1,212 research outputs found

    Quantum Mechanics and Discrete Time from "Timeless" Classical Dynamics

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    We study classical Hamiltonian systems in which the intrinsic proper time evolution parameter is related through a probability distribution to the physical time, which is assumed to be discrete. - This is motivated by the ``timeless'' reparametrization invariant model of a relativistic particle with two compactified extradimensions. In this example, discrete physical time is constructed based on quasi-local observables. - Generally, employing the path-integral formulation of classical mechanics developed by Gozzi et al., we show that these deterministic classical systems can be naturally described as unitary quantum mechanical models. The emergent quantum Hamiltonian is derived from the underlying classical one. It is closely related to the Liouville operator. We demonstrate in several examples the necessity of regularization, in order to arrive at quantum models with bounded spectrum and stable groundstate.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. Lecture given at DICE 2002. To be published in: Decoherence and Entropy in Complex Systems, Lecture Notes in Physics (Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2003). - Comprises quant-ph/0306096 and gr-qc/0301109, additional reference

    The issue of time in generally covariant theories and the Komar-Bergmann approach to observables in general relativity

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    Diffeomorphism-induced symmetry transformations and time evolution are distinct operations in generally covariant theories formulated in phase space. Time is not frozen. Diffeomorphism invariants are consequently not necessarily constants of the motion. Time-dependent invariants arise through the choice of an intrinsic time, or equivalently through the imposition of time-dependent gauge fixation conditions. One example of such a time-dependent gauge fixing is the Komar-Bergmann use of Weyl curvature scalars in general relativity. An analogous gauge fixing is also imposed for the relativistic free particle and the resulting complete set time-dependent invariants for this exactly solvable model are displayed. In contrast with the free particle case, we show that gauge invariants that are simultaneously constants of motion cannot exist in general relativity. They vary with intrinsic time

    The spectral data for Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian tori in R^4

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    This article determines the spectral data, in the integrable systems sense, for all weakly conformally immersed Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian in R4\R^4. This enables us to describe their moduli space and the locus of branch points of such an immersion. This is also an informative example in integrable systems geometry, since the group of ambient isometries acts non-trivially on the spectral data and the relevant energy functional (the area) need not be constant under deformations by higher flows.Comment: 30 pages. Version 3: a complete rewrite of version 2 with new results and two significant correction

    Recent mathematical developments in the Skyrme model

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    In this review we present a pedagogical introduction to recent, more mathematical developments in the Skyrme model. Our aim is to render these advances accessible to mainstream nuclear and particle physicists. We start with the static sector and elaborate on geometrical aspects of the definition of the model. Then we review the instanton method which yields an analytical approximation to the minimum energy configuration in any sector of fixed baryon number, as well as an approximation to the surfaces which join together all the low energy critical points. We present some explicit results for B=2. We then describe the work done on the multibaryon minima using rational maps, on the topology of the configuration space and the possible implications of Morse theory. Next we turn to recent work on the dynamics of Skyrmions. We focus exclusively on the low energy interaction, specifically the gradient flow method put forward by Manton. We illustrate the method with some expository toy models. We end this review with a presentation of our own work on the semi-classical quantization of nucleon states and low energy nucleon-nucleon scattering.Comment: 129 pages, about 30 figures, original manuscript of published Physics Report

    Gauge Theories of Gravitation

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    During the last five decades, gravity, as one of the fundamental forces of nature, has been formulated as a gauge theory of the Weyl-Cartan-Yang-Mills type. The present text offers commentaries on the articles from the most prominent proponents of the theory. In the early 1960s, the gauge idea was successfully applied to the Poincar\'e group of spacetime symmetries and to the related conserved energy-momentum and angular momentum currents. The resulting theory, the Poincar\'e gauge theory, encompasses Einstein's general relativity as well as the teleparallel theory of gravity as subcases. The spacetime structure is enriched by Cartan's torsion, and the new theory can accommodate fermionic matter and its spin in a perfectly natural way. This guided tour starts from special relativity and leads, in its first part, to general relativity and its gauge type extensions \`a la Weyl and Cartan. Subsequent stopping points are the theories of Yang-Mills and Utiyama and, as a particular vantage point, the theory of Sciama and Kibble. Later, the Poincar\'e gauge theory and its generalizations are explored and special topics, such as its Hamiltonian formulation and exact solutions, are studied. This guide to the literature on classical gauge theories of gravity is intended to be a stimulating introduction to the subject.Comment: 169 pages, pdf file, v3: extended to a guide to the literature on classical gauge theories of gravit

    Noether Symmetries and Covariant Conservation Laws in Classical, Relativistic and Quantum Physics

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    We review the Lagrangian formulation of Noether symmetries (as well as "generalized Noether symmetries") in the framework of Calculus of Variations in Jet Bundles, with a special attention to so-called "Natural Theories" and "Gauge-Natural Theories", that include all relevant Field Theories and physical applications (from Mechanics to General Relativity, to Gauge Theories, Supersymmetric Theories, Spinors and so on). It is discussed how the use of Poincare'-Cartan forms and decompositions of natural (or gauge-natural) variational operators give rise to notions such as "generators of Noether symmetries", energy and reduced energy flow, Bianchi identities, weak and strong conservation laws, covariant conservation laws, Hamiltonian-like conservation laws (such as, e.g., so-called ADM laws in General Relativity) with emphasis on the physical interpretation of the quantities calculated in specific cases (energy, angular momentum, entropy, etc.). A few substantially new and very recent applications/examples are presented to better show the power of the methods introduced: one in Classical Mechanics (definition of strong conservation laws in a frame-independent setting and a discussion on the way in which conserved quantities depend on the choice of an observer); one in Classical Field Theories (energy and entropy in General Relativity, in its standard formulation, in its spin-frame formulation, in its first order formulation "`a la Palatini" and in its extensions to Non-Linear Gravity Theories); one in Quantum Field Theories (applications to conservation laws in Loop Quantum Gravity via spin connections and Barbero-Immirzi connections).Comment: 27 page
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