12 research outputs found

    Projections in minimax algebra

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    An axiomatic theory of linear operators can be constructed for abstract spaces defined over (R, ⊕, ⊗), that is over the (extended) real numbersR with the binary operationsx ⊕ y = max (x,y) andx ⊗ y = x + y. Many of the features of conventional linear operator theory can be reproduced in this theory, although the proof techniques are quite different. Specialisation of the theory to spaces ofn-tuples provides techniques for analysing a number of well-known operational research problems, whilst specialisation to function spaces provides a natural formal framework for certain familiar problems of approximation, optimisation and duality

    Direct solutions to tropical optimization problems with nonlinear objective functions and boundary constraints

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    We examine two multidimensional optimization problems that are formulated in terms of tropical mathematics. The problems are to minimize nonlinear objective functions, which are defined through the multiplicative conjugate vector transposition on vectors of a finite-dimensional semimodule over an idempotent semifield, and subject to boundary constraints. The solution approach is implemented, which involves the derivation of the sharp bounds on the objective functions, followed by determination of vectors that yield the bound. Based on the approach, direct solutions to the problems are obtained in a compact vector form. To illustrate, we apply the results to solving constrained Chebyshev approximation and location problems, and give numerical examples.Comment: Mathematical Methods and Optimization Techniques in Engineering: Proc. 1st Intern. Conf. on Optimization Techniques in Engineering (OTENG '13), Antalya, Turkey, October 8-10, 2013, WSEAS Press, 2013, pp. 86-91. ISBN 978-960-474-339-

    Generators, extremals and bases of max cones

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    Max cones are max-algebraic analogs of convex cones. In the present paper we develop a theory of generating sets and extremals of max cones in R+n{{\mathbb R}}_+^n. This theory is based on the observation that extremals are minimal elements of max cones under suitable scalings of vectors. We give new proofs of existing results suitably generalizing, restating and refining them. Of these, it is important that any set of generators may be partitioned into the set of extremals and the set of redundant elements. We include results on properties of open and closed cones, on properties of totally dependent sets and on computational bounds for the problem of finding the (essentially unique) basis of a finitely generated cone.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure; v2: new layout, several new references, renumbering of result

    A constrained tropical optimization problem: complete solution and application example

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    The paper focuses on a multidimensional optimization problem, which is formulated in terms of tropical mathematics and consists in minimizing a nonlinear objective function subject to linear inequality constraints. To solve the problem, we follow an approach based on the introduction of an additional unknown variable to reduce the problem to solving linear inequalities, where the variable plays the role of a parameter. A necessary and sufficient condition for the inequalities to hold is used to evaluate the parameter, whereas the general solution of the inequalities is taken as a solution of the original problem. Under fairly general assumptions, a complete direct solution to the problem is obtained in a compact vector form. The result is applied to solve a problem in project scheduling when an optimal schedule is given by minimizing the flow time of activities in a project under various activity precedence constraints. As an illustration, a numerical example of optimal scheduling is also presented.Comment: 20 pages, accepted for publication in Contemporary Mathematic

    Algebraic solutions of tropical optimization problems

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    We consider multidimensional optimization problems, which are formulated and solved in terms of tropical mathematics. The problems are to minimize (maximize) a linear or nonlinear function defined on vectors of a finite-dimensional semimodule over an idempotent semifield, and may have constraints in the form of linear equations and inequalities. The aim of the paper is twofold: first to give a broad overview of known tropical optimization problems and solution methods, including recent results; and second, to derive a direct, complete solution to a new constrained optimization problem as an illustration of the algebraic approach recently proposed to solve tropical optimization problems with nonlinear objective function.Comment: 25 pages, presented at Intern. Conf. "Algebra and Mathematical Logic: Theory and Applications", June 2-6, 2014, Kazan, Russi


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 西成 活裕, 東京大学教授 太田 順, 東京大学教授 時弘 哲治, 東京大学准教授 白石 潤一, 東京大学准教授 柳澤 大地University of Tokyo(東京大学