7 research outputs found

    A proof-theoretic view on scheduling in concurrency

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    This paper elaborates on a new approach of the question of the proof-theoretic study of concurrent interaction called "proofs as schedules". Observing that proof theory is well suited to the description of confluent systems while concurrency has non-determinism as a fundamental feature, we develop a correspondence where proofs provide what is needed to make concurrent systems confluent, namely scheduling. In our logical system, processes and schedulers appear explicitly as proofs in different fragments of the proof language and cut elimination between them does correspond to execution of a concurrent system. This separation of roles suggests new insights for the denotational semantics of processes and new methods for the translation of pi-calculi into prefix-less formalisms (like solos) as the operational counterpart of translations between proof systems

    An Interpretation of CCS into Ludics

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    Abstract Starting from works aimed at extending the Curry-Howard correspondence to process calculi through linear logic, we give another Curry-Howard counterpart for Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) by taking Ludics as the target system. Indeed interaction, Ludics' dynamic, allows to fully represent both the non-determinism and non-confluence of the calculus. We give an interpretation of CCS processes into carefully defined behaviours of Ludics using a new construction, called directed behaviour, that allows controlled interaction paths by using pruned designs. We characterize the execution of processes as interaction on behaviours, by implicitly representing the causal order and conflict relation of event structures. As a direct consequence, we are also able to interpret deadlocked processes, and identify deadlock-free ones

    Processes, Systems \& Tests: Defining Contextual Equivalences

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    In this position paper, we would like to offer and defend a new template to study equivalences between programs -- in the particular framework of process algebras for concurrent computation.We believe that our layered model of development will clarify the distinction that is too often left implicit between the tasks and duties of the programmer and of the tester. It will also enlighten pre-existing issues that have been running across process algebras as diverse as the calculus of communicating systems, the π\pi-calculus -- also in its distributed version -- or mobile ambients.Our distinction starts by subdividing the notion of process itself in three conceptually separated entities, that we call \emph{Processes}, \emph{Systems} and \emph{Tests}.While the role of what can be observed and the subtleties in the definitions of congruences have been intensively studied, the fact that \emph{not every process can be tested}, and that \emph{the tester should have access to a different set of tools than the programmer} is curiously left out, or at least not often formally discussed.We argue that this blind spot comes from the under-specification of contexts -- environments in which comparisons takes place -- that play multiple distinct roles but supposedly always \enquote{stay the same}.We illustrate our statement with a simple Java example, the \enquote{usual} concurrent languages, but also back it up with λ\lambda-calculus and existing implementations of concurrent languages as well

    Extending Implicit Computational Complexity and Abstract Machines to Languages with Control

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    The Curry-Howard isomorphism is the idea that proofs in natural deduction can be put in correspondence with lambda terms in such a way that this correspondence is preserved by normalization. The concept can be extended from Intuitionistic Logic to other systems, such as Linear Logic. One of the nice conseguences of this isomorphism is that we can reason about functional programs with formal tools which are typical of proof systems: such analysis can also include quantitative qualities of programs, such as the number of steps it takes to terminate. Another is the possiblity to describe the execution of these programs in terms of abstract machines. In 1990 Griffin proved that the correspondence can be extended to Classical Logic and control operators. That is, Classical Logic adds the possiblity to manipulate continuations. In this thesis we see how the things we described above work in this larger context

    Proofs as Executions

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    Abstract. This paper proposes a new interpretation of the logical contents of programs in the context of concurrent interaction, wherein proofs correspond to valid executions of a processes. A type system based on linear logic is used, in which a given process has many different types, each typing corresponding to a particular way of interacting with its environment and cut elimination corresponds to executing the process in a given interaction scenario. A completeness result is established, stating that every lock-avoiding execution of a process in some environment corresponds to a particular typing. Besides traces, types contain precise information about the flow of control between a process and its environment, and proofs are interpreted as composable schedulings of processes. In this interpretation, logic appears as a way of making explicit the flow of causality between interacting processes.