329 research outputs found

    Dataset with Tactile and Kinesthetic Information from a Human Forearm and Its Application to Deep Learning

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    There are physical Human–Robot Interaction (pHRI) applications where the robot has to grab the human body, such as rescue or assistive robotics. Being able to precisely estimate the grasping location when grabbing a human limb is crucial to perform a safe manipulation of the human. Computer vision methods provide pre-grasp information with strong constraints imposed by the field environments. Force-based compliant control, after grasping, limits the amount of applied strength. On the other hand, valuable tactile and proprioceptive information can be obtained from the pHRI gripper, which can be used to better know the features of the human and the contact state between the human and the robot. This paper presents a novel dataset of tactile and kinesthetic data obtained from a robot gripper that grabs a human forearm. The dataset is collected with a three-fingered gripper with two underactuated fingers and a fixed finger with a high-resolution tactile sensor. A palpation procedure is performed to record the shape of the forearm and to recognize the bones and muscles in different sections. Moreover, an application for the use of the database is included. In particular, a fusion approach is used to estimate the actual grasped forearm section using both kinesthetic and tactile information on a regression deep-learning neural network. First, tactile and kinesthetic data are trained separately with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks, considering the data are sequential. Then, the outputs are fed to a Fusion neural network to enhance the estimation. The experiments conducted show good results in training both sources separately, with superior performance when the fusion approach is considered.This research was funded by the University of Málaga, the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España, grant number RTI2018-093421-B-I00 and the European Commission, grant number BES-2016-078237. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    An Incremental Navigation Localization Methodology for Application to Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robotic Platforms to Assist Individuals Having Severe Motor Disabilities.

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    In the present work, the author explores the issues surrounding the design and development of an intelligent wheelchair platform incorporating the semi-autonomous system paradigm, to meet the needs of individuals with severe motor disabilities. The author presents a discussion of the problems of navigation that must be solved before any system of this type can be instantiated, and enumerates the general design issues that must be addressed by the designers of systems of this type. This discussion includes reviews of various methodologies that have been proposed as solutions to the problems considered. Next, the author introduces a new navigation method, called Incremental Signature Recognition (ISR), for use by semi-autonomous systems in structured environments. This method is based on the recognition, recording, and tracking of environmental discontinuities: sensor reported anomalies in measured environmental parameters. The author then proposes a robust, redundant, dynamic, self-diagnosing sensing methodology for detecting and compensating for hidden failures of single sensors and sensor idiosyncrasies. This technique is optimized for the detection of spatial discontinuity anomalies. Finally, the author gives details of an effort to realize a prototype ISR based system, along with insights into the various implementation choices made

    Behavior-grounded multi-sensory object perception and exploration by a humanoid robot

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    Infants use exploratory behaviors to learn about the objects around them. Psychologists have theorized that behaviors such as touching, pressing, lifting, and dropping enable infants to form grounded object representations. For example, scratching an object can provide information about its roughness, while lifting it can provide information about its weight. In a sense, the exploratory behavior acts as a ``question\u27\u27 to the object, which is subsequently ``answered by the sensory stimuli produced during the execution of the behavior. In contrast, most object representations used by robots today rely solely on computer vision or laser scan data, gathered through passive observation. Such disembodied approaches to robotic perception may be useful for recognizing an object using a 3D model database, but nevertheless, will fail to infer object properties that cannot be detected using vision alone. To bridge this gap, this dissertation introduces a framework for object perception and exploration in which the robot\u27s representation of objects is grounded in its own sensorimotor experience with them. In this framework, an object is represented by sensorimotor contingencies that span a diverse set of exploratory behaviors and sensory modalities. The results from several large-scale experimental studies show that the behavior-grounded object representation enables a robot to solve a wide variety of tasks including recognition of objects based on the stimuli that they produce, object grouping and sorting, and learning category labels that describe objects and their properties

    Sensorimotor Representation Learning for an “Active Self” in Robots: A Model Survey

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    Safe human-robot interactions require robots to be able to learn how to behave appropriately in spaces populated by people and thus to cope with the challenges posed by our dynamic and unstructured environment, rather than being provided a rigid set of rules for operations. In humans, these capabilities are thought to be related to our ability to perceive our body in space, sensing the location of our limbs during movement, being aware of other objects and agents, and controlling our body parts to interact with them intentionally. Toward the next generation of robots with bio-inspired capacities, in this paper, we first review the developmental processes of underlying mechanisms of these abilities: The sensory representations of body schema, peripersonal space, and the active self in humans. Second, we provide a survey of robotics models of these sensory representations and robotics models of the self; and we compare these models with the human counterparts. Finally, we analyze what is missing from these robotics models and propose a theoretical computational framework, which aims to allow the emergence of the sense of self in artificial agents by developing sensory representations through self-exploration.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Projekt DEALPeer Reviewe

    Agent and object aware tracking and mapping methods for mobile manipulators

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    The age of the intelligent machine is upon us. They exist in our factories, our warehouses, our military, our hospitals, on our roads, and on the moon. Most of these things we call robots. When placed in a controlled or known environment such as an automotive factory or a distribution warehouse they perform their given roles with exceptional efficiency, achieving far more than is within reach of a humble human being. Despite the remarkable success of intelligent machines in such domains, they have yet to make a full-hearted deployment into our homes. The missing link between the robots we have now and the robots that are soon to come to our houses is perception. Perception as we mean it here refers to a level of understanding beyond the collection and aggregation of sensory data. Much of the available sensory information is noisy and unreliable, our homes contain many reflective surfaces, repeating textures on large flat surfaces, and many disruptive moving elements, including humans. These environments change over time, with objects frequently moving within and between rooms. This idea of change in an environment is fundamental to robotic applications, as in most cases we expect them to be effectors of such change. We can identify two particular challenges1 that must be solved for robots to make the jump to less structured environments - how to manage noise and disruptive elements in observational data, and how to understand the world as a set of changeable elements (objects) which move over time within a wider environment. In this thesis we look at one possible approach to solving each of these problems. For the first challenge we use proprioception aboard a robot with an articulated arm to handle difficult and unreliable visual data caused both by the robot and the environment. We use sensor data aboard the robot to improve the pose tracking of a visual system when the robot moves rapidly, with high jerk, or when observing a scene with little visual variation. For the second challenge, we build a model of the world on the level of rigid objects, and relocalise them both as they change location between different sequences and as they move. We use semantics, image keypoints, and 3D geometry to register and align objects between sequences, showing how their position has moved between disparate observations.Open Acces

    Functional Autonomy Techniques for Manipulation in Uncertain Environments

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    As robotic platforms are put to work in an ever more diverse array of environments, their ability to deploy visuomotor capabilities without supervision is complicated by the potential for unforeseen operating conditions. This is a particular challenge within the domain of manipulation, where significant geometric, semantic, and kinetic understanding across the space of possible manipulands is necessary to allow effective interaction. To facilitate adoption of robotic platforms in such environments, this work investigates the application of functional, or behavior level, autonomy to the task of manipulation in uncertain environments. Three functional autonomy techniques are presented to address subproblems within the domain. The task of reactive selection between a set of actions that incur a probabilistic cost to advance the same goal metric in the presence of an operator action preference is formulated as the Obedient Multi-Armed Bandit (OMAB) problem, under the purview of Reinforcement Learning. A policy for the problem is presented and evaluated against a novel performance metric, disappointment (analogous to prototypical MAB's regret), in comparison to adaptations of existing MAB policies. This is posed for both stationary and non-stationary cost distributions, within the context of two example planetary exploration applications of multi-modal mobility, and surface excavation. Second, a computational model that derives semantic meaning from the outcome of manipulation tasks is developed, which leverages physics simulation and clustering to learn symbolic failure modes. A deep network extracts visual signatures for each mode that may then guide failure recovery. The model is demonstrated through application to the archetypal manipulation task of placing objects into a container, as well as stacking of cuboids, and evaluated against both synthetic verification sets and real depth images. Third, an approach is presented for visual estimation of the minimum magnitude grasping wrench necessary to extract massive objects from an unstructured pile, subject to a given end effector's grasping limits, that is formulated for each object as a "wrench space stiction manifold". Properties are estimated from segmented RGBD point clouds, and a geometric adjacency graph used to infer incident wrenches upon each object, allowing candidate extraction object/force-vector pairs to be selected from the pile that are likely to be within the system's capability.</p
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