7,668 research outputs found

    Learning by Seeing by Doing: Arithmetic Word Problems

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    Learning by doing in pursuit of real-world goals has received much attention from education researchers but has been unevenly supported by mathematics education software at the elementary level, particularly as it involves arithmetic word problems. In this article, we give examples of doing-oriented tools that might promote children\u27s ability to see significant abstract structures in mathematical situations. The reflection necessary for such seeing is motivated by activities and contexts that emphasize affective and social aspects. Natural language, as a representation already familiar to children, is key in these activities, both as a means of mathematical expression and as a link between situations and various abstract representations. These tools support children\u27s ownership of a mathematical problem and its expression; remote sharing of problems and data; software interpretation of children\u27s own word problems; play with dynamically linked representations with attention to children\u27s prior connections; and systematic problem variation based on empirically determined level of difficulty

    P ORTOLAN: a Model-Driven Cartography Framework

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    Processing large amounts of data to extract useful information is an essential task within companies. To help in this task, visualization techniques have been commonly used due to their capacity to present data in synthesized views, easier to understand and manage. However, achieving the right visualization display for a data set is a complex cartography process that involves several transformation steps to adapt the (domain) data to the (visualization) data format expected by visualization tools. To maximize the benefits of visualization we propose Portolan, a generic model-driven cartography framework that facilitates the discovery of the data to visualize, the specification of view definitions for that data and the transformations to bridge the gap with the visualization tools. Our approach has been implemented on top of the Eclipse EMF modeling framework and validated on three different use cases

    Information visualization approach in marine fisheries landing data

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    This paper studied the landings statistical data in marine fisheries by the state of Terengganu for the period of time 2000 until 2009 and to discuss some of the main features on how information visualization technique can be used as a keystone technology for represent these fisheries data. Information visualization (InfoVis) represents an abstract data in graphical representation concepts in such a way that is more natural or easier for human to comprehend. InfoVis is recognized as one of the important way to help users to study, explore, and present information in fisheries data. Today, this emerging technology is important in fisheries and plays a vital role in developing integrated approaches to fishery management and assessment. It helps to convey relatively complex technical information to scientists, managers and decision makers. Since visualization technology provide a high degree of functionality in sampling design, data assimilation, exploratory data analysis and model development, they will continue to play an increasing significant strategic role in fishery management and assessment

    Smart kitchen for Ambient Assisted Living

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    El envejecimiento de la población es una realidad en todos los países desarrollados. Las predicciones de crecimiento de esta población son alarmantes, planteando un reto para los servicios sociales y sanitarios. Las personas ancianas padecen diversas discapacidades que se van acentuando con la edad, siendo más propensas a sufrir accidentes domésticos, presentando problemas para realizar tareas cotidianas, etc. Esta situación conlleva a una pérdida paulatina de capacidades que en muchas ocasiones acaba con la vida autónoma de la persona. En este contexto, las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) aplicadas al entorno doméstico pueden jugar un papel importante, permitiendo que las personas ancianas vivan más tiempo, de forma independiente en su propio hogar, presentando, por tanto, una alternativa a la hospitalización o institucionalización de las mismas. Este trabajo da un paso más en este sentido, presentando el diseño y desarrollo de un Ambiente Inteligente en la cocina, que ayuda a las personas ancianas y/o con discapacidad a desempeñar sus actividades de la vida diaria de una forma más fácil y sencilla. Esta tesis realiza sus principales aportaciones en dos campos: El metodológico y el tecnológico. Por un lado se presenta una metodología sistemática para extraer necesidades de colectivos específicos a fin de mejorar la información disponible por el equipo de diseño del producto, servicio o sistema. Esta metodología se basa en el estudio de la interacción Hombre-Máquina en base a los paradigmas y modelos existentes y el modelado y descripción de las capacidades del usuario en la misma utilizado el lenguaje estandarizado propuesto en la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud (CIF). Adicionalmente, se plantea el problema de la evaluación tecnológica, diseñando la metodología de evaluación de la tecnología con la finalidad de conocer su accesibilidad, funcionalidad y usabilidad del sistema desarrollado y aplicándola a 61 usuarios y 31 profesionales de la gerontología. Desde un punto de vista técnico, se afronta el diseño de un ambiente asistido inteligente (Ambient Assisted Living, AAL) en la cocina, planteando y definiendo la arquitectura del sistema. Esta arquitectura, basada en OSGi (Open Services Gateway initiative), oferta un sistema modular, con altas capacidades de interoperabilidad y escalabilidad. Además, se diseña e implementa una red de sensores distribuida en el entorno con el fin de obtener la mayor información posible del contexto, presentando distintos algoritmos para obtener información de alto nivel: detección de caídas o localización. Todos los dispositivos presentes en el entorno han sido modelados utilizando la taxonomía propuesta en OSGi4AmI, extendiendo la misma a los electrodomésticos más habituales de la cocina. Finalmente, se presenta el diseño e implementación de la inteligencia del sistema, que en función de la información procedente del contexto y de las capacidades del usuario da soporte a las principales actividades de la vida diaria (AVD) en la cocina

    Using Ontologies for Proposing Adequate Geovisual Analytics Solutions in the Analysis of Trajectories

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    International audienceThis paper presents an original approach for supporting the use of geovisual analytics solutions. Many models have been proposed to characterize information visualization methods, but few have been integrated to an intelligent process for supporting user in geo-information usage. Moreover, several new solutions are continuously proposed by research, but few of them are really used in operational world. For instance, the maritime surveillance systems could gain much more identification capabilities of ship behaviors with adequate geovisual analytics solutions. Therefore, we investigated the use of geovisual methods for the analysis of mobility data, such as ship trajectories. We propose a knowledge-based system using ontologies and rules. These allow modeling the domain of geovisual analytics solutions, and their capacities in the exploration and the analysis of trajectories. This system would be used to support users in geovisual analytics of movement, based on their context of use

    What working memory is for

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    Glenberg focuses on conceptualizations that change from moment to moment, yet he dismisses the concept of working memory (sect. 4.3), which offers an account of temporary storage and on-line cognition. This commentary questions whether Glenberg's account adequately caters for observations of consistent data patterns in temporary storage of verbal and visuospatial information in healthy adults and in brain-damaged patients with deficits in temporary retention.</jats:p

    Towards a kansei-based user modeling methodology for eco-design

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    We propose here to highlight the benefits of building a framework linking Kansei Design (KD), User Centered Design (UCD) and Eco-design, as the correlation between these fields is barely explored in research at the current time. Therefore, we believe Kansei Design could serve the goal of achieving more sustainable products by setting up an accurate understanding of the user in terms of ecological awareness, and consequently enhancing performance in the Eco-design process. In the same way, we will consider the means-end chain approach inspired from marketing research, as it is useful for identifying ecological values, mapping associated functions and defining suitable design solutions. Information gathered will serve as entry data for conducting scenario-based design, and supporting the development of an Eco-friendly User Centered Design methodology (EcoUCD).ANR-ECOUS

    Forming Digital Workspace: Current State and Applications of Extended Reality in Virtual Teams

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    Extended reality (XR) has been widely applied as an umbrella term encompassing virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. Despite extensive research on XR applications in various contexts, little attention has been drawn to its utilization in work scenarios, particularly in virtual teams. This study is a systematic literature review of virtual teams utilizing XR in the digital workspace, incorporating related articles from four scientific databases over the past decade. The review focuses on two aspects: the current state of XR implementation in virtual teams and how technology addresses the digital collaborative process. Findings highlight team types, application areas, collaboration modes, and key actions associated with XR usage. A theoretical gap is revealed, as previous studies focus on either the technological aspects of XR or its outcomes. Additionally, this study proposes a model to illustrate how XR technologies empower virtual teams, providing valuable insight for organizations regarding its potential usage