10 research outputs found

    Categorical Foundations of Explainable AI

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    Explainable AI (XAI) aims to address the human need for safe and reliable AI systems. However, numerous surveys emphasize the absence of a sound mathematical formalization of key XAI notions -- remarkably including the term ``\textit{explanation}'' which still lacks a precise definition. To bridge this gap, this paper presents the first mathematically rigorous definitions of key XAI notions and processes, using the well-funded formalism of Category theory. We show that our categorical framework allows to: (i) model existing learning schemes and architectures, (ii) formally define the term ``explanation'', (iii) establish a theoretical basis for XAI taxonomies, and (iv) analyze commonly overlooked aspects of explaining methods. As a consequence, our categorical framework promotes the ethical and secure deployment of AI technologies as it represents a significant step towards a sound theoretical foundation of explainable AI

    Loop invariant synthesis in a combined abstract domain

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    Automated verification of memory safety and functional correctness for heap-manipulating programs has been a challenging task, especially when dealing with complex data structures with strong invariants involving both shape and numerical properties. Existing verification systems usually rely on users to supply annotations to guide the verification, which can be cumbersome and error-prone by hand and can significantly restrict the usability of the verification system. In this paper, we reduce the need for some user annotations by automatically inferring loop invariants over an abstract domain with both shape and numerical information. Our loop invariant synthesis is conducted automatically by a fixed-point iteration process, equipped with newly designed abstraction mechanism, together with join and widening operators over the combined domain. We have also proven the soundness and termination of our approach. Initial experiments confirm that we can synthesise loop invariants with non-trivial constraints

    Un cadre générique pour l'exécution symbolique : théorie et applications

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    We propose a language-independent symbolic execution framework. The approach is parameterised by a language definition, which consists of a signature for the language's syntax and execution infrastructure, a model interpreting the signature, and rewrite rules for the language's operational semantics. Then, symbolic execution amounts to performing a so-called symbolic rewriting, which consists in changing both the model and the manner in which the operational semantics rules are applied. We prove that the symbolic execution thus defined has the properties naturally expected from it. A prototype implementation of our approach was developed in the K Framework. We demonstrate the genericity of our tool by instantiating it on several languages, and show how it can be used for the symbolic execution, bounded model checking, and deductive verification of several programs.Nous proposons un cadre général pour l’exécution symbolique de programmes, qui est indépendant des langages dans lesquels les programmes en question sont écrits. L’approche est paramétrisée par une définition de langage, qui consiste en une signature pour la syntaxe du langage et pour son infrastructure, un modèle interprétant la signature, et un ensemble de règles de réécriture définissant la sémantique opérationnelle du langage. L’exécution symbolique revientalors à modifier calculer des chemins symboliques en utilisant une opration dite de dérivation. Nous démontrons que l’exécution symbolique possède les propriétés attendues par rapport à l’exécution concrète: les exécutions symboliques et concrètes d’un même programme se simulent mutuellement. Nous montrons également qu’une extension coinductive de l’exécution symbolique peut être utilisée pour la vérification déductive de programmes. Nous avons implémenté notreapproche dans un outil prototype dans la K framework. L’aspect générique de l’outil est mis en évidence par son instanciation sur plusieurs langages. Nous montrons enfin comment l’outil permet l’analyse symbolique, le model checking borné, et la vérification déductive de programmes

    On the Practice and Application of Context-Free Language Reachability

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    The Context-Free Language Reachability (CFL-R) formalism relates to some of the most important computational problems facing researchers and industry practitioners. CFL-R is a generalisation of graph reachability and language recognition, such that pairs in a labelled graph are reachable if and only if there is a path between them whose labels, joined together in the order they were encountered, spell a word in a given context-free language. The formalism finds particular use as a vehicle for phrasing and reasoning about program analysis, since complex relationships within the data, logic or structure of computer programs are easily expressed and discovered in CFL-R. Unfortunately, The potential of CFL-R can not be met by state of the art solvers. Current algorithms have scalability and expressibility issues that prevent them from being used on large graph instances or complex grammars. This work outlines our efforts in understanding the practical concerns surrounding CFL-R, and applying this knowledge to improve the performance of CFL-R applications. We examine the major difficulties with solving CFL-R-based analyses at-scale, via a case-study of points-to analysis as a CFL-R problem. Points-to analysis is fundamentally important to many modern research and industry efforts, and is relevant to optimisation, bug-checking and security technologies. Our understanding of the scalability challenge motivates work in developing practical CFL-R techniques. We present improved evaluation algorithms and declarative optimisation techniques for CFL-R, capitalising on the simplicity of CFL-R to creating fully automatic methodologies. The culmination of our work is a general-purpose and high-performance tool called Cauliflower, a solver-generator for CFL-R problems. We describe Cauliflower and evaluate its performance experimentally, showing significant improvement over alternative general techniques

    Provenance, Incremental Evaluation, and Debugging in Datalog

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    The Datalog programming language has recently found increasing traction in research and industry. Driven by its clean declarative semantics, along with its conciseness and ease of use, Datalog has been adopted for a wide range of important applications, such as program analysis, graph problems, and networking. To enable this adoption, modern Datalog engines have implemented advanced language features and high-performance evaluation of Datalog programs. Unfortunately, critical infrastructure and tooling to support Datalog users and developers are still missing. For example, there are only limited tools addressing the crucial debugging problem, where developers can spend up to 30% of their time finding and fixing bugs. This thesis addresses Datalog’s tooling gaps, with the ultimate goal of improving the productivity of Datalog programmers. The first contribution is centered around the critical problem of debugging: we develop a new debugging approach that explains the execution steps taken to produce a faulty output. Crucially, our debugging method can be applied for large-scale applications without substantially sacrificing performance. The second contribution addresses the problem of incremental evaluation, which is necessary when program inputs change slightly, and results need to be recomputed. Incremental evaluation allows this recomputation to happen more efficiently, without discarding the previous results and recomputing from scratch. Finally, the last contribution provides a new incremental debugging approach that identifies the root causes of faulty outputs that occur after an incremental evaluation. Incremental debugging focuses on the relationship between input and output and can provide debugging suggestions to amend the inputs so that faults no longer occur. These techniques, in combination, form a corpus of critical infrastructure and tooling developments for Datalog, allowing developers and users to use Datalog more productively