63 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Production Management Information System for an Enterprise

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    某集团经20年的建设,信息化管理软件的开发、设计以及实现后投入使用已经有初步具备规模。随着业务规模和业务市场不断走向国际,业务量也不断呈上升的势头,业务种类也在不断的增加和更新,需要通过业务和数据的集中,根据自身业务通过对手机模具、手机键盘、手机机身等制造的实际生产管理,探讨了信息技术在生产管理环节中的应用,将信息技术应用到采购、加工、生产、销售等生产中的各个环节,以期设计一个适合业务订单类型的制造企业所能够让其很好支配与使用的生产管理信息系统,达到提升效率,为客户提供高效、优质的服务,以取得更大的市场,保持不断的发展。 本文首先对国内外研究现状和开发系统的技术,详细描述了系统的需求,基于某...An group has been exploiting and designing information management software for more than 20 years and put into use after implementation for years, which already has a preliminary scale. As the business scale and market become more international, business has been on the rise of the momentum, types of business are also in the process of unceasing increase and updating, the Group has to, through the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323071

    Design and Implementation of Safety Production Management Information System for a Area

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    近年来中国经济迅猛发展,以此同时安全生产形式也日趋严峻,区级安全生产监管部门一直以来沿袭的以人工为主的传统监管模式,在信息化不断发展的今天,已很难满足当前新形势下的需求,成为制约安监工作进一步推进和发展的重要因素。因此,以现代网络信息化和计算机技术为依托,通过建立集企业基础信息管理、隐患信息管理、检查执法管理、应急预案管理、专家人才库管理等11类功能模块,为某区安监局设计一套高效、集约、快捷、稳定的安全生产管理信息系统,用先进的计算机技术来辅助监管,减轻工作人员负担,提高工作效率和准确性,为当前区级安检部门开展安全检查中面临的困境探寻突破口。 论文分析我国安全生产面临的现状和研究的意义,从区...In recent years, rapid economic development of China, safety production became more and more serious at the same time, the area of production safety supervision department has long been a tradition that the is given priority to with artificial regulation mode, with the constant development of information technology today, it has been difficult to meet the needs of the new situation under the curre...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323117

    Design and Implementation of Safety Production Management Information System for Tobacco Enterprises

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    当今社会,随着生产力发展水平的不断提高,计算机效能与时俱进,发展迅速,互联网应用在我们的生活中随处可见,计算机技术成为处理信息的主要手段。面对形式繁杂的企业安全生产管理,计算机管理技术更突显高效性和高能性。围绕烟草行业构建一体化“数字烟草”的总体要求,加大信息技术在安全管理中的应用,强化内部管理,实现自行考核、自主监督。 本课题采用软件工程的理论与方法,从实际应用需要出发,体现“过程管理”、“系统管理”理念和PDCA循环管理思想,涵盖安全管理的所有要素和业务流程。系统采用B/S方式、企业级J2EE体系结构。实现轻量快捷的Web2应用,改善用户的使用感受。技术上采用基于MVC模式的J2EE技术...Nowadays with the continuous improving level of productive forces and effectiveness of information technology, the applications of Internet can be seen everywhere in our lives. Computer technology has become the primary means of processing information. Faced with complex forms of safety production management, computer management technology is more efficient. Surrounding the tobacco industry we bui...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323093

    Design and Implementation of Production Management Information System for Electric Power Enterprise

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    摘要 面对市场经济,电力行业的垄断格局被打破,电力企业面临的竞争加剧。由于设备运行和检修成本占了供电企业运营成本很大的比例,如何运用新的管理思想和新的信息技术手段挖掘潜力保证电力设备运行发挥最大效益是摆在电力企业面前的现实问题。正确的思路应当是结合国情积极推进新的管理思想和信息技术在生产管理中的运用,尽快建立起一套基于供电企业内联网Intranet并向Internet延伸、能够上下贯通、与其它系统能够左右互联、反应快捷、准确可靠的电力生产管理信息系统,十分重要和紧迫。 本文将基于电力企业生产管理的特征,深入探索能够共享电力资源,促进供电系统稳定、安全的管理系统。对系统功能的发掘,力求集人性...Abstract In the face of market economy, the power industry's monopoly pattern is broken, power enterprises are facing competition intensified. As the cost of equipment operation and maintenance accounts for a large proportion of the operation cost of the power supply enterprises, the use of new management ideas and new information technology means to tap the potential to ensure the operation of ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123063

    Design and Implementation of some tobacco company 's Safety Production Management Information System

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    随着行业安全工作的不断深入和社会整体信息化水平的提升,安全生产管理工作面临着新的形势和任务,亟待借助信息化手段,创新安全生产管理模式,落实安全生产标准化、安全文化建设。目前安全生产日常管理所需要的数据,都是由相关人员手工加工的方式获得,存在数据获得不及时,效率低下,真实性很难保证的情况。如何创新安全生产管理模式和更好落实安全生产标准化、安全文化建设,信息化手段不可或缺。 该系统根据某烟草公司安全管理信息化工作的需要,使用JAVA面向对象编程语言,系统划分为网络通讯层、硬件支撑层、数据资源层、应用中间层,设计并实现业务流程自动化程度较高的安全管理信息化系统。系统主要包括日常管理、基础管理规范建...With the deepening of the security work and rising of the social informatization , the safty production management work faces new situation and task, and need to implement the safety production standardization , safety culture construction, with the help of information technology means, innovation of safety production management mode. Now the datas needed in daily production safety management, ar...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323233

    Design and Implementation of the Production Management Information System for a Machinery Factory

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    某机械厂为了实现企业的业务流程规范化,信息流转自动化,管理过程信息化,知识资源共享化,有效提高企业的信息化水平而开发了某机械厂生产信息管理系统。该系统是一个典型的计算机支持的协同工作系统,通过内置了一个基于关系数据库构建的轻量级工作流引擎实现了工作流支持,实现了某机械厂的生产业务流程的计算机化管理。 本文主要讨论了基于关系数据库的轻量级工作流引擎的实现原理,并在此引擎基础上,结合某机械厂具体的生产业务流程,实现了对某机械厂生产工作流的信息化管理。系统采用统一建模语言UML为建模工具,完成了对系统的需求模型和逻辑模型的建模工作,并以SQLSERVER数据库做为系统数据库平台,以PowerBui...The production management information system in a machine factory is a system developed for the machine factory achieve the business process standardization, achieve the management process informatization, achieve the information flow automation, achieve the the resources and knowledge sharing. The system is a typical computer supported cooperative work system, which build in a lightweight workfl...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323142

    Design and implementation of production management information system of Datong River Basin Hydropower Plant

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    随着电力系统改革力度不断加大及供求关系发生改变,供电企业市场日益激烈。保证安全、降低成本、提高效益已成为企业管理面临的重要议题。目前中型公司大通河流域电站分散、机组机型不同及运行人员流动大等对大通河流域电站管理、运维带来了一定不利因素。由于没有部署安全生产管理方面的系统,导致各电站现场安全、运营、检修带来了很大的难度,同时也给公司领导决策及安生生产工作管理带来很大的难度。开发本系统是为了提高电站的管理水平,运维水平。 目前各发电企业的下属电厂一般都有相对独立的MIS(ManagementInformationSystem)对现场业务进行管理,部分MIS软件间也存在着数据资源的共享等,但对整个...With the continuous deepening of the relationship between market supply and demand and changes in electricity reform, power supply enterprises are facing increasingly fierce competition in the market. Ensure safety, reduce costs and improve efficiency has become an important issue facing corporate management. Currently midsize companies and large power stations scattered River Basin, a different u...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223123

    Production management information system in Hong Kong manufacturing industries.

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    by Chan Kam-ming, Albert & Lee Wai-yuen.Includes Chinese questionarie.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 46-48).ABSTRACT --- p.iiTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ivLIST OF APPENDIXES --- p.viACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.viiChapter CHAPTER I --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter CHAPTER II --- BACKGROUND --- p.3Manufacturing Industries in Hong Kong --- p.3Application of Computers in Hong Kong --- p.4Types of Computer --- p.4Factors Affecting Community-wide Application of Computers --- p.5Current Trend in Application of Computers --- p.7Industrial Policy of Hong Kong --- p.7What Has the Government Done? --- p.8Government's Attitude --- p.8Industrialists' Argument --- p.9Production Management Information System --- p.11Trend of Development of Automation in Manufacturing --- p.11Role of Computers in Manufacturing --- p.12Overview of Production MIS --- p.13Objectives of the Research --- p.15Scope of the Research --- p.16Significance of the Research --- p.16Limitations of the Research --- p.17Chapter CHAPTER III --- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY --- p.18Research Methodology --- p.18Sampling Procedure --- p.19Method of Survey --- p.19The Design of the Survey Package --- p.20Language --- p.21Field Work Guidelines --- p.21Questionnaire --- p.22Pretest of Questionnaire --- p.24Objectives of Pretest --- p.24Summary of Findings --- p.24Major Problems Encountered in Pretest --- p.25Chapter CHAPTER IV --- FINDINGS AND ANALYSES --- p.26Responses of the Survey --- p.26Survey Results --- p.27Portrait of the Respondents --- p.27Computer Usage Profile --- p.29Information Interchange --- p.32Production Management Information System --- p.33Future Plan of Production Management --- p.36Chapter CHAPTER V --- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.38Conclusions --- p.38Portrait of the Respondents --- p.38Computer Usage Profile --- p.38Information Interchange --- p.39Production Management Information System --- p.39Future Plan of Production Management --- p.40Recommendations --- p.40Computer Hardware/Software Marketers --- p.40The Government --- p.43Suggestions for Further Research --- p.44REFERENCES --- p.46APPENDIXE

    Implementation of computerized production management information system in Mainland China.

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    by So, Koon Keung Teddy.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 59-60).ABSTRACT --- p.iiTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.viiCHAPTERChapter 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter 2 --- METHODOLOGY --- p.5Chapter 3 --- CASE STUDY --- p.8Case#l --- p.8PL garment factory & dyeing factoryRetail chain shopsCase #2 --- p.14KW handbag factorySummary --- p.17Chapter 4 --- GOVERNMENT REGULATION --- p.20Hong Kong Government Regulations --- p.20Chinese Government Regulations --- p.22Telecommunication Devices --- p.23Chapter 5 --- CHINESE COMPUTING SYSTEM --- p.25Background --- p.25Disk vs Card --- p.26Character Input Methods --- p.27Other Inputting Devices --- p.28Internal Coding System --- p.28Packages Developed in China --- p.29Printing Chinese Characters --- p.31The functions of Jetmate --- p.33Memory Management Problem --- p.35Suggestions / Recommendations --- p.35A New Solution : Chinese Windows --- p.36Drawbacks of Windows --- p.37Chapter 6 --- TELECOMMUNICATION --- p.40Hong Kong --- p.40China --- p.41International Private Leased Circuit --- p.42Video Conferencing --- p.44Video Telephone --- p.45Chapter 7 --- TRAINING --- p.47Language Barrier --- p.49Support from management --- p.50User-friendliness --- p.51Maintenance --- p.51Chapter 8 --- CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.53Chapter 9 --- REFERENCES --- p.59APPENDIXChapter 1. --- Domestic Exports to ChinaChapter 2. --- Imports From ChinaChapter 3. --- Re-exports to ChinaChapter 4. --- Hong Kong's External Trade to China 1980 -1991Chapter 5. --- Average Manufactured-product Cost BreakdownChapter 6. --- Typical rewards of Computer Application in ManufacturingChapter 7. --- TL 202 : Trade Department Guide to Import and Export Licensing RequirementsChapter 8. --- TL 202 II: Imports and Exports of Strategic CommoditiesChapter 9. --- ET Chinese Computing System Price List and Product DescriptionsChapter 10. --- Product Descriptions of Hand Writing Recognition DevicesChapter 11. --- IPLC Charge Rates and Service DescriptionChapter 12. --- Newspaper advertisement of Video TelephoneChapter 13. --- Product Description of Videophone250

    Design and Implementation of Electric Power Substation Production Management Information System

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    变电站是电网的重要组成部分,是电网的枢纽,其安全可靠运行直接影响电力系统的安全稳定和向用户提供优质可靠的电能。变电管理人员不仅需要及时了解各个设备的运行状况,还要对大量的历史记录进行整理、分析,以便合理安排检修,对可能存在事故隐患的设备及时进行维护、排障,工作十分繁重。因此,利用计算机在信息处理方面的优势,开发变电运行管理的软件已成为供电部门生产管理的重要任务。 基于以上的需求,并结合新疆电力公司变电工区生产运行的实际情况,开发了这套集运行和检修为一体的电力变电生产管理系统,简称BDMIS。BDMIS采用了面向变电站运行人员、面向基础数据的思想,运用B/S的结构实现,采用J2EE技术的多层W...Transformer substation plays an important part of the power grid, is the hub of power grid, the safe and reliable operation directly affects the security and stability of power system and to provide users with high quality and reliable electricity. Substation managers need not only to understand the situation of the operation of all equipments in time, but also a large number of historical records...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123018