7 research outputs found

    On the Evaluation of the Innovation Capacities of Local Governments

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    中共十八大报告将“进入创新型国家行列”确立为全面建成小康社会和全面深化改革开放目标的重要内容。十八届三中全会公布的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中则明确提出当前要增强政府能力,以建设法治政府和服务型政府为目标,其中行政管理创新是重要途径。回顾我国30多年来的改革历程,地方政府一直是改革的主要力量。特别是近十年来,地方政府创新是推动政府发展的直接动力。如今,创新型国家和服务型政府的建设都对地方政府的创新能力提出了更高的要求。 本着促进地方政府创新能力提高的目的,本文拟从评估的角度切入,运用能力评估理念,尝试构建一个简洁明晰同时能准确涵盖地方政府创新能力构成的评估框架,设计地方政...The 18thCPC National Congress report said that the innovation is an essential part to build China into a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and comprehensively deepening reforms. The Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms adopted at the close of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee referred that “we must effectively transform gov...学位:管理学博士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392011015354

    Improving Knowledge Management Programs Using Marginal Utility in a Metric Space Generated by Conceptual Graphs

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    Knowledge management has emerged as a field of endeavor that blends a systems approach with methods drawn from organizational management and learning. In contrast, knowledge representation, a branch of artificial intelligence, is grounded in formal methods. Research in the separate behavioral and the structural disciplines – knowledge management and knowledge engineering - has not traditionally cross-pollinated. This has prevented the development of many practical practices useful in organizations. Organization managers - line and senior - lack guidance in where to direct improvement efforts targeted at specific groups of company knowledge workers. Demonstrated here is Knowledge Improvement Measurement Space (KIMS), a model providing a solution to that improvement problem. It employs marginal utility theory in a metric space, with formal reasoning via software agents realized in Sowa\u27s conceptual graphs, operating over a knowledge management conceptual structure. These components allow repeated evaluation of knowledge improvement measurements. Knowledge representation technology was applied to organize and encourage knowledge sharing, to achieve competitive advantage, and to measure progress toward that achievement. The KlMS reentrant process, a method of using the KIMS model, was shown to consist of metrics data calculated by executing joined conceptual graphs, consolidated into a distance variable to be estimated via a Minkowski metrics space. The metric space was shown to be equivalent to a marginal utility, which may be evaluated to determine the new level of knowledge capability. The procedure may be repeated until knowledge management goals are achieved. The solution took into account the body of knowledge related human understanding and learning, and formal methods of knowledge organization. These were shown to include surface ontologies based in a knowledge management program, principles of business strategy, and organizational learning. KIMS was validated through a demonstration based on empirical data collected over a five-year program in a large aerospace company during its progress in applying the Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model

    Integrating innovation: South Australian entrepreneurship systems and strategies

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    South Australia is a small economy that faces a fundamental need to re-shape its approach to innovation. The manufacturing sector, as the backbone of the state’s economy, has and will continue to change in its nature and form. This necessitates a re-think about how innovation happens and how the respective actors within an economy interact and engage with each other. In effect, innovation relies on intersections between people, knowledge, information sharing, ideas, financial and other resources. Innovation happens through regional social and economic system dynamics; innovation relies on a system view of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship can be taken as a study of the entrepreneur and new business creation. However, this conception of entrepreneurship misses the critical link to economic outcomes; the ebb and flow of social and economic fortunes that are underpinned by the actions, reactions and engagement of individuals in a specific social and economic system that brings about innovation and change. In this book the authors are exploring how the linkages within the system can be conceptualised and made transparent.Göran Roos and Allan O’Conno

    Taxonomia, Mensuração e Impactos

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    Os ativos intangíveis são tidos como elementos essenciais para a criação de valor das instituições de ensino superior (IES), pois estas são consideradas como centros de conhecimento, tendo sido reconhecidas como atores críticos dos sistemas nacionais de inovação para o cumprimento da Estratégia de Lisboa. O capital intelectual das IES (CIIES) é, por isso, uma pedra angular para a criação de valor e a obtenção de uma vantagem competitiva contribuindo também para o reforço da performance das próprias IES e da qualidade de vida (QV) de todos os seus stakeholders. É importante que as IES identifiquem, mensurem, façam a gestão e prestem contas sobre o seu CI, pois este é também um fator-chave para gerar valor não só para a organização, como também para a região onde está inserida. Contudo, verifica-se que existe uma lacuna relativamente a estudos que integrem ao mesmo tempo o impacto do CIIES na performance da própria instituição e na QV dos seus stakeholders; e na performance da região de influência e na QV das suas populações. Assim, a presente tese prossegue os seguintes objetivos genéricos: (i) realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura tendente à apresentação do estado da arte sobre CI; (ii) elaborar uma proposta de operacionalização inovadora de mensuração do CI nas IES; (iii) identificar quais e que tipo de influências tem o CI das IES portuguesas na performance e na QV de stakeholders internos destas instituições; e (iv) analisar os efeitos associados entre o CI e a performance, ao nível do crescimento económico, do desenvolvimento e da QV da região de influência, providenciando implicações de política e de gestão estratégica e operacional para as IES e respetivas regiões de influência. Esta tese, desenvolvida em contexto de IES portuguesas, discute e define um método prospetivo multidimensional de mensuração do CI e analisa os efeitos associados, tanto para a performance e QV de estudantes e docentes/investigadores da própria instituição, como para a performance e QV das populações da região de influência, através de dois estudos quantitativos com metodologias diferentes. As influências e os efeitos referidos foram consolidados em três modelos e testados empiricamente através da técnica de modelação com equações estruturais e através de uma regressão logística multinomial, tendo como base uma amostra com dados primários, recolhidos através de inquérito por questionário, de 1325 indivíduos, oriundos de sete IES públicas, situadas em sete regiões diferentes de Portugal; e uma amostra com dados secundários, recolhidos nas bases de dados do INE - Instituito Nacional de Estatística, PORDATABase de Dados de Portugal Contemporâneo, e da Sales Index - Grupo Marktest, para os valores referentes às regiões. Os dados permitiram suportar todas as hipóteses formuladas para os modelos analisados com equações estruturais, dando conta da existência de efeitos diretos positivos e significativos entre o CIIES e a performance da própria instituição e entre o CIEES e a QV dos stakeholders. Os resultados também permitiram confirmar a validade conceptual dos modelos logit multinomial, no sentido de avaliar a influência que o capital humano, o capital estrutural e o capital relacional das IES têm no crescimento económico, no desenvolvimento regional e na QV da região de influência, evidenciando que as três dimensões de performance regional são em grande parte influenciadas pelo capital humano e pelo capital estrutural. Além disso, os resultados também revelam que o capital humano é o fator mais importante e mais influente. Contudo, relativamente ao capital relacional não se encontraram evidências significativas da sua influência em nenhuma das dimensões de performance regional estudada. A partir destes resultados discutiram-se as implicações para as políticas públicas e para a gestão estratégica e operacional das IES e respetivas regiões de influência.Intangible assets are observed as essential elements for the creation of value for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), since the latter are considered as centers of knowledge and have been recognized as critical players in national innovation systems for fulfillment of the Lisbon Strategy. The intellectual capital of HEIs (ICHEIs) is therefore a cornerstone for creating value and gaining a competitive advantage, also contributing to enhanced HEI performance and the Quality of Life (QoL) of all its stakeholders. It is important for HEIs to identify, measure, manage and account for their QoL, as it is also a key factor in generating value not only for the organization, but also for its surrounding region. Despite the many studies on this subject, there is a gap between theoretical and empirical development, and it is necessary to make the link between theory and practice clearer and more accessible for further development of concepts and components, and the application to organizations/regions/nations. As well as this gap, it is highlighted that the literature does not contain empirical studies integrating at the same time the impact of ICHEIs on the performance of the institution itself and on the QoL of its stakeholders; and on the performance of its region of influence and the population’s QoL. The present study pursues the following general objectives: (i) to carry out a systematic review of the literature to present the state-of-the-art in IC; (ii) to prepare a proposal for innovative operationalization of QoL measurement in HEIs; (iii) to identify the types of influence of Portuguese HEIs on the performance and QoL of these institutions’ internal stakeholders; and (iv) to analyze the associated effects between QoL and performance on the level of economic growth, development and QoL of the region of influence, providing strategic and operational policy and management implications for HEIs and their regions. This study, developed in the context of Portuguese HEIs, discusses and defines a multidimensional prospective method of IC measurement and analyzes the associated effects, both on the performance and QoL of students and lecturers/researchers of the institution itself and on the performance and QoL of populations in the region of influence, through two quantitative studies with different methodologies. The influences and effects referred to were consolidated in three models and tested empirically through structural equation modeling and a multinomial logistic regression, based on a sample with primary data, collected through a questionnaire completed by 1 325 individuals from seven Public HEIs located in seven different regions of Portugal; and a sample with secondary data, collected from the databases of INE - National Statistical Institute, PORDATA - Database of Contemporary Portugal, and the Sales Index – Marktest Group, for the values referring to the regions. The data supported all hypotheses formulated for the models analyzed with structural equations, showing the existence of positive and significant direct effects between ICHEIs and the performance of the institution itself, and between ICHEIs and stakeholders’ QoL. The results also confirmed the conceptual validity of the multinomial logit models in assessing the influence of HEIs’ human capital, structural capital and relational capital on economic growth, regional development and QoL of the region of influence, showing that the three dimensions of regional performance are largely influenced by human capital and structural capital. In addition, the results reveal that human capital is the most important and influential factor. However, concerning relational capital, there was no significant evidence of its influence on any of the regional performance dimensions studied. From these results, the implications for public policies and for strategic and operational management of HEIs and their respective regions of influence were discussed