energy and the backward travelling wave energy provides directional comparison. For a forward directional fault with respect to a local relay, this ratio must be less than unity whereas the ratio is greater than unity for a reverse directional fault. The simulation results presented based on full scale Modular Multilevel Converter Based HVDC grid shows the suitability of the proposed technique. An advantage of this technique is that it is non-unit based and as such no communication delay is incurred. Furthermore, it is simple as it does not require complex mathematical/DSP technique; and as such can be easily implemented at each independent relay since it will require minimal hardware resources hence reduces cost
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