139,380 research outputs found

    A conjugation-free geometric presentation of fundamental groups of arrangements II: Expansion and some properties

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    A conjugation-free geometric presentation of a fundamental group is a presentation with the natural topological generators x1,...,xnx_1, ..., x_n and the cyclic relations: xikxik1...xi1=xik1...xi1xik=...=xi1xik...xi2x_{i_k}x_{i_{k-1}} ... x_{i_1} = x_{i_{k-1}} ... x_{i_1} x_{i_k} = ... = x_{i_1} x_{i_k} ... x_{i_2} with no conjugations on the generators. We have already proved that if the graph of the arrangement is a disjoint union of cycles, then its fundamental group has a conjugation-free geometric presentation. In this paper, we extend this property to arrangements whose graphs are a disjoint union of cycle-tree graphs. Moreover, we study some properties of this type of presentations for a fundamental group of a line arrangement's complement. We show that these presentations satisfy a completeness property in the sense of Dehornoy, if the corresponding graph of the arrangement has no edges. The completeness property is a powerful property which leads to many nice properties concerning the presentation (such as the left-cancellativity of the associated monoid and yields some simple criterion for the solvability of the word problem in the group).Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; final version, which corrects a mistake in the published versio

    Algebraic properties of binomial edge ideals of Levi graphs associated with curve arrangements

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    In this article, we study algebraic properties of binomial edge ideals associated with certain plane curve arrangements via their Levi graphs. Using combinatorial properties of the Levi graphs, we discuss the Cohen-Macaulayness of binomial edge ideals of some curve arrangements in the complex projective plane like the dd-arrangement of curves and the conic-line arrangement. We also discuss the existence of certain induced cycles in the Levi graph of these arrangements and obtain lower bounds for the regularity of powers of the corresponding binomial edge ideals.Comment: 16 pages, comments and suggestions are welcom

    The sum of edge lengths in random linear arrangements

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    Spatial networks are networks where nodes are located in a space equipped with a metric. Typically, the space is two-dimensional and until recently and traditionally, the metric that was usually considered was the Euclidean distance. In spatial networks, the cost of a link depends on the edge length, i.e. the distance between the nodes that define the edge. Hypothesizing that there is pressure to reduce the length of the edges of a network requires a null model, e.g., a random layout of the vertices of the network. Here we investigate the properties of the distribution of the sum of edge lengths in random linear arrangement of vertices, that has many applications in different fields. A random linear arrangement consists of an ordering of the elements of the nodes of a network being all possible orderings equally likely. The distance between two vertices is one plus the number of intermediate vertices in the ordering. Compact formulae for the 1st and 2nd moments about zero as well as the variance of the sum of edge lengths are obtained for arbitrary graphs and trees. We also analyze the evolution of that variance in Erdos-Renyi graphs and its scaling in uniformly random trees. Various developments and applications for future research are suggested

    Classes of arrangement graphs in three dimensions

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    x, 89 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cmA 3D arrangement graph G is the abstract graph induced by an arrangement of planes in general position where the intersection of any two planes forms a line of intersection and an intersection of three planes creates a point. The properties of three classes of arrangement graphs — four, five and six planes — are investigated. For graphs induced from six planes, specialized methods were developed to ensure all possible graphs were discovered. The main results are: the number of 3D arrangement graphs induced by four, five and six planes are one, one and 43 respectively; the three classes are Hamiltonian; and the 3D arrangement graphs created from four and five planes are planar but none of the graphs created from six planes are planar

    Graphs, Random Walks, and the Tower of Hanoi

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    The Tower of Hanoi puzzle with its disks and poles is familiar to students in mathematics and computing. Typically used as a classroom example of the important phenomenon of recursion, the puzzle has also been intensively studied its own right, using graph theory, probability, and other tools. The subject of this paper is “Hanoi graphs”, that is, graphs that portray all the possible arrangements of the puzzle, together with all the possible moves from one arrangement to another. These graphs are not only fascinating in their own right, but they shed considerable light on the nature of the puzzle itself. We will illustrate these graphs for different versions of the puzzle, as well as describe some important properties, such as planarity, of Hanoi graphs. Finally, we will also discuss random walks on Hanoi graphs

    Surface Areas of Some Interconnection Networks

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    An interesting property of an interconnected network (G) is the number of nodes at distance i from an arbitrary processor (u), namely the node centered surface area. This is an important property of a network due to its applications in various fields of study. In this research, we investigate on the surface area of two important interconnection networks, (n, k)-arrangement graphs and (n, k)-star graphs. Abundant works have been done to achieve a formula for the surface area of these two classes of graphs, but in general, it is not trivial to find an algorithm to compute the surface area of such graphs in polynomial time or to find an explicit formula with polynomially many terms in regards to the graph's parameters. Among these studies, the most efficient formula in terms of computational complexity is the one that Portier and Vaughan proposed which allows us to compute the surface area of a special case of (n, k)-arrangement and (n, k)-star graphs when k = n-1, in linear time which is a tremendous improvement over the naive solution with complexity order of O(n * n!). The recurrence we propose here has the linear computational complexity as well, but for a much wider family of graphs, namely A(n, k) for any arbitrary n and k in their defined range. Additionally, for (n, k)-star graphs we prove properties that can be used to achieve a simple recurrence for its surface area

    Higher homotopy groups of complements of complex hyperplane arrangements

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    We generalize results of Hattori on the topology of complements of hyperplane arrangements, from the class of generic arrangements, to the much broader class of hypersolvable arrangements. We show that the higher homotopy groups of the complement vanish in a certain combinatorially determined range, and we give an explicit Z\pi_1-module presentation of \pi_p, the first non-vanishing higher homotopy group. We also give a combinatorial formula for the \pi_1-coinvariants of \pi_p. For affine line arrangements whose cones are hypersolvable, we provide a minimal resolution of \pi_2, and study some of the properties of this module. For graphic arrangements associated to graphs with no 3-cycles, we obtain information on \pi_2, directly from the graph. The \pi_1-coinvariants of \pi_2 may distinguish the homotopy 2-types of arrangement complements with the same \pi_1, and the same Betti numbers in low degrees.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure