5,710 research outputs found

    Investigation of a Compound Helicopter Flying the Depart and Abort Mission Task Element

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    The next generation of rotorcraft will have to satisfy the appropriate handling qualities requirements before entering service. Many of these vehicles will operate at significantly greater speeds than the conventional helicopter and will therefore have different capabilities than current helicopters. Due to the different capabilities of the compound helicopter, it is possible that new Mission Task Elements (MTEs) need to be developed to assess the handling qualities of this type of helicopter. It is also possible that existing MTEs may be suitable without modification. Overall, it seems necessary to review the US Army’s current handling qualities specification, ADS-33, and determine the suitability of the current MTEs for compound vehicles. The broad aim of the paper is to assess the performance of compound helicopter during manoeuvring flight. More specifically, a simulation study of a compound helicopter flying the Depart and Abort ADS-33 Mission Task Element. There are two objectives: firstly the capabilities of the compound vehicle is compared with those of a conventional helicopter, and secondly, the suitability of the current Depart and Abort MTE, for compound vehicles, is assessed. The results of the research study highlight the capability of compound helicopters in low speed acceleration manoeuvres. These results can be used to redefine low speed acceleration manoeuvres in the new update to the ADS-33 specification. The results also indicate some information about the potential design issues with the compound helicopter

    A flight dynamics investigation of compound helicopter configurations

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    Compounding has often been proposed as a method to increase the maximum speed of the helicopter. There are two common types of compounding known as wing and thrust compounding. Wing compounding offloads the rotor at high speeds delaying the onset of retreating blade stall, hence increasing the maximum achieveable speed, whereas with thrust compounding, axial thrust provides additional propulsive force. The concept of compounding is not new but recently there has been a resurgence of interest in the configuration due to the emergence of new requirements for speeds greater than those of conventional helicopters. The aim of this paper is to investigate the dynamic stability characteristics of compound helicopters and compare the results with a conventional helicopter. The paper discusses the modelling of two compound helicopters, with the first model featuring a coaxial rotor and pusher propeller. This configuration is known as the coaxial compound helicopter. The second model, known as the hybrid compound helicopter, features a wing and two propellers providing thrust compounding. Their respective trim results are presented and contrasted with a baseline model. Furthermore, using a numerical differentiation technique, the compound models are linearised and their dynamic stability assessed. The results show that the frequency of the coaxial compound helicopter’s dutch roll mode is less than that of the baseline helicopter and there is also greater roll damping. With regards to the hybrid compound helicopter the results show greater heave damping and the stabilisation of the phugoid due to the addition of the wing and propellers

    Examining the stability derivatives of a compound helicopter

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    Some helicopter manufacturers are exploring the compound helicopter design as it could potentially satisfy the new emerging requirements placed on the next generation of rotorcraft. It is well understood that the main benefit of the compound helicopter is its ability to reach speeds that significantly surpass the conventional helicopter. However, it is possible that the introduction of compounding may lead to a vehicle with significantly different flight characteristics when compared to a conventional helicopter. One method to examine the flight dynamics of an aircraft is to create a linearised mathematical model of the aircraft and to investigate the stability derivatives of the vehicle. The aim of this paper is to examine the stability derivatives of a compound helicopter through a comparison with a conventional helicopter. By taking this approach, some stability, handling qualities and design issues associated with the compound helicopter can be identified. The paper features a conventional helicopter and a compound helicopter. The conventional helicopter is a standard design, featuring a main rotor and a tail-rotor. The compound helicopter configuration features both lift and thrust compounding. The wing offloads the main rotor at high speeds, whereas two propellers provide additional propulsive thrust as well as yaw control. The results highlight that the bare airframe compound helicopter would require a larger tailplane surface to ensure acceptable longitudinal handling qualities in forward flight. In addition, without increasing the size of the bare airframe compound helicopter’s vertical fin, the Dutch roll mode satisfies the ADS-33 level 1 handling qualities category for the majority of the flight envelope

    An evaluation of the historical issues associated with achieving non-helicopter V/STOL capability and the search for the flying car

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    Copyright @ 2010 The Royal Aeronautical Society. This article is the final author version of the published paper.Combined Vertical and short take-off and landing, or ‘V/STOL’ capability has been of great demand and interest in the field of aeronautics since the creation of the aircraft. V/STOL capability is a targeted capability for many projected or prototype future aircraft. Past V/STOL aircraft are reviewed and analysed with regard to their performance parameters. This research has found two embedded categories in this class of aircraft based on their propulsion systems, i.e. jet and non-jet propulsion, and highlights the significant performance differences between them. In light of historical experience the performance of a relatively new class of aircraft, the flying cars, has been evaluated

    Kesediaan pelajar dari aspek kemahiran teknikal terhadap pembentukan kebolehkerjaan di Kolej Vokasional Wilayah Selatan

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    Graduan yang menganggur terus menjadi masalah yang semakin meruncing di Malaysia. Terdapat majikan yang menganggap kompetensi akademik sahaja tidak mencukupi dan mula meminta institusi pendidikan tinggi untuk menghasilkan graduan yang dilengkapi dengan kemahiran teknikal. Kajian ini merupakan satu kajian untuk mengenalpasti kesediaan pelajar dari aspek kemahiran teknikal terhadap pembentukan kebolehkerjaan di kolej vokasional wilayah selatan. Seramai 113 responden telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 60 item. Kajian rintis dijalankan untuk mendapatkan nilai alpha bagi instrument kajian di mana nilai alpha bagi aspek kemahiran teknikal adalah α = 0.962 dan bagi aspek kebolehkerjaan adalah α = 0.954 . Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science Version 20 (SPSS 20). Analisis deskriptif dalam bentuk skor min digunakan untuk melihat kesediaan pelajar. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap kesediaan pelajar dari aspek kemahiran teknikal terhadap pembentukan kebolehkerjaan di Kolej Vokasional Kluang, Kolej Vokasional Batu Pahat dan Kolej Vokasional Muar berada pada tahap tinggi. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan antara jantina pelajar dari aspek kemahiran teknikal yang mempengaruhi kesediaan pelajar terhadap pembentukan kebolehkerjaa

    Maneuverability assessment of a compound helicopter configuration

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    The compound helicopter design could potentially satisfy the new emerging requirements placed on the next generation of rotorcraft. The main benefit of the compound helicopter is its ability to reach speeds that significantly surpass those of the conventional helicopter. However, it is possible that the compound helicopter design can provide additional benefits in terms of maneuverability. The paper features a conventional helicopter and a compound helicopter. The conventional helicopter features a standard helicopter design with a main rotor providing the propulsive and lifting forces, while a tail rotor, mounted at the rear of the aircraft, provides the yaw control. The compound helicopter configuration features both lift and thrust compounding. The wing offloads the main rotor at high speeds, and two propellers provide additional axial thrust as well as yaw control. This study investigates the maneuverability of these two helicopter configurations using inverse simulation. The results predict that a compound helicopter configuration is capable of attaining greater load factors than its conventional counterpart, when flying a pullup–pushover maneuver. In terms of the accel–decel maneuver, the compound helicopter configuration is capable of completing the maneuver in a shorter time than the conventional helicopter, but at the expense of greater installed engine power. The addition of thrust compounding to the compound helicopter design reduces the pitch attitude required throughout the acceleration stage of the maneuver

    An Experimental Approach to a Rapid Propulsion and Aeronautics Concepts Testbed

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    Modern aircraft design tools have limitations for predicting complex propulsion-airframe interactions. The demand for new tools and methods addressing these limitations is high based on the many recent Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) concepts being developed for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) markets. We propose that low cost electronics and additive manufacturing can support the conceptual design of advanced autonomy-enabled concepts, by facilitating rapid prototyping for experimentally driven design cycles. This approach has the potential to reduce complex aircraft concept development costs, minimize unique risks associated with the conceptual design, and shorten development schedule by enabling the determination of many "unknown unknowns" earlier in the design process and providing verification of the results from aircraft design tools. A modular testbed was designed and built to evaluate this rapid design-build-test approach and to support aeronautics and autonomy research targeting UAM applications utilizing a complex, transitioning-VTOL aircraft configuration. The testbed is a modular wind tunnel and flight model. The testbed airframe is approximately 80% printed, with labor required for assembly. This paper describes the design process, fabrication process, ground testing, and initial wind tunnel structural and thermal loading of a proof-of-concept aircraft, the Langley Aerodrome 8 (LA-8)

    Determination of the lift and drag characteristics of an airplane in flight

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    Flight tests to determine lift and drag characteristics are discussed. A review is given of the fundamental principles on which the tests are based and on the forces acting on an airplane in the various conditions of steady flight. Glide with and without propeller thrust and the relation between angle of attack and the indicated airspeed for different conditions of steady flight are discussed. The glide test procedure and the problem of the propeller are discussed