8,304 research outputs found

    Fractal and multifractal analysis of PET-CT images of metastatic melanoma before and after treatment with ipilimumab

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    PET/CT with F-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) images of patients suffering from metastatic melanoma have been analysed using fractal and multifractal analysis to assess the impact of monoclonal antibody ipilimumab treatment with respect to therapy outcome. Our analysis shows that the fractal dimensions which describe the tracer dispersion in the body decrease consistently with the deterioration of the patient therapeutic outcome condition. In 20 out-of 24 cases the fractal analysis results match those of the medical records, while 7 cases are considered as special cases because the patients have non-tumour related medical conditions or side effects which affect the results. The decrease in the fractal dimensions with the deterioration of the patient conditions (in terms of disease progression) are attributed to the hierarchical localisation of the tracer which accumulates in the affected lesions and does not spread homogeneously throughout the body. Fractality emerges as a result of the migration patterns which the malignant cells follow for propagating within the body (circulatory system, lymphatic system). Analysis of the multifractal spectrum complements and supports the results of the fractal analysis. In the kinetic Monte Carlo modelling of the metastatic process a small number of malignant cells diffuse throughout a fractal medium representing the blood circulatory network. Along their way the malignant cells engender random metastases (colonies) with a small probability and, as a result, fractal spatial distributions of the metastases are formed similar to the ones observed in the PET/CT images. In conclusion, we propose that fractal and multifractal analysis has potential application in the quantification of the evaluation of PET/CT images to monitor the disease evolution as well as the response to different medical treatments.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figure

    Enhancing urban analysis through lacunarity multiscale measurement

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    Urban spatial configurations in most part of the developing countries showparticular urban forms associated with the more informal urban development ofthese areas. Latin American cities are prime examples of this sort, butinvestigation of these urban forms using up to date computational and analyticaltechniques are still scarce. The purpose of this paper is to examine and extendthe methodology of multiscale analysis for urban spatial patterns evaluation. Weexplain and explore the use of Lacunarity based measurements to follow a lineof research that might make more use of new satellite imagery information inurban planning contexts. A set of binary classifications is performed at differentthresholds on selected neighbourhoods of a small Brazilian town. Theclassifications are appraised and lacunarity measurements are compared in faceof the different geographic referenced information for the same neighbourhoodareas. It was found that even with the simple image classification procedure, animportant amount of spatial configuration characteristics could be extracted withthe analytical procedure that, in turn, may be used in planning and other urbanstudies purposes

    Hierarchical self-assembly of di-, tri- and tetraphenylalanine peptides capped with two fluorenyl functionalities: from polymorphs to dendrites

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    Homopeptides with 2, 3 and 4 phenylalanine (Phe) residues and capped with fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl and fluorenylmethyl esters at the N-terminus and C-terminus, respectively, have been synthesized to examine their self-assembly capabilities. Depending on the conditions, the di-and triphenylalanine derivatives self-organize into a wide variety of stable polymorphic structures, which have been characterized: stacked braids, doughnut-like shapes, bundled arrays of nanotubes, corkscrew-like shapes and spherulitic microstructures. These highly aromatic Phe-based peptides also form incipient branched dendritic microstructures, even though they are highly unstable, making their manipulation very difficult. Conversely, the tetraphenylalanine derivative spontaneously self-assembles into stable dendritic microarchitectures made of branches growing from nucleated primary frameworks. The fractal dimension of these microstructures is similar to 1.70, which provides evidence for self-similarity and two-dimensional diffusion controlled growth. DFT calculations at the M06L/6-31G(d) level have been carried out on model beta-sheets since this is the most elementary building block of Phe-based peptide polymorphs. The results indicate that the antiparallel beta-sheet is more stable than the parallel one, with the difference between them growing with the number of Phe residues. Thus, the cooperative effects associated with the antiparallel disposition become more favorable when the number of Phe residues increases from 2 to 4, while those of the parallel disposition remained practically constant.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Streamers in air splitting into three branches

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    We investigate the branching of positive streamers in air and present the first systematic investigation of splitting into more than two branches. We study discharges in 100 mbar artificial air that is exposed to voltage pulses of 10 kV applied to a needle electrode 160 mm above a grounded plate. By imaging the discharge with two cameras from three angles, we establish that about every 200th branching event is a branching into three. Branching into three occurs more frequently for the relatively thicker streamers. In fact, we find that the surface of the total streamer cross-sections before and after a branching event is roughly the same.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    A fractal fragmentation model for rockfalls

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10346-016-0773-8The impact-induced rock mass fragmentation in a rockfall is analyzed by comparing the in situ block size distribution (IBSD) of the rock mass detached from the cliff face and the resultant rockfall block size distribution (RBSD) of the rockfall fragments on the slope. The analysis of several inventoried rockfall events suggests that the volumes of the rockfall fragments can be characterized by a power law distribution. We propose the application of a three-parameter rockfall fractal fragmentation model (RFFM) for the transformation of the IBSD into the RBSD. A discrete fracture network model is used to simulate the discontinuity pattern of the detached rock mass and to generate the IBSD. Each block of the IBSD of the detached rock mass is an initiator. A survival rate is included to express the proportion of the unbroken blocks after the impact on the ground surface. The model was calibrated using the volume distribution of a rockfall event in Vilanova de Banat in the Cadí Sierra, Eastern Pyrenees, Spain. The RBSD was obtained directly in the field, by measuring the rock block fragments deposited on the slope. The IBSD and the RBSD were fitted by exponential and power law functions, respectively. The results show that the proposed fractal model can successfully generate the RBSD from the IBSD and indicate the model parameter values for the case study.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Designer quantum states of matter created atom-by-atom

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    With the advances in high resolution and spin-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy as well as atomic-scale manipulation, it has become possible to create and characterize quantum states of matter bottom-up, atom-by-atom. This is largely based on controlling the particle- or wave-like nature of electrons, as well as the interactions between spins, electrons, and orbitals and their interplay with structure and dimensionality. We review the recent advances in creating artificial electronic and spin lattices that lead to various exotic quantum phases of matter, ranging from topological Dirac dispersion to complex magnetic order. We also project future perspectives in non-equilibrium dynamics, prototype technologies, engineered quantum phase transitions and topology, as well as the evolution of complexity from simplicity in this newly developing field

    Analysis of Corrosion Process Development on Metals by Means of Computer Vision

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    The paper deals with computer vision and image processing methods applied to the task of corrosion damage search. A step-by-step algorithm is given for processing of the data from a chemical corrosion experiment on a metal surface: image preprocessing, image binarization and identification of object contours, and analysis of object characteristics. The application of the developed methods is exemplified by detection and recognition of corrosion damage on a steel specimen, pitting corrosion, and corrosion of an aluminum specimen. Furthermore, the mechanism of fractal analysis for corrosion cracking specimens was studied and fractal dimension was selected as characteristics of corrosion damage

    Robust zero-energy modes in an electronic higher-order topological insulator: the dimerized Kagome lattice

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    Quantum simulators are an essential tool for understanding complex quantum materials. Platforms based on ultracold atoms in optical lattices and photonic devices led the field so far, but electronic quantum simulators are proving to be equally relevant. Simulating topological states of matter is one of the holy grails in the field. Here, we experimentally realize a higher-order electronic topological insulator (HOTI). Specifically, we create a dimerized Kagome lattice by manipulating carbon-monoxide (CO) molecules on a Cu(111) surface using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). We engineer alternating weak and strong bonds to show that a topological state emerges at the corner of the non-trivial configuration, while it is absent in the trivial one. Contrarily to conventional topological insulators (TIs), the topological state has two dimensions less than the bulk, denoting a HOTI. The corner mode is protected by a generalized chiral symmetry, which leads to a particular robustness against perturbations. Our versatile approach to quantum simulation with artificial lattices holds promises of revealing unexpected quantum phases of matter
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