5 research outputs found

    Super-Resolution Textured Digital Surface Map (DSM) Formation by Selecting the Texture From Multiple Perspective Texel Images Taken by a Low-Cost Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

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    Textured Digital Surface Model (TDSM) is a three-dimensional terrain map with texture overlaid on it. Utah State University has developed a texel camera which can capture a 3D image called a texel image. A TDSM can be constructed by combining these multiple texel images, which is much cheaper than the traditional method. The overall goal is to create a TDSM for a larger area that is cheaper and equally accurate as the TDSM created using a high-cost system. The images obtained from such an inexpensive camera have a lot of errors. To create scientifically accurate TDSM, the error presented in the image must be corrected. An automatic process to create TDSM is presented that can handle a large number of input texel images. The advantage of using such a large set of input images is that they can cover a large area on the ground, making the algorithm suitable for large-scale applications. This is done by processing images and correcting them in a windowing manner. Furthermore, the appearance of the final 3D terrain map is improved by selecting the texture from many candidate images. This ensures that the best texture is selected. The selection criteria are discussed. Lastly, a method to increase the resolution of the final image is discussed. The methods described in this dissertation improve the current technique of creating TDSM, and the results are shown and analyzed

    Reconstruction 3D et localisation simultanée de caméras mobiles : une approche temps-réel par ajustement de faisceaux local

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    The Structure from Motion problem is an intense research topic in computer vision and has been the subject of much investigation. This thesis presents a method for estimating the motion of a calibrated camera and the threedimensional geometry of the filmed environment. The main idea is to take advantage of both offline methods (based on an optimization of all 3D parameters by global bundle adjustment) and fast incremental methods. The new approach may be seen as an acceleration of conventional 3D reconstruction techniques that make use of bundle adjustment, and thus enables to treat very long video sequences. The introduced algorithm may be summarized as follows : interest points detection and matching between frames, subsampling of the video into "key frames", full 3D reconstruction of these key frames (3D points and camera poses), and localization of all frames. The keystone of the method is the local bundle adjustment : reconstruction parameters are refined at the end of the sequence only, for all current frame selected as key frame. This method is applied initially to a perspective camera model, then extended to a generic camera model to describe most existing kinds of cameras like catadioptric cameras or stereo rigs. Experiments have shown that results are very similar to those obtained by methods with global optimisation, with much lower computing times. We can envisage applications like realtime visual odometry for mobile robots or car assisted driving.Le problème de la reconstruction 3D à partir d'une séquence d'images acquise par une caméra en mouvement est un sujet important dans le domaine de la vision par ordinateur. Ce travail de thèse présente une méthode qui permet d'estimer conjointement des points 3D de la scène filmée et le mouvement de la caméra en combinant la précision des méthodes "horsligne" (basées sur une optimisation globale de tous les paramètres par ajustement de faisceaux) et la vitesse de calcul des méthodes incrémentales. La nouvelle approche est considérée comme une accélération des techniques classiques de reconstruction 3D qui utilisent l'ajustement de faisceaux, permettant ainsi de traiter de longues séquences vidéos. L'algorithme développé peut être résumé de la façon suivante : détection de points d'intérêt dans les images, mise en correspondance de ces points et souséchantillonnage temporel de la vidéo. En effet, seul un sousensemble d'images dites "images clef" est sélectionné pour la reconstruction des points 3D alors que la localisation de la caméra est calculée pour chaque image. Le point clef de l'approche est l'ajustement de faisceaux local : les paramètres de la reconstruction sont affinés sur la fin de la séquence uniquement, à chaque fois qu'une image est choisie comme nouvelle image clef. La méthode, initialement prévue pour les caméras perspectives, a ensuite été généralisée de manière à rendre possible l'utilisation d'autres types de caméras, comme les caméras catadioptriques ou encore les paires rigides de caméras. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la précision atteinte est du même ordre que celle des méthodes par optimisation globale, avec des temps de calcul très réduits, ce qui permet de viser des applications d'odométrie visuelle temps réel pour la robotique mobile ou l'aide à la conduite en automobile. Realtim

    Perception and Motion: use of Computer Vision to solve Geometry Processing problems

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    Computer vision and geometry processing are often see as two different and, in a certain sense, distant fields: the first one works on two-dimensional data, while the other needs three dimensional information. But are 2D and 3D data really disconnected? Think about the human vision: each eye captures patterns of light, that are then used by the brain in order to reconstruct the perception of the observed scene. In a similar way, if the eye detects a variation in the patterns of light, we are able to understand that the scene is not static; therefore, we're able to perceive the motion of one or more object in the scene. In this work, we'll show how the perception of the 2D motion can be used in order to solve two significant problems, both dealing with three-dimensional data. In the first part, we'll show how the so-called optical flow, representing the observed motion, can be used to estimate the alignment error of a set of digital cameras looking to the same object. In the second part, we'll see how the detected 2D motion of an object can be used to better understand its underlying geometric structure by means of detecting its rigid parts and the way they are connected