110 research outputs found

    Solving Equality Reasoning Problems with a Connection Graph Theorem Prover

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    The integration of a Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm into a paramodulation theorem prover on the basis of a connection graph resolution procedure is presented. The Knuth-Bendix completion idea is compared to a decomposition approach, and some ideas to handle conditional equations are discussed. The contents of this paper is not intended to present new material on term rewriting, instead it is more a pleading for the usage of completion ideas in automated deduction. It records our experience with an actual implementation of a hybrid system, where a completion procedure was imbedded into a connection graph theorem prover, the MKRP-system, with satisfactory positive results

    The Proof Certifier Checkers

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    International audienceDifferent theorem provers work within different formalisms and paradigms, and therefore produce various incompatible proof objects. Currently there is a big effort to establish foundational proof certificates (FPC), which would serve as a common " specification language " for all these formats. Such framework enables the uniform checking of proof objects from many different theorem provers while relying on a small and trusted kernel to do so. Checkers is an implementation of a proof checker using foundational proof certificates. By trusting a small kernel based on (focused) sequent calculus on the one hand and by supporting FPC specifications in a prolog-like language on the other hand, it can be used for checking proofs of a wide range of theorem provers. The focus of this paper is on the output of equational resolution theorem provers and for this end, we specify the paramodulation rule. We describe the architecture of Checkers and demonstrate how it can be used to check proof objects by supplying the FPC specification for a subset of the inferences used by E-prover and checking proofs using these inferences

    Extensional Higher-Order Paramodulation in Leo-III

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    Leo-III is an automated theorem prover for extensional type theory with Henkin semantics and choice. Reasoning with primitive equality is enabled by adapting paramodulation-based proof search to higher-order logic. The prover may cooperate with multiple external specialist reasoning systems such as first-order provers and SMT solvers. Leo-III is compatible with the TPTP/TSTP framework for input formats, reporting results and proofs, and standardized communication between reasoning systems, enabling e.g. proof reconstruction from within proof assistants such as Isabelle/HOL. Leo-III supports reasoning in polymorphic first-order and higher-order logic, in all normal quantified modal logics, as well as in different deontic logics. Its development had initiated the ongoing extension of the TPTP infrastructure to reasoning within non-classical logics.Comment: 34 pages, 7 Figures, 1 Table; submitted articl

    Basic paramodulation

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    We introduce a class of restrictions for the ordered paramodulation and superposition calculi (inspired by the {\em basic\/} strategy for narrowing), in which paramodulation inferences are forbidden at terms introduced by substitutions from previous inference steps. In addition we introduce restrictions based on term selection rules and redex orderings, which are general criteria for delimiting the terms which are available for inferences. These refinements are compatible with standard ordering restrictions and are complete without paramodulation into variables or using functional reflexivity axioms. We prove refutational completeness in the context of deletion rules, such as simplification by rewriting (demodulation) and subsumption, and of techniques for eliminating redundant inferences

    Defining the meaning of TPTP formatted proofs

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    International audienceThe TPTP library is one of the leading problem libraries in the automated theorem proving community. Over time, support was added for problems beyond those in first-order clausal form. TPTP has also been augmented with support for various proof formats output by theorem provers. Such proofs can also be maintained in the TSTP proof library. In this paper we propose an extension of this framework to support the semantic specification of the inference rules used in proofs

    Axioms vs. rewrite rules: from completeness to cut elimination

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    Combining a standard proof search method, such as resolution or tableaux, and rewriting is a powerful way to cut off search space in automated theorem proving, but proving the completeness of such combined methods may be challenging. It may require in particular to prove cut elimination for an extended notion of proof that combines deductions and computations. This suggests new interactions between automated theorem proving and proof theory

    A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to First-Order Logic Theorem Proving

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    Automated theorem provers have traditionally relied on manually tuned heuristics to guide how they perform proof search. Deep reinforcement learning has been proposed as a way to obviate the need for such heuristics, however, its deployment in automated theorem proving remains a challenge. In this paper we introduce TRAIL, a system that applies deep reinforcement learning to saturation-based theorem proving. TRAIL leverages (a) a novel neural representation of the state of a theorem prover and (b) a novel characterization of the inference selection process in terms of an attention-based action policy. We show through systematic analysis that these mechanisms allow TRAIL to significantly outperform previous reinforcement-learning-based theorem provers on two benchmark datasets for first-order logic automated theorem proving (proving around 15% more theorems)

    An Approach to Abductive Reasoning in Equational Logic

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    http://ijcai.org/papers13/contents.php - Posters: Constraints, Satisfiability, and Search (ijcai13.org)International audienceAbduction has been extensively studied in propositional logic because of its many applications in artificial intelligence. However, its intrinsic complexity has been a limitation to the implementation of abductive reasoning tools in more expressive logics. We have devised such a tool in ground flat equational logic, in which literals are equations or disequations between constants. Our tool is based on the computation of prime implicates. It uses a relaxed paramodulation calculus, designed to generate all prime implicates of a formula, together with a carefully defined data structure storing the implicates and able to efficiently detect, and remove, redundancies. In addition to a detailed description of this method, we present an analysis of some experimental results
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