84 research outputs found

    Clicks and Cliques. Exploring the Soul of the Community

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    In the paper we analyze 26 communities across the United States with the objective to understand what attaches people to their community and how this attachment differs among communities. How different are attached people from unattached? What attaches people to their community? How different are the communities? What are key drivers behind emotional attachment? To address these questions, graphical, supervised and unsupervised learning tools were used and information from the Census Bureau and the Knight Foundation were combined. Using the same pre-processed variables as Knight (2010) most likely will drive the results towards the same conclusions than the Knight foundation, so this paper does not use those variables

    Data management, chapter 5, part C

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    The data management for a spacecraft radar was defined in terms of an end-to-end data system, which performs the following three functions: (1) sampling and compaction of data onboard the spacecraft, (2) manipulation of radar data on the ground and (3) conversion of radar measurements to geophysical quantities by means of pattern recognition and other machine techniques. Data processing for imaging radar onboard the spacecraft was examined with the conclusion that several techniques can be used to compact the data before storage. It is recommended that compaction techniques be studied further and that existing aircraft radars be modified to provide digital data so that these compaction techniques can be tested

    Effect of Pass-set Shape on Formability in Synchronous Multipass Spinning

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    AbstractSynchronous multi pass spinning is a metal spinning method that can form asymmetric shapes with a noncircular bottom and vertical walls from a metal sheet. In this method, the tool trajectory is calculated by linear interpolation between the mandrel shape and the blank disk shape along a pass set. Here, the pass set corresponds to the tool trajectory in conventional spinning. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of a pass set on the formability of a circular cup shape and a rectangular box shape. We have experimentally examined the formability using various pass sets made by simple rule. The angle growth of the rotational pass set, the incremental movement of the translational pass set, and the nominal product height are varied for comparison in the experiments

    Blueberry Production on Soils Amended with an Acidic Biotechnology Fermentation By-product

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    Industrial production of certain amino acids by fermentation requires acquisition of peptide solutions obtained from soybean meal by acidic hydrolysis. Because this hydrolysis is exothermic, a great amount of heat is released, and the residue is carbonized much like a process that produces charcoal. About one-half of the nitrogen (N) and a majority of the phosphorus (P) remain un-hydrolyzed in this residue. Although this byproduct could be neutralized with lime, I was interested in finding a use for it in its acidic state. Use of this material for establishment of acid-loving crops was a natural selection and blueberries were a logical fit as a crop to be grown. In order to evaluate this acid residue, a comparison of it with accepted soil acidification and modification procedures was deemed appropriate. Current conventional blueberry establishment in Iowa uses sphagnum peat moss (SPM) to alter soil physical conditions and elemental sulfur (ES) to acidify the soil. Besides acidic soybean meal residue (SMR), spent diatomaceous earth filter (DEF) was used to modify a clay soil to a lighter, silty texture

    Radar imaging from a spinning spacecraft

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    The feasibility of imaging the surface of Venus using a synthetic aperture radar in a spin stabilized Pioneer class spacecraft operating in an eccentric orbit is studied. Imaging radar fundamentals, constraints, power requirements and data processing considerations are reviewed. Additional effects due to operation from an elliptical orbit with a spinning spacecraft are covered. Recommended spin parameters are determined by simulations. Extensions to include noncoherent integration and stereo coverage are briefly reviewed. The results indicate that resolution on the order of 100 meters can be obtained from a 0.2 eccentricity orbit using a 2 meter antenna and reasonable transmitter power levels

    Visception: An Interactive Visual Framework for Nested Visualization Design

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    Nesting is the embedding of charts into the marks of another chart. Related to principles such as Tufte’s rule of utilizing micro/macro readings, nested visualizations have been employed to increase information density, providing compact representations of multi-dimensional and multi-typed data entities. Visual authoring tools are becoming increasingly prevalent, as they make visualization technology accessible to non-expert users such as data journalists, but existing frameworks provide no or only very limited functionality related to the creation of nested visualizations. In this paper, we present an interactive visual approach for the flexible generation of nested multilayer visualizations. Based on a hierarchical representation of nesting relationships coupled with a highly customizable mechanism for specifying data mappings, we contribute a flexible framework that enables defining and editing data-driven multi-level visualizations. As a demonstration of the viability of our framework, we contribute a visual builder for exploring, customizing and switching between different designs, along with example visualizations to demonstrate the range of expression. The resulting system allows for the generation of complex nested charts with a high degree of flexibility and fluidity using a drag and drop interface.publishedVersio
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