15,277 research outputs found

    Optimal battery charge/discharge strategies for prosumers and suppliers

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    We discuss the application of classical variational methods to optimal charging/discharging strategies for a prosumer or storage supplier, where the price of electrical power is known in advance. We outline how a classical calculus of variations approach can be applied to two related problems: (i) how can a prosumer minimise the cost of charging/discharging a battery, when the price of electrical power is known throughout the charging/discharging period? and (ii) how can an electricity supplier incentivise desired prosumer/storage supplier behaviour by adjusting the price

    Demand and Storage Management in a Prosumer Nanogrid Based on Energy Forecasting

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    Energy efficiency and consumers' role in the energy system are among the strategic research topics in power systems these days. Smart grids (SG) and, specifically, microgrids, are key tools for these purposes. This paper presents a three-stage strategy for energy management in a prosumer nanogrid. Firstly, energy monitoring is performed and time-space compression is applied as a tool for forecasting energy resources and power quality (PQ) indices; secondly, demand is managed, taking advantage of smart appliances (SA) to reduce the electricity bill; finally, energy storage systems (ESS) are also managed to better match the forecasted generation of each prosumer. Results show how these strategies can be coordinated to contribute to energy management in the prosumer nanogrid. A simulation test is included, which proves how effectively the prosumers' power converters track the power setpoints obtained from the proposed strategy.Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion ; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

    An Energy Sharing Game with Generalized Demand Bidding: Model and Properties

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    This paper proposes a novel energy sharing mechanism for prosumers who can produce and consume. Different from most existing works, the role of individual prosumer as a seller or buyer in our model is endogenously determined. Several desirable properties of the proposed mechanism are proved based on a generalized game-theoretic model. We show that the Nash equilibrium exists and is the unique solution of an equivalent convex optimization problem. The sharing price at the Nash equilibrium equals to the average marginal disutility of all prosumers. We also prove that every prosumer has the incentive to participate in the sharing market, and prosumers' total cost decreases with increasing absolute value of price sensitivity. Furthermore, the Nash equilibrium approaches the social optimal as the number of prosumers grows, and competition can improve social welfare.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte von Prosumer-Haushalten in Deutschland

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    Im Zuge des Ausbaus der erneuerbaren Energien produzieren private Haushalte zunehmend selbst Strom und Wärme. Prosumer-Haushalte verbrauchen zumindest einen Teil der erzeugten Energie selbst. Zur Bestimmung von gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekten durch Prosumer-Haushalte in Deutschland wurde das Energiewirtschaftsmodell PANTA RHEI um Prosumer-Haushalte erweitert und in verschiedenen Szenariorechnungen eingesetzt. Das vorliegende Discussion Paper beschreibt die Szenarien und gibt einen Überblick über die wirtschaftlichen und energetischen Wirkungen und Effekte von Prosumer-Haushalten in Deutschland. Die Szenarien unterscheiden sich im Wesentlichen in der Anzahl an Prosumer-Haushalten bzw. deren Verteilung auf die einzelnen Prosumer-Haushaltstypen. Das Prosumieren lohnt sich in der überwiegenden Zahl der betrachteten Prosumer-Haushalte einzelwirtschaftlich. Eine zunehmende Zahl von Prosumer-Haushalten führt zu einem Rückgang der CO2-Emissionen und ist gleichzeitig mit leicht positiven gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekten verbunden. Insgesamt fallen die Effekte bezogen auf die gesamte Volkswirtschaft aber eher klein aus

    Cooperative energy management for a cluster of households prosumers

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe increment of electrical and electronic appliances for improving the lifestyle of residential consumers had led to a larger demand of energy. In order to supply their energy requirements, the consumers have changed the paradigm by integrating renewable energy sources to their power grid. Therefore, consumers become prosumers in which they internally generate and consume energy looking for an autonomous operation. This paper proposes an energy management system for coordinating the operation of distributed household prosumers. It was found that better performance is achieved when cooperative operation with other prosumers in a neighborhood environment is achieved. Simulation and experimental results validate the proposed strategy by comparing the performance of islanded prosumers with the operation in cooperative modePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The perks and downsides of being a digital prosumer: optimistic and pessimistic approaches to digital prosumption

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    The recent evolution of users’ position and agency in digital environments absorbs the attention of several scholars in different fields of study. Users’ new ontological status as prosumers, simultaneously producers and consumers, and their role regarding productive paradigms has raised a lot of contrasting opinions. Different discursive techniques are employed to investigate production practices in digital worlds and are often crafted with the conventions of utopian and anti-utopian approaches. Nevertheless, the adoption of optimistic or pessimistic analytical and rhetorical strategies appears to be prejudiced towards the study of emerging online practices. In reality, the analysis of positive and negative approaches to productive paradigms in digital environments results in the detection of their limitations in reaching a comprehensive understanding of the investigated phenomena. Therefore, the adoption of a more neutral perspective is suggested, one that could potentially foster a holistic approach and therefore a broader and deeper comprehension of the analyzed phenomena